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Social Issues

Dyslexia and Its Impact on Primary School Children: Analytical Essay

In this modern era there are so many new disease and brain problem that every single one of them is literally impossible. You can know some of them for custom dissertation but knowing all of them is just not conceivable. We recommend that you should take help from our Custom Dissertation Writers UK. One of the most common and recently discovered mental disparity is DYSLEXIA. Firstly the problem is very widespread but only few know about it. What is dyslexia?...
2 Pages 1094 Words

Discrimination of Women in Art History: Argumentative Essay

While art history gives insight into how artists created their work, it is a skewed impression of art history. Many people who were keeping records of art never included women artists into their records. Women were challenged by the record-keeping of art, but also had difficulty in finding training, selling their artwork, and gaining recognition for their skills. Despite the challenges, some women still became prominent in art history with their artistic creativity and ability to commission artwork. Lavinia Fontana,...
2 Pages 1119 Words

Disadvantages of Foreign Aid

Modernization theories discovered that the only thing that was lacking in developing countries was capital, it was suggested that if private foreign investment in the third world these countries would be able to spend on capital goods such as infrastructure. Industries being established would provide employment for people, which lead to higher rates of capital formation and further economic growth. In community development aid is needed for it to fulfill the purpose, so I will discuss the effect that foreign...
2 Pages 1090 Words

Descriptive Essay on Ronald Reagan's Way of Life

Do you love the 80s? Spunky hair, neon clothes, leg warmers, and Coca-Cola? Well, Ronald Reagan was President of the United States for most of the 1980s; 1981-89 to be exact. He did many things in the office during his presidency and outside being president. Some things that he did was developed a new strategy for the economy (also known as Reaganomics), he was a movie star for most of his career life and so many more! Staring Life For...
2 Pages 1100 Words

Descriptive Essay on Fashion Designing in 2021

Design is one of the most creative and demanding professions in the world. Especially suitable for people who like to study fashion trends, design sketches and develop new things and ideas in the fashion industry. Do you want to know how to start a career in fashion design? Well, you need to study a basic design diploma or degree program to start a career in this field, which can help you understand the intricacies of clothing and apparel design and...
2 Pages 1074 Words

Descriptive Essay on a Carnival

The Notting Hill Carnival (NHC) ā€œEvents have a range of impacts-both positive and negative-it is the task of the event manager to identify and predict these impacts and then to manage them to achieve the best outcomes for all parties, so that on balance the overall impact of the event is positive. To achieve this, the event manager must develop and maximize all the foreseeable positive impacts and counter all the negative impacts ...ā€ (Bowdin et al., 2011:80). Using examples...
2 Pages 1052 Words

Definition and Essence of Postmodernism: Analytical Essay

Postmodernity or post-modernism refers to a new historical era. It has been described in a variety of ways. Through thorough research, the post modernity is built up of criticisms of the modernist forms of organisation exemplified by bureaucracy. As the modernist perspective divides itself into two sections, ontology and epistemology, the postmodernist perspective also separates its view to make it more understandable to other people who look into the perspective to analyse it such as Marxists. The post-modernists ontology is...
2 Pages 1112 Words

Critical Nature of Postmodernism in IR and Critique on Realism: Analytical Essay

Introduction The International Relations is the study which is often seen through the prism of its theories. Until the mid-twentieth century a universal stance of ā€œabsolute truthā€ of classical theories helped to understand the international system. The classical theories and their proponents gave a fundamental framework to develop the analytical prediction of the International politics which is deemed to many the valid explanation of the system still. As the discipline of IR evolved with the course of time it encompassed...
2 Pages 1067 Words

Critical Analysis of Mark White's Publication 'Kennedy: A Cultural History of an American Icon'

Mark White's 2013 publication, Kennedy: A Cultural History of an American Icon, offers a different perspective on the enigma that was John F Kennedy. White looks at how the 'extraordinarily potent' image of Kennedy was created during his college years and claims that the image's longevity and continuance to the present day is his most enduring achievement, greater than the Nuclear Test Ban Treaty of 1963 and the peaceful resolution of the Cuban Missile Crisis. In six well-researched thematic chapters,...
2 Pages 1105 Words

Critical Analysis of Antisocial Behaviour of Graffiti

This report will address the antisocial behaviour of Graffiti. The report will subsequently conduct a literature review to understand this antisocial behaviour, itā€™ll also explain the methods used to acquire and collect relevant information about graffiti. The report will address implemented strategies that have been created to manage this antisocial behaviour. According to Graffiti (2017), the antisocial behaviour of Graffiti is defined as the visual style of communication thatā€™s classified as an illegal activity in society (Decker, Curry, 2017). It...
3 Pages 1148 Words

Andy Warhol and Consumerism: Analytical Essay

Born in 1928, Andy Warhol made a big impact on the art world. In 1949, he graduated from Carnegie Mellon School of Art, where he studied Pictorial Design. By the late 1950s, he was living in New York, working as a highly in demand commercial artist and later on went on to work in the fine arts as a strong believer of the pop art movement. This paper will compare and contrast two of Andy Warholā€™s works of art from...
2 Pages 1080 Words

Analytical Essay on Major Causes of ADHD

ADHD (attention deficit/ hyperactivity disorder) is a common brain disorder. It occurs in childhood and may continue in adulthood. In this, children have difficulty in concentrating in a task and remaining still. Children suffering from this disorder find it difficult to learn. Condition becomes apparent when children are in early school years. And it is generally diagnosed by the teachers. These behaviours of children suffering from this disease affect their social and personal life.It has severe effects in particular parts...
2 Pages 1094 Words

Analysis of The Balcony by Edouard Manet

Ɖdouard Manet is known and celebrated today for being pioneer of the Impressionist movement in 19th Century France. He was born in Paris in 1832 and grew up in an affluent family with ties in politics. He was expected to pursue a career in law, but instead decided to explore the world of art. After years of training with Thomas Couture in Paris, he began his art career. Through his years of work, he produced many famous and well-known pieces...
2 Pages 1116 Words

Use of Mythology in Metamorphoses: Analytical Essay

Research Paper Mythology has become a staple of modern-day literature, as it is often studied in many different schools across the world. ā€œThe Epic of Gilgamesh (written c. 2150-c.1400 BCE) developed in Mesopotamia from Sumerian poems relating to the historical Gilgamesh, king of Uruk, who was later elevated to the status of a demi-godā€ (Mark 1). The Mythology was created to talk about how things came to be, like the Earth. The former two originated from Greece and Ovid originated...
2 Pages 1081 Words

Theory of Media Ethics: Critical Analysis

Basic assumptions and postulations of the social responsibility theory This theory, considered a western theory incorporates a part of the libertarian principle and introduces some new elements as well. The underlying principle of the social responsibility theory of the press is that the press should be free to perform the functions that the libertarian theory granted it the freedom to perform, but that this freedom should be exercised with responsibility (Okunna & Omenugha, 2012). If the media fail to satisfy...
3 Pages 1129 Words

Themes of Greek Gods in Art of Hellenistic Period

Greek Mythology traces as far back as nineteen hundred B. C. till the ninth century. When there are godly figures there will be people who illustrate these godly figures in many different forms of artwork. This results in endless amounts of artwork illustrating the Greekā€™s idea of their Gods. There are multiple different types of artworks, including dominantly paintings and statues made of stone and bronze. The prominent works are stone statues depicting the Greek Gods. The most recognizable Greek...
2 Pages 1089 Words

Thematic Motifs of Magical Realism in One Hundred Years of Solitude

The Implication of Magic and Myth: Typically in a magical realism context, authors install a mythical and explicable item along with the prosaic ordinary complications. and, they hire both of them as a means of endurance in a civilization that prides itself on scientific triumphs and at the same point as a tool for surviving the deterioration of modern life. Besides, assure spirituality vanished in a march toward urban growth and turned into an abstraction of history that no longer...
2 Pages 1053 Words

Representation of Path to Enlightenment in Siddhartha: Analytical Essay

In the Bhagvad-Gita, the author implies that enlightenment is gained through teachings whereas in the Siddhartha it is implied through one's own experiences. Siddhartha spends most of his life doing things that most everyone tends to do, living by the ways and rules of society. He abides by all the foundations, makes a way to perform the rituals and does what is expected of him by all the individuals of his village and his father but remains unhappy. Day after...
2 Pages 1056 Words

Renaissance Humanism: Descriptive Essay

Renaissance Humanism In the history of the world, many remarkable events have taken place that has led to a turnaround in the thoughts and general lives of the people. One of such period is renaissance humanism. Renaissance Humanism is the study of ancient Greek and Roman texts with the goal of promoting new norms and values in society. (Writers, 2019) Humanism was an optimistic philosophy that saw man as a rational and sentient being, which has the ability to think...
2 Pages 1140 Words

Reasons of Popularity of Thanksgiving among Americans

One of the reasons that Thanksgiving is highly anticipated among Americans all across the United States is that it is a holiday where Americans have the opportunity to stuff themselves with a wide variety of food items that are not commonly consumed. Once a year, Americans take the opportunity to indulge in a wide variety of uncommon delectables, including stuffing, cranberry sauce, and turkey. Turkey has been a staple in Thanksgiving dinners across the country for so long that meat...
2 Pages 1139 Words

Racism as an Obstacle for Black Identity: Analysis of Invisible Man

In 1865 slavery was abolished in the United States of America; however this act did not prevent white people from treating black people as inferior or having stereotypical ideas towards them. The events in Invisible Man occurred in the years between the 1920s and the 1930s which was also the time in which Jim Crow laws of segregation were introduced, along with African Americans suffering racism in all fields of life in the American society. Ellisonā€™s main character can be...
2 Pages 1051 Words

Physical Effects of Cerebral Palsy in Children: Analytical Essay

Cerebral palsy is a condition often found in children that impairs their physical ability. The physical effects of Cerebral palsy mildly hinder a child's ability to move easily (cite). Some of the cognitive effects for children with Cerebral palsy include apprehension delayed learning and hindered verbal communication (cite 2). Children with Cerebral palsy use more energy just to walk and as a result, they naturally decrease their physical activities (cite). Maltais et al. (2016) identified how past research has found...
2 Pages 1108 Words

Narrative Versus Dialogue: Comparative Essay

ā€œAs a narrative medium in film, dialogue is overratedā€, I agree and disagree with this statement. According to film reference, ā€œCinematic dialogue is oral speech between fictional charactersā€. The source goes on to say, ā€œThis distinguishes dialogue from other types of cinematic language such as voice-over narration, internal monologue, or documentary interviews, which have different characteristics.ā€ I will discuss narratives and compare it to the role of dialogue. To begin with, a narrative is a story. A linear narrative is...
2 Pages 1055 Words

Major Types of Hospitals: Descriptive Essay

Hospitals A recent definition of the hospital is an ā€œinstitution where sick or injured are given medical or surgical careā€ (Niles, 2018). Hospitals are categorized in many ways. A public hospital is owned by the government, community hospitals are privately owned and are not for profit, a propriety hospital is also privately owned but are called a for-profit business (Niles, 2018). Public Hospital Public hospitals are the oldest type of hospital. They are owned by the federal, state, or local...
2 Pages 1121 Words

Life of Chaucer and the Idea of The Canterbury Tales: Descriptive Essay

Chaucer under French, Italian, and English influence: The life of Chaucer is divided into three periods. The first, of thirty years, includes his youth and early manhood, in which time he was influenced almost exclusively by French literary models. The second period, of fifteen years, covers Chaucerā€™s active life as a diplomat and man of affairs; and in this, the Italian influence seems stronger than the French. The third, of fifteen years, generally known as the English period, is the...
2 Pages 1074 Words

Leadership and Civil Liberties: Discursive Essay

The author of the source believes in an ideal society with elements of collectivism and authoritarianism. They are critical of some of the elements of democracies, however, the system of democracy is still put into use in the source and within that some of the liberal ideas. Because of that, we can infer that the source isnā€™t desiring a revolutionary change. The author of the source believes that within that, the implementation of a strong leader taking charge can best...
2 Pages 1086 Words

Impact of Infectious Diseases on Society: Opinion Essay

Infectious diseases are diseases caused by organisms such as bacteria, fungi, viruses, or parasites. The continuous growth of the Human population is causing an increase in the spread of infectious diseases. Due to the growth of the spread of infectious diseases the human population is decreasing. I feel like the bigger the population gets, the more infectious diseases spread more rapidly because of the indirect and direct effects population growth has on humans. ĀØThe spectrum of human pathogens and the...
2 Pages 1093 Words

Idyllic Perception of the American Dream in the Novel 'In Cold Blood'

In the book In Cold Blood by Truman Capote, one topic his writing focuses on is an idyllic perception of the American Dream. The people of Holcomb are stereotypical small-town Americans of the 1950s. When the town is completely upended one night, by the murder of the upstanding Clutter family, it shows that the American Dream is fragile. Although In Cold Blood was written in the 1950s, it can be used to reflect on the present. Truman Capoteā€™s In Cold...
2 Pages 1066 Words

Identity Theft as a Social Problem: Analytical Essay

Identity theft has become a significant problem in todayā€™s society. In fact, advanced technology has made the situation much worse. Millions of people are affected by identity theft daily. A recent report by Consumer Sentinel Network (CSN) states that in the year 2018, 440,000 people experienced this kind of theft, with college students accounting for 40% of the people affected (10). Most college students do not have enough cash flow to permit ownership of different accounts making them less at...
2 Pages 1083 Words

Human Development of Holden Caulfield: Analytical Essay

In The Catcher In The Rye by J.D. Salinger, we are taken through the lense of a 17 year-old teenager, trying to find his way throughout the world. The debatable question is if Holden Caulfield is the typical adolescent. An adolescent is a young person in the process of developing from a child into an adult. Many other aspects come with the transition from a child to an adult and these aspects include their experiences, their development, and searching for...
2 Pages 1091 Words
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