1100 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Attractiveness of Video Games

In 1972, a game named ‘Pong’ has been developed and ignited attention of people for ball-and-paddle arcade video game. It has sold over 8000 arcade machines in a same year. The success of ‘Pong’ has found a new video game industry. Nowadays, this industry has increased sharply every year. In 2017, Americans spent $36 billion on video games, which was only $17.5 billion in 2010. People play games at any age. For example, according to the IAB, in 2014, 33.5...
2 Pages 1104 Words

Should We Stop Keeping Pets?

Linda Rodriguez McRobbie address in her article ‘Should We Stop Keeping Pets? Why More and More's Ethicists Say Yes’, right of animal’s self-determination. Dr. Hal Herzog, cited by McRobbie, claimed we give our pets the characteristics of a family but restrain them with our choices. McRobbie argues that keeping pets is unethical and people are taking away their freedom. Even though she also suggests how dog and cats are euthanized every year and leaving them alone is as good as...
2 Pages 1087 Words

Running Is Who I Am

“You will have two commands, ‘runners set’ and the gun”, these words bounce around in my head and echo inside me taking over my thoughts. I open my eyes, staring down at my 2-year-old waffle shoes, and see the line mocking me and making nervous and uneasy with every passing second. Finally, I look up and see ‘The Gator’, the motorized 4 wheeled cycle looking back at us ready to take off with me and 200 other boys chasing after...
2 Pages 1065 Words

Review of Concert

The concert of choice is Mozart’s ‘Symphony No. 40 in G minor, K.550’ that was written just for a small orchestra like the one conducted in this concert. It is retrieved from YouTube. Leonard Bernstein conducts it while the Boston orchestra performs. Mozart wrote it in 1788 summer, and it’s one of the two main symphonies with minor keys that he wrote. The aspect can be noted from the performance of the orchestra. The minor keys can be noted right...
3 Pages 1149 Words

Reflections on Whether California Should Become Its Own Country

California has always been a state different from the rest, it is vastly diverse and already disagrees with most of the country on almost all political stand points. Being the highest ranked by population with over 39 million people living here, I believe we could become our own country but what would we benefit if we seceded from the United States? Aside from the obvious of not being led by the reality star we are forced to call our president....
2 Pages 1051 Words

Reflections on What Time Is

Time is the unknown mystery, continued progress and precious thing in our life. Time has been considered important in the sector of human’s life, religion and many others. In several books the concept of time is highlighted as mentioned: “The moment you realize how important time is, your entire perspective will change”. So, this quote realizes that time is one of the valuable aspect and fundamental principle of our life. Therefore, wasting of time is regarded as wasting of money....
2 Pages 1133 Words

Reflections on Shirley Jackson's 'The Lottery' and Ursula Le Guin's 'The One Who Walks Away from Omelas’

The parable is widely used in literature. Centuries ago, it was used only as a religious didactic story, but today the writers want to give a lesson for people hiding it under the cover of a nice story. Reading ‘The Lottery’ by Shirley Jackson and ‘The One Who Walks Away from Omelas’ by Ursula Le Guin, I was expecting the sweet and kind stories; the ending of both was an unpleasant surprise to me. The authors clearly used parables as...
2 Pages 1128 Words

Reflections on Career Development

The first section of the report will look to analyze career development with respect to a particular theory. While the second and third sections are personalized interpretations and analysis of my long-term career prospects and a thorough analysis of the career options worksheet respectively. Analyzing a Leader The hospitality leader, whose career that is going to be analyzed for this report is Amanda Wills. Amanda Wills is the former director at Virgin Vacations and she has been credited to a...
2 Pages 1065 Words

Psychological Analysis of Main Character of the Film 'Good Will Hunting'

The film 'Good Will Hunting' describes a genius young Will, who solved the equations of the MIT mathematics professor Gerald on the blackboard and was discovered by Gerald. However, Will is a very violent and unsatisfied young man. When Gerald found this genius, he was about to send to jail because of the fight. Gerald pleaded with the judge for bail, and then let Will be free from jail. In order to let Will find his own life goals, he...
2 Pages 1110 Words

Parenting Style: 'Tiger Mom' Vs Western Style

Parenting is a ‘pass it on’ feature in life. When two adults decide to have a child, they commit themselves to raise that child and doing so by gathering for possibly everything that the child will need. These comprise of food, shelter, education, pleasure and many others. The ‘Tiger Mom’ parenting style is most likely to produce happy children who grow up to be happy and productive adults than the Western parenting style. This is because tiger parenting is stricter,...
2 Pages 1075 Words

Parenting Style and Child Development

Parental control differs from family to family. Clinical psychologist, Diana Baumrind, contributed to the empirical study of types of parenting and its effects on child and adolescent development (Gfrerer, Kern, Curlette, White, & Jonyniene, 2011). Her longitudinal research composed a model of three specific styles: permissive, authoritarian, and authoritative (Gfroerer et al., 2011). Characteristics observed throughout a child's development can predict behavior in early adulthood. Generally, individuals can experience bullying as the perpetrator or the victim. Bully perpetration refers to...
2 Pages 1101 Words

My Story as an Early Year’s Practitioner

When you imagine storytelling, it is most likely that you will reminisce in your story from your childhood, as do I. This essay will explore my role as an early year’s practitioner and reflect on my practice, values and beliefs. It is my story. I am a 19-year-old British Kosovan female student living in London. I have grown up with my parents and one sibling, a younger sister. She has been my motivation as to why I wish to pursue...
2 Pages 1123 Words

Essay on My Adventurous Trip to Thailand

“Travel is more than the seeing of sights; it is a change that goes on, deep and permanent, in the ideas of living” – Miriam Beard. It may be very cliche to say that travel has the power to change and inspire but as cliche as it may be, it's also very true. From a young age, I have been fascinated by travelling and exploring the sights which I never knew even existed. The endless possibilities of places to visit...
2 Pages 1116 Words

Michael Jackson as One of the Most Controversial Artists

Michael Jackson was a famous American pop-rock singer, songwriter, and dancer, born on the 29th of August, 1958 and died June 25th, 2009. He was given the name ‘King of Pop’ by being one of the best-selling, and most memorable music artists of all time. His album ‘Thriller’ quickly rose to the top in 1984 and was certified platinum a few years later, now having up to 66 million sales worldwide. Throughout Michael’s career, he was both one of the...
2 Pages 1077 Words

Mental Health and Mental Iillness

What causes mental illnesses and how does it affect those with it? An estimated 26% of Americans ages 18 and older suffer. Many people suffer from more than one mental illness. These disorders affect your mood, thinking and behavior. People who have these illnesses or disorders are caused from drugs, alcohol, family conflicts such as neglect or abuse, relationship difficulties, etc. Some people with an illness think they’re bad people or different per say but this is truly something that...
2 Pages 1077 Words

Lack of Sleep and Its Impact on the Academic Performance of University Students

As human beings we all have basic needs that have to be met, understanding those needs will help us understand the factors that contribute to the drive to achieve certain goals. Students are preoccupied with many things: classes, work, home life, grades, and health, etc. When students are concerned about certain needs, their behaviors are easily centered on meeting those needs. Those concerns surpass learning and achievement. Physiological needs are the most important and when they are not met, they...
2 Pages 1068 Words

How Pets Affect Well-Being

Stress, anxiety and temporary depressive states are common for those just living their daily lives. However, studies have proven that a simple companion could change this. Having animal companions, such as dogs, have a great impact on overall health and happiness. Spending quality alone time with an animal whether it be your own or one from a group organization bringing those pets to a public facility raises overall physical and mental wellness. Dogs are natural mediators of emotional health; this...
2 Pages 1109 Words

Having the Purpose of Life

First and the foremost reason is that we are conditioned like that by society. Since our childhood we are told that we need to have a purpose to live in. In our neighborhood, there is a man who always asks her granddaughter in front of everyone why you are alive and what’s the purpose of your existence and every time she replies the same. My purpose of life is to live for you. So, the idea of having is purpose...
2 Pages 1103 Words

GMOs: Benefits and Potential Risks

The coloration of the foods is what captivates the eye, the taste is what draws the cravings, and the texture encourages sensational options of fresh foods. At a young age we are told to eat our fruits and vegetables, just so that we can grow big and strong. Nevertheless, how much do we really know about what we consume and where they come from? To this day, many people are not aware of the pros and cons of genetically modified...
2 Pages 1073 Words

Eva's Personality Development in the Film 'Freedom Writers'

The film ‘Freedom Writers’ displays the story of Ms. Erin Gruwell, a new, dedicated teacher in a high school full of at-risk teenagers in need of a change. Doing all she could, she tries different methods of inspiring her students to learn, to respect themselves and each other, as well helping the students to develop dignity and conscience. The English term ‘dignity’ comes from the Latin word ‘dignitas’, meaning ‘worthiness’. It implies that each person is worthy of honor, respect...
2 Pages 1139 Words

Essay on Shakespeare's Image of Love in 'Romeo and Juliet'

Shakespeare depicts the love in ‘Romeo and Juliet’ in many ways. Their love is portrayed by images of light and dark and juxtaposed against death. Romeo and Juliet's love is associated with sight and appearances; love at first sight. After all, the love of Romeo and Juliet is portrayed as of another world and heavenly. They are ‘star-crossed lovers’, with their destiny predetermined; they and other humans have no control instead the control lies with fate and God. We are...
2 Pages 1059 Words

Essay on Benefits of Golden Rice to Developing Countries in Africa

Genetically modified food (or GMO food) is food produced from plants or animals, whose DNA has been altered through genetic engineering. Genetic modification of rice grains to produce ‘golden rice’ will enhance vitamin A levels of the deficient, is a cost-effective solution for malnutrition and the poor; and will reduce the agricultural sectors carbon footprint. Golden Rice and Genetic Engineering Genetic engineering involves a snip or tweak of DNA at precise locations on the genome, using technologies such as CRISPR...
2 Pages 1100 Words

Engineering Management: Current State and Future Prospects

The changes in the industrial requirements of the professionals is a never-ending task, and you will never be able to know what the industry would expect from you tomorrow. Regardless of your profession, you are stuck in a continuously rolling wheel, and you should remember that you are supposed to be moving so as to allow yourself to move forward with the wheel rather than get crushed from it. Engineering management is one such opportunity that has been created to...
2 Pages 1142 Words

Dogs Are Pets Not Human Beings

Anthropomorphism is the attribution of human motivation, characteristics, or behavior to inanimate objects, animals, or natural phenomena. In other words, anthropomorphism is when we humans give human characteristics or behaviors to animals. According to the RSPCA, there are an “estimated 8.5 million dogs in the UK”. We are a nation of dog lovers and according to a survey “90% of pet-owning Britons think of their pet as a member of the family”. However, you can’t guarantee that all dog owners...
2 Pages 1098 Words

Do Violent Video Games Make Those Who Play Them More Violent: Argumentative Essay

Video games can be defined as interactive electronic games that aim to entertain players. According to Quwaider et al. (2019), video games allow players to access virtual 2D or 3D environments within specific rules and conditions. There are different categories of video games ranging from action to sports games, strategy, shooting, racing or adventure. Recent years have shown an increase in what are termed violent video games. Quwaider et al. state that fighting games such as Tekken or Mortal Combat...
2 Pages 1137 Words

Dissociative Olympics: Swimming with Disorder (‘The Swimmer’ by John Cheever)

‘The Swimmer’, a short story written by American author John Cheever in 1964, is centered on the journey of a middle-aged man, Neddy Merrill, as he attempts to swim across country in various swimming pools he finds along the way. It emerges from a world in which Merill is an affluent member of society, simply reveling in life’s greatest pleasures with friends. However, as the story progresses, it evokes a landscape of instability and denial in which Merrill knows no...
3 Pages 1143 Words

Disclosure of Educational Philosophies

Education. It is one of the most powerful tools in the world that has provided constant proof that it can be used to achieve greatness. By looking at it from different perspectives can highlight the weaknesses in what we already know and then improve upon it. This leading us to the different methodologies and philosophies surrounding it. In examining educational philosophy, it is found to be a system of individual beliefs about education and the teaching roles involved within it....
3 Pages 1123 Words

Dictatorships of Hitler, Stalin and Mussolini

The difference in the way Hitler, Stalin, and Mussolini dictated is a hotly-debated topic that often divides opinions. There is a great deal of differences between the dictatorship of Hitler, Stalin, and Mussolini. The way they portrayed their political ideology were very distinct from one another. The ways these three came to power were different. Hitler tried to take control of a struggling Germany through the ‘Beer Hall Putsch’. And when he didn’t succeed, he was arrested. In jail he...
2 Pages 1113 Words

Descriptive Character Essay on Marcus from the Movie ‘Freedom Writers’

I had a very difficult time to choose one from the many outstanding characters from the movie we watch ‘Freedom Writers’. After some thinking I have chosen to describe one of the most authentic from all, Marcus. Marcus is independent young man who was forced to live on his own after his mom kicked him out of the house because of his involvement with a gang. He is a student at Woodrow Wilson High school in Long Beach California and...
2 Pages 1127 Words

Costa Rica: Country Report

I chose Costa Rica for my country report because one of my close friends just got back from a year of studying abroad there. She told me all about the culture and the beautiful places that she went. Starting a little bit with the history, in 1502; Christopher Columbus visits the area, naming it Costa Rica. In 1821; Costa Rica declares independence from Spain and then in 1838; Costa Rica becomes fully independent. Moving onto the geographic and location, Costa...
2 Pages 1060 Words
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