1100 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

How Marijuana Culture Leads to its Legalization

Marijuana, also named weed, pot, herb, grass, and Mary Jane is a commonly used mixture of the dried flowers of Cannabis Sativa, the plant, it is a globally used psychoactive drug used for recreational and medical purposes worldwide. A psychoactive drug in pharmaceutical terms is a chemical substance that alters brain functionality and results in mental alterations in behavior, mood, consciousness, perception, and awareness. Marijuana users acquire to be one of the largest subcultures in the Unites States since early...
2 Pages 1083 Words

Fahrenheit 451: Ways Of Censorships In A Dystopian Society

A fireman's purpose is to preserve and protect, but in Montag's society firemen destroy and dictate their society. They act as law enforcers, they censor their society from the knowledge withheld inside a book. In Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury, Montag seeks the truth in his society. Montags skepticism of his life and how his society performs makes him questions if the one thing he's meant to destroy has answers to the way they live. Bradbury uses juxtaposition and symbolism...
2 Pages 1094 Words

Can Childhood be Understood as a Social Construct?

Social Construct has many different definitions, according to Norozi & Moen (2016) “Social construction of childhood is grounded in varying conceptions among different cultures, societies and at different time period in history”. But how does this have anything to do with childhood or childcare? Well Childhood/Childcare are seen in many ways it as it is made up of many different factors e.g. time, age, policies, environment etc. Childhood is usually focused on theories and that’s how we observe them, but...
2 Pages 1114 Words

The Meaning Of Animal Comparison In Of Mice And Men

“To save a man's life against his will is the same as killing him” (Horrace, n.d). Of Mice and Men, written by John Steinbeck, tells the story of a man, Lennie, who is very dependent on his friend George, which is essential in order for Lennie to behave well because of his mental disability. Even though Lennie's mental disability causes everyone at the ranch to be against him and to possibly give him a worse punishment than George. Steinbeck characterize...
2 Pages 1127 Words

Early American Romanticism and Transcendentalism: Rip Van Winkle and Thanatopsis

In the two works, “Rip Van Winkle” by Washington Irving and “Thanatopsis” by William Bryant, nature and mankind are two of the principal subjects, alike many other works created during the romantic period. In both works, nature and mankind's desire to be in communion with one another due to nature’s attracting aesthetics of romanticism; the sublime, beautiful and picturesque. The sublime evokes a sense of awe and wonder and is characterized by sharp edges and dark scenery, while the beautiful...
2 Pages 1067 Words

The Morality of Euthanasia in Modern Society

Human beings, individually and collectively, deal with pain and suffering. The tough nature of distress aligns with the practice of euthanasia, which plays a role to relieve persistent suffering. In contemporary healthcare, euthanasia continues to be associated with strong moral beliefs, through which the practice is met with subjectivism. It is relative to one's rights, practical approach, philosophy, and religious beliefs; pushing the notion that everyone has their own set of ethical principles. The virtue of the subject is evaluated...
2 Pages 1062 Words

The Legalization of Marijuana as the Painkiller

The author Perry Daniel Strausbaugh (March 21, 1886 - May 3, 1965) was an American botanist and expert in the flora of West Virginia. The standard author abbreviation Strausb is used to indicate this person as the author when citing a botanical name. After his graduation, Strausbaugh returned to Wooster College as an assistant professor of botany, becoming a full professor of botany from 1921 to 1923. In 1923, Strausbaugh accepted the position as head of the department of botany...
2 Pages 1128 Words

Lord Of The Flies: Roger Character Portrayal

The reason society is flawed is because people are flawed. Golding, who had served in World War II, is well aware of the flaw known as savagery within humans, which he used to base his book The Lord of the Flies. In the novel, Roger shows this with his vicious and sadistic personality, motivation to inflicting pain and inciting fear onto others, his conflicts that highlight his savage and cruel intentions, and his symbolization of the Id from a Psychoanalytical...
3 Pages 1140 Words

Stylistic Devices in Oliver Twist

Charles Dickens wrote profusely on social issues in London, and one of the most famous examples is his vehement opposition to Smithfield, a weekly meat market in east London that was notorious for its extremely poor hygiene and cruel treatments of its cattle. The horrors of the marketplace were described in sickening detail in Dickens’s now famous passage from Oliver Twist (1838), and pamphleteers campaigned furiously for it to be removed to outside the inner city walls. Dickens too was...
2 Pages 1123 Words

Emotional Intelligence in Students

Abstract Many studies exhibit that Emotional Intelligence (EI) improves academic performance (AP) in medical undergraduates and secondary schools. This study aims to examine whether there is a direct link between EI, expected workload and AP and amongst business students. The theory comprises of final year undergraduate students having higher EI in TEIQue-SF and final examination than the 1st and 2nd year students. The study consists of cross-sectional research among 732 (350 females, 382 males) undergraduate students in business doing their...
2 Pages 1137 Words

Common Topics In The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn And Where The Wild Things Are

Both Mark Twain’s The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, and Maurice Sendak’s Where the Wild Things Are depict an inherent struggle between childhood escapism and the desire to return home through their similar use of characterization and setting, and their different uses of rhetorical strategies. Mark Twain’s use of satire and Maurice Sendak’s use of child-like language effectively convey their themes whilst using the power of a child’s perspective. Where the Wild Things Are is a story of a child learning...
2 Pages 1148 Words

Classical Thoughts on Capital Punishment

While talking about the opinion of Plato on death penalty, what comes to understand is that he is aversive to retributive punishment which has the sole purpose of making the guilty suffer for earlier crime that he had committed. capital punishment discussion goes long way back in history and it traces can be assimilated in the Greek literature, precisely in the speech given by Diodotus. The idea that comes across through his dialogue is that human beings are selfish and...
2 Pages 1122 Words

Capital Punishment and How it Relates to Poverty and Race

Capital punishment is a legally authorized killing of someone as punishment for a crime. Within the criminal justice system, Capital punishment has aroused controversy due to discrimination. Many death row cases involve those of color and people in poverty as the defendants. “All that time, I never met a rich person sitting on death row” (Ndume Olatushani, UNHR). Olatushani spent twenty years on death row for a crime he didn't commit, and during that time he never met a rich...
2 Pages 1119 Words

What is Hamlets Tragic Flaw?

It is a valid argument that evil is something that we all possess in one way or another. It is also true that evil draws its power from indecision, this can be examined through Hamlet's behaviour in the play. Hamlet the protagonist has revealed the tendency to overthink and procrastinate upon situations. Life-changing decisions can be made if one is inept to act before thinking. In William Shakespeare’s play, Hamlet’s tragic flaw is undoubtedly exhibited through procrastination, in addition to...
2 Pages 1098 Words

The Reasons Marijuana Should be Legalized

Marijuna is the dried flowers and leaves of the cannabis plant. It contains mind-altering compounds like tetrahydrocannabinol, or THC, as well as other active compounds like cannabidiol, or CBD, that are not mind-altering. You can smoke it or put it in an edible. The US population have different opinions on it some people want it for themselves, or to make a profit on it. Other people think it will cause more illegal activity, when in reality it would most likely...
2 Pages 1081 Words

Edward Snowden: Curtailment of Freedom of Media by the Government

For a democracy, that too being the largest in the world, India’s media is in a horrendous state. With constant censorship and threats from the State and non-state actors, journalists in this country are enduring terrible times only to practice their profession. Freedom of speech and expression which is protected by Article 19 of the Indian Constitution has lost all of its significance. Our country has become a breeding ground for producing a restrained and a biased media which are...
2 Pages 1096 Words

The Stages of Grief In The Catcher In The Rye

The five stages - denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance are a part of the framework that makes up our learning to live with what we’ve lost. They are tools to help us frame and identify what we may be feeling, but they are not stops on a linear timeline in grief (Elisabeth Kubler-Ross). In some point of life, grief will be experienced creating effects that vary based on the person. Grief can break, dent, change, or simply make a...
2 Pages 1130 Words

The Comparison of the Sins through the Characters in The Scarlet Letter

Tryon Edwards once said, “Sin with the multitude, and your responsibility and guilt are as great and as truly personal, as if you alone had done the wrong.” Everyone sins, and everyone has been guilty of sin. Guilt can even drive people insane. In The Scarlet Letter the three main characters, Reverend Dimmesdale, Hester Prynne, and Roger Chillingworth, are portrayed as sinners. However, some sins are greater than others, and Nathaniel Hawthorne demonstrates this through the different sins of the...
2 Pages 1068 Words

The Peculiarities of Childhood Vaccinations

Exploring the debate on child vaccinations has been a controversy that has emerged in recent years. While most people that follow traditions support universal vaccinations because they believe that they can help fight off a variety of infectious diseases. However, others hold a different opinion in which they strongly believe that child vaccinations do more harm than good. CREATE THESIS AND PUT AT END OF THIS PARAGRAPH! Those individuals arguing for the use of universal vaccinations point out that millions...
3 Pages 1144 Words

Do Video Games Make You Violent?

Since the start of video games, its sole purpose was to bring delight and the creativeness to children around the world. It was meant for a way for kids to interact with others and enjoy the fun a virtual reality could be. However, over time and into today’s world, video games are seen as a source as to why children act out and become violent from minimal to dangerous levels. I believe that many tend to be opiniated when it...
2 Pages 1133 Words

The Deterrence Perspective of Capital Punishment

Thesis: Singapore’s uncompromising stance on the death penalty for drug trafficking is justified as it is intended to (1) uphold societal order by (2) deterring individuals from committing crimes that is detrimental to the societal welfare. Additionally, it is an effective tool to (3) reinforce internal security by discouraging major drug syndicates from establishing themselves in Singapore. Mr. K Shanmugam, Singapore’s Minter of Home Affairs and Law (2017), maintains that capital punishment is a practical tool against the prevention of...
2 Pages 1139 Words

Police Brutality in The Hate U Give

Novelist Angie Thomas and her novel “The Hate U Give” expresses the life of a sixteen year old girl named Starr, who was a witness to her best friend Khalil get murdered by the police in cold blood. Thomas purpose for writing the “The Hate U Give” is to convey the message of being able to stand up against important issues such as racism and police brutality. The loss of Starr’s best friend Khalil was the major event in the...
3 Pages 1147 Words

Were Tudor Rebellions Essentially Part of a Conflict Between Lords and Peasants?

The various rebellions that took place over the course of the Tudor period could certainly be said to have been part of a larger-scale social conflict between lords and peasants, with historians such as Wagner pointing out that one of the fundamental divisions that defined Tudor society was that between the aristocrat or local gentleman and the common man. Indeed there is some evidence suggesting that key peasant grievances that led to uprisings such as Ketts Rebellion arose from the...
3 Pages 1142 Words

Moral Panics And the Media

Media is an inseparable part of our life. The connection between media and crime has been theme of many sociological research. Media can lead to create moral panics and folk devils. As Cohen (2015, p.1) defined, moral panics are “A condition, episode, person or group of persons emerges to become defined as a threat to societal values and interests; its nature is presented in a stylized and stereotypical fashion by the mass media”. This report critically evaluates Cohen’s (2015) Folk...
2 Pages 1093 Words

Role Of Foot Screening In Patients With Diabetes

What is diabetes? Diabetes is a metabolic disease that is characterized by increased blood sugar or hyperglycemia. It can occur due to derangements in insulin secretion, action or both. This increased blood sugar state can affect different organ systems which include blood vessels, eyes, heart, nerves, kidneys, and foot. Long standing diabetes is known to cause damage, dysfunction, and failure of these organs. How diabetes affects the foot? Diabetes can cause micro vascular and macro vascular complications. In the foot...
2 Pages 1069 Words

Who Is Responsible For Racism In Football?

Racism in football has been on the rise in the past decade with more foreign players joining foreign leagues. Much of this racism is coming from the fans who shout abuse at players from the stands. Moreover many young children come to football games and they experience fans screaming abuse at players because of their skin colour, nationality and religion. Imagine the effects this could have the children growing, they will see many of the supporters being racist and may...
3 Pages 1136 Words

How Might Harriet Brandt Represent The New Woman Development In Florence Marryat's Gothic Novel The Blood Of The Vampire?

Thinking about literary novels in 1897 and vampires alike it is unlikely that the first gothic novel to come to mind is The Blood of the Vampire but rather to Bram Stoker's popular creation, Dracula. It can be stated that due to the overwhelming success of Dracula, Marryat's vampire novel can often be overlooked as a cheap imitation of Stoker's work. However, the Blood of the Vampire is in complete contrast as it shares no plot similarity to Dracula given...
2 Pages 1124 Words

Problem Solving and Conflict Resolution when Managing People

A stakeholder is anyone with an interest in a business, for example the owner, employees, suppliers and customers. As different stakeholders have different interests and requirements it is highly possible there could be conflict. Investors will be concerned with making sure their money is being put to good use and also that they are making a profit. Employees will want to ensure they are meeting any targets set and customers will be concerned with receiving the best possible service. Two...
2 Pages 1056 Words

Race And Racism As Structures Of Inequality In American Society

The Oxford English Dictionary defines racism as “A belief that one’s own racial or ethnic group is superior, or that other such groups represent a threat to one's cultural identity, racial integrity, or economic well-being; (also) a belief that the members of different racial or ethnic groups possess specific characteristics, abilities, or qualities, which can be compared and evaluated.” (Oxford University Press, 2008), while race is seen as a social category. (Nilsen, 2020) This leads to prejudice and discrimination towards...
3 Pages 1130 Words

The Theme of Revenge in Othello

Revenge occurs because of hate which leads to people’s demise. Vengeance is one of the main themes in the play Othello by William Shakespeare. It is a recurring theme throughout the play, and the plot revolves around it. Retribution has been shown many times in Roderigo, in Othello, the play’s main character, and Iago, the main villain. They all have one thing in common and that is to take revenge on the people they hate, which leads to others’ or...
2 Pages 1117 Words
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