1100 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

The Factors Of Conformity In The Book Fahrenheit 451

What’s the problem with conformity? Debasish Mridha once said, “A closed conforming society is a sick society waiting to die from stagnation and inner illness. Only openness is the treatment.” The novel Fahrenheit 451 has a main character named Montag who profession is a fireman. As a firefighter, Montag does not put out fires. Instead, he starts them in order to burn books and, basically, knowledge to the human race. Montag never questions the destruction and ruin his actions produce,...
2 Pages 1123 Words

The Major Malnutrition Issue In Bangladesh

Introduction Malnutrition is one of the major issues for child mortality in low and middle income nations (Kouam, 2014). Around 2 billion inhabitants globally suffering from a different point of malnutrition (Kamruzzaman, 2017). Malnutrition is a vital cause of death of almost yearly 45% children has died globally (WHO, 2018). It mostly occurs in the first five years of life (Aheto, 2015). Malnutrition in children is harmful. According to WHO (2018), malnutrition is defined as excesses of food, deficiency, imbalances...
3 Pages 1143 Words

The Role of Mass Media in Socialization

Why do we use a fork and spoon for spaghetti, yet eat a hamburger with our hands? From the moment we are conceived, we are socialized; we constantly learn hoe to act and react, to function within society. Socialization is defined as the process in which we learn the culture of our society, and it is perpetual. In sense, we are fundamentally products of our socialization; our identity, thoughts and actions are all formed by how we were socialized. If...
2 Pages 1076 Words

Sexism, Feminism And Rape Culture

A very warm good morning to everyone present here. I am Suchita Patil and my hobbies include reading books, destroying patriarchy and crushing misogyny. I am sure by now you all have realized that I am going to be talking about gender discrimination. To be specific, my topic is Sexism, Feminism and Rape Culture. Sexism is the discrimination or oppression faced by someone due to their sex or gender. It can affect anyone, but let’s be honest, it’s usually women...
2 Pages 1071 Words

Ways to Resolve a Conflict among Kids

Helping kids improve compromise capacities isn't puzzling or complex, anyway it takes perseverance and a consistent methodology. Here investigate a few hints. Making a rich “feelings” vocabulary is the first step. From earliest stages, start putting words to feelings. Pair words with outward appearances; it assists child with getting feeling. “When you squirm I can tell it’s frustrating getting your diaper changed. Hold on for just a minute longer.” Encourage toddlers to empathize by translating others’ body language: “That boy...
2 Pages 1063 Words

Effect Of Video Games On Children And Teens

With a few researches done it has been shown that many teens that play an aggressive game with a noble protagonist wont engage in risky behavior. This can seem like it will lead to positive affects, but there are many different facts that say otherwise. There are effects on the players, but are they positive or negative Many children that play video games will often be referred to as addicted(Memisevic). The new apps that we can get on our phones...
2 Pages 1063 Words

Influences of Technology towards Health Promotion

Self-care is an essential mechanism to ensure heal regulation and monitoring health illness. According to the Middle Range Theory of Self-Care of Chronic Illness, self-care maintenance, self-care monitoring and self-care management were introduced and presented (Riegel et al., 2012). These concepts reiterate of how one distinguishes the symptoms and monitors it through rigid monitoring on one’s condition (Riegel et al., 2018). Nowadays, people are monitoring their health with the use of technology. With the advancement of technology, even clinicians are...
2 Pages 1060 Words

Representation of Women and Crime in the Show Good Girls

In the first episode of season one in the Netflix series, Good Girls, the central themes of crime and female empowerment are represented. The show is a feminist crime drama about three independent women Beth, her sister Annie and their best friend Ruby, who take part in illegal activities to gain financial safety, in desperation to support their families. The show presents women in Detroit dealing with real relatable situations. Beth is a perfect housewife and mother who cares for...
2 Pages 1134 Words

Starbucks: Organisational Culture of the Company

Starbucks is an American coffee brand, chain and company that began its journey in 1971 to provide people with the best coffee and coffee experience. It opened its first location near Pike Place Market in downtown Seattle, Washington and now operates over thirty thousand companies worldwide. From the beginning, the company has been set up to ethically source and roast the best quality coffee in the world. Throughout the years, the coffee company has managed to build a strong brand...
2 Pages 1073 Words

Isolations Effect On Vice And Virtue In Lord Of The Flies

In life jurisdiction keeps us in check and morally aware of our actions, it forces us to consciously think of right and wrong. Often our parents enforce these guidelines when young to ensure a stable and secure upbringing, but William Golding’s expansive commentary in Lord of the Flies is an example of what can happen when these guidelines aren’t enforced. The boys on the island bring different levels of emotional intensity to the situation and throughout the novel we see...
2 Pages 1070 Words

Narrative Of The Life Of Frederick Douglass: The Purpose Of Slavery

'What to the slave is the Fourth of July'(Douglass). The fourth of July is a juncture in which citizens can celebrate fireworks, barbecue, and spending time with friends and families. In 1852, Frederick Douglass explained 'what to the fourth of July' means to African Americans. Douglass explains the important factors and differences between men and women in 1852, similarities between slaves and servants, and differences animals used in 1852. First, Douglass discusses the battle between men and women. Women should...
2 Pages 1093 Words

Sexual Violence During The Holocaust

The Holocaust took place during World War II. Throughout the 1920s and 1930s both Japan and Germany began nationalistic and imperialistic campaigns of expansion. Then the US got involved after the attack on Pearl Harbor on December 7th 1941. While all of this madness was happening a man named Adolf Hitler was rising to power in Germany. He was responsible for the the Holocaust which was the murder of at least six million Jews and twelve million innocent people in...
2 Pages 1087 Words

The Impact of Competition in Chance of Small Business Success

Abstract The impact of competition in chance of small business success is the main idea of the research. A quantitative research method has been used for the analysis of the results. A questionnaire has been administered and the data has been gathered from a small business in Dubai, UAE. Calle Tacos is a food truck in Dubai, which has been taken in to consideration to evaluate the idea of the research. 23 workers of the Calle Tacos have been included...
2 Pages 1076 Words

Respiratory System: Diseases And Treatment

A 56-year-old male was diagnosed with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, also known as COPD. He has a past medical history of heart failure with an ejection fraction of 35% following a myocardial infarction. He was a smoker for 41 years, has hypertension, and is on 2 liters of home oxygen. The medications that this patient takes are Lisniopril, Metoprolol, Spironolactone, Furosemide, Salmeterol/Fluticasone dry powder puff inhaler, Tiotropium, Albuterol/ipratropium metered dose inhaler, and Levalbuterol. The patient’s health care provider is considering...
2 Pages 1108 Words

Conflict for the Desired Freedom

What would happen if someone’s will caused them to act against the Party? Winston has never acted out against the party up until he got his hands on his diary. At first it was thoughts, but eventually they grew. Soon after, he acted out on an almost daily basis. It took almost a full year, but in the end the party stopped Winston from acting out again. In George Orwell’s novel Nineteen Eighty Four, the conflict created the desire for...
2 Pages 1052 Words

What Is Peculiar About The Era Of Artificial Intelligence

First of all let’s look at some facts that we have managed to accomplished with digital technology. We have improved magnificially in medical technology by creating vaccines and antibiotics for as many sickness that could of possibly be deadly in the past. Also if not because of Alexander Graham Bell creating the very first telephone we wouldn’t of seen a drastic change of how our communication has changed, such as having Mobile cell phones to call friends and family members...
3 Pages 1149 Words

The Role Of Leadership In Animal Farm And Me Too Movement

In George Orwell's “Animal Farm” he uses allegory and propaganda to prove the quote “Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.” In the story the readers see Napoleon take a leadership role, and he begins to abuse his power. Napoleon had only gotten to his leadership role by scaring and misleads the animals. George Orwell writes Animal Farm as an allegory. “Animal Farm” is written based off of the Russian Revolution. Similar to Animal Farm there are many...
2 Pages 1095 Words

The Impact Of Suicide In South Korea Globally

As we know, suicide is a huge public health issue that affects not only the person doing it but the community and country. Suicide as we know is the act of taking your own life, and some countries experience more of their people doing it more often than other countries sadly, but why? South Korea is a good example of rising suicide rates as and the social problems that come with it within the country itself and globally. Although, South...
2 Pages 1088 Words

Biological Males are Less Susceptible to Infertility Problems than Biological Females

Infertility is problem affecting many couples with a child wish, affecting almost 15% of all couples. In these couples, half of these problems can be attributed from the male. Infertility is defined as being unable to get pregnant despite having frequent, unprotected sex for at least a year. In almost 20% of male patients, a chromosomal or genetic defect can be identified. This research investigation will be focusing on male’s infertility and if X-linked genetic abnormalities increase their risk. The...
2 Pages 1147 Words

Fluctuating Power Of Challenge Stressors: Good And Bad Of Time Pressure On The Working Life

For a period of time, abundance of stress literature has attested to the negative influences of stress on employee’s behaviour and performance (Rodell & Judge, 2009; Stroud, 2008). They predominately concentrated on the causes of stress (noted as stressors) with the supposition that minimising them will improve physical and psychological well-being (Searle & Auton, 2015; Widmer et al., 2011). However, the nature of stress became obscure as multiple empirical studies displayed little or no direct association between stress and negative...
3 Pages 1122 Words

The Struggles Of Medea As A Woman

The catastrophic Greek tragedy, “Medea” deals with the maltreatment faced by the titular character and how such struggles can lead to immoral retributive acts. Medea challenges society’s paradigm of the typical woman who is a “timid creature” and a “coward” through her headstrong and opinionated character, thereby establishing herself as an exemplar for women. Moreover, Euripides illustrates how Medea, as a woman, struggles against her male consort, as well as the patriarchal Athenian society and how this conflict is only...
2 Pages 1086 Words

Why Conflict is Essential for Progress

I would like to take you through a voyage back in time, turning back the cyclical clock to a pivotal encounter in my existential development- my childhood, the year 2006 if I’m not mistaken, the moment when my mother, in her unorthodox parenting methods, demanded that I, at my own hand, flush my most treasured item that I was so reliant upon, down the toilet- in my juvenile expression, my ‘dummy’. I’m deeply aware of the laughable nature that fashions,...
2 Pages 1099 Words

Ethics in the Financial Services Industry

In 2019 National Australia Bank (NAB) was taken to court by the Australian Securities and Investment Commission (ASIC) for charging ongoing fees to customers for financial planning services that were not provided (Australian Securities Investment Commission, 2019a). This is one example of a larger issue within the financial services industry of companies not complying with both the Financial Adviser Standards and Ethics Authority (FASEA) Code of Ethics and the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) (the Act). FASEA Code of Conduct Under...
2 Pages 1120 Words

Why Alzheimer’s Disease Should Remain On The National Health Priority List

Alzheimer’s disease, a type of dementia, is a neurodegenerative health condition which causes memory failure and other brain-related functions, such as speech, behaviour and awareness of surroundings. (Colin L. Masters, 2015) Alzheimer’s disease is a degenerative and progressive disease therefore increasing risk significantly in the older generations and tends to be more prevalent among women. Potential risk factors could include; family history, genetics, head injury, heart-head connection, lifestyle. (ALZ, 2020) Prevalence/ Mortality/ Incidence In 2017 Dementia was the second leading...
2 Pages 1120 Words

Alienation of Personal Freedom within Texts by Jo-Leigh Morgan

George Orwell’s novel ‘1984' and '2001: A space odyssey', a film by Stanley Kubrick, clearly communicates the connections of alienation as protagonists in both texts are monitored by higher authorities. Based on a time where civilization is monitored and the freedom to think differently is punishable. George Orwell’s ‘1984’ is a novel based in a society that lacks personal freedom, dignity, and humanity. Stanley Kubrick’s film ‘2001: A space odyssey’ follows the journey of protagonist Dave Bowman and his team...
3 Pages 1145 Words

Can Power Exist without Conflict?

Frank Herbert’s once said, “Absolute power does not corrupt absolutely, absolute power attracts the corruptible” With examples such as Al Capone vs Bugs Moran to Hitler vs the allies, there has been conflict. What do both these examples have in common? The power they craved could not happen without conflict. My Name is Piper Rasborsek and I am a key speaker for this year’s 2020 Gold Coast Youth leader Summit. The topic this year is Truth, Conflict and Power. This...
2 Pages 1058 Words

The Effects of Technology on Society in Dystopian Fictions Brave New World and Gattaca

In Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World the controller states, “One believes things because one has been conditioned to believe them.” (Page 261). This displays that no one person is individual or has control over their doings, that technology conditions the society to the drastic point of seeming robots. In Brave New World and Andrew Niccol’s Gattaca, there is a totalitarian government whose ambition is to colonise an individual’s views, behaviours, philosophies and interactions entirely, so that its citizens can be...
2 Pages 1102 Words

The Factors of Risk Taking Behavior

Risk taking behaviors is something that follows us throughout life but especially when we start to become more independent and seek more mature fun rather than toys that we played with as a kid. Although this so called ‘fun’ seems enjoyable it can become dangerous for many people and lead to death if not treated maturely or don’t take the correct precautionary. This may include smoking, alcohol and unsafe sex. All of these can lead to devesting results that can...
2 Pages 1072 Words

How Social Justice Isn't Served In Fahrenheit 451

In Fahrenheit 451, the concept of justice is used as an oxymoron. Bradbury’s Fahrenheit 451 concept justice is more than an oxymoron it defines a form of a sensible idea, transforming Montag from an “Fireman” to a man who’s able to reveal illegally literacy context to civilization and finding himself. The figure of speech, Justice becomes an oxymoron in Bradbury’s Fahrenheit 451 of Montag in defining his own identity by influencing people’s lives between passive entertainment, and critical thoughts is...
2 Pages 1104 Words

Fahrenheit 451 And The Crucible: Are We All Employees To Society?

“Are you happy?” – Clarisse McClellan When was the last time you asked yourself this question – Are you happy? Although we are told that its ok to have individualism, conformity is still enforced one way or another. We are told that we must go to school. We are told that we must go to university. We are told we must get a boring nine to five job, have a family and kids, buy a house and only then will...
2 Pages 1080 Words
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