1200 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Caring for a Sibling with Autism: Narrative Essay

I received the news 7 years ago I was then going to be a sister to not one but two girls, At 9 years old I was heartbroken at the thought of my full world being rocked as I had been an only child all these years. From a very early age my family could tell Millie and Danni weren’t going to be easy to parent, little did we know there was a reason behind the bad behavior and constant...
3 Pages 1216 Words

AVID Essay

AVID, or Advancement Via Individual Determination, is a non-profit organization designed to promote high school success and college readiness in at-risk students. Unfortunately, AVID is in a relatively small amount of schools, less than 3% nationwide. Right now, the efficacy of the AVID program cannot be guaranteed. Because so many things affect the success of the program, and there has been a lack of proper field research, AVID cannot, at this point, be proven to help at-risk students to their...
3 Pages 1217 Words

ASB Essay

This report outlines the current approaches to preventing and tackling anti-social behavior followed by our organization. This report will focus on the main types of ASB experienced within our borough, the impact this has on individuals and local communities, statutory and non-statutory remedies used to tackle ASB, and current partnerships with other agencies to ensure residents can lead peaceful lives free from harassment and aggravation. Antisocial behavior is a complex issue with many variables faced by all housing providers. In...
3 Pages 1207 Words

Art Analysis Essay

Description: My artwork is a replica of the moon scene from “The Very Hungry Caterpillar” by Eric Carle. In my artwork, the background is a night blue sky with a few white dots as stars. In the background, there is also a full white moon that is slightly blue in color. On the moon, there are 2 eyes, a nose, and a mouth that is done in blue crayon. Beside it, there is a brown tree trunk that is around...
3 Pages 1161 Words

Black Swan' Mental Illness Essay

The experimental film I have chosen to discuss in this following essay is Black Swan, directed by Darren Aronofsky and released on 30 November 2010. Black Swan is about a young lady (Nina) who acquires the lead role in the play “Swan Lake”. The film focuses on Nina’s psychological struggle with suffering from a mental illness. The pressure of needing to be perfect, particularly for her mother and director/instructor leads to the deterioration of her condition. “Everyone carries a shadow...
3 Pages 1188 Words

American Psycho' Mental Illness Essay

The late 1980s and early 1990s were interesting times for America’s economy. Under President Ronald Reagan, a much larger emphasis was put on American capitalism. Taxes were dramatically cut, industries were deregulated, and GDP rose to an all-time high. Along with this extreme economic growth came scandals, thievery, and a decline in morality with sex and drugs being intertwined with multi-billion dollar companies. A lot of this mentality came from “yuppie” investors, a term that was coined in the 1980s...
3 Pages 1235 Words

Theme Essay on 'The Story of an Hour'

‘His heart skipped a beat’ is a common idiom used to describe someone after he has just experienced a moment of shock or surprise. It is often used in a comical sense with the subject of the line never being in any real danger. However, in “The Story of an Hour,” the main character’s heart skipped one too many beats in an unexpected reversal of fortunes that resulted in her death. The story focuses on Mrs. Mallard, a woman with...
3 Pages 1174 Words

Speech about Climate Change

A lot of people claim that climate change is a hoax or it is made up, but there is scientific evidence to prove that the emission of Greenhouse gases into the atmosphere blocks infrared radiation from leaving the earth’s atmosphere, basically tapping heat in the planet, therefore creating a greenhouse effect which warms up the planet. This warming of the planet is what creates climate change, which can cause a variety of problems on Earth, like amplified coastal erosion, melted...
3 Pages 1225 Words

Persuasive Essay: Vaccines Don't Cause Autism

John MacDonald, the courant staff writer, stated that today, one point five million Americans believe to have some sort of autism. These numbers have been climbing throughout the years and people are starting to want answers as to why. Scientists and researchers have been investigating the causes of autism and while the answers are still unclear, people have started to believe that vaccines are the issue. Many researchers have proven a number of times that vaccines such as MMR (Measles-Mumps-Rubella)...
3 Pages 1240 Words

Louis Armstrong Contributions to the Harlem Renaissance Essay

Jazz was not originated on a specific day. It was created over time. According to Henry Louis, Jazz rose in the first decades of artistic gathering of a few components including ragtime band music, opera, and European classical music. When Africans were working in American farms they were prevented to talk to each other so that they could not make a revolution against them. They find a way in which they could communicate with each other by making releases of...
3 Pages 1175 Words

Essay on the Impact of Globalization on Work and Employment

Globalization refers to the socialization, interaction, cooperation, communication, and engagement among organizations, governments, and individuals at the global level. Advancement in communication, transportation, and technology has helped to make globalization a realization where humans engage in real-time transactions, socialization, meetings, treaties, and engagement among others despite having disparate geographical locations. According to Pietro, Girsberger, and Vuille (n.d.), there are four main drivers of globalization: trade, migration, the spread of technology, and foreign investments. The realization of globalization has turned the...
3 Pages 1154 Words

Was John F. Kennedy a Good President: Persuasive Essay

Ever heard of the assassination of John F. Kennedy? Chances are yes. President John F. Kennedy served his short period as president well. His life before the presidency had been interesting. Unfortunately, his assassination led to the end of this great era. John F. Kennedy had grown up living a more complicated life. He was in a family with a total of 10 people. To begin, one thing that many people don’t know is John F. Kennedy used to be...
3 Pages 1154 Words

Personal Essay on Making a Hot Air Balloon

Taking the idea of the small Chinese lantern and expanding it to a machine that carries humans while suspended above the ground, was where the ‘Aerostat Reveillon’, commonly known as the ‘hot air balloon’, originated from. The hot air balloon is the oldest flying aircraft, the first unmanned launch dating back to August 8th, 1709. The hot air balloon has three essential parts: the wicker basket (for the balloons that carry people), the skirt, and the envelope. The skirt’s main...
3 Pages 1228 Words

Social Networking in Higher Education: Critical Essay

Social networking is an interactive platform for communicating or exchanging information with people across the world. It is deeply revolutionized the way individuals communicate with one another. As a result of industrialization and modernization, the 21st century had provided loads of innovation. The utilization of social networking may be an outstanding characteristic of technological progress and has become one of the most necessary tools in people's daily lives. Social networking platforms like Twitter, Snapchat, Instagram, and LinkedIn include sharing stories...
3 Pages 1153 Words

Argumentative Essay on Why I Want to Be a Surgeon

“Some beautiful paths can’t be discovered without getting lost” (Erol Ozan). Many people do not know what life will bring or what path they should go until that opportunity arrives. Life is a pretty strange thing; it's beautiful, yet not in every case is simple, it has issues, and the challenge lies in confronting them with mental fortitude. Every one of the trials and tribulations you experience can make you a better person, regardless of whether it's terrible. Becoming a...
3 Pages 1190 Words

Nathaniel Hawthorne's ‘Young Goodman Brown’ and Vile Affects of Evil: Character Analysis Essay

A serpent is known to be vexing, corrupt, and shady, much so like the devil. Evil comes in various forms, producing a pessimistic awareness of the world around you. Nathaniel Hawthorne, the author of ‘Young Goodman Brown’, uses imagery to highlight the ways in which evil establishes itself in one’s life. In Hawthorne’s story, an audience can comprehend how quickly one can modify how they see things. The impact that the devil has on the characters and setting in this...
3 Pages 1208 Words

My Favourite English Teacher: Narrative Essay

If you had asked me to tell you what I remembered most about school or about my favorite teacher growing up, I probably wouldn’t say much about the subject matter. However, for me, there was that one teacher, my English teacher, that I’d forever waffle on about, about how she made me feel as I learned that subject matter – the sense of excitement or discovery I felt, or the safety to take chances and make mistakes. What students take...
3 Pages 1188 Words

Physics of Rainbow Formation: Critical Essay

Rainbows are known for presenting themselves as a varied and fascinating phenomenon to the observers. The explanation of the formation of rainbows in optics usually incorporates the discussion of light rays through their bunching and spherical drop for certain angles of deflection, which corresponds to both the first-order and the second-order rainbows. Notably, rainbows have generated multiple myths and legends because of their unique and equally colorful display. In most cases, rainbows are seen when light from the sun passes...
3 Pages 1182 Words

Apartheid in the History of Psychology: Informative Essay

In South Africa, dominant psychology is based on Western, Eurocentric ideas about mental health. This means that the services provided by mainstream psychology in the field of mental health benefit only white, middle-class people, ignoring the needs of South Africa's majority black population. The appropriateness of psychology in South Africa has thus been examined, because it is not relevant to all of this country's diverse people, ultimately leading to black people feeling alienated. We can evaluate why it is important...
3 Pages 1157 Words

Is Turritopsis Dohrnii Jellyfish Really Immortal: Analytical Essay

Turritopsis dohrnii is a species of jellyfish with significant ability and is part of the class of Hydrozoa. Large bodies of research on the unique survival strategy and cellular mechanisms of this jellyfish concluded in the 1990s that it is able to revert to its immature form when needed, ultimately hitting a 'reset button'. Turritopsis is the only known genus that has this ability to perform 'reverse metamorphosis'. Therefore, it is hypothesized for the Turritopsis jellyfish can't die of old...
3 Pages 1211 Words

Literacy Narrative Essay

Growing up, education and literacy were always encouraged in my household. My studies came first and everything else followed behind. I was taught very early that my education was my sole responsibility. My parents enforced that I would always have help and support, but I needed to help myself first and put forth the effort. I have had many experiences throughout my educational path, and the earliest I can remember was kindergarten. In kindergarten, we learned the basics of language...
3 Pages 1174 Words

My Acquaintance with Islamic Culture: Narrative Essay

Culture is a social conduct and way of life found in human social orders/society. Culture cannot be accurately explained, it has various definitions based on different perceptions. It is an experience that an individual learns in his or her life through various modes, such as family, community, and surrounding. Numerous cultures are practiced by human beings in different parts of the world. A particular culture, globally recognized as a religion as well, but in my opinion, could be considered a...
3 Pages 1154 Words

Struggle of Immigrant Parents for Their Children to See the Beauty of Life: Narrative Essay

Life, as we know it, should be seen as a gift given to us as the beauty of life makes living our lives worth living. The beauty of life comes in many varying degrees, from person to person. Still, from the vast varying degrees of life, there also comes inequality in how the beautiful essence of life becomes distributed from one person to another. The varying degrees of life range from poor rural people to high-class urban people. Life is...
3 Pages 1207 Words

Harvey Milk as a Leader Who Was a Catalyst for Change: Biography Essay

How different would this world be if Harvey Milk was still alive today? Today, there are a lot of people in San Francisco who still don’t know who Harvey Milk is and was, but he was an important man in the history of San Francisco during the 1970s that changed the way of life for the people in the LGBTQ community. During Milk’s time, he impacted young people, senior citizens, and the gay community, but today Milk is still being...
3 Pages 1206 Words

What Skills Define an Entrepreneur: Reflective Essay

In this assignment, I will be analyzing and expanding on the skills and tendencies of what it is to be an entrepreneur and how my entrepreneurial skills have developed throughout the course of this module. Entrepreneurship is not an inborn skill; it is a product of the environment. Withstanding that, I will be highlighting the fact that I have never attempted or successfully used any entrepreneurial assets before taking this module. I want to use this assignment as a descriptive...
3 Pages 1214 Words

Critical Essay on the Movie 'Million Dollar Baby'

In the movie ‘Million Dollar Baby’, the primary ethical dilemma was the act of euthanasia. Maggie, a famous female boxer, became paralyzed following an injury sustained during a match with the champion of women’s boxing. Eventually, she decided to commit assisted suicide so that she would be out of her misery and remember the good times she had in life and when boxing. The ethical theory of care-based ethics seems most relevant in this film because of the fact that...
3 Pages 1239 Words

Reflective Essay on Cristina Henríquez's 'The Book of Unknown Americans'

When people of different cultures, beliefs, and backgrounds are living together, they tend to see themselves as a representation of a larger society. ‘The Book of Unknown Americans’ tells a story about people coming from different countries to the United States. Every character moved to the United States for a different reason: some moved because of better education and healthcare system, and some for a safe environment and lots of different opportunities. Throughout the book, each character experiences their own...
3 Pages 1193 Words

Analytical Essay on the Covid-19 Recession and Its Impact on People's Mental Health

A survey done by the CDC during the Covid-19 recession shows that 40 percent of Americans are now grappling with at least one mental health or drug-related problem. Recessions are periods of time when economic activity declines, as well as the mental health of the general population, particularly among those who have lost their jobs. Unemployment rates rise during recessions, GDP drops, the spending habits of individuals change, and fiscal or monetary policies are enacted by the government. The Great...
3 Pages 1234 Words

Viking Holiday Feasts in ‘Beowulf’ and ‘Sir Gawain and the Green Knight’: Analytical Essay

Feasting, as defined by Linwood Fredericksen from the Encyclopedia Britannica, is “a day or period of time set aside to commemorate, ritually celebrate or reenact, or anticipate events or seasons—agricultural, religious, or sociocultural—that give meaning and cohesiveness to an individual and to the religious, political, or socioeconomic community”. Holiday feasts were an essential part of the social scene of the Viking people. In the days of Beowulf, many elegant feasts would be taking place around the fall season such as...
3 Pages 1225 Words

Marginalising and Isolating Vegan Figures: Informative Speech

I am here today to talk to you about one of the world’s most misrepresented groups, Vegans. But before I introduce you to this, I would like to tell you a quick story. A couple of months ago, I saw an ad on TV about buying a Domino’s pizza online for five dollars. When I went to buy the pizza, the website convinced me to purchase 3 sides and a drink. I didn’t plan a buying these sides, but the...
3 Pages 1240 Words
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