1200 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Critical Essay on the Benefits of Vaccines

Vaccines are one of the greatest accomplishments in the history of public health because of their ability to promote and maintain population health (Edwards, Hackell, Committee on Infectious Diseases & Committee on Practice and Ambulatory Medicine, 2016). Vaccines are a primary method of prevention that works by introducing the body to disease antigens (Zelman, Raymond, Dafnis, & Mulvihill, 2015). The antigens cause an immune response that allows people to build immunity without ever being infected (Zelman et al., 2015). Although...
3 Pages 1173 Words

Happiness in 'The Storm' and 'The Story of an Hour': Critical Essay

Are you happy in your life? Did you find happiness in your life? This question has been asked by people of all ages from different many countries. They asked what this happiness feeling is, what it's like, and how it can be held longer. If you try asking people, what is happiness or what it means to them, you would definitely be given several different answers to your question. Most people would say that happiness means that they have been...
3 Pages 1234 Words

Essay on the Feminism in 'The Yellow Wallpaper' and 'The Story of an Hour'

In the nineteenth century, women were oppressed in American society at the time, and it was dangerous for women to fight back. The women’s role in society wasn’t pleasant either and no one could fully understand what it meant to be a woman or the hardships they were faced with at the time, to which they also weren’t allowed to have very much freedom. Both ” The Story of An Hour” and ” The Yellow Wallpaper” depict the relationships between...
2 Pages 1152 Words

Theme Essay on 'The Glass Castle'

The story of Jeannette Walls is nothing short of what you could describe as nightmarish. From living in houses with caving walls to dealing with a narcissistic, alcoholic father, Walls endured a childhood of horrors. Through Walls’ traumatic childhood, we experience the constant turmoil, dysfunction, and broken promises that she lived with throughout these crucial years of her life. Walls’ story, although disturbing, teaches us the impact that true trauma can have on an individual, as well as how society...
3 Pages 1171 Words

Critical Analysis of 'The Glass Castle': Theme Essay

One stated by Bryant H. McGill, “There is no love without forgiveness, and there is no forgiveness without love.” People go through many things in their lifetime. At some point, they will come across obstacles. Some are caused by them, and the rest are caused by others. Forgiveness is a simple, yet complex concept. It can be done easily, or with much time. In The Glass Castle by Jeannette Walls, the main character, Janette, went through tough times with her...
3 Pages 1241 Words

Reflection Paper on Sexual Harassment

Workplace wellness is a concept or trend that is relatively new and concentrates on overall employee health and wellness. It includes the blending of health and safety programs to enhance overall worker well-being (physical, mental, emotional, social, and economic health) and prevent work-related injuries and illnesses. In recent times, many companies have had an increased focus on wellness as they have realized that a healthy ecosystem in the workplace leads to productivity, securing and keeping talent at the top level,...
3 Pages 1232 Words

Informative Speech on Sexual Harassment Prevention

Sexual harassment is described as any form of unwanted sexual behavior, sexual acts, or sexual discrimination that affects all kinds of people, male or female and it is against the law when harassers violate humans whole being and their rights. Others think that males cause sexual harassment but what they don’t know is that females can also be the cause of the harassment. There are lots of happenings where a male is sexually harassing a female, a female sexually harassing...
3 Pages 1217 Words

Informative Speech on Foster Care and Adoption

To foster is to take care of a child, usually for a limited time, without being the child’s legal parent (Cambridge Dictionary). There are different types of fostering, namely long term, short term, family and friendskinship, emergency, respite, remand, fostering for adoption, and specialist therapeutic. Whilst different qualifications may be needed for each type, the application process is the same. Easily accessed In 2020 there were 71,150 foster carers in England, with 9,510 fostering households were successfully approved from 2019-2020,...
3 Pages 1221 Words

Rhetorical Essay on Fake News

The term rhetoric means to be very persuasive whilst speaking or writing, it has been around since the dawn of philosophy. We have seen the fluidity of talking in many ways in which the same information whereas adding our own minuscule personal twist to that information. In doing this, we have a tendency to act out our audience, otherwise, it would presumably change the suggestions that they receive the info and wish on what proportion of a non-public twist. We...
3 Pages 1201 Words

Child Abuse: Statement of Interest

Discuss the reasons which led to your choice of social work as a career. I have been asked so many times why I chose social work and the answer is quite simple the reason Why I want to join social work is because of my passion to help people. In retrospect, I think social work too. I often wonder what career I would be choosing if I hadn’t gone through the pain and sad experiences in life. My own personal...
3 Pages 1176 Words

Rhetorical Analysis Essay on '12 Years a Slave'

Maya Angelo once said “You can’t really know where you are going unit you know where you have been” That quote is powerful because it shows the connection between the past, present, and future. Every person that walks this earth is a reflection of their past. However, sometimes there’s a contradiction when someone’s past is not always important to the next person as it may be to them. In the story “12 Years A Slave” by Solomon Northup one can...
3 Pages 1180 Words

Who Is to Blame for The Holocaust: Critical Essay

After Germany’s defeat in World War I, many believed it was the Jewish soldiers who were at fault. However, anti-semitism and the overall mistreatment of the Jewish religion and beliefs was not a new concept in fact it had been around for many years prior to the events of the Holocaust. Due to this defeat in WWI Germany’s economy suffered from hyperinflation due to all the sudden expenses, Germany had accumulated over the course of the war. This all happened...
3 Pages 1221 Words

Van Den Haag Capital Punishment: Critical Essay

There is a lot of contention in the public sphere concerning the reinstating of the death penalty. Many feel that the reinstating of the death penalty might be controversial because innocent people that are falsely accused of crimes they did not commit might not be able to reach a timely recourse to prove their innocence. Therefore, I feel that the death penalty should not be reinstated in South Africa, due to its dark history and the negative connotations it draws...
3 Pages 1218 Words

Thesis Statement on Why Did the Holocaust Start

Introduction The Holocaust is one of the most important events of the 20th century. It occurred during the 1930s and 1940s and unfolded alongside the major events of World War II in Europe. It was carried out by the Nazi Party and Adolf Hitler and was part of their anti-Semitic beliefs and values that centered on racial superiority and Social Darwinism. Historians have identified several reasons for the overall significance of the Holocaust, including its importance as an example of...
3 Pages 1188 Words

Stress and Its Effects: Informative Speech

In this module, I was able to measure my knowledge of just how much stress I'm under and how that's impacting my mind and body. I was however astonished to find out about the effects of long-term stress on both my brain and my body. APA Quiz Results When I took the WebMD quiz, I managed to score 92 percent, missing just one question. Hardly any of the responses were especially surprising to me since I had many stressful experiences...
3 Pages 1236 Words

Many People Were Homeless During the Great Depression: Persuasive Essay

The Great Depression was the worst economic downfall in America’s history. The President at the time was President Herbert Hoover. He underestimated the power of the Great Depression. He figured it was going to pass after a while. He and others in his administration believed the economy was going to cure itself, all America had to do was sit back and wait. However, he was wrong. The great depression lasted ten years, from 1929-1939. Before the start of the Great...
3 Pages 1237 Words

Long Term Causes of World War 1: Critical Essay

Introduction World War I, also known as ‘The Great War’ or ‘The War To End All Wars’, lasted from 1914 until November of 1918. This war involved over 65 million soldiers, with 9 million killed and 21 million wounded. With 5 million citizens dead, ideas of war shifted drastically during this time, after people realized how horrific warfare really is (HISTORY, 2018). Many factors influenced the outbreak of World War I, from the race to have the best military in...
3 Pages 1162 Words

Informative Speech on Stress and Its Influence

When the human body responds or reacts to an adjustment or something new, that reaction is called stress. The response of the human body varies from a mental to a physical one. Stress is a natural feeling that the human body is prepared to fight it. However, when there is continuous stress without a break or a pause this stress will become a virus to the body. This overstress forces the human body to change physiologically to adapt to this...
3 Pages 1185 Words

Gun Violence and Private Gun Sales: Critical Essay

Introduction An issue is that gun violence is very high in the state of Pennsylvania over recent years. In Philadelphia, the percentage of homicides from just 2017 to 2018 has gone up 12% (FOX29). Gun violence will always be a problem but private sales policy makes taking someone's life away easier. In Pennsylvania, an unlicensed seller may only sell a handgun or short-barreled rifle or shotgun to an unlicensed purchaser at the place of business of a licensed importer, manufacturer,...
3 Pages 1179 Words

Figurative Language in ‘The Glass Castle’

Becoming successful requires hard work, but is putting in the hard work worth it? In the novel The Glass Castle by Jeanette Walls, the author is born into poverty and then grows to be an award-winning author proving that hard work results in success. A big role in Jeanette’s path in life and her view of the world is played by the people in her life. In addition, the conflicts throughout her childhood develop her into someone that pays more...
3 Pages 1167 Words

Essay on Freedom of Speech: Norman Rockwell Analysis

Can you think back over the past year or so and remember a sign, poster, newspaper photograph, or cover of a magazine? If so, how is that possible that you recall it? Perhaps it created a warm or nostalgic type of feeling or it was something that you were able to relate to personally. Now think of the artist who created the piece. Most of the time we cannot recall the artist's name. Norman Rockwell’s artistic works were inspiring and...
3 Pages 1223 Words

Deficit Spending Great Depression: Critical Essay

Introduction In their bid to provide services to their citizens, Federal and State governments are often faced with the challenge of an imbalance between their expenditures and revenues, a state referred to as deficit spending. Deficit spending is, therefore, a state where a government's level of expenditure exceeds its revenue collection level within a given fiscal period, which could contribute to the government's increased debt balance. To salvage themselves from the adverse consequences of such imbalances, the government often sells...
3 Pages 1182 Words

Affirmative Action: Definition Paper

Affirmative action laws began when in the early 1960s judicial rulings believed it to be a duty of local school boards to desegregate areas that were formerly in dual school systems under the Jim Crow laws and to eliminate the remnants of institutional racism in schools. The next step in the process came a few years later when the legislative and executive branches of the US government decided to implement laws and regulations that authorized pro-diversity hiring and admissions processes...
3 Pages 1185 Words

Spanish Language Essay

Introduction With a long history and widespread impact, Spanish is among the world's most widely spoken and culturally significant languages. The language is a bridge between many cultures and records, as it is the official language of several nations in Latin America and Europe, including Spain, Mexico, and much of Central and South America. A language praised for its beauty and complexity has developed from its centuries-old linguistic foundations, profoundly rooted in Latin. Language Family of Spanish The Romance language...
4 Pages 1165 Words

The Singer Solution to World Poverty Essay

Introduction In his work "The Singer Solution to World Poverty," philosopher and ethicist Peter Singer asks readers to consider a moral problem having global implications. A daring suggestion in his article, published in 1999, that wealthy people should devote a sizable amount of their fortune to reducing severe poverty sparks a substantial controversy. He contends we have noble duties going beyond our comfort zones and implores us to think about the lives at risk in underdeveloped areas. Article Summary In...
4 Pages 1160 Words

Plot of 'The Yellow Wallpaper': Reflective Essay

Charlotte Perkins Gilman's 'The Yellow Wallpaper' is a pillar of women's activist scholarly investigation. First distributed in 1892, the story appears as a mystery diary passage composed by a lady who should recuperate from what her significant other, a doctor, calls an apprehensive condition. This frequenting mental loathsomeness story narratives the storyteller's plunge into franticness, or maybe into the paranormal. The protagonist's husband, John, doesn't pay attention to her sickness. Nor does he pay attention to her. He endorses, in...
2 Pages 1163 Words

Yellow Wallpaper': Character Analysis Essay

From the beginning of time, literary movements have practiced diverse methods in an attempt to portray the nature of humans and their struggles. The movement of literary realism began towards the end of the nineteenth century. Merriam-Webster’s Encyclopedia of Literature defines realism as “the theory or practice in art and literature of fidelity to nature or to real life and to accurate representation without idealization in favor of close observation of outward appearances. The word has also been used critically...
3 Pages 1224 Words

"The Yellow Wallpaper": Argumentative Essay

In a battle between a female’s freedom and a male’s dominance, a void exist in between. Charlotte Gillman, a well-known writer, narrates the story of how a woman suffering from mental illness is stuck within the void. She writes the short story “The Yellow Wallpaper” to discuss how the woman is seeking help from her husband, John, who is a physician. He loves her but his male dominance blurred his choices making him not realize that he couldn’t help her....
3 Pages 1230 Words

Why Is Life in Prison Better Than Death Penalty: Argumentative Essay

In 2019, 657 offenders were executed, Why? How? What has made us come to this? You must be thinking how is this even legal Well this is the sad and harsh reality, this is Capital Punishment known as the Death Penalty. This is a form of punishment given by execution to prisoners, this is also a form of murder. Aren't there any other ways to punish someone without taking a life away, for a mistake once done? This can be...
3 Pages 1223 Words

Argumentative Essay against Abortion

Abortion is a standout amongst the most fervently discussed and dubious points in America. Since the milestone choice of Roe v. Wade, in which the United States Supreme Court found that a lady has the option to pick whether to end a pregnancy, different state and government laws have steadily formed and centered that right. Therefore, it is not constantly lawful to have a premature birth whenever preceding conceiving an offspring. Exacerbating the situation, the laws on this subject change...
3 Pages 1227 Words
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