1200 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Essay on Radiology Registrar: Case Study

The NHS today struggles to maintain standards of care and deliver a comprehensive service to all [1]. For nearly a decade, the NHS has experienced a significant slowdown in funding growth while conversely, service demand (and cost of service provision) has snowballed [1]. Clinical radiology, predominately a service specialty, is an integral part of the majority of medical pathways with a vital role in the initial investigation and management of severely ill patients [2]. Patient-centered, high-quality care relies on rapid...
3 Pages 1200 Words

Essay on Ocean Carriers Case

Executive Summary In order to meet a contract requirement Ocean Carriers must decide whether to purchase or not a 180000-deadweight tons dry bulk carrier for the price of 39 million dollars in order to lease the vessel. After careful analysis of both, the industry and exogenous factors we conclude that the purchase of the vessel is advisable only if we base the project on Hong Kong’s tax legislation. Furthermore, it is more profitable to operate the vessel for its entire...
3 Pages 1161 Words

Essay on Mental Illness

A relative stated, “The thought of mental illness brings sorrow to my heart. I would want to provide or do anything possible for that individual, along with being cautious” (Stone, April). Mental illness is immensely consequential and should not be taken for granted! Insanity is internationally expanding in humanity, but how can it be elucidated? According to American Psychiatric Association, “Mental illnesses are health conditions involving changes in emotion, thinking or behavior (or a combination of these)” (“What Is Mental...
3 Pages 1209 Words

Essay on Marijuana Legalization

Even for whatever reason that marijuana’s first recorded use was five-thousand years ago, it in no way had much popularity till the last century with prohibition and anti-war movies. The legalization of marijuana has currently been an alternative debatable difficulty, although there must be no issue in any respect. Marijuana ought to be legalized. The legalization of marijuana in America has been a core problem for numerous years. There are many evaluations on this subject matter, but a few humans...
3 Pages 1188 Words

Essay on Land Pollution

Abstract After intensive research with the data analysis, we concluded that land pollution would soon be an issue for the City of Windsor. The primary reason is the constant increase in the population. With the rise in the population, there is an inevitable increase in the garbage disposal, which in turn raises the fear of land pollution. The following are the primary outcomes of our research: Population Statics Our team comprises individuals having industrial and research work experience in the...
3 Pages 1210 Words

Essay on Jack London Writing Style

The call of the wild is the first novel that I’ve read. This novel thought me how important the relationship between humans and animals is. I learned that you have to use your own feet and don’t rely on others in order to survive. Also, the lesson that I can take from this novel is that never give up, you have to push yourself until you achieve your goal and you can be a good leader even if you are...
3 Pages 1214 Words

Essay on Institutional Sexual Harassment and Me Too Movement

The MeToo movement is a movement started when an activist named Tarana Burke came out with her story of sexual harassment. The Story reached a lot of people making them want to join the movement and talk about their own stories and cases of when they were sexually harassed. Enough Stories built up where eventually it was involving high-profile celebrities. The men who commit these crimes are not apologetic at all and don't understand the trauma they cause. The hashtag...
3 Pages 1201 Words

Essay on Industrial Revolution

1. Introduction The industrial revolution came with major changes to human lives from the first industrial revolution that started in England from the year 1750 to 1760 which changed the labor system from animal labor to machinery then human kind kept on evolving as they got to witness the second industrial revolution which is mostly associated with the discovery of electricity, this assignment will then focus on the third and fourth industrial revolution by discussing what is the third and...
3 Pages 1248 Words

Essay on Gunpowder: Triumph and Tragedy

Gunpowder was originally created and widely used by ancient China around the 10th century. It is rumored that Taoist alchemists discovered gunpowder while trying to find the formula for immortality. The creation was made out of carbon, sulfur, and potassium nitrate. While the formula failed, the compound that was formed was much more potent. It had the ability to burn at high temperatures and explode when concealed in a canister. After a little more testing with the proportions of the...
3 Pages 1249 Words

Essay on Goals

Family groups are “kinship ties or social bonds based on ancestry, marriage or adoption” (Nelson Community and Family Studies, 2014). In relation to myself, my family is very close and has formed ties that are almost indestructible because not only are they close by blood, but they are also close by friendly ties. Excluding me, I live in a household of five people which includes both of my parents, my younger brother, and my two younger sisters. Our time is...
3 Pages 1156 Words

Essay on Ethics and Psychology: Analysis of Milgram Experiment and the Stanford Prison Experiment

Psychology and ethics coincide because psychology is the study of human behavior. The American Psychological Association (APA) Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct was created to protect research participants, the reputation of psychology, and psychologists themselves. The first version of the guideline was published by the APA in 1953. The need for such a document came after psychologists were taking on more professional and public roles post-World War II. However, there were a few studies during the middle...
3 Pages 1245 Words

Essay on Eating Disorders

Food. The most fundamental source of energy. It is the source of our strength in daily living and the centerpiece in which we establish a sense of joy, communication, and celebration. It’s the way we socialize, we socialize around food. But then, what about those who might have a negative reaction to food? My name is Eleena and today I want to give you an insight into eating disorders and the stigmas surrounding them. First, let’s take a deeper look...
3 Pages 1240 Words

Essay on Diversity of Music Genres: Country Music

It’s easy to see that today’s music is more diverse than it has ever been, whether it be genres or the topics within these songs, but what if I told you that you, the fans, are what is holding back the evolution and experimentation of music? You may not be doing it intentionally, but the main source of this roadblock is caused by what you’ve been conditioned to believe by the media and society. You’re subconsciously stereotyping artists based on...
3 Pages 1233 Words

Essay on Disadvantages of Air Pollution

Particle pollution, also known as particulate matter, is a major cause of death in cities like Kanpur, India, known as the world’s most polluted city, the industrial hub's annual PM 2.5 average was 173 microgram per cubic meter (ug/m3) which has about 600 people visiting hospitals which respiratory diseases every month, mostly children and people over 50. [7] Effects of air pollution Air pollution has negative effects on the environment as the production of acid rain, eutrophication, ozone depletion, reduction...
3 Pages 1155 Words

Essay on Contradictions, Irony, and Conflicts in 'What They Fought For'

'What They Fought For 1861-1865,' is a book full of contradictions, irony, and conflicts. The author of the book, James McPherson, has an interesting perspective on the Civil War. When most people learn about the Civil War, they are taught that the South does not understand the agony that the slaves endured. They seemed to only fight because they had to. If they read this book, they would discover that it was not entirely true. The majority of American history...
3 Pages 1179 Words

Essay on Childhood Memories

When we are young, we don’t think about the memories that we are making in the present, it is just later that we realize that our younger self is really missed. Sometimes, when we try to revoke those memories, we think that the events that we remember are really what happened at the time, but most of the time those memories are just bits of things someone told us or maybe pictures that we saw. Usually, when we want to...
3 Pages 1240 Words

Essay on Chaucer's Use of Satire in 'The Canterbury Tales'

Satirizing Religious Figures in Canterbury Tales In the general prologue of Canterbury Tales, the narrator introduces the reader to characters from different walks of life in the course of their pilgrimage to Canterbury. The narrator addresses key themes while describing each pilgrim: their appearance, their vocation, and small details or anecdotes pertaining to their personalities. While Chaucer unifies the group through their common goal of making their pilgrimage, he also addresses the individual pilgrims and their intentions in life throughout...
3 Pages 1233 Words

Essay on Arthur Miller: 'Why I Wrote 'The Crucible'

‘Admitting one's own faults is the first step to changing them, and it is a demonstration of true bravery and integrity’ - Philip Johnson. Good morning ladies and gentlemen, staff, students, and guests, and welcome to the Caloundra State High School open day. In this presentation, I will be educating you on Arthur Miller’s play ‘The Crucible’. Specifically, how through this story, the writer assists in the theory that ‘Maintaining personal integrity comes at a cost’. In this symbolic piece,...
3 Pages 1195 Words

Essay on Abortion

Abortion is the act of killing an unborn baby medically and legally. Most people hear of abortions and act like it is a normal thing when it is very far from that idea for others that think the opposite. The act of abortion takes away a human’s life without giving it a single chance at life. The official definition of abortion is “the termination of a pregnancy after, accompanied by, resulting in, or closely followed by the death of the...
3 Pages 1174 Words

Essay on 'Oedipus the King': Who Told Oedipus His Fate

Brilliantly interesting and convincingly demystifying was Joseph Campbell’s revelation of the hero monomyth. This revelation is detailed in his prominent work The Hero with a Thousand Faces, in which Campbell stresses the significance of the hero monomyth present in all heroic myths. And because the monomyth can be identified in any work presenting a hero, similar patterns emerge among the many different myths. These patterns consist of phases and sub-phases of the hero monomyth. And although the main phases can...
3 Pages 1187 Words

Essay on 'Epic of Gilgamesh' Religion

Literature is the basis of knowledge. Everything we know, or claim to know, has come from literature in one way or another. At some point, people realized, an oral presentation wasn't enough. To improve and develop as a society, people needed to keep records of ideas, experiments, and narratives. By writing down literature, people were able to transform renowned narratives into books, novels, newspapers, and even more famously, epics. Epics were traditionally oral stories that found their way to greater...
3 Pages 1167 Words

Erik Erikson’s Stages of Psychosocial Development That Impacted Me in My Life

Finding My Identity in My Life As I’ve grown up and reflected on my childhood I realize how great of a childhood I had and how it’s affected me to this day. I had a loving and supportive family who was always there for me and a group of friends I could always fall back on. I did well in school and participated in sports while I was growing up. Even though I had all these great things in my...
3 Pages 1169 Words

Creon Character Traits in 'Oedipus the King': Essay

In this paper, I picked Creon as my character to write about. This is because he is portrayed as a person with honor and benevolence. Nonetheless, in spite of his intrinsically positive outlook, Creon has a terrible character flaw that prompts his destruction which is the thing that we talk about in the article. Success goes to those that have a responsibility, devotion, and assurance; be that as it may, success is disposed of by personal addition. Creon, Antigone, and...
3 Pages 1172 Words

Compare and Contrast Gilgamesh and Enkidu: Essay

The story of Gilgamesh is very complex and as stated by Kenneth Rexroth a psychological one as well. It displays and encapsulates the mental processes and ways of thinking for the audience to understand and enjoy throughout their reading. In this paper, I will attempt to create a type of psychological portrait. This displays in detail how the characters change throughout the story, as well as what changes within them both physically and mentally. We begin the story with a...
3 Pages 1172 Words

Case Study of Eating Habits in the Local Muslim Community in Cape Town

Observation is the essence of discovery. The Qur’an encourages observing the world and reflecting on signs. Research should enable one to gain wisdom which in turn is applied in order to benefit others. Since the manner is not specified, the Muslim researcher has the flexibility to design methods to describe social phenomena (Alias, 2005). Modern scientific research methods are not unfamiliar to Islam, having been used by Muslim thinkers of the past to study various religious or social phenomena (Alias,...
3 Pages 1180 Words

Argumentative Essay about Climate Change

Climate change is regarded as an ethical issue on the basis that which moral framework must we follow in our decision-making patterns. Something should be done about the future and about climate change. The use of our moral framework is needed to evaluate climate change, our individual role in bringing actions about, and the alternative actions and consequences that follow. This is evident through some courageous people who acknowledge the effects of climate change and are using their moral framework...
3 Pages 1208 Words

Are Kinesiologists Pseudo or Real Trainers: Essay

According to the most recent figures from the Office de la protection du consommateur, Quebec has no less than 727 fitness centers on its territory. They have thousands of subscribers, overbook and fuel the obsession with thinness and the perfect physique. But fitness centers offer- do they really have a healthy approach? At certain times of the year, especially in early January and the day after Labor Day, fitness centers are taken over by well-intentioned people looking to get back...
3 Pages 1203 Words

Analysis of Philip Zimbardo’s 'The Psychology of Evil': Milgram Experiment

For centuries, people have always wondered where evil comes from. Although humans think that there is a fine line between good and evil that is simply not the case. Humans actually have the capacity to be both good and evil. The real question is why evil continues to foster and affect good people in committing heinous acts. According to Philip Zimbardo, there are several reasons why people commit evil. First, evil is needed in order to balance out the good...
2 Pages 1157 Words

Analysis of Difference between 'History' and 'Historiography'

With “history” being an incredibly personal term, it’s incorrect to assume that there is a clear-cut difference between “history” and “historiography”. Ford’s maxim that ‘history is bunk’ (Ford, 1916), juxtaposed with Porter’s aphorism viewing history as an important process (Porter, 1975), highlights that defining “history” cannot be abridged to an orderly solution. Schinkel offers “historiography” as the process of writing “history” (Schinkel, 2004), and can therefore be seen as a more subjective concept than “history”; this implies “history” is objective....
3 Pages 1154 Words

Abiotic Factors in Coral Reefs

Identification and Explanation of Trend between Abiotic Factors Abiotic factors are the non-living elements of an ecosystem. Abiotic factors that are present in Long Reef Rock Platform are sunlight, salinity, and water. These factors affect the temperature and the water depth. Abiotic factors not only affect the dispersion and abundance of biotic factors, but they also influence other abiotic factors such as temperature, water depth, and salinity. There is a constant trend between the interaction of abiotic and biotic factors,...
2 Pages 1231 Words
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