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Social Issues

Law Reform and Development Commission: Analytical Essay

Introduction Due to the society changes the laws are bound to change.[footnoteRef:1] Law reform is a way of updating laws so that they reflect the current values of the society people change and, an example is the gay marriages, back in the years gay marriage way was a punishable penalty in some countries where as today this is now a norm and gay marriage is legalized.[footnoteRef:2] The law reform can simplify the law by making it simpler or eliminate some...
3 Pages 1208 Words

Importance of Cultural Anthropology in Our Daily Lives

Overall, with this being an introductory course, it has not been difficult, however, a lot of new information was introduced to me. Having lived in a conservative country for the majority of my life, anthropology was never introduced to me because it involved evolution, and even after moving to the United States, I realized that anthropology was not introduced to students here either. So, I took this course with an open mind, knowing I would be learning a lot because...
3 Pages 1176 Words

Essay on Importance of Accountability

Police accountability is an issue that is under constant scrutiny in today's society. The statement ‘police are more accountable now than they have ever been’ is a highly controversial statement with which I agree with to some extent. Due to the constant scrutiny our police force faces, there are continuous new ways emerging how to make the accountability of police officers more reliable. This is extremely important as accountability is essential for the maintenance of the public's faith in the...
3 Pages 1150 Words

Impact of Environment and Society on Moral Development: Analytical Essay

The World itself has some basic norms to restrain and prevent the chaos that should apply to all human beings. Both anti-social and moral behavior is determined by how people look after themselves and to others. Basic examples of moral behavior are honesty, respect for oneself and others, tolerance and self-control; people who can differentiate between the good and bad can present moral behavior. Using drugs, drinking an excessive amount of alcohol, gambling, lying, racism, vandalism and being violent are...
3 Pages 1193 Words

How Did the War Influence American Domestic Policy

Throughout the 1970s the nation was going through the Cold War and beginning the start of an economic crisis. In 1971, the nation was hit with Stagflation due to the rise of unemployment and inflation. Johnson's policy to fund the war and social programs through deficit spending caused high inflation. Also, in 1973, the Organization of Arab Petroleum Exporting Countries cut off oil from the United States making oil prices quadruple in 1974 adding to inflation. President Nixon left the...
3 Pages 1247 Words

Hills Like White Elephants Modernism

Introduction ‘The primary purpose of a narrative is to search for meaning,’ notes literary scholar Katherine Hayles. The need for meaning and interpretation is at the foundation of narrative in modern literature. She calls narratives a technology, which we employ in our search for meaning. Narratives allow us to make sense of the complexities of life, and as human beings, we are constantly seeking to make sense of things. We use the time to structure our understanding of life, and...
3 Pages 1204 Words

Health Care Reform in the CIS Countries: Analytical Essay

This essay will describe the development of the health sector in Gorno-Badakhshan after the collapse of the Soviet Union. Economic, social and political aspects will be also briefly described, as they directly affect the topic. Health care reform in the CIS countries, especially in the initial period, negatively affected the health status of the population. One of the main trends is a decrease in life expectancy and an increase in mortality. This situation has no precedent in world history: nowhere...
3 Pages 1196 Words

Green Graphic Design: Analytical Overview

By ignoring the negative impact of paper manufacturing systems, designers are supporting the fourth largest contributor to greenhouse gas emissions. Paper distribution puts forests at risk which requires a huge amount of energy and produces harmful greenhouse gases. According to the Environmental Paper Network, increasing paper production by 20% within the next 15 years puts resources like water and raw materials at risk while contributing to greenhouse gas emissions and air pollution. However, producing recycled paper compared to virgin paper...
3 Pages 1171 Words

Graphic Design Versus Industrial Design: Analytical Essay

Many people may not know the differences and similarities between Graphic and Industrial Design. Knowing the differences and similarities of these types of design could be beneficial in deciding if you want to choose one of these occupations for a career. Industrial and Graphic design both are types of designs, but industrial involves engineering and manufactured products, while graphic involves visual concepts to communicate ideas that inspire or inform. This paper will give you in depth information on the differences...
3 Pages 1154 Words

George W Bush Accomplishments

The Presidency of George W Bush George W Bush was sworn in as the President of The United States on 20 January 2001. He was the 43rd President of the United States and his term ended on 20 January 2009. George W Bush , a Republican, took office following a very close and controversial victory over Democratic incumbent Vice President Al Gore. Four years later in 2004 Bush defeated Democrat John Kerry to win a reelection, something that his Father...
3 Pages 1178 Words

Frida Kahlo the Two Fridas Analisis

The work of the 'Two Fridas' is inordinately symbolic of her life, and the times of hardships and struggles she experienced. The surrealist work was painted in 1939 and is the largest scale work Kahlo had created. This work is an oil painting on canvas, 173 by 173cm. It is a symbolic piece; and Kahlo has clearly used the technique of symbolism, to convey the message of duality. She painted this like most of her pieces with a force of...
3 Pages 1204 Words

Essence and Main Issues of Life Insurance: Analytical Essay

Life insurance is contract between the policy holder and the insurer where the insurer promises to make a payment upon the death of the insured to his or her named beneficiaries in exchange for a premium . As loss is paid out of the premium collected from the insuring public and the insurance companies act as trustees to the amount collected (RANI, 2007). The desire to have a life insurance policy and the willingness by insurers to supply is determined...
3 Pages 1246 Words

Ernest Hemingway Modernism

Ernest Hemingway (1899-1961) was an American writer who burst onto the modernist literary scene in Paris during the 1920s and subsequently became one of the most famous authors of the twentieth century. Ernest Hemingway coined this theory when he determined that by omitting parts of a story, details that the writer and reader both inherently know, the story's prose will the shortened and strengthened. Ernest Hemingway’s Short Stories: The Iceberg Theory “We are all tips of the iceberg”- Ashlecka Aumrivani...
2 Pages 1171 Words

Diversity and Opportunity in Graphic Design Team: Analytical Essay

1. Executive Summary: Is diversity increasing innovation opportunities in the graphic design team? Since innovation is an important scale of modern organizations, all teams are searching for ways to improve their innovation. Innovation is the winners of today’s market competition. If a business wants to be successful, they had to add innovation to their products and services. One way of increasing innovation is inclusion and diversity. In other words, innovation could bring opportunities for business. In this report, firstly the...
3 Pages 1192 Words

Critical Analysis of the Book: “Killing Kennedy: The End of Camelot” by Bill O’Reilly, Martin Dugard

Bill O’Reilly, Martin Dugard, “Killing Kennedy: The End of Camelot”, New York, N.Y. : Henry Holt and Company, 2012, 336pp. Bill O’Reilly and Martin Dugard wrote the book, Killing Kennedy in 2012 after the success of Killing Lincoln, their previous novel. They are co-authors of the Killing Series, which include Killing Jesus, Killing Patton, and Killing Reagan. Killing Kennedy was created to inform the readers of John F. Kennedy’s presidency and eventually his tragic fate on November 22, 1963. O’Reilly...
3 Pages 1189 Words

Critical Analysis of 'La Vie' by Pablo Picasso

Picasso’s “La Vie” (1903) is a painting inspired by the loss of one of his good friends, Carlos Casagemas. It came out during his blue period, which is one of his most famous painting periods where he used a selective color palette to create his art. The physical painting is large and demands attention, and uses mediums similar to his other works. There are a few ideas about the meaning of “La Vie” based on the changes and choices Picasso...
3 Pages 1197 Words

Criminalization of Practice of Graffiti in NYC: Analytical Essay

In her research paper The Making of Space, Race and Place, the author Maggie Dickinson examines the war on graffiti in NYC over the decades and provides a historical context to explain how the practice of graffiti became criminalized in NYC. She explains that the war on graffiti started in the 1970’s during a time when the New York City was experiencing a fiscal financial crisis. The business community saw it as an opportunity to take control of the city’s...
3 Pages 1155 Words

Characteristics of the Mona Lisa

Clearly one of the most recognizable historical figures of the Renaissance, Leonardo di ser Piero da Vinci was an Italian painter, polymath, architect, and inventor. Being a talented artist, he painted two legendary masterpieces that are still admired by the general public today; the Mona Lisa and the Last Supper. He also made other countless contributions to the development of the arts, science, and literature of the Renaissance; such as concepts of surreal inventions that inspired today’s technology. Probably one...
3 Pages 1169 Words

Artist Investigation: Opinion Essay on Claude Monet

“Everyone discusses my art and pretends to understand, as if it were necessary to understand when it is simply necessary to love.” Introduction. Claude Monet was born on the 14th of November 1840, in Paris, France and, unfortunately, passed away on the 5th of December 1926. Monet was a famous French painter, who had created the well-known art movement; impressionism. Throughout his life, his art career was conflicted, as he struggled to cope with depression, poverty and illness. The Beginning....
3 Pages 1174 Words

Art and Architecture Essay

What is the relationship between art and architecture? Is there a difference between art and architecture? The question of what separates architecture and art is very confusing and has been repeatedly discussed for a long time. Artists and architects create visual compositions using a common knowledge base, but their goals are completely different. Some designers or architects consider themselves artists, but only a few artists consider themselves designers. A good piece of art inspires. Good architecture motivates. Perhaps the most...
3 Pages 1164 Words

Argumentative Essay on Felons Voting

Voting Rights for Felons On November 8, 2016, an estimated 6.1 million citizens were barred from engaging in casting their votes because of felony charges (Cheung). This disenfranchised population included people currently in jail and also millions of people under parole or probation, and those who had completed their sentence. It is estimated that 3.1 million people are denied their right to vote because of laws that restrict them even when the sentence is complete. According to a report by...
3 Pages 1228 Words

Analytical Art Essay: Claude Monet and Woman With A Parasol

Who Is the artist? Claude Monet (Oscar Claude Monet/ Claude Oscar Monet) was born on a solemn day 14th Day of November 1840, Giverny, Paris and endured a life full of suffering till the golden old age of 86 on December 5, 1926. He was a man of plentiful talents, one that stood out was his everlasting love for painting. He is a man who has motivated and invigorated many artists to do what they cherish. Claude Monet had quite...
3 Pages 1245 Words

Theme of Loss in Hamlet: Critical Analysis

“Death is not the greatest loss in life. The greatest loss is what dies inside while still alive” (Shakur par. 1). Life is extremely unpredictable; one minute, everything is transcendent; the next, everything goes down in flames. These events are what ultimately shape an individual’s character. This matter is very eloquently portrayed in Shakespeare’s quintessential tragedy, Hamlet. The theme of loss is unquestionably prevalent throughout Hamlet but is often overlooked. In the play “Hamlet,” William Shakespeare astutely uses tragedies, literary...
3 Pages 1219 Words

Social Status in Frankenstein and Paradise Lost: Comparative Essay

Similarly to the society we live in, characters in a literary text belong to different social status, and their social status contributes to the development of characterization. For example, Mary Shelley’s novel Frankenstein written in 1817 and John Milton’s Paradise Lost, an epic poem written in 1667 involves characters that are in a high social status, an outcast of the society and the ones that are protected by superior one. Social status in Frankenstein and Paradise Lost is significant and...
3 Pages 1168 Words

S. E Hinton and The Outsiders: Opinion Essay

S.E Hinton was born, raised, and still lives today in Tulsa, Oklahoma. (“S. E. Hinton Biography.” Encyclopedia of World Biography, Advameg, Inc., ). In Hinton's book, The Outsiders, are rival gangs; this was very similar to what was going on at Will Rogers High School where she attended. The decade Hinton grew up in was based on her writing in, The Outsiders. Hinton wrote during a time where there were not many female authors, because of that, she used her...
3 Pages 1206 Words

Reader's Book Review on Fast Food Nation

“Fast Food Nation: The Dark Side of the All-American Meal” exposes the realities of the American fast food industry by shedding light into the dire realities of this sector. American cuisine has gradually transformed into roadside eateries with the emergence of hotdog stands, burger cafes and a plethora of eateries offering a wide range of fast food. The other side of the reality points out to the ill effects of the fast food industry on America’s environment caused by the...
3 Pages 1229 Words

Opinion Essay on ‘The Alchemist’ by Paul Coelho

‘The Alchemist’ by Paul Coelho follows Santiago’s journey, an independent Andalusian shepherd, to uncover his destiny. In the present day, Santiago sleeps in the ruins of a church with his herd of sheep. He is awakened by strange recurring dreams that tell him to seek treasure in Egypt. Santiago pursues the advice of a Gypsy to tell him the meaning of this recurring dream, and she advises him to journey to Egypt. He later meets Melchizedek, the king of Salem-...
3 Pages 1161 Words

Monsieur Lheureux, Madame Bovary and Shylock: Comparative Analysis

Monsieur Lheureux and Shylock are merchants that possess three common negative character traits: greed, jealousy, and uncharitable. Being both from the same occupation, their lives revolve around money. They purposely target citizens for their motives. Monsieur Lheureux in Gustave Flaubert’s, Madame Bovary and Shylock in William Shakespeare’s, The Merchant of Venice deliberately drive the protagonists to their financial ruin. In Venice, Shylock has a reputation for charging too much interest on loans. He only has one thing on his mind,...
2 Pages 1177 Words

Materialism Brings Unhappiness: Symbolism in Great Gatsby

Luhrmann’s film The Great Gatsby serves as a symbolic tribute to 1920s America. The movie emphasizes a society of materialism and corruption while also portraying a sense of the social structure and spiritual desolation associated with the 1920s. In the movie, Baz Luhrmann uses symbolism and irony to build the theme that materialism breeds unhappiness. Using symbolism, the movie brings to life a society whose attitude was affected by the recent ending of World War 1. At the center of...
3 Pages 1242 Words

Marry Shelley’s Portrayal of Creature in Frankenstein

Born into the world with a tabula rasa, the creature in Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein enters life with innocence and potential. With no instinctive precept of life, the creature who is initially gentle and innocent, attempts to integrate himself into society, only to be rejected because of humanity’s fear of his appearance. Loneliness, whether it be emotional, physical, or social, and its impacts, is a recurrent themes depicted through the creature. The creature’s demand for companionship derives from his sense of...
3 Pages 1231 Words
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