1200 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Important Decisions in Battle of Midway

Though Japan appeared to be the probable victor during the first six hours at the battle at Midway, pivotal decisions made by Americans altered the fate of Midway, influencing the course and outcome of the Second World War. The victory for the United States of America in the battle of Midway has often been attributable to God’s will; a miracle . June 4, 1942, was a battle over the Pacific Ocean which favoured the victory of the Imperial Japanese combined...
3 Pages 1241 Words

Health Effects of Air Pollution

In this essay, I expected to examine toxicology of real air poisons, source of emission, and their effect on human health. Air pollution is a major problem of new humanized world, which has a genuine toxicological effect on human wellbeing and the earth. It has various distinctive outflow sources, however engine vehicles and mechanical procedures contribute the significant piece of air contamination. As indicated by the World Health Organization, six major air contaminations incorporate molecule contamination, ground-level ozone, carbon monoxide,...
3 Pages 1227 Words

Can we Prevent a Mass Extinction of Life on Earth? Essay

In only a handful of years, we have lost over half the world’s forests, half the world’s grasslands and half the world’s wetlands. We are consistently eliminating all that makes up our world’s ecosystems. Eventually, they will collapse. It’s hard to accurately predict the rate extinction we face, but say there are 100 000 000 different species on earth. At an extinction rate of only 0.01% a year, that would mean that we are losing at least 10,000 species every...
3 Pages 1194 Words

Bottled Water Should Not be Banned Essay

Evo Morales once said: “Sooner or later, we will have to recognize that the Earth has rights too, to live without pollution. What mankind must know is that human beings cannot live without Mother Earth, but the planet can live without humans.” Pollution is defined as the presence in our introduction into the environment of a substance that has harmful or poisonous effects. Single use plastic is definitely a massive problem in regards to pollution of marine life, but I...
3 Pages 1166 Words

Assessing the Impacts of Syrian War

The year twenty twenty-one marked the tenth birth anniversary of the ongoing civil war of Syria. In March 2011 Syria’s government, led by the President Bashar al-Assad faced an unprecedented challenge to its authority when pro-democracy protest erupted throughout the country. The protesters demanded an end in the authoritarian regime of Assad. In order to suppress the protesters, Syrian government used violence, military and the parliamentary forces. The opposition militias began to form in 2011 and by 2012 the conflict...
3 Pages 1215 Words

A Review Paper on Solar Energy System

The plant (a course of action of sun based boards) which changes over sun powered vitality to light vitality from the sun into electrical vitality (charge outflow) is known as a sun based power plant process. In sun oriented plant there are numerous sun based boards are associated and in boards there are numerous cells units which make boards. In which uncommon metal is utilized which is as lines and these lines are likewise associated with meager lines and every...
3 Pages 1228 Words

Essay on Kuala Lumpur High-Rise Buildings and Related Issues

As of 2019, Kuala Lumpur is the ninth city in the world with 300m skyscrapers. Starting from 2020, Kuala Lumpur has 9 400m projects under construction and planning. It can be said that Kuala Lumpur is the most enthusiastic city in the world with high-rise buildings. In this essay, I want to argue my position that Kuala Lumpur should slow down the construction and planning of super-tall buildings moderately and tackle the uneconomic problems caused by high-rise buildings. High-Rise Building...
3 Pages 1220 Words

Can Search Engine Be a Culprit of Defamation? Google Cases

With constant development of technology nowadays, it becomes more complex to draw a line between legitimate information delivery and defamation. A question brought to the table is that whether a search engine assumes full liability for any damages triggered by defamatory publication on its platform or whether a plea of innocent dissemination is applicable. In defamation law, a plaintiff can take a party to the court arguing that he has endured three of the following things: the words or pictures...
3 Pages 1182 Words

A Walking Travel of Paris: An Essay

Walking is a natural instinct that is a part of our lives and we tend to use this action to complete various activities. Tourism is an activity where one or many may go to experience a vacation full of activities or to seek relaxation. One of the most walkable tourist sites in all of the world is Paris. It is the place where the most astounding cities one will ever visit in their lifetime. From the Eiffel Tower to Cathédrale...
3 Pages 1151 Words

Essay on Google Search Engine

In the vast expanse of the digital universe, few entities shine as brightly or exert as much gravitational pull as Google. An omnipresent facet of modern life, Google's influence stretches across the globe, shaping the way we seek and process information, communicate, and interact with digital technology. The brainchild of two ambitious Stanford Ph.D. students, Google has metamorphosed from a humble search engine into a colossal tech conglomerate, carving an indelible mark on the technology industry. This essay will delve...
4 Pages 1212 Words

Socio-Economic Features of British Culture

United Kingdom consists of the whole Great Britain Island includes four countries - England, Wales and Scotland as well as northern portion of Ireland. The population of the UK is around 62.8 million. The official language spoken is English. The capital of Britain which is London, well known for its great financial, cultural and others. This state’s biggest export is English language that is spoken widely in every corner of the world. The unique culture of Britain includes literature, film,...
3 Pages 1199 Words

The Ebola Crisis in Sierra Leone: A Reflective Report

As a rule, developing countries tend to lack comprehensive and stable civilian structures for dealing with disasters, therefore disaster response in these countries often relies almost entirely upon the military as well as on international civilian and military assistance. Military engagement in disaster relief may contain the negative consequences of major disasters and prevent the crisis from spilling across borders. In my report I will reflect on the positive and negative aspects regarding the military’s logistic response. When it comes...
3 Pages 1186 Words

Who Has More Power, Congress or the President, and Why the Office of the US President Is Now Under Threat

In this essay, I'm going to discuss who has more power now, Congress or the president, and why the office of the president of the United States is now under threat to a limited extent. It is argued that the office of the US president is now imperiled as the use of checks and balances outlined in the Constitution remain. Regular congressional bills being overridden and due to democracy in the US Congress, presidents may find it difficult to advance...
3 Pages 1179 Words

Totalitarianism in Italy

Totalitarianism is generally defined as political system that uses a high level of control over individuals, restricting individuals’ freedoms and suppressing their opposition to the state and more generally subordinating many aspects of individual life to the authority of the state. According to Wikipedia, totalitarian regimes “are often characterized by extensive political repression, a complete lack of democracy, widespread personality cultism, absolute control over the economy, massive censorship, mass surveillance, limited freedom of movement (most notably freedom to leave the...
3 Pages 1210 Words

ISIS in Syria and Iraq

The Islamic State of Iraq and Syria is shocking; it seems impossible to be true. ISIS is a Sunni jihadist group with violent ideology that calls itself a caliphate and religious authority. Organized rebel militias were engaging in combat with government troops in cities around and near Syria and Iraq. ISIS is known for public executions, crucifixions and other acts during this. But how did Isis get to this point? This paper will be analyzing the uprising of ISIS, the...
3 Pages 1169 Words

Assessing Texas Government in the Context of Maintaining the State's Socio-Economic Balance: An Essay

Texas being the second largest state of the United States of America in terms of area and population was once considered as a mediocre, agricultural state after it was granted freedom from Mexico. Fortunes changed for Texas in the 20th century, and a massive increase was recorded in the economy of the state. Firstly, there was a massive increase in the oil industry then and afterward by its broadening into petrochemicals, aerospace, computers, and many other industries. Thus, making it...
3 Pages 1206 Words

Racism in Australia: An Essay

In Australia’s society it’s essential to have respect for others rights, needs and viewpoints due to the idea of all people are created equal and that government or society should not unjustifiably restrict what individuals can think, say or worship, whom they associate with and how they enjoy the rewards of their work. Racism is defined by the Australian Human Rights Commission as ‘racism takes many forms and can happen in many places; it includes prejudice, discrimination or hatred directed...
3 Pages 1212 Words

The Internet and Its Negative Impact on the Mental Health of the Younger Generation

The Internet is on a constant uprise, from social media platforms to a wireless connection in the latest vehicles, the human race cannot seem to escape the digital age. As the younger generation consistently gets more involved with the relationship of this era, mental health decreases drastically. The Internet is one of the largest contributing factors to mental health issues among adolescents. Social media platforms are based on unrealistic expectations, social gatherings are incorporated in comments, and stories are posted...
3 Pages 1191 Words

5G Technology: Advantages and Disadvantages

In modern world the most concern in the hand of technology lies on mobile wireless communication systems and mobility. As people prefer using mobile devices which has much capabilities and as it has huge demand and also it has become a necessity. Thus, mobile communication networks have developed through several stages within past few decades. These stages are named as generations and there are one to five generations that we can talk about. Due to the huge demand in worldwide...
3 Pages 1159 Words

The Effects of the Internet on Education on the Example of Personal Experience

I strongly believe that the Internet is very important for modern education. A number of positive effects that it gives create a favorable environment for high-quality, comprehensive and comfortable education of the modern generation. I am going to base my position in this essay on the example of personal experience and how the Internet has influenced me personally as a student. I strongly agree that the Internet has made me a better student in many aspects. There are many advantages...
3 Pages 1182 Words

Brutality of Japanese Imperialism

Imperialism is a practice used by countries to extend its sovereignty and power over other developing countries or territories by gaining political and economic influence over them. Japan was one of the first to develop imperialism throughout the 20th century, which was later dissolved during the US occupation after World War II. Japan’s imperialism developed with anti-Western, anti-colonial themes against powers such as the US, UK, France and many others. Japan derived social Darwinism from the west and concluded that...
3 Pages 1220 Words

Essay About the Negative Effects of Technology on Physical, Social and Mental Health

Technology benefits us in a lot of things but lots of people are unaware that we are very prone to its negative impacts. Yes, it makes our lives convenient but does it really make our life fully convenient? Have you ever surfed the Internet only to discover that you lost track of time? You get and learn so many things and information that you are interested from it so how can it be that bad? The issue is when technology...
3 Pages 1175 Words

Essay on the Definition of the Concept of Liberty

For a great number of people, freedom is defined as independence or freedom from the norms or restrictions of the society. It can also be defined as the will to get away from the shackles of the society and be one’s own person. One of the most famous and most read works of John Stuart Mill on this topic is ‘On Liberty’. Through this book, Mill voices the idea of individual freedom in the light of his concepts of history...
3 Pages 1205 Words

Google Glass as an Example of Innovation Failure

Innovation is the foremost wheel which drives humanity forward. In this silicone era most innovations we see are all around tech. Not just entrepreneurs but even big tech giants are contributing their fair share of ideas to keep the heat. An innovative idea has a high probability of failure with respect to startups. That’s no big deal, it happens all the time and its reasons are quite well known yet versatile. This research paper is focused on lesser discussed more...
3 Pages 1247 Words

Essay About the Great Chicago Fire

Fire, not only is it extremely destructive but it is deadly. Deadly to the point where it was capable of killing nearly three hundred people in the city of Chicago. The great city of Chicago that consisted of several different districts that were destroyed by one the most horrific fires in the nation. A148 years later the exact cause remains a puzzling mystery. A city left to be rebuilt after more than 2,000 acres were gone. It may have destroyed...
3 Pages 1158 Words

Reflections on the Geographic Information System Used in the Criminal Justice System

From policing to corrections, technology has been playing an increasingly important role within the criminal justice system. Computer records management and geographic crime-mapping systems have been used more frequently in order to grant effectiveness and efficiency when it comes to analyzing large amounts of crime data. As mentioned in the textbook ‘Criminal Justice in Canada’, “A crime mapping system called Geographic Information System (GIS), identifies the crime patterns in specific geographic areas such as neighborhoods or larger districts of a...
3 Pages 1203 Words

Strong Inheritance Tax as a Possible Solution to Growing Poverty and Inequality

Poverty is an increasing issue in modern day that stems from wealth inequality. Families that hold wealth throughout generations are making an increasing gap in income in the United States which is making the poor even more poor. Poverty can have several negative effects on a person’s long-term health, including heart attacks, inflammatory diseases, and even can attribute to a premature death. While some argue that a more aggressive progressive tax is the best way to solve things, the most...
3 Pages 1162 Words

Immigration Discrimination In Canada: An Essay

Housing remains a prominent issue for immigrants when trying to settle in an area. Vulnerable immigrant groups such as low-income, visible minority groups rely heavily on government and non-government organizations that provide funding and resources for attaining housing. Another major aspect in the process of immigration is the integration into the host community. “Integration refers to the long-term process through which immigrants come to participate fully in their new society” (Hoernig and Zhuang, 2010, 156). Some aspects that hinder the...
3 Pages 1241 Words

Essay on Human Rights in China

China is known for its lack of freedom. In China you can’t say anything bad about the government or the leader of the country, Xi Jinping, you can’t really express your real thoughts and feelings. China is also a very strict country, the government controls everything and everyone. Instead of giving the population access to the western technology, they make their own. They have their own google, their own YouTube, their own Instagram, basically they have their own anything. Why...
2 Pages 1188 Words

Lack of Human Interaction in Communication as One of the Effects of Technology: An Essay

Communication has changed greatly in the past twenty years. There have been very significant technological advances that has enabled communication to advance. For instance, the only way of talking if you were not face to face with a person was by telephone. Not an ordinary smartphone, but a phone connected to the network. Sometimes it was just easy to go over to the person’s house to talk since most people had more than one landline at their homes. Which means...
3 Pages 1152 Words
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