1200 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Metabolism as an Important Factor in Maintaining the Health of the Whole Body System

Metabolism is defined as the summation of all chemical reactions that occur and are involved inside of any cell or organism. Metabolism has two potential categories: catabolism and anabolism. In catabolism, molecules are broken down producing energy. In anabolism, combinations of certain compounds that are needed by the cells are produced including: DNA, RNA, and protein synthesis. The definition of bioenergetics is the metabolic passageways a cell takes to acquire certain energies. Nutrition science studies the specific relationships with food...
3 Pages 1235 Words

Concretization of Abstract Art by Liam Gillick

Abstraction, in its simplest terms, means the act of drawing out the essential qualities in a thing, a series of things, or a situation. Liam Gillick said in an interview: “I´m really interested in the gap between these two tracks: the critical subconscious abstract ideas behind modernism in relation to the trajectory of modernity. Is in this gap that I find the ideas” (Gillick, 2011). ‘The trajectory of modernity’ is the quality or condition of being or appearing to be...
3 Pages 1232 Words

The Long-Term Effects of Childhood Trauma

Parents want what is best for their children, and do what they can to provide for them. Protecting them from any harm or negative experiences they may face. Children have yet to go through development to be able to process different life experiences. Complex topics that children are not able to grasp just yet, such as death, war, poverty, natural disasters and things of that nature. With a full future ahead, their caregiver attempts to shield them from this in...
3 Pages 1211 Words

Review of John Steinbeck's 'The Grapes of Wrath'

John Steinbeck, one of the most popular authors still known today, has written one of the most popular books ‘The Grapes of Wrath’ since 1939 when it was published. Selling about 150,000 annually, Steinbeck had left his mark on the world with his creative and skillful use of literary elements. His novel consists of the Joad family, the main focus for the idea of Dust Bowl farmers. As the book progresses, the author captures the family’s adventure as they make...
3 Pages 1232 Words

Technology Conquers the World

It is no secret that technology has become an overwhelming part of the lives of mankind. From as early as I can remember, I was exposed to cellphones along with a plethora of other devices. This is a luxury I have never had to live without unlike my grandparents, great grandparents, and so on. I can’t imagine a life, especially now that I am in college, without certain technology that I use daily like my MacBook, cellphone and camera. I...
3 Pages 1154 Words

Ventricular Premature Beat Detection in ECG Using Correlation Techniques

Correlation techniques are used to find whether the electrocardiogram (ECG) is normal or abnormal. These correlation techniques could be further used to detect the type of abnormality present in the abnormal ECG. Reference ECG signals could be stored for all type of abnormalities and the test ECG signal if correlated with the stored references will give highest correlation percentage with the type of abnormality present in it. Arrhythmias are one of the abnormalities in ECG. Among various arrhythmias one of...
3 Pages 1179 Words

The Understanding of the Thesis 'Do the Right Thing' by Jean-Paul Sartre, Ayn Rand and Thomas Hobbes

What does it mean to do the right thing? Follow three rules: do the right thing, do the best you can, and always show people you care, this a powerful statement of my mother that I will always keep in my mind. Doing the right thing is a beautiful stating point but I am going to define it in a wonderful way according to what different philosophers have stated about it. This essay will express the ideas and statements of...
3 Pages 1206 Words

Influence of Social Networking Sites

In July of the year 2012, “Americans spent 74.0 billion minutes on social media via a home computer, 40.8 billion minutes via apps, and 5.7 billion minutes via mobile web browsers, a total of 121.1 billion minutes [or 2.02 billion hours] on social networking sites”, as stated in the online site Procon.org. Not only this, but “35 global heads of state, every US Cabinet agency, 84% of US state governors, every major candidate for US President, and more than 40%...
3 Pages 1237 Words

Examining the Popularity of the Hero’s Journey in Hollywood

In 1949 Joseph Campbell released ‘The Hero With a Thousand Faces’, in which he outlined a monomyth called the hero’s journey, which would last for generations and provide a template for thousands of stories. Given how popular the hero’s journey has been, it’s worth asking why. Why do most people seem to love it so much? An examination of films from multiple eras and genres shows why Campbell’s hero’s journey is the most influential monomyth in the history of film....
3 Pages 1233 Words

Uniqueness of Ancient Greek Sculptures

The sculpture of ancient Greece which existed from 800 BC to 300 BC got its inspiration from middle eastern monumental art and Egyptian art respectively. This with time gradually evolved into a unique vision of Greek art. Greek artists eventually reached a high point of artistic quality of working with the human figure that took the world by surprise, a style and method that was later copied by the romans and subsequent eras. Greek artists were very particular about the...
3 Pages 1199 Words

Analysis of Puritan Thought and Ideology on the Example of Anne Bradstreet's and Edward Taylor's Works

Puritans sought reform from the Church of England, due to its likeness to the Roman Catholic Church. They wanted to separate the church to be autonomous. Therefore, to escape persecution from England, they escaped to the new land. Because they were some of the first authors in a newly founded America, they brought along their religious beliefs to the new world. They incorporate Puritan ideologies into their works. Puritans are a subsection of Christianity that had emphasis on moral and...
3 Pages 1180 Words

The Problem of Female Identity in Virginia Woolf's Mrs. Dalloway

Mrs. Dalloway, written by Virginia Woolf, is a piece of modernist literature that many regard as one of the most groundbreaking feminist works ever composed. Utilizing a stream of consciousness approach, the novel endeavors to explore the complexity of the human consciousness and its internal conflicts, particularly through the protagonist, Clarissa Dalloway, and her daily endeavors. The plot follows Clarissa as she prepares for a party in her home, which to her, serves as a monunetous opportunity for social interaction,...
3 Pages 1241 Words

The Origin of Ballet and Indlamu Dance

Ballet and Indlamu dance are both forms of dance which depict their respective origins - the Sun King’s Court and the demonstration of the expertise of isiZulu warriors. Both dance forms are immensely influenced by their respective political contexts which illustrate how the forms may or may not be displayed in concert theatre in South Africa in the 20s to 40s. From the 16th century the creation and evolution of ballet from its origin - the Sun King’s court- was...
3 Pages 1161 Words

Gutenberg and the Origins of Typography

In this essay I will be discussing about the origins of typography. I will be mentioning key factors that played an important role throughout, and up until the 19th century. I will be mentioning Gutenberg, and how he influenced impact and improvement. I will also be mentioning factors such as: The printing press; Steam driven printing press; Illustrated and pictorial newspapers; Printed matter; Black letter; Roman type. Who Is Johannes Gutenberg? Johannes Gutenberg was a German blacksmith, painter, goldsmith and...
3 Pages 1200 Words

Apollo 11 Mission to the Moon

NASA’s Apollo 11 mission to the Moon is still today one of our most important breakthroughs for space exploration studies. As we are currently booking flights for civilian passengers to orbit the Moon many questions still remain; when can a mission to land a human on Mars be realized, what will this mean for colonization on other planets, and when will we find another planet suitable to sustain life? The importance of all the Apollo missions are critical in the...
3 Pages 1161 Words

Brexit: Potential Risks for the UK Economy

Brexit is currently one of the most controversial topics in the world, especially in Europe. From the name ‘Brexit’ we all understand that it stands for the exit of Britain from EU. Britain always a questionable role in European Union. Britain first applied for the membership of the EU at 1973. But at that time, Britain was rejected twice because the President of France at that time Charles de Gualle rejected it twice, because he thought that Britain wasn’t compatible...
3 Pages 1172 Words

Comparative Analysis of ‘The Metamorphosis’ and ‘In the Penal Colony’ by Franz Kafka

There is no doubt that writing is a way to demonstrate our deepest feelings and beliefs; therefore, it is important to comprehend the background of our writing in order to understand and analyze diverse situations. The purpose of this essay is to develop a comparative analysis between the different works written by Franz Kafka: ‘The Metamorphosis’ and ‘In the Penal Colony’. Both readings are considered literary classics, and from my humble point of view, they cover complex issues like the...
3 Pages 1240 Words

The Evolution of Typography

Introduction The practice of organizing type in a way that makes it legible, readable, and aesthetically pleasing is known as typography. It has developed into a complicated discipline in the digital era, rooted in ancient civilizations that employed chisels and brushes to transmit messages. It establishes fonts, space, and layout guidelines and unifies form and function. Typography adds more to a page than simply text, it creates tone and atmosphere and significantly impacts how a reader perceives and comprehends. It's...
4 Pages 1214 Words

A Chinese Life' by Li Kunwu and Philippe Otie: Becoming a Chinese

‘A Chinese Life’ is an autobiographic graphic novel written by Li Kunwu and Philippe Ôtié. The book presents a personal journey through China’s modern history, from the creation of the republic of China in 1949 till the present. The book covers two of the most important events in the development of modern Chinese state that are: The Great Leap Forward and the Cultural Revolution. Artist Li Kunwu was born in China’s poor southwest in 1955, he went hungry in the...
3 Pages 1238 Words

Abuse in Purple Hibiscus

In the novel ‘Purple Hibiscus’ by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie the main character Kambili and her family goes through the motions of domestic violence. Domestic violence is a very serious issue that people have to go through everyday, according to statistics “Nearly 1 million women experience at least one incident of domestic abuse each year” (Starmer) and “At least 750,000 children a year witness domestic violence” (Starmer). Which shows that domestic violence is a real problem in today’s society. Kambili, Jaja,...
3 Pages 1155 Words

How to Reduce Unemployment? Essay

Reducing the unemployment rate in a country is one of the responsibilities of the local authorities to ensure that the people and producers of the country have sufficient resources. As we all know, unemployment can be caused by two sides, namely demand-side failures and supply-side failures. Therefore, there are two strategies used to address the problem of unemployment namely the demand-side policies, which is to reduce unemployment caused by recession, and the supply-side policies, to reduce structural unemployment. Demand-Side Policies...
2 Pages 1150 Words

Accomplishments of Malala Yousafzai

It is rare nowadays to witness young adults make a prominent difference in the world, which is why the Pakistani twenty-two years old female, Malala Yousafzai, has shocked and inspired millions. Her maturity in regards to reflecting on the horrid experiences dealt with in the past is immediately noticed which establishes great fondness and credibility for all that she believes. The right of an education for all is a fight she continues to embark upon until there is no difficulty...
3 Pages 1164 Words

The Modern Silk Road Belt: Can It Be Bilateral or Not

The One Belt One Road project is developed by China, aiming to commercially connect more than 60 countries, from Asia to Middle East and finally to Europe. This project is based on the ancient Silk Road, while it is known as the Modern Silk Road Belt. OBOR is an aspiring project mainly aiming to open EU market to Chinese companies on which there is extensive analysis in the literature. However, will this project only serve China’s expansion plans or it...
3 Pages 1229 Words

Essay on Books and the Internet

In the modern world, technology has an essential impact on our lives. If some time ago, when technology devices had not been invented yet, people would see as the sole source of information the printed word, mainly the book in terms of more in-depth and academic information and to some extent magazines and newspapers. Today with the development of technology and especially of the Internet, an amount of previously unthinkable information can be accessed very easily and in a very...
3 Pages 1176 Words

The Concept of Inflation: Definition, Causes, Types and Fight Against It

Have you ever thought about how inflation can affect us in a financial sense? This paper will go in depth and explain the causes of inflation and how it affects consumer behavior, income, investment, and business. In this paper we will go over the methods on how inflation is usually managed and what standards it meets to raise alarm about the economy. It will also provide explanations to understand news of inflation in an effective way. Inflation is an economic...
3 Pages 1226 Words

Human Vermin: Self-Image and Parental Alienation

The masked anxiety in Kafka’s ‘Metamorphosis’ is a rooted trauma from parental alienation which transforms Gregor’s self-image from human to bug. The behaviors in the narrative are mirror images of the author’s life and are reminiscent of his feelings towards his father. This parental alienation experienced during Kafka’s interactions with his father is further demonstrated by Gregor’s parents in the text. The self-neglect Gregor faces while being a dutiful slave-like character who is treated like vermin by his family literally...
3 Pages 1198 Words

Essay on the Social Impact of the Internet

According to Jule Klotter, editor for Townsend Letter, as social networks spawned by Facebook, e-mails, and other Internet technologies increase, direct contact with other humans is decreasing. People get so enmeshed in their connections, and so snuggled up on their smart devices that they are neglecting each other. The evolution of the Internet along with globalization is reducing human interaction in real life because it is keeping people busy, distracted, and tangled up in this big endless virtual span. Robert...
3 Pages 1236 Words

Astounding Egyptian and Roman Architectures

Architecture… Is an extremely interesting to see, how it develops over time, how each region of the world has its own type, and the amazing effort they took to construct. Some of these edifices is nothing short of amazing. For example, the Pyramids of Giza, the Roman Calcium, and the Great Wall of China are all pieces of architecture that are astounding in their design and structure. I choose to write about Egyptian architecture and Roman architecture. The Egyptians are...
3 Pages 1200 Words

Capitalism Vs Socialism: An Essay

Capitalism and socialism are the two most important systems that along modern history have had an effect on the social structures, economic methods and political position of many nations. Through period of the 18th 19th centuries that two systems of political economy occurred as the primary competitor to each other. Capitalism is in countenance private goods and decentralized economic judgement while socialism is in countenance public or commonly owned goods and centralized economic judgement. Capitalism permits free market interchange without...
3 Pages 1196 Words

Essay on Homeless Veterans

The state of California has the highest population in the U.S. thanks to its many urban areas, like Los Angeles, San Diego, and San Francisco. Unfortunately, because of its high population it is also home to many homeless Americans, including veterans. While ideally no American should be homeless, it is unfortunate that many of the men and women who serve in the military return to America to find themselves without a job or a home. The state of California should...
3 Pages 1180 Words
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