1200 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

An Anthropological Look at the Socio-cultural Factors Influencing HIV/AIDS

HIV/AIDS is a precedent setting epidemic faced by humanity. This epidemic is dually medical and social in nature. Medically, it is a serious, fatal disease with numbers far greater than the norm. Socially, it is an event that disrupts the life of communities. The epidemic of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) was first recognized in the United States in 1981 (Sahistory.org.za, 2011). South Africa today has the highest HIV profile in the world, with an estimated 7.7 million people living...
3 Pages 1187 Words

Ethical Decision Making: Applying Ethical Principles

Abstract In health care, ethical and moral dilemmas often arise. Decision making often requires use of moral values and principles of health care ethics such as autonomy, beneficence, nonmaleficence and justice. Administrators also look for guidance from the American College of Healthcare Executives Code of Ethics which can provide a good benchmark when faced with making decisions that are challenging and require a certain finesse. Overview As the new director of the Emergency Department at Crosby Hospital, Corey Davidson is...
3 Pages 1242 Words

An Investigation on the Impact of Early Childhood Caries

In researching the effects of ECC on sociability four research articles were reviewed, analyzed on recorded: Acharya and Tandon (2011) ‘The effect of early childhood caries on the quality of life of children and their parents’, Bramantoro et. al. (2015) ‘The Patterns of Dental Caries Influence on the Children’s Quality of Life Aged 3-5 Years Based on the Socioeconomic Characteristics’, Jabin and Chaudhary (2014) ‘Association of Child Temperament with Early Childhood Caries’ and de Oliveira et. al. (2017) ‘Behavior Factors...
3 Pages 1151 Words

Cyber Crime, Security & Human Psychology: Internet Addiction, Literacy on Cyber Crime and Security

ABSTRACT The word “cybercrime” itself saying it’s a crime. In India as well as in a world it’s a business now i.e. to trap the people using fraud mail, phone call, social sites and many more. Because of only bad psychology, they are trapping people. On it we have to provide proper education on cyber-crime and security. We have to spread awareness in society. We always use “Precaution is always better than cure” using same thing we have to take...
2 Pages 1231 Words

Brotherhood during Coming of Age In The Kite Runner and Brother

Have you ever realized how strong a relationship can be, in this case, how a brotherly relationship could be? Brotherhood is the very price and condition of man's survival - Carlos P. Romulo. In the novel, The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini and the novel Brother by David Chariandy both show a strong brotherhood bond that conducts us through the universal experience of loss through a coming of age. Initially, the bond allows the characters to rely on the other...
3 Pages 1184 Words

Crucial Themes And Key Ideas In Lord Of The Flies

In our lives, the society has always been controlled by adults, and the children have been considered fragile, immature, and unable to take care of themselves. William Golding’s novel entitled Lord of the Flies is a fictional depiction of the events that unfold after a group of schoolboys are stranded on a deserted island; however, it would be erroneous to assume that the novel presents the reader with a purely fictional portrayal as an analysis of this literary work exposes...
3 Pages 1168 Words

Relationships of Cooperation and Competition between Competitors

Abstract In this article, we are elaborating the various relationships that exist among competitors both on an activity and resource level as well as on an individual level. The firms will have different roles in different activities and interactions. Competitive and cooperative activities can in some cases be in conflict with each other. If a firm should choose to either cooperate or compete, or if it should try to combine competition and cooperation, has therefore become a strategically important issue....
3 Pages 1154 Words

Should Childhood Vaccinations Be Compulsory?

Currently childhood vaccinations are not compulsory in the UK. Yet, compared to countries like the united states of America the UK’s immunisation rates remain relatively high. However, in recent years concern over the safety of vaccinations has risen and as a result a decrease in vaccinations have been seen. Therefore, the question of making them compulsory rises, as even with the smallest dip in numbers outbreaks can be seen, such as the measles outbreak in Wales, explored later in this...
3 Pages 1153 Words

The Aspects of Police Brutality in the United States

As an administration of justice major I have had to analyze a long list of potential police brutality videos in order to determine whether or not the officers used a justified amount of force to stop what they perceived to be a threat. The beatings and killings of African American individuals are definitely something we are all aware of, which is why I chose this topic; I plan on becoming a police officer in the future. Police brutality gained recognition...
3 Pages 1181 Words

Deceptiveness in Othello as a Bright Example of Deceptiveness in Othello

W.H. Auden once aforementioned, “​There is more than meets the eye.​” suggesting that there could be a hidden or deeper meaning behind a person’s initial look. Lies, deceits and dishonesty is one of the foremost themes in Shakespeare’s play ​ ​Othello​. ​ The character of Iago isn't any different from those deceptive individuals. Behind his facade of a trustworthy ensign and friend, Iago is multilayered, deceptive and a manipulative villain, concocting chaos and inflicting mishaps to other characters for revenge....
3 Pages 1237 Words

Isolation of Ethics from Politics

The role of ethics in politics has distinctive opinions from distinction personals moreover some have argued to isolate ethics from the political realm where as some has argued that ethics is the very basic building block on which the foundation of our society is laid. It has always been a hot topic as some people are in favour of keeping ethics intertwined with politics as they think it maintains a code of conduct between different political parties and within the...
3 Pages 1209 Words

Competency Level Based Anatomy Teaching: An Evolving Approach

Introduction Anatomy undoubtedly forms the basis of any medical curricula as well serves a strong component for good clinical practice. However, literature pertaining to anatomy education is increasingly reporting of a deterioration of anatomy knowledge not only among undergraduate students but also among clinical practitioners. Partly in response to these observations and due to changes in demands of medical professions, anatomy curricula have experienced a major paradigm shift from passive didactic and teacher centered approach to active, clinical based and...
3 Pages 1159 Words

Of Mice And Men: Can The Killing Of A Person Ever Be Justified?

In the book Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck, where a mentally distant protagonist named Lennie inadvertently strangles a woman putting his best friend George in a precarious position where he has to put Lennie down. Due to these circumstances, George made the right decision in saving Lennie’s life because he would have been locked up forever or killed by someone else. Lennie could be a possible threat to maybe himself or others. Due to Lennie’s mental deficiency, he...
2 Pages 1175 Words

The U.S and Ethiopian Refugee

The book of beetles and angles, is a based on a true life story of an Ethiopian refugee who ends up in the U.S. The boy and his family flew the Ethiopian civil wars and find themselves in the Sudan asylums. He embarks through a hardship journey until he finds success. A successful flee from one’s mother country, is not always assured of a safe and secure refuge destination. Many are cases where refugees are left homeless for years in...
3 Pages 1249 Words

The Importance Of Expressing Oneself: A Marxist Lens On Fahrenheit 451

Without the ability to successfully think or communicate, humanity becomes no different than a machine. In Ray Bradbury’s Fahrenheit 451, Montag represents the power of the Proletariats to rebuild a stronger society that values the freedom to express oneself. Bradbury’s intent of the novel is to demonstrate that the destruction, and the subsequent loss of freedom of thought, will be the thing that makes humans disappear. In the novel, Montag begins to have feelings of uncertainty and wants to bring...
3 Pages 1199 Words

Modernization of Humanity and its Destruction in the Poems Railway Station and Flying Man

“Railway Station” and “Flying Man” are poems that depict humanity’s bond with nature and how modernization destroys it. “Railway Station” addresses the constant changes in life in relation to time. Tagore expresses how humans are puppets to time, they are trapped in a constant cycle of movement controlled by time. “Flying Man” depicts mankind’s unchecked ambition and how its desire to conquer skies can lead to humanity’s doom. These two poems illustrate the bonds within nature and how modernization disrupts...
3 Pages 1184 Words

The Concept of Special Interest Group and Methods used in influencing Criminal Justice Public Policy

According to Webster Dictionary, a special interest group is an individual or group of individuals looking to effect or bring impact to the law-making process to make it more defined. They locate a particular thematic area and help in setting the objectives and trajectory that the identified topic will follow while seeking to influence a given course in the system of justice. Marion and Oliver (2012) characterize a special interest group as having a persuasive impact, numbers and resources to...
3 Pages 1195 Words

The Aspects of Overpopulation Epidemics in Africa

Mariama Jones and her husband, Samuel, were living comfortably in a home in Lawrenceville, Georgia. She had two children, a 10-year-old son, Ahmed, and 2-year-old daughter, Sonya. She had moved to Atlanta when she was 20 and built a productive and happy life over the course of the nex 16 years. Ms. Jones, a nursing assistant at a local health-care facility, was 19 weeks pregnant;the pregnancy was progressing well and that the baby was showing normal movements. Soon after, a...
3 Pages 1212 Words

Obesity in Parents and its Affects on Their Children

Obesity is a worldwide epidemic that effects many people all across the globe. Obesity is a slow onset of gaining weight, that is defined as having a body mass index (BMI) of 30 and above that happens from improper nutrition and inadequate exercise. It can be prevented by many different ways such as teaching on what a proper diet entails, promoting and practicing a proper diet, being surrounded by positive influences, and maintaining a healthy lifestyle with exercise. Obesity comes...
3 Pages 1237 Words

Oedipus Rex: Fate And Free Will

In the play “Oedipus Rex”, Sophocles shows a hidden connection between man’s free will and fate which the greek accepted to guide the universe amicable reason. A man was allowed to pick and eventually considered liable for his own behavior. Both the idea of fate and free will had an integral impact on Oedipus' fall. In spite of the fact that he was a casualty of fate, he was not constrained by it. Oedipus was fated from birth to marry...
3 Pages 1211 Words

Theme of Feminism in Hamlet

In the times when Hamlet was written, women were developing their power. Even though women's behaviors were limited by their power, they were still the major influence in shaping the whole story. The Renaissance ushered in an age of human awakening in Europe. Men find their own individuality and dignity and pursue the happiness of worldly life, while women are not a completely silent class. Although women were still suppressed by the patriarchal consciousness in this period, they were no...
3 Pages 1223 Words

Advertising In Marketing And Rape Culture

Marketing is an activity that is created to plan products and services, make decisions on price and distribution strategies and communicate persuasive messages to target groups identified. Communication is the process of creating a sense of oneness or commonality between the sender and receiver. In the context of marketing, communication focusses more on the outcome than the process. Marketing communications is part of a broad, overall marketing mix. An integral part of this marketing mix is advertising. Advertising can be...
3 Pages 1243 Words

Othello: an Analysis of Iago

Shakespeare’s Othello is a tale of misplaced jealousy, deception, and tragedy. Iago, the main antagonist of the play, masterfully weaves a plan to bring down Othello, a general in the Venetian army and target of his manipulative schemes, by using his good reputation to mask his deceit and keep him close enough to Othello to maintain his trust until the very end. However, his arrogance and cowardice become his undoing, as even though he fulfills his goal to bring down...
3 Pages 1180 Words

The Connection Between The Media And Domestic Violence

The term 'frame' comes from Goffman (1974) to describe how people identify, interpret, understand, and label their experiences. This is similar to how a photographer decides to frame a shot. They can tell a particular story about a scenic landscape by focusing on, say, a flower. A lot of information will be left outside that frame. Another photographer may instead take pictures of a mountain range or the sky. Each picture involves making a decision to focus on some things...
3 Pages 1152 Words

Humanity VS Animals

Could our love for animals slaughter them? Is it conceivable to state our eagerness and selfishness could influence their physical and mental health. Humanity often overlooks that animals have emotions similar to us humans. Humans and Animals have evolved together for quite some time. Wherever people are found around the world, there is a high assurance that various animals are discovered close by. Humanity has exploited animals in different ways including entertainment, transportation, scientific testing, food and clothing. Humans often...
3 Pages 1177 Words

Juvenile And Adult Courts: A Comparative Analysis

Introduction Juvenile courts and adults’ courts are similar in the structural system but different in ideas. The ideas vary because of their purposes and goals in each court. Chapter four of the juvenile justice system describes that a juvenile can decide to commit a crime because of his own choice or due to the environment he lives. Juvenile courts were established to deter delinquencies from engaging in more crimes. The U.S Supreme Court decided that children were guilty of their...
3 Pages 1202 Words

Crime, Vulnerability and Compassion

“Whether at home, on the streets or during the war, violence against women and girls is a human rights violation of pandemic proportions that takes place in public and private spaces.” Gender equality and women's rights are relevant to a successful nation’s growth. Securing these will secure the future of the country too. India is a country with a very low gender equality rating where a woman is murdered only because of her gender. Violence against women is a profound...
3 Pages 1222 Words

The Reasons Why Human Traffickers Should Be Punished Heavier

At Age 13 Beatrice moved to the USA to live with an American family. She would help with the housework and attend school. Her parents sent her to the US in hope of her having a chance at a better life. however, Beatrice found herself enslaved, and locked in a suburban home, working for up to 20 hours a day, and denied education. she was forced to hold her hands above her head and kneel on the floor for long...
3 Pages 1188 Words

The Effects Of Development And Media On Society In Fahrenheit 451

Normally of our lives, we spend unlimited hours under the grip of advancement. In Ray Bradbury's Fahrenheit 451, advancement and media are plainly planned into the lives of the characters in the novel. In this episodic, propelled world, firemen light flames to duplicate books instead of stop fires. In this overall population, books are seen as terrible considering the way that they move free-thought. Countless the pieces of the overall population in Fahrenheit 451 are remarkable. The TV parlor dividers,...
3 Pages 1242 Words

The Guilt Ridden Man: Guilt's Effect on Hawthorne’s The Scarlet Letter

The fresco painting, The Fall and the Expulsion from the Garden of Eden, created by Michelangelo and painted on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel, depicts the biblical story of Adam and Eve and their sin against God, due to the temptation in the form of a forbidden apple tree known for granting knowledge. The painting presents the viewer with the story all in one piece. On the right side, Adam and Eve are living in a plentiful environment. They...
3 Pages 1209 Words
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