1200 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Seven Steps To Effectively Plant A Church

A church, in the Old Testament in Hebrew is Quatial and Eda which means a gathering and in the New Testament is a Greek word Ekklessia which also means a gathering. It was used to mean the calling out of people to gather to the discussion of public business. A church also means the people of God and the body of Christ. In this contemporary world, a church is the build where believers gather together to worship. The common word...
3 Pages 1237 Words

Decision Support And Business Intelligence

In April 1985, Coca Cola took biggest risk by changing its classic Coke’s formula and introduced new coke. Pepsi was in full demand at that time because of popular Pepsi challenge. The main turning point for the company was when people thought that new coke tastes like Pepsi and not Classic cola. The market value started declining and company received more calls than ever for bitter taste of new coke. Soon the company realized failure of the product though they...
3 Pages 1220 Words

The Features Of Counseling In Primary Schools

Abstract In this assignment, we will find out what methods are used for counselling in primary schools and what methods are really useful. There are many different ways of counselling in primary schools and one of them is play therapy. I am going to discuss how kids react to play in situations and how their brain works and how play can help them demonstrate their issues and their attitudes and behaviors towards specific situations and as per their response a...
3 Pages 1162 Words

Shopping Habits After Coronavirus Lockdown

he Coronavirus pandemic has changed the way we shop, work and communicate with the world more than any other disruption, including the technological aspects in the recent times. As more people start to work from home, they are sticking to basics, they step outside only to buy essential commodities and are constantly worried about the risk of being infected in crowded places like supermarkets and malls. How the Covid-19 pandemic changed the consumer behaviour Cheaper 4G networks and increasing wealth...
3 Pages 1228 Words

Celebration Of Events During Lockdown

The lockdown has prevented us from going out of our homes. Except doctors, police officers, bank employees and shopkeepers of some shops all other people are staying at home now. This has made the celebration of birthdays and anniversaries difficult. There are festivals throughout the year in all religions. Because of lockdown, we are unable to visit some places where we can celebrate the events. Still we have to find ways in which we can celebrate the occasions with our...
3 Pages 1189 Words

Jesus Christ: Christian Cults And Sects

Crafts by Christ on the Cross The Good book asserts that man's acknowledgment with God depends totally on Christ's work on the cross, totally separated from man's works for God (Lady. 2:16,21; Rom. 3:19-26). Along these lines, man gets God's acknowledgment as an unconditional present by confidence alone (Eph. 2:8,9). In spite of the fact that sparing confidence is confirm by works in the life of the adherent (Jas. 2:16-24), they are viewed as the product of salvation (Lady. 5:22,23),...
3 Pages 1205 Words

Deming’s 14 Points To Improve Quality

Quality management is a subject that is close to the heart of any business owner and manager. Whatever business we do, we want to do it well – and if we can be the best out of all our competitors, the better. Dr. W. Edwards Deming, a respected academic, engineer, business consultant and author, also believed that quality was the key to success. He suggested what is now known as Deming's 14 points. Create constancy of purpose: towards product and...
3 Pages 1204 Words

Social Media As The Main Reason Behind Loneliness

Social media platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter, are some of the many means of communication that people have in the twenty-first century. Although these social media platforms make it very easy for people to interact with one another, I make it so that people are close to each other but alone at the same time. If people are talking to each other on social media it does not mean they are not lonely, in fact, social media can make...
3 Pages 1179 Words

The Aspects Of Managerial Decision Making

As the new chief of police, I would deal with one problem at a time. Since the problem of sexual harassment is so prevalent, I would make sexual harassment courses mandatory for the entire force. Many companies have a grievance policy for sexual harassment cases. The grievance procedure. Personnel professionals had established grievance procedures in union negotiations after the passage of the Wagner Act of 1935 (Dobbin and Kelly,2007). Anyone accused of harassment would be out under investigation and temporary...
3 Pages 1177 Words

The Peculiarities Of Anti-doping Education

The key functions and development environments of sport are comprised of regard for the defeated, identifying the most capable and making sure and offering equal opportunity for all in the environment of justice, democracy, fair play and rules (Arvaniti, 2006). However, over the past years, doping scandals have been on the rise (“New Wada report shows rise in doping cases”, 2019), which is detrimental to essential functions and developing environment of sport. To curb the utilization of performance enhancing medications...
3 Pages 1188 Words

Gene Editing Of The Human Germline

Gene editing sometimes known as genome editing is a scientific process of deliberately altering slightly changed to the DNA of a cell or an organism. It uses advanced technological tools such as CRISPR/Cas9 which is said to make people’s lives better but not entirely ensuring a better future for the next generations yet to come. Germline genome editing which is the main focus of this thesis statement refers to the genome editing that happens during a reproductive cell or embryo...
3 Pages 1176 Words

The Ways To Overcome Envy

Have you ever felt that life was unfair? After all, why X inherited such good / money from such parent, why Y looks so happy with his new companion, and especially why you, you have health / wealth / love / bar them - useless? This feeling is envy . It is true that some people think that envy is a positive feeling, since it pushes you to accomplish great things in your life, in order to be better than...
3 Pages 1245 Words

The Importance Of Vaccination In Jamaica

The first few years of our baby’s life are the most crucial ones, and so parents seek to provide the best for them especially during their developing years. The terms immunizations, vaccines, and vaccinations are used interchangeably by parents frequently and they have become normalized in Jamaica. Vaccination is the act of providing immunity by introducing a biological substance that protects the human immune system from contracting diseases or infections caused by bacteria and viruses. Immunization is getting individuals protected...
3 Pages 1178 Words

Facebook Stalking: Types And Preventions

Facebook stalking is defined as where one individual (user) use facebook to follow the online activities of another user on facebook. It is defined when a singles or a person causes the emotionally distress, unnecessary fear for safety of others life or other individual. A stalker can be any past (girlfriend or boyfriend) or any other stranger. The legal definition of stalking varies in different states. What stalkers do? Stalkers do many abnormal activities on the social media to stalk...
3 Pages 1233 Words

What Is The New Testament?

The New Testament, as generally got in the Christian Churches, is comprised of twenty-seven unique books credited to eight distinct writers, six of whom are numbered among the Apostles (Matthew, John, Paul, James, Peter, Jude) and two among their quick teaches (Mark, Luke). The New Testament was not composed at the same time. The books that make it seemed consistently over the course of about fifty years, for example in the second 50% of the main century. Written in various...
3 Pages 1169 Words

Determination Of Arsenic In Commercial Wine Brands Using Redox Titration

Introduction/Problem In 2015, California wineries came under scrutiny after wine containing illegal and dangerously high levels of poisonous inorganic arsenic was found, according to a lawsuit filed in Los Angeles. (Schiavone, 2015). These brands were very popular and cheap and there was a total of eighty-three (83) brands under scrutiny. No wineries issued recalls, and no retailers pulled wine from store shelves during the legal tussle. The wineries argued in a March 23, 2016 court hearing, that their labels warn...
3 Pages 1157 Words

English Language Enhancement

With major viruses like COVID-19 spreading across the world, communication is of utmost importance. Any medical organization finding any sort of information to catalyze the process of finding the cure needs to spread this message to the billions of individuals in different countries. Such crucial communication and much more uses English language as the medium. Communication has leaped milestones today, with English at the epicenter of every revolution. English language has bridged several gaps like misunderstandings in formal communication, learning...
3 Pages 1155 Words

The Aspects Of Fear In Beloved And Dracula

Fear can be described in many ways, whether it is out of supernatural experiences, haunting or fear suffered by characters in a book. The topic of fear is depicted by the authors in both Beloved and Dracula. Fear in each of the texts can be fuelled by the reader's interpretation or within the author's objectives to create a perception of fear for the reader to feel. One aspect of fear in ‘Beloved’, is depicted through the idea that Beloved is...
3 Pages 1180 Words

Why I Want To Become An Engineer

At first ,instead of answering this question 'Why I want to become an Engineer? ' I would like to tell you that I love this stream of engineering . I completely love this field of engineering and the journey I need to lead ahead to become an engineer. I went in the field of engineering because of my fondness to Maths and Physics. I wanted to learn more of it and also wanted some workplace where I can apply them....
2 Pages 1163 Words

Why I Want to Be an Engineer Essay

“The scientist discovers a new type of material or energy and the engineer discovers a new use for it.” This was given by Sir Gordon Lindsay Glegg, British engineer. The term engineer is derived from Latin word ingenium, meaning “cleverness” and ingeniare, meaning “to contrive, devise”. Word Engineer tells us how he/she can change the world. From childhood I was fascinated in logical thinking, application of basic scientific principles in our lifestyle. Engineers are the people who use the brain...
3 Pages 1208 Words

Modern Day Slavery: Causes And Precautions

Perhaps among the many global issues we face today, modern slavery is undeniably one of the most vile and unfortunate problems in the world affecting millions. While many people do not realize the magnitude of this global problem, slavery affects individuals all over the world given that it exists in almost every country and takes on many different forms such as forced labor, domestic servitude, debt bondage, sex trafficking, child soldiers, child brides, and several other forms as well. The...
2 Pages 1181 Words

Lebron James As The Modern Basketball Star

Who is LeBron James? You’re kidding right? You mean to tell me you don’t know who one of the best at least in the NBA ( National basketball Association parentheses is. Well I am here to tell you about him and all the many ways that he leaves his community. Many people know LeBron for his athleticism and many awards. LeBron has played for multiple teams, but he currently plays for Los Angeles Lakers. He was born in Ohio state...
3 Pages 1232 Words

Cannabis Tolerance Break: Rediscovering Your High

Smoking cannabis might just be the best way to get a great high without all the crazy addiction. However, if you've been smoking regularly, it might be a good time to let you know that those receptors in your brain that react to the tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) in cannabis. The THC is the compound in cannabis that gets you high. The cannabinoid receptors that respond to the THC to give you that premium high have probably gotten pretty used to the...
3 Pages 1239 Words

The Relationship Between Romeo And Juliet In The Play

Romeo is one of the main protagonists of William Shakespeare’s romantic tragedy, Romeo and Juliet. Romeo, a descendant of Lord and Lady Montague, falls in love and secretly marries a young girl called Juliet, a descendant of Lord and Lady Capulet, who of which happen to be the rival family. Throughout the duration of the play, both Romeo and Juliet make the journey from childhood to adulthood in result of their love for each other. Romeo’s character didn’t change significantly...
3 Pages 1193 Words

The Influence Of Shakespeare On English Language

English has changed a lot on the course of history due to its heavy-borrower nature and if one could go back and travel in time to see the changes that the language has undergone, he would be surprised and maybe not even find similarity between those English’s. Change has happened due to different factors like time itself, literature, history, tradition and location of a specific country. A major influence and famous change have of course happened by William Shakespeare. Shakespeare...
3 Pages 1166 Words

Understanding The Components Of Language

Have you ever wondered how words get there meaning, or how the same word can have two different meanings? Understanding the meaning of language can be complex to grasp but learning the three theories of meaning will help to gain a better idea of what it consists of. The first theory is the Reference Theory Meaning founded by Aristotle during the fourth century BCE, “According to this view, the meaning of a word consists in what it refers to” (Hughes,...
3 Pages 1202 Words

Muslim Communities In The United States

We see people from different backgrounds every day. Just alone in Chicago, we see different cultures no matter where you go, you see people with different beliefs and values. There are so many opportunities to learn something from people, some of whom are your friends whom you interact with every day. You will only understand the culture of a person when you get the chance to interview them. For my interview, I chose Ali who is my father. I have...
3 Pages 1215 Words

The Development Of New Technologies To Prevent Diseases In Gene Editing

According to Cell Press, a website that publishes scientific journals about life, earth, and health sciences, gene editing is based on the use of engineered nucleases composed of specific DNA by erasing, replacings or inserting another DNA sequence to correct genetic disorders. According to Marylin Strathern, a british anthropologist who deals with issues of reproductive technologies, there has been an uprise of new technology used to help create genetically modified babies around the world. Many diseases such as cystic fibrosis,...
3 Pages 1191 Words

Collegiate Lacrosse Leader Transformed Successful Nurse

One of the eight essentials of the Essentials of Doctoral Education for Advanced Nursing Practice considered fundamental for all graduates of DNP programs regardless of specialty or focus area is “organizational and systems leadership for quality improvement and systems thinking” (American Association of Colleges of Nursing [AACN], 2006, p. 10). Reflecting back, and considering events and/or time periods in which both organizational and personal leadership influenced my development, collegiate lacrosse rises to the top of the list. Four years of...
3 Pages 1196 Words

The Relationships Between Ethics, Religion, And Morality

Ethics is the process of rationally reflecting on morality, and ultimately coming up with a decision that makes one feel like it’s the right thing to do. Contrary to popular belief, humans face ethical issues every single day. We may not realize it, but they’re around us, most commonly at times where we can’t even tell. They’re engraved in our society, and our human DNA. Not convinced? Here are some examples: You might need to tell a friend an important...
3 Pages 1237 Words
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