1400 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

How GMOs Will Save the Human Race? Essay

Genetically engineered organisms could have a massive impact on humans. They can do almost anything. They could solve thousands of problems that plague the human race. Genetically modified organisms will benefit the human race in innumerable ways. They will likely be the cure for cancer, an inevitable food crisis, and the organ crisis. They can produce insulin and will make transplants more available and much easier. Genetic modification or genetic engineering is the altering of the genetic material in a...
3 Pages 1356 Words

Forensic Dentistry and Its Importance

Forensic dentistry is a branch of dentistry that collides with the legal system. It is defined as an investigational part of dentistry where professionals examine, evaluate, analyze and present dental evidence for recognition of human identity. Adding to that this field can be split into forensic odontology which is the study of prostheses, jaws, teeth, dental appliances and bite marks as an application of dentistry to the law. The other division is jurisprudence which is the philosophy or theory of...
3 Pages 1408 Words

Explaining of Doughboy’s Criminal Behavior and Deviance Through the General Theory of Crime (‘Boyz n the Hood’ )

The movie, ‘Boyz n the Hood’ (1991), was directed and written by John Singleton and produced by Steven Nicolaides, this movie was based off John’s life and the lives of many African American youth in urban communities (Needham, C., 2008). The movie takes place in South Central Los Angeles during the mid-1980. South-Central Los Angeles was considered a hot zone for crime, gang violence, and drug smuggling during that time (Reinhold, 1988). During this time, we see the first wave...
3 Pages 1448 Words

Eurocentricity of Modern Beauty Standarts

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, right? Beauty is subjective, not objective; as everyone defines and sees beauty differently. Now, why does everyone presented in the media look similar? Why is there a beauty standard? How come everyone wants to look like the same few people? What is the rave about double eyelid surgery all about? We need to ask, where is this coming from? Whom are we all trying to look like? What does this beauty standard...
3 Pages 1352 Words

Essay about Meaning of True Love

As human being man is born in this world full of longing, he has this need, that desires to be satisfied, the need for love, C.S. Lewis in his book ‘Four Loves’ states that “as soon as we are fully conscious, we discover loneliness. Each individual need other people physically, emotionally, intellectually; we need them if we are to know anything, even ourselves”. The child experiences love in his own family, which can be described as filial love, love in...
3 Pages 1441 Words

Depression Limits Young People's Abilities to Reach Their Goals

Everyone wishes to be somewhere. We all want to succeed in life and live the future we dream of. And for us to achieve that setting goals is one factor which have to be done first before you can proceed which is not always easy as we have to strive hard to get there. This is because challenges will always be in the way. Some try hard to get to that road, some give up on the way while others...
3 Pages 1402 Words

Depression among University Students

Depression is a mental illness that affects 11.3% of adults in Canada (Public Health Agency of Canada, 2016). Although seemingly a low percentage, depression affects people of all ages at different parts of their life. According to the Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA), 50% of the Canadian population will have, or have had, a mental illness by age 40 (Public Health Agency of Canada, 2016). It is with no question that depression affects people in Canada through aspects of their...
3 Pages 1372 Words

Concept and Origin of Work

Work in the 22nd century holds more significance to the society more than any other activity, the ultimate goal of almost everyone is to find work, in the contemporary society work is regarded as commodity that pays out money and money is off value to a society so in order for people to get money most of them have to work and there’s often high competition in searching for work which results in high unemployment rates because as things stand...
3 Pages 1393 Words

Character Analysis of Jay Gatsby ('The Great Gatsby' by F. Scott Fitzgerald)

‘The Great Gatsby’ is a novel written by F. Scott Fitzgerald. The novel consists of many interesting characters and themes. I’m going to concentrate on the main character, Jay Gatsby, and the way our attitude towards him changes throughout the novel. The story begins with Nick Carraway, our narrator, moving to NYC. He becomes friends with Gatsby, whom we discover is in love with Nick’s married cousin, Daisy. They begin an affair which lasts until Daisy’s husband, Tom Buchanan grows...
3 Pages 1380 Words

Biodiversity: Saving the Plants and Animals

Ever wonder how humans are affecting biodiversity through their daily tasks? Every day there are workers building new homes, shopping malls, and schools. To have enough space, they’ll have to clear forest out with the animals. This is causing the US tons of money and loss in plants and animals. Although the biodiversity in the United States is decreasing tremendously due to loss and degradation of suitable habitat, it can be slowed down or even stopped, by building sanctuaries, reserving...
3 Pages 1421 Words

Benefits of Space Tourism: Essay

Some people would be petrified to venture into space and witness how beautiful Earth and other space masses really are. Most humans would be willing to go a on a vacation to anywhere safe and alluring, or warm and sunny, but imagine vacationing to a place that is -450 degrees Fahrenheit and nearly all darkness. It may not sound as fun or as exhilarating as the Bahamas, but going to space could be the most amazing thing you have ever...
3 Pages 1366 Words

Analytical Thinking of University Students against Conspiracy Beliefs

Conspiracy theories have been around for decades there will always be people who will believe in conspiracy ideation examples: assassination of John F. Kennedy, 9/11 terrorist attacks or government cover-ups of alien visitation. Aaronovitch (2009) describes conspiracy belief as “the unnecessary assumption of conspiracy when other explanations are more probable”. Does this mean that there is something wrong with believing in conspiracy theories? Believing in conspiracy theories from what has been researched and studied has negative social, health and civic...
3 Pages 1371 Words

Analysis of the Steven Spielberg's Film ‘Schindler's List’

Six million Jewish inhabitants of Eastern Europe were killed amid the Holocaust of the 1940's. Families were removed from their homes and put into ghettos, which were substantial jail type foundations that housed many individuals in a single little apartment. They were then isolated from their families, 'men to one side and ladies to one side', and were put in inhumane imprisonments, where the greater part of them were murdered and incinerated. In 1993, Steven Spielberg coordinated a film, ‘Schindler's...
3 Pages 1413 Words

Analysis of the Film 'Gattaca'

The film ‘Gattaca’ released in 1997, portrays the controversial topic of genetic engineering showing just what the near future could possibly look like if this was implemented. As technology was starting to take off in the late 20th century, science was finding new ways to manipulate just about everything, including human cells. During a very controversial time whether or not human modification should be legal, ‘Gattaca’ was released really outlining the harm that it could have on society. The film...
3 Pages 1442 Words

Analysis and Evaluation of Main Features of National and International Employment

Globalization has changed the employment market into a multi-cultural one which begs for a clear recognition of cultural differences. These differences need to be understood, recognized and considered especially when implementing HR practices such as recruitment and selection and performance management (White, 2015). As Ulrich (Ulrich, 1998) put it: “Globalization requires organizations to move people, ideas, products and information around the world to meet local needs”. This has brought a number of changes to the employment market due to the...
3 Pages 1393 Words

Essay on Influence of Geography on Economic Development in the Light of Modern Improvements in Transportation and Communication

Economic development is a process of promoting and creating a healthy economy. This process requires a change in the different aspects of society, such as living standards, health care, education, etc. Since there are several different domains of economic development, there are several factors that determine economic development. Some of the main factors are culture, institutions, trade, geography, etc. In this essay, I'm going to talk about geography as a major part of economic development and how its influence has...
3 Pages 1447 Words

About Myself as a Learner

I’m a freshman at Stockton University in my first semester of college. As an eighteen-year-old with three younger siblings, I’m held to a lot of responsibility and accountability in how I do at school and in my regular daily life. I’m currently majoring in business management but have a feeling that I will most likely switch my major going into my sophomore year to communications. I chose to go to college because I’m the first in my family to go...
3 Pages 1366 Words

The Battle of Sluys Overview

The Battle of Sluys was the starting point of the Hundred Year War(Adams).The battle of Sluys was also known as the Battle of l'Écluse this was the battle's name in French (Neillands). This fight was between France and England.. This battle started because Edward III of England claimed the French throne (Adams). Both sides wanted control of the channels.The main people in the battle were Edward III who was the King of England and Philip VI who was the king...
3 Pages 1363 Words

Education in Persepolis

Persepolis is a completed autobiographical series by author Marjane Satrapi that shows her upbringing in the war-torn city of Tehran, located in Iran. The citizens of Tehran were subjected to years of war and religious extremism. The environment of her childhood in Iran had changed her personality. This will be the central theme of this paper. In order to explore how the author’s life had been shaped by the Islamic revolution, we must understand the background information surrounding the unrest...
3 Pages 1385 Words

What Were the Disadvantages of the Atomic Bombing of Japan? Essay

On August 6, 1945, an American B-29 bomber dropped the first atomic bomb on the Japanese city Hiroshima. For the Americans, it was a ray of hope. Many believed that dropping the atomic bomb flashed a light and peace was secured. But for the people that were under the atomic bomb, it was a terror. A terror that no one had ever seen before. The atomic bombing directly killed more than 80,000 people in Hiroshima. Even more catastrophic were the...
3 Pages 1374 Words

What Type of Volcano is Kohala? Essay

Introduction Senecio madagascariensis Poiret (fireweed) is an short-lived or daisy-like annual herb with abundant branched stem that grows from 10 to 70 cm in height. Fireweed is native to Madagascar and Southern Africa and it was first introduced in the Hunter Valley in Australia by 1918 (Department of Agriculture and Fisheries QLD, 2017) and large spread and infest in Hawaii(USA), Japan, Columbia, Argentina, Australia, Argentina (Sindel et al., 1998). The habitat of Senecio madagascariensis commonly distribute in the pastures, woodlands,...
3 Pages 1374 Words

What Advantage Did the American Military Have in the Vietnam War? Essay

In order to fully understand the reasons as to why the US lost its war against Vietnam, one must fully understand the events and key factors before and during the war itself. The war itself took place between 1961 and 1975, resulting in US defeat. Vietnam had been an independent nation until the French conquered the country in 1887, renaming it French Indochina. Throughout the years of the French rule, Ho Chi Minh, a Vietnamese nationalist, formed the Viet Minh...
3 Pages 1416 Words

To What Extent was Stalin Responsible for the Korean War?

The US Sectary of State, Dean Acheson, considered the events of 1949 to have changed everything, forcing the Truman Administration to review both the goals and tactics of American policy towards the Soviet Union. The NSC 68 exemplified the consistent objectives of US diplomacy, from contrasting Communism with Democracy in areas that were viewed as swing nations, the gradual erosion of Soviet influence and power within the Soviet sphere, to, ultimately, the collapse of the Soviet system itself. Ernest R....
3 Pages 1412 Words

Soil Pollution Essay

the dirt is a perplexing blend of minerals, trademark material, water, and differing living things. In its exceptional express, the dirt was an uncontaminated substance covering the earth. Regardless, people have intentionally and coincidentally poured harming things onto it in explicit zones. The waste can hurt the dirt and potentially human, plant, and creature flourishing. There are different explanations behind soil pollution that happen every day or even every minute. For straightforwardness of reference, they are regularly part into two:...
3 Pages 1361 Words

Social Media Impact on Food

The Food Culture Trend One of the many trends that international influencers began was of clicking pictures of one’s food and uploading it on social media. Sure enough, just one would have to start, the rest of them would follow the mob. This ensured that the trend evolved into a full blown social media activity from just clicking pictures of really good looking food to influencers ‘blogging’ about these foods and giving out information to their followers. The hashtags commonly...
3 Pages 1397 Words

Should Advertising to Children be Banned? Essay

There are frequent debates over whether advertising to children should be banned. The main question asked is “Is marketing to children a harmful or useful tool for teaching them?”. In some cases advertising is already restricted on certain products such as tobacco and betting, mainly to protect the health of consumers or potential consumers but also to prevent items which are illegal to children from being introduced to them at a young age. Advertisements are made to promote products but...
3 Pages 1407 Words

Saving Endangered Species: Leather Back Turtle

Leather back turtle information The leatherback was named this due to a layer of hard rubbery skin along its back, this is supported by many bone plates. The scientific name of the turtle is a Dermochelys Coriacea. The type of species is the only one in the world, which doesn’t have a hard-shell. This can comes as a disadvantage for protection and defence. The Turtle has many distinguished features compared to other species of turtles; this includes its flexible carapace...
3 Pages 1403 Words

Participatory Democracy Pros and Cons

The ways in which the government interacts with its citizens can have a large impact on the type and amount of citizen participation it yields. As more grassroots efforts become popular and effective in government affairs, local governments have evaluated different ways to get the most valuable information out of their citizens. Two different structures, participatory governance and deliberative forums, can attract different types of participants and offer different types of results. Employing participatory policy making and engaging the public...
3 Pages 1401 Words

Neural Network Models for Prediction of Deforestation: A Survey

Deforestation, as one of the most uprising environmental problems in today’s time, has been recorded as the foremost serious threat to the environmental ecosystem and one of the main factors that have contributed to the green cover change. This paper depicts various methods used for the identification and prediction of deforestation. Over the years, numerous methods were implemented for this purpose; however, they were restricted to a specific area. In this survey paper, we have described many such techniques and...
3 Pages 1373 Words

My Experiences During My Time as a Dominican Student

As a student, I am just a regular student who simply enjoys every second of my while at school with my classmates. My four years here in St. Dominic College of Asia is a wonderful journey for me. This journey is the time where I learend a lot of life lessons, a time where I matured as an adult, and the time of self-discovery & self-growth. it’s like a ride in a rollercoaster there will ups and downs, there will...
3 Pages 1397 Words
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