1400 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Essay on College Is a Waste of Time and Money

Anyone who has a degree does a great job, but those who haven't are just as accomplished. In the text, “A College Degree is a Worthy Achievement.” Amarie Dimera talks about how some people think college is too expensive but there are ways around that. She talks about how there are several scholarships and grants to help pay for schooling so that way it’s not much of a stress. She then goes on to say that in today’s society, you...
2 Pages 1362 Words

Essay on Google Management Style

Starbucks Coffee Company uses its organizational structure to drive the business development of the global coffee industry. A business that includes management and leadership, communication, change strategy and governance, and other variables that are critical to business success. Starbucks continues to evolve to tailor its organizational structure. For example, we acquired other companies in the existing organizational structure (eg Etoswater, Seattle's Best Coffee) and adjusted the structure of the company to expand our business. Learning from other multinational organizations, the...
2 Pages 1445 Words

Drama Analysis Essay

Throughout the drama, “Abe Lincoln in Illinois,” author, Robert Emmet Sherwood presents the themes of death, doubt, and war and peace. Sherwood conveys these themes through the use of structure, character development, and language. This Pulitzer Prize-winning drama contains the historical context of Abraham Lincoln’s life and reflects various experiences he faced from his early, unsuccessful days as a postmaster in New Salem and closes with his election to the presidency and departure for Washington. Sherwood’s previous works led to...
2 Pages 1438 Words

Drama Analysis Essay on 'A Streetcar Named Desire'

 American literature shows the relationship between traditional and modern values in Tennessee Williams's psychological drama A Streetcar Named Desire (1947). After the brief introduction, the author focuses on two main characters Blanche DuBois and Stanley Kowalski who symbolize significant historical pressure between the traditional values of the Old South, and the modern values of the New South. The central heroine of the drama, Blanche, is partially like Williams's schizophrenic sister Rose, and partially like him neurasthenic, sensitive, and shy. By...
2 Pages 1444 Words

Essay on Is Healthcare a Public Good

I am writing to urge you to reconsider your position on price increases that Nostrum Pharmaceuticals, LLC may apply to future medications – these pricing decisions can have a detrimental impact on patients, as these treatments often constitute a matter of life or death. Nostrum Pharmaceuticals LLC is engaged in the formulation and commercialization of specialty pharmaceutical products and controlled-release, orally administered, branded, and generic drugs. The impact that Nostrum can make towards the advancement of drug research and treatment...
2 Pages 1390 Words

Essay on Growing Up Tethered Summary

The global growth and development of technology have played a remarkable role in changing the lifestyle of many individuals. Over the years, technology has grown and played a pivotal role in gadgets that help human beings connect with others across the world. Rather than increasing connectivity and making the world a global village, Sherry Turkle’s “Growing up Tethered “ reflects the negative effects technology has on the life of modern-day youth in a time of rapid technological growth. The article...
2 Pages 1424 Words

Essay on Racism in 'Remember the Titans'

Oscar Wilde once stated, “Disobedience in the eyes of anyone who has read history, is man’s original virtue. It is through disobedience that progress has been made, through disobedience and rebellion.” The battle between what is right and wrong is a crusade that has been embarked upon since the birth of time. From a young age, children are commanded to obey authoritative figures. It is to be understood that following rules is the prime established way of society. Disobedience, on...
2 Pages 1417 Words

Yoga for Stress Management Essay

Abstract: Yoga is an increasingly popular therapy, used to maintain wellness and assist with the management of a range of health complaints. Stress affects individuals of all age groups, and people of all sectors and occupations, including doctors. Though many modalities of treatments are available for reducing stress, people are trying to find an alternative to relieve stress without medications. Yoga, developed thousands of years ago, is recognized as a form of mind-body medicine. This paper traces the benefit of...
2 Pages 1419 Words

Code of Honour 'Beowulf' Essay

The character Beowulf is like other ancient classical heroes we have covered so far like Achilles in the epic poem “Beowulf”. Not just because of their heroic qualities but for their unheroic qualities and problems. Beowulf in the epic story “Beowulf” is noble and is a man of his word, throughout the epic, he never backed down which exemplifies a true hero. Although Beowulf was a hero, he did have some problems the same way Achilles did. Beowulf in the...
2 Pages 1409 Words

First Amendment Essay Thesis Statement

The United States of America has gone through a long history before it finally reached the first age of democracy in the 19th century. Democracy means a system of running organizations, businesses, and groups where their members are enabled to cast their votes and be part of the decisions. In the case of Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission (FEC), the Court overturned the Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act of 2002 (BCRA) McCain-Feingold campaign-financial law. Thus, corporations and other wealthy organized...
2 Pages 1436 Words

Growing Up Catholic Essay

“It's not simply learning,... It's stability. Stability is essential in the lives of children.” -Pedro Noguera. Children worry about having dinner every night if their car will work in the morning if mom or dad will come back home, or if the heat will be turned back on. The church introduces this issue with the Catholic Social Teaching of the Call to Family, Community, and Participation and Life and Dignity of the Human Person. It is a social injustice that...
2 Pages 1424 Words

The Stranger' Existentialism Critical Essay

In Albert Camus’s “The Stranger”, the absurdity of life from Camus’s eyes is put on display through the main character Meursault. The sense that the meaning of life is in human experiences and that things shouldn’t be questioned is the basis of who Meursault truly is as a person. These personality traits reveal that Meursault is a perfect example of an existentialist. From Meursault’s strictly physical way of describing the events he comes into contact with, to his lack of...
2 Pages 1415 Words

Essay on Literary Criticism on James Joyce 'Araby'

The short story “Araby” is about an unnamed young boy living with his aunt and uncle in Dublin, Ireland. The boy lives on a quiet, blind street with several houses and the Christian Brother’s school, which the boy attends. He likes looking through the belongings left behind by the former tenant of his house, a priest who died in the back drawing room. The boy describes his wintry nights in the dark street playing with his friends until Mangan’s sister...
3 Pages 1360 Words

Rhetorical Essay on Renewable Energy

Earth is being destroyed day by day because of the use of carbon dioxide emitting pollutants generated by fossil fuels and coal. Climate change is caused by non-renewable energy that relies on burning fossil fuels and coal. The United States is the second most carbon dioxide emitting country worldwide next to China according to the US Department of Energy. “In 2016, emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2) produced from burning fossil fuels for energy were equal to 76% of total U.S....
3 Pages 1390 Words

Terrorism Persuasive Essay

How much emphasis should be placed on the use of military force as a means of defeating terrorism? Three factors are particularly important when analyzing terrorism and counter-terrorism. First, the terrorist strategy, second, what the terrorists want to achieve and third, how to best fight them. Almost no democracies have fallen as a consequence of terrorism but many have overreacted to terrorism and thus made terrorist groups stronger, and more popular, and fuelled their recruitment drive on the vulnerable and...
3 Pages 1350 Words

American Dream in 'Between the World and Me' Essay

Reality has flaws and situations that are less than ideal, while fantasy can be filled with nothing but a person’s desires. The disappointments reality can bring are the complete opposite of the bliss of fantasy. Just because fantasy is more desirable, living in it can have its flaws too. Although reality may be displeasing compared to a fantasy, making the best of a reality can make it more bearable to live in and constantly being consumed by a fantasy can...
3 Pages 1388 Words

Essay on Why Is Shakespeare Considered the Greatest Playwright

Shakespeare is known for his remarkable plays and is often regarded as one of the greatest playwrights of his time as well as today. Enclosed in his anthology of historical plays, he referred to many historical documents to gather the information he needed. But in reality, Shakespeare dramatized many of these historical events, which also included the addition of certain fictitious events, scenes, and dialogues as well as the removal of certain historical accounts to add a greater dramatic effect...
3 Pages 1391 Words

Zombie Movies in Pop Culture: Cause and Effect Essay

It is quite obvious in today’s society that the topic of Zombies is nowhere near a new phenomenon in American pop culture. They have been everywhere in pop culture from romantic comedies and drama films to comic books. They have taken over the video game world with games such as Residential Evil and have even made their way into history to battle against President Lincoln. There has even been a zombie version of Pride and Prejudice titled Pride and Prejudice...
3 Pages 1400 Words

Transcendentalism Essay on Ralph W. Emerson

Nature initially defines the universe as composed of two essential components: 'Nature and the Soul.' Interestingly, [Emerson] forges on briefly in the singular and the plural, suggesting that 'all is not separate from us, all which Philosophy distinguishes as the NOT ME, that is, both nature and art, all other men and my own body, must be ranked under this name, NATURE.' He does not attempt to define the soul at this juncture: it remains the reader's responsibility to parse...
3 Pages 1377 Words

Sustainability in Hospitality Industry Essay

Introduction In the following literature-based paper. I will talk about the sustainability in hospitality industry. Especially, I aim to answer my research question: How sustainability can be managed in the hospitality industry? In the present era, hospitality is a growing industry and sustainability is essential for this sector. Through a daily routine activity, a large amount of waste is generated by this industry. For example, the building materials are used for modernization, repair materials are used for maintenance, and paintings...
3 Pages 1392 Words

Essay on 'Sir Gawain and the Green Knight' Analysis

Medievalism can be defined as “the ongoing process of recreating, reinventing, and reenacting medieval culture in postmedieval times” (Emery and Utz). David Lowery’s The Green Knight is a modern adaptation of one of the most well-known romances Sir Gawain and the Green Knight. The film The Green Knight has an accurate representation of the themes in the 14th century Middle English poem the film made changes from the original poem to explore more of the man behind the legend of...
3 Pages 1404 Words

Essay on Symbolic Interactionism in 'Tuesdays with Morrie'

At his introduction from Brandeis University in 1979, Mitch Albom ensured his most refreshing teacher, Morrie Schwartz, that he would remain in contact. Life intercedes, in any case, and Mitch loses contact with his old guide until sixteen years sooner or later when he sees him being met by Ted Koppel on ABC's 'Nightline.' Morrie has been made arrangements to have amyotrophic sidelong sclerosis, substantially more dependably known as ALS, or Lou Gehrig's torment. The disease will wreck his nerves,...
3 Pages 1360 Words

Importance of Sustainability in Business Essay

So, why sustainability? In what way is sustainability linked to the future of business? Let’s start simple. What does the abstract concept of sustainability even mean? The Brundtland report from the year of 1987 was the first to define the term. The report stated: 'Sustainable development is a development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. “ The term can be described in many ways however: “Living well...
3 Pages 1375 Words

Essay about Tesla and Renewable Energy

Company Overview Tesla Inc. is an automotive and energy production company based in California, United States of America. The company specializes in electric car manufacturing with an emphasis on eventually producing affordable mass-market electric cars and hence revolutionizing the automotive industry for the better. Founded in 2003 by engineers Martin Eberhard and Marc Tarpenning, the company was joined by Elon Musk during its first capital raising stage allowing him to be known as one of the company’s co-founders. As of...
3 Pages 1357 Words

Essay on Sustainability Strategy of Walmart

Introduction Walmart, one of the American Multinational retailers that operate within the global scope is a firm that has seen tremendous growth over time. The facility’s management has had a positive impact on the operations undertaken by the facility and this helps to improve their productivity and their overall sustainability. However, just like any other company, Walmart is also faced with management issues that may present sustainability challenges for the company. Proper mitigation of these issues should focus on developing...
3 Pages 1433 Words

Essay about First Amendment and 2nd Amendment

This essay was completed for a major grade in my online Communication Law class at Mississippi College. Abstract This essay cites and researches each of the first ten amendments. Each amendment will be stated verbatim and will be cited at the beginning of each part of the essay. I will then address each amendment and provide cited example cases. Each amendment two through ten (the Bill of Rights) will then be compared to the first amendment. Amendments Comparison Essay Amendment...
3 Pages 1389 Words

Essay on Scientific Revolution Vs Enlightenment

In looking at the philosophical ideas of Newton, Locke and Descartes, one could argue that the Enlightenment did lead to significant changes in how people thought about the world, due to innovations, new ideas, and new ways of thinking which led to the rejection of beliefs in superstition and pessimism and acceptance of rationale, experimentation, and progress, leading by experience and observation. The rejection of religious dogmatism, monarchical authority and magic led to the acceptance and growth of equality, toleration,...
3 Pages 1446 Words

Compare and Contrast Essay in 'The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas' about Morality

In literature, tradition can be seen as the driving force for an idea or a question that the author feels the reader has to know. The theme of tradition can raise hypothetical queries about the validity of these practices. This theme and the questions asked regarding it can be seen in two of the most influential short stories in literature, “The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas'' by Ursula K. Le Guin and “The Lottery'' by Shirley Jackson. Both short...
3 Pages 1416 Words

Punishments in Utopia Essay

Utopianism is the conventional label for a variety of different approaches to dreaming or thinking about, describing, or trying to create a greater society. Utopianism is derived from the phrase utopia, coined by the usage of Thomas More. In his e ebook Utopia (1516) More described a society significantly higher than England as it existed at the time, and the word utopia (good place) has come to imply a description of a fictional place, commonly a society, that is greater...
3 Pages 1372 Words

Essay on Rapid Decision Making Process in Army

The Sri Lankan Army is the oldest and largest of the Sri Lankan Armed Forces. Established as the Ceylon Army in 1949. It was renamed when Sri Lanka became a republic in 1972. In 2010, the Army had approximately 200,000 regular personnel, between 20,000–40,000 reserve personnel, and 18,000 National Guardsmen and comprised 13 operational divisions, one air-mobile brigade, one commando brigade, one special force brigade, one independent armored brigade, three mechanized infantry brigades and over 40 infantry brigades. From the...
3 Pages 1404 Words
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