Persuasive Essay on Stress Management

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There are many different ways to control stress. Stress is responding to changes in life, in a difficult or emotional situation. Life involves a change to everyone at any time and they can be constant. Stress can come from many different ways which are known as “Stressors”. There is no way to avoid stress, it just comes and goes in and out of life like nothing. There are many ways to have stress like for example, a divorce or the death of a loved one. We all experience stress in our lives, some people experience stress way more often than others, and some learn how to control it. Death of a loved one can change someone’s life in many ways because it can be someone that anybody was close to like a family member or a friend. Different stressors are divorce, something that is the cause of suicides, people going into depression, and many more, which one of them is the most normal stress, people may think that divorce is easy to get over easily, but it is way tougher than it looks like for many reasons. Just the fact that someone felt love for that person so much and decided to marry him/her is enough way to become stressed, or maybe in some worse cases, take anyone's life.

People may think that stress is easy to handle in someone's life, but in some cases, people do not even know they have stress, they do not even acknowledge it until it is gone. Which sometimes may take years and years, but that's when people notice it and try to overcome it the best way they can. The best way may depend on them, but that is what stress management is all about. People use thousands of ways to get rid of stress, and all those ways are called stress management. Stress management is when someone or a group of people do some kind of activity to release stress, some people may just do it by themselves because stress can be achieved in many ways. There are many ways for example: to meditate, talk to someone, go out with friends, and be around family. Meditating can release stress and improve health by just doing it for thirty minutes per day, and it’s something really helpful because it cancels the outside noise and makes someone’s mind release all bad thoughts. Taking to someone is one of the many ways to relieve stress, even more, so when it is with more than one person. For example, there are groups in churches or just groups in general who take people who have experienced extremely difficult stress more than once or just in one big case. Going out with friends can be another way to reduce stress.

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Someone's friends can help because they are people that have been there for a long time, and know the affected person. Being around family can help relieve stress because they are the people who are trusted and can help in many tough situations. Some people may not even be able to completely be able to remove stress from their life, but people can minimize someone’s stress load, to get it to be manageable. For example, ending a relationship with a bad friend can help some people take off a lot of stress because of what that person would do. Using quick reservoirs can help and it is a quick fix that can help someone feel calmer and it can help someone in many different ways. When someone’s stress response is not triggered, someone may have a problem proactively. Someone may be less likely to help others out of frustration, which can keep someone’s relationships healthier and stronger. Stress management may take years to learn completely, but the more it takes to learn stress management a lot of valuable lessons are learned from it. Some of these lessons are life-changing ones. If talking with people helps the most to some people they may learn more about who to work with and who to trust. They can also learn how to act around all kinds of people, which could reduce stress when they are going to an interview or have a really big meeting. These aspects could cause a lot of stress because there are a lot of things on the line. Some others may prefer just being alone, and that is something really important in life too, to know when to be alone. Some things that being alone could do to anybody's five senses, for example, hearing. Meditating can help people cancel out sounds, which could make them better listeners. Some others prefer listening to music that could improve anybody’s sense of understanding, in another way other than just listening to music. Some prefer to eat, which is interesting because people find their favorite foods. They can experiment a lot more. Also, people try foods for the first time just for stress relief. People need to know that stress management is something everyone needs to learn how to handle. Just because stress affects anybody’s life as nothing else could. But that is what stress management is for.

Stress management can teach how to make better decisions in any life situation. If anybody decides to practice stress management, which is considered to be a long-term goal, learning it might last forever. Some people practice stress management actions even when they don’t have stress. But some people just can not get stress out of their heads. It is also often caused by money and the economy. Some people get stressed because they are not stable in the economy, and that is when stress management comes in handy. There are a lot of ways that stress could be helpful, because, every day someone comes across an obstacle and gets stressed, which causes a burst of energy that advises the brain to make a fast decision that might turn out to be the perfect one. Sometimes it is just what someone needs to overcome. Saying no to things that can be harmful to someone's body can help because for example drugs can make someone feel good but in reality, it is very harmful, and no one is resistant to it. If someone continues doing it, they are risking some risk for something to happen like lung failure or a heart attack. Stress management can help to get rid of stress and can help anyone control someone's body more. Just doing something like exercise for thirty minutes can help someone's body to get healthy and get rid of stress.

Hanging out with their family or friends can help because some people can help with the things that someone thinks they are doing wrong that they may think it is right. In the end, stress management is an important factor in society these days, because teens who are the top percent of people who get stressed these days need a way to get rid of that stress, for different topics teens gain more stress, mostly school. That is why teens need to use stress management, from the moment they do something wrong to even after they solve it. That is why most teens require their parents to be there for them at every moment. Stress management may sound like something super boring, but once realize that their body and their brain are now free of stress, that causes a burst of emotions making them seem or act happier than normal. And when people act happy that spreads like a virus, going from person to person and so on. Some people even decide to overcome stress and then become a person that helps people overcome it and that is called to be a Clinical Psychiatrist, which can help you when you have any type of mental problem. If you look at it the good way, stress management may be the best way to resolve any problem in life, even the toughest on the tiny little one, it all depends if you want to overcome it or if you just want to give up and live with stress your whole life, which anybody can tell is not a good idea. It is not a good idea, because as previously mentioned stress has an impact on many things. If you are stressed you are less likely to meet with friends which leads to bad social health and bad social health leads usually to poor mental/emotional health. Learning about managing stress is a very important life skill, which in many professionals’ and experts’ opinion is one of the most important life skills that a person should learn how to do.         

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