1400 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder within The Vietnam War Veterans: Analytical Essay

The Vietnam War has many consequences and these consequences are either good or bad. The War occurred from November 1st, 1955 through April 30th, 1975. This war derived from the Cold war. It basically all started because Americans were trying to prevent the spread of communism throughout the world. Although Vietnam won the war, communism did not spread. After the war was over, many Vietnam War veterans were diagnosed with Post Traumatic stress disorder. Post Traumatic Stress Disorder was one...
3 Pages 1368 Words

Business Success in Tourism and Hospitality: Analytical Essay

1.0 Introduction Unlike other sectors, Tourism & hospitality is dependent on the direct exchange among workers and clients. Therefore, there has to be a dynamic avenue for building the worker-customer experience (Kusluvan, et al., 2010). Available facts show that T&H is plagued with issues of recruitment, worker turnover being high, and constraints in alluring and holding onto very good employees, which all end up in unfortunate product/service and very little business growth. Bratton and Gold (2012) consider that human resource...
3 Pages 1384 Words

Physical Education As a Compulsory Part in the Curriculum: Analytical Essay

Introduction P.E is currently compulsory from the age of 7 up to 16 within the Welsh Curriculum (Welsh Assembly Government (WAG), 2008), but it can often be seen as a waste of time and money in a school’s timetable when the effects aren’t as vocalised compared to other aspects of a school, and especially when you see many student’s sitting at the side-lines for the hour instead of participating in the lessons. It’s easy for it to be pushed aside...
3 Pages 1443 Words

Current Social, Economic and Political Challenges for Pakistan: Impact of Feudalism

Pakistan has faced major challenges in its socioeconomics situation over past seventy years. However not all the problems have been overcome. Some of the key problems of Pakistan includes water scarcity, hunger, poverty, illiteracy, poor health conditions, unemployment, land management, corruption, drug abuse and overpopulation etc. Land Management A nexus of officers and politicians, pursuing their own interests, have made poor citizens lives miserable. The combined effect of incompetence and corruption has created a strong perception that the government no...
3 Pages 1411 Words

The Arc, The Life You Can Save, Girl Scouts and Boy Scouts of America: Analytical Essay on Projects

Walmart's (ESG) Environmental, Social, and Governance is a segue to supporting CSR(Corporate Social Responsibilities) initiatives. The ESG sets guidelines for the mogul's commerce operations so that socially conscious investors can utilize in screening for potential ventures. The environmental side is how they function as nature stewards. The social agenda is the relationships developed between their employees, suppliers, customers, and the local areas that they do business. Governance addresses the executive pay, investigations, internal controls, and investor and stakeholders' interests of...
3 Pages 1402 Words

Analysis of Rhetorical Strategies in Letter from Cherokee Chief John Ross

Imagine a situation where you were subjected to unpleasant terms or conditions that you never agreed to in the first place. Nonetheless, you must go through the said situations since an individual claiming to be a representative of yours accented to it, thereby making it a binding agreement. Now, imagine not giving up the power to be represented to the imposter who put you in that position. Such is the situation the Native American tribe, The Cherokee, found themselves in...
3 Pages 1371 Words

Critical Analysis of Revolutionary Advantages and Changes Brought to Europe by Industrial Revolution

The Industrial Revolution was a very crucial turning point for Europe, the world was steadily changing to the point where clothing that would take weeks to make could be made in minutes, people were moving from the countryside to cities and they were being put to work more than ever before. Although the Industrial Revolution brought revolutionary advantages and changes to Europe, it also brought a vast range of challenges and tensions to these countries because of the exploitation and...
3 Pages 1365 Words

Concept of Second Coming in Yeats Poetry: Critical Analysis

Yeats saw the end of the Romantic Era of Literature and the dawn of Modernism in his time of living. Different fields of art were also undergoing transformation due to the worldwide phenomena that included the two world wars. The romantic period saw a change in the thought process of that era. Yeats focused more on the individual than the society. It was a time when personal consciousness became the center of art and imagination became a large part of...
3 Pages 1394 Words

Essay on Broken Windows Theory: Analysis of Police Violence against Women of Color

In the book, 'Invisible No More: Police Violence Against Black Women and Women of Color' by author Andrea Ritchie takes a look at the issues of police violence against women of color. As police brutality against black men and women of color has come into the national spotlight, we only sometimes hear how ladies of color are influenced by police viciousness and sexual maltreatment. In the main section of Invisible No More Ritchie investigates history and the controlling dynamic of...
3 Pages 1418 Words

Importance of Benjamin Banneker for Our Society: Opinion Essay and Film Proposal

Film Proposal When learning the history of historic people and events, the curiosity that people say called the cat takes over making the story even more fascinated to learn about in the first place. The people’s lives that can be described through the world of film varies from many different people in their different ways of learning in ordered to have their stories shared and how their achievements came to be shown to the world. Some examples of African American’s...
3 Pages 1408 Words

A Memoir of a Bilingual Childhood of Richard Rodriguez Represented in “Aria: Analytical Essay

Exploring the text questions- According to Richard Rodriguez language can define a community positively by allowing intimacy with people with that same language. For example, it allowed Rodriguez to feel in a way that he was safe and that he was comfortable hearing the same language in his household. It can define a community negatively by the community becoming isolated due to the fact that others usually don’ t speak the same language. Rodriguez means in the statement that one...
3 Pages 1426 Words

Spanish Speaking Country Report: Traditions of Christmas, New Year and Other Holidays

Introduction I have chosen to do my Spanish-speaking country report on Costa Rica. The capital city of Costa Rica is San José. Costa Rica is located in southern North America and shares a border with Panama and Nicaragua. The population of Costa Rica is about 4.9 million, and 339,331 in San José alone. The President of Costa Rica is currently Carlos Alvarado Quesada, who has been in power since May 2018. Politics of Costa Rica take place in a structure...
3 Pages 1371 Words

Case Study of Discourse Community in The Tiger Leadership Institute

When Shevonda Minor walked into the first Tiger Leadership Institute meeting, she felt hesitant and shy. She sat in the front, somewhat away from everybody, and talked in a soft voice, “Hi everyone! My name is Shevonda and I’m in the Tiger Leadership Institute because I am shy but I need to break away from that. I’m going to need to start networking if I am going to get a job” (Minor). Background John Swales, the author of “The Concept...
3 Pages 1448 Words

Analytical Essay on Certified Dental Assistant's Necessity in Knowledge Concerning Oral Surgery

Cleft palate and cleft lip is a prevalent birth defect all over the world. Being a dental professional, it is important for us to understand and implement the best care possible to those who are affected with this defect. This paper will cover the topic on what a certified dental assistant needs to know concerning this oral surgery. The definition of cleft palate and lip, x-rays, proper infection control, and what is expected of the dental assistant will all be...
3 Pages 1417 Words

Representation of American Revolution in The Minutemen and Their World: Critical Analysis

If you are looking for a book to help you understand the life of the colonies before, during, and after the American Revolution, The Minutemen and Their World by Robert Gross is a great place to start. Countless books and essays have been written on the American Revolution, however Dr.Gross’s book is written in a different perspective that focuses on the social and political history of Concord itself. Throughout this book, Gross gives great details on the many conflicts, tensions,...
3 Pages 1449 Words

Comparing Google Docs and Microsoft Word: Analytical Essay

For people who love writing, be it letters, books, stories, and so on, Microsoft Word is indeed like a friend and a guide for them. From the day Ms Word came into existence, it surely has help everyone a lot. With loads of features, it has overcome Notepad and has become a hot favourite of many. But, with more and more competition, many new apps have come up with different word processing capabilities. One such competitor is Google Docs. In...
3 Pages 1418 Words

Comparing Google Sheets and Microsoft Excel: Analytical Essay

Both the apps be it Google Sheets or Microsoft Excel, both of these serve the same purpose i.e. they both work on the concept of Spread Sheets. Microsoft Excel is a part of the Microsoft Office Suite which enables its users to work in spreadsheets on their dedicated systems. Google Sheets on the other hand is a tool which helps us use spreadsheet in a web browser. Both have their own features and complexities from which users can choose from...
3 Pages 1370 Words

Sexual Ethics on Marriage, Premarital Sexual Relations and Homosexuality: Essay on Dharma, Artha and Kama

The preservation of an adherent's Dharma, Artha and Kama are an essential aspect of the sexual ethics of Hinduism, which assist adherents in obtaining “mastery over [their] senses,” and preventing adherents from becoming “slaves of [their] passions.” Such mastery and control will result in adherents obtaining 'success in everything that [they] may do.' Influenced by both Eastern and Western principles due to colonisation, adherents can find guidelines for sexual ethics in the Bhagavad Vita, the 10 Yamas, Kama Sutra, and...
3 Pages 1415 Words

Analytical Essay on Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs: The Essence of Universality

Maslow’s theory on the hierarchy of needs, developed in the United States, embodies a capitalistic perspective regarding the motivations that humans possess in attaining their needs. It comprises of a five-tier model of needs which must be satisfied in order, leading them to reach self-actualisation. This essay will critically examine the empirical validity of this model’s universality, arguing that it must be modified in order to reflect the collectivist nature of Eastern cultures. Individualistic societies strive for high quality of...
3 Pages 1381 Words

Maya Angelou's “Still, I Rise” and 'The aboriginal Charter of Rights' by Oodgeroo Noonuccal: Critical Analysis of Poetry

Still, I rise Maya Angelous “Still, I Rise” poem is about her fight with racism and discrimination throughout her lifetime. The poet uses repetition, metaphors, similes plus other poetic techniques to communicate to the audience regarding how she has defeated racism in her life by demonstrating a strong attitude to others. It is additionally regarding an African-American woman’s response to those who discriminate against her race. This poem is similar to the “Aboriginal Charter of Rights’ which attends the discrimination...
3 Pages 1382 Words

Kingdom of God: Annotated Bibliography

Annotated Bibliography Gleeson, B. (2016). The Mission of the Kingdom of God: Ultimate Source of Meaning, Value and Energy for Jesus. The Australasian Catholic Record, 93(3), 326-339. Gleeson explores the meaning of the vocation and mission of Jesus. His actions, his words and suffering is considered as commitment to his purpose. Jesus’s life was centred to the coming Kingdom of God, He proclaimed about the Kingdom but never gave a definition of the Kingdom. He expressed it through parables and...
3 Pages 1378 Words

Case Study of Johnson and Johnson: Social Responsibility and Managerial Ethics Obligations

Introduction Johnson and Johnson is an American worldwide association built up in 1886 that makes helpful devices, pharmaceuticals and customer-packaged product. Its normal stock is a section of the Dow Jones Industrial Average and the association is situated No. 37 on the 2018 Fortune 500 overview of the greatest United States organisations by outright salary. J&J is one of the world's most critical associations. Johnson and Johnson is headquartered in New Brunswick, New Jersey, the client division being arranged in...
3 Pages 1366 Words

Reflective Essay on My Access to Canoeing in Senior Physical Education

Figueroa's Framework is a device used to explore the issues encompassing access, uniformity and value in sport and physical activity. It comprises of 5 distinct levels being, Individual, Interpersonal, Institutional, Structural and Cultural. Each level inside the system team up and cooperate to shape the general impact. This model/system demonstrates the various capacities that fortify, make, expel and dispose of hindrances in sport and physical movement. Each level assumes a key job in viably dispensing with and beating these boundaries....
3 Pages 1436 Words

Civil Rights and Progressive Reforms during The Progressive Era: Analytical Essay

The Progressive Era The 'Progressive Era' was a period of vast social advocacy and political reform across the United States from the 1890s to the 1920s. The Progressive Era started as a social movement that developed into a political movement providing four amendments that changed women’s and minorities’ lives. The Progressive Era introduced constitutional change to government and corporations and increased political power to many Americans. The activist of the Progressive Era worked to make society a better place. They...
3 Pages 1373 Words

Slaughterhouse Five Versus Apocalypse Now: Comparative Analysis

To be considered classic literature, a text must be of outstanding quality in the time it was written and be first of its class, of lasting worth or have timeless qualities. Although writing style is forever evolving, a classic can always be appreciated for its construction and artistic qualities. The very best of classics form the literary canon, a group of literary works considered to be the most important of a time period or place. When a work is canonised,...
3 Pages 1402 Words

Anti-Apartheid and Helen Suzman: Analytical Essay

The word Apartheid is a South African word which means a system or policy of discrimination or segregations between different races, which is exactly what occurred in South Africa. The anti-apartheid movement took place in South Africa during the 20th Century between the South Africans, also known as the Khoi-San and the white settlers from Europe and the Netherland, also known as the Afrikaners. This time showed great discrimination and hardship for those of colour and made the Khoi-San people...
3 Pages 1406 Words

Concepts of Self-Conception, Alienation, and the Absurdity of Life Franz' Kafka's The Metamorphosis

What is it about some novels that captivate and capture our attention? Why do they continue to enthrall and beguile us despite it being decades after their publication date? There are original stories that are fundamental to our society. Some have acquired the attention of readers for decades, centuries, and even millenniums; they might be religious texts, national epics, or folktales explaining some quality of the world or human existence. However, just as individual narratives maintain the ability to rapt...
3 Pages 1394 Words

Husbandry Guidelines for Wedge Tail Eagle: Analytical Essay

Disclaimer Please note that these husbandry guidelines are student material, created as part of student assessment for Open Colleges ACM30317 Certificate III in Captive Animals. While care has been taken by students to compile accurate and complete material at the time of creation, all information contained should be interpreted with care. No responsibility is assumed for any loss or damage resulting from using these guidelines. Husbandry guidelines are evolving documents that need to be updated regularly as more information becomes...
3 Pages 1430 Words

Critical Analysis of Costco Wholesale Corporation: Supply Chain Analytics

Introduction The research report is prepared on the title ‘Supply chain analytics’. It is a network including organization, individuals, resources, activities, technology and information in the creation and sale of product (Christopher, 2016). The key focus of the repot is on Woolworths and COSTCO. The report initiates by providing a brief introduction about the two recognized companies named as. The next section emphasizes on the supply chain implementation and comparison of both the companies. Lastly, to provide an effective understanding,...
3 Pages 1415 Words

Impact of Jane Eyre on Victorian England: Analytical Essay

Published in 1847, Jane Eyre shocked Victorian England. Written in a form of a Bildungsroman, usually reserved for the male voice, the story follows Jane’s journey of maturation as she develops her own identity. We see her grow from a child with unfortunate circumstances into an assertive woman who is able to marry a man, Edward Rochester as his equal. Victorian England was in an era of rapid economic growth and social upheaval as the sharp divisions between classes began...
3 Pages 1436 Words
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