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Social Issues

Reputation And Appearance In The Victorian Era Through Frankenstein And Dr. Jekyll And Mr. Hyde

The phenomena of good and evil relating to social class, status, reputation and appearance have been explored and discussed in many literary works for hundreds of years. However, there are two monster classics that are known today specifically for commenting on reputation and appearance in relation to good and evil in the respected eras they lived in. These authors include Mary Shelley, the woman who wrote Frankenstein and Robert Louis Stevenson who wrote Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde that was...
3 Pages 1385 Words

Tattoos And Hijabs In America

America's ideologies impact every resident's life. American culture anticipates that residents should look and behave a specific way. Numerous women who wear hijabs are the focuses of bias and abuse. Numerous individuals with tattoos are given filthy looks or even ridiculed. America anticipates that everybody should be the equivalent, appear to be identical, and act the equivalent. Many women who wear hijabs are apprehensive to head outside and chance being harassed. Numerous individuals with tattoos want to cover them up...
3 Pages 1392 Words

Semiotic Analysis Of Teenage Magazine Covers

Before I begin my semiotic textual analysis, I will first establish the basis of my analysis with the use of semiotic practices and semiology. As we have learned from Saussure, semiotics is the study of signs and the systems governing them, for example, hand gestures, facial expressions, colours, typology, camera angles etc. In order to aid my analysis, I will use semiology ( an investigation of the nature of signs and the laws governing them ( Saussure 1974 16)) to...
3 Pages 1363 Words

A Break In Science: Gene Editing With CRISPR-Cas9

Up until recent years, illnesses such as cystic fibrosis, Alzheimer’s, leukemia, and many more diseases have been classified as incurable. These lifelong ailments have brought despair and hopelessness onto the lives of many people. However, with the recent break in scientific technology and the gene editing tool Crispr-Cas9, these once untreatable illnesses could be as easy to cure as the common cold. With such a sudden advance in technology, many scientists debate whether or not to put a halt to...
3 Pages 1372 Words

Human Nature And Modern Society

Karl Marx was born in 1818 to a middle-class family in what was then called Prussia and pursued an academic career before pivoting to political journalism to advocate for revolutionary socialism. Almost thirty years later, Friedrich Nietzsche was born and also pursued an academic career at the University of Basel in Switzerland until he was enlisted to serve in the Prussian military shortly thereafter. He suffered from a number of physical ailments before succumbing to a complete mental breakdown in...
3 Pages 1390 Words

Sustainability Of Low Carbohydrate Diets

Introduction Between the years of 1960 and 2000, the presence of obesity in adults aged 20 to 74 years old in the United States increased from 13.4% to 30.9% (Bravata, 2003). There were an estimated 325000 deaths due to obesity and a staggering number of $39-$52 billion dollars in direct health care costs to treat obese individuals (Bravata, 2003). According to the World Health Organization, in 2014 more than 1.9 billion people across the world were obese (Hashimoto,2016). Due to...
3 Pages 1429 Words

Overcoming Gym Anxiety

The thought of joining a gym can cause anxieties to surface in some people. If this statement rings true for you, you’re not on your own. Many of us get worried or scared when they go to the gym. Gym’s like Energybase are working hard to create inclusive spaces where people have an environment and support network to overcome these issues. Some of the reasons why people get anxious about going to the gym include: Feeling intimidated by other gym...
3 Pages 1439 Words

How Work Life Balance Affects Individuals

A lack in work-life balance is costing employees and organizations billions of dollars a year. Organizations that are experiencing high turnover due to burn-out of employees lose wealth (knowledge and money) because of poor work-life balance. According to Harvard Business Review, an estimated $125 billion to $190 billion a year of healthcare spending in the U.S. is due to psychological and physical burn-out of employees (Garton, 2017). Personally seeing the affects burn-out has towards a workplace and individuals has activated...
3 Pages 1369 Words

Life Changing With AI

AI is the category of computer science that deals with the exceptional performance of the devices. The application of AI in many of the management sectors, modest and immense businesses, security framework, natural and energy resource management is nearly at the top. Nowadays, Artificial Intelligence has grown so much in terms of technology. It is now recognized all over the world as a developing field. Large organizations and corporations have started adopting AI technologies to enhance their business. Many of...
3 Pages 1371 Words

Classifying Stars And Quasars

Abstract One of the main problems in the world of astro-physics is differentiating between heavenly bodies such as stars and quasars which are distinct from each other. The main problem between scientists and researchers alike is that they have a hard time differentiating the two separate entities from the collected SDSS catalog data that comprises of the features and classification data. The current methods have proved to be inefficient and not up to par with modern expectations. Matching the recorded...
3 Pages 1419 Words

Sun Tracking Solar Panels

Abstract Solar energy is gaining popularity as one of the best forms of conventional energy due to the rising awareness for the rapid depletion of non-conventional resources. In this paper, a dual axis sun tracking solar panel is designed using ATmega328 microcontroller, 4 LDRs, 2 servo motor and Arduino. The main purpose of this paper to present the solution to the loss of power and solar radiation that is present in a stationary solar cell in an inexpensive way. We...
3 Pages 1356 Words

Animosity Of Good Over Evil in The Crucible And Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been?

The majority of people have enough common sense to make the split-second decision in favor of good over evil. However, the friction between good and evil is an immense conflict for those without proper reasoning. In The Crucible and “Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been?” two characters, Abigail Williams and Arnold Friend, without thinking of the consequences behind their behavior, attempt to plan, execute and commit evil actions for the benefit of themselves. Due to their alarming behavior...
3 Pages 1415 Words

How To Cope With Failure

Every single person has failed at one point or another in their life. Whether it was in school, a job, or even making a decision. Regardless of what it is, everyone has done it. But, what matters most is finding a way to grow from failure and instead, succeed next time. Lots of people struggle with finding the best ways to cope with failure. In our society, we are constantly told that failing is not an option and that if...
3 Pages 1390 Words

Genetic Testing And Gene Therapy: Ethics And Economics

Imagine a future in which parents can give their unborn child the best genetic traits possible, grooming them for genetic perfection. Through genetic testing and gene therapy, modifying and enhancing genetic attributes is becoming a reality. These industries are growing rapidly, with 1,000 genetic tests already available to the public (Papalia and Martorell 61). Genetic testing and gene therapy have the potential to profoundly affect society ethically and economically. In order to understand why these two medical practices may disrupt...
3 Pages 1356 Words

The Varying Activity Levels Of Normal And Mutant Alkaline Phosphatase At Different pH Levels

Abstract Observing mutant and normal alkaline phosphatase under varying pH conditions can be used to show the difference between the enzyme and to determine if they function at different pH optima. Patients with moderate kidney dysfunction may be experiencing a reduction in bone density due to the inhibition of alkaline phosphatase and this may be due to the mutation that allows it to function at a different pH optimum (Kirschtel 2019). Through the use of spectrophotometric assay, we determined the...
3 Pages 1421 Words

Doping: How It Damages The Odds

Sports throughout the world are absolutely stunning. Anything from backyard horseplay all the way up to the professional level, athletics bring out the raw amount of talent people have. Yet, what would happen if people were to take away the natural skill that someone worked for? That’s exactly what doping does; it takes away from hardwork and dedication, and adds a unworked for and unfair advantage that causes several problems. In competitive sports, doping is the use of banned athletic...
3 Pages 1426 Words

Filipino Orphan Children: Teaching Life Skills Through Forms Of Art

Philippines is one of the overpopulated countries in Asia (Angeles, Pagkalinawan, Vergara, Villafranca, 2018). One of the country’s problem facing nowadays is the need to address its status on the abandoned, neglected, and orphaned children. In line with this, it creates emotional and behavioral problems to the children since they are exposed to abuse and are lacking love from their parents which can also affect the enjoyment and the attitude of not showcasing their skills. Some of the orphanage here...
3 Pages 1420 Words

The Peculiarities Of Healthcare Administration

Abstract Marketing plays an essential role in the healthcare industry. As an integral component of sustainable growth, it helps healthcare organizations to create, communicate and offer value to their target market. Marketing healthcare services present unique challenges in comparison to other consumer services. This is because, unlike other consumer services that deal with purchasing behavior, healthcare services deal with healthcare behaviors. This paper focuses on the marketing strategies used in healthcare. It begins by defining health care consumers and the...
3 Pages 1444 Words

How Eugenics Affects CRISPR Research Today

Introduction Eugenics is the philosophy and social movement that argues in favor of human advancement and engineering. Eugenics can be dated all the way back to 1883 with Sir Francis Galton who proposed being “well-born”, which is the idea of selective procreation with “desirable traits” (Genetics Generation, 2015). Eugenics is a highly debated topic and is somewhat frowned upon because of the actions taken in World War II and America. For example, Adolf Hitler was concerned with the concept of...
3 Pages 1366 Words

Recovery Fueled By Compassion

Compassion is the ability to show empathy, love, and concern for other people with a desire to help reduce their suffering. It is often confused with empathy, and although the two share similar qualities, empathy refers to our ability to feel the emotions another person is feeling and to see their perspective, while compassion has an added desire to help. A person showing empathy simply sees the perspective of another person, while a compassionate person must become an active participant...
3 Pages 1382 Words

Should Athletes Receive Compensation?

When it comes to university athletics, there constantly will be a trouble that arises. It is one of the most controversial subjects there is. One of the main issues with athletics is the idea of whether or not to pay university athletes or not. This has been on the upward shove mainly in football and basketball. In college basketball a big problem arises when it comes to “March Madness”. In media alone “March Madness” is worth 771 million a year....
3 Pages 1406 Words

Entanglement In Honor In The Play Henry IV

In Henry IV Part 1, the play juxtaposes different views, ideologies and characters to analyze the concept of honor in a series of parallels and contrasts. Similarity lies between Hotspur and Prince Hal due to their responsibility to their country, England; a parallel is set up between King Henry and Falstaff, while both acquire a father image to Prince Hal, the parenting and belief in honor drastically differs from one another; opposition is establish between Hotspur and Falstaff, when Hotspur...
3 Pages 1433 Words

How Language Causes Drift In Relationship In Elena And Translation For Mama

The poems, “Elena”, by Pat Mora, and, “Translation for Mama”, by Richard Blanco, are both about having obstacles in communication, disconnection in family, and identifying themselves as individuals.These two poems reflect on issues in communicating and trying to adapt themselves into English as a new language and in a new environment. Mora mostly focuses on how a mother thinks that she is not able to fulfill her obligation as a mother due to her little knowledge of English. While, Blanco...
3 Pages 1412 Words

Scientology As New Religious Movement

“When you’re a Scientologist, and you drive by an accident, you know you have to do something about it, because you know you’re the only one who can really help… We are the way to happiness. We can bring peace and unite cultures,(Celebuzz)” This quote was said by actor Tom Cruise, who has been a scientologist for about 37 years. Cruise had gotten involved in scientology by his first wife Mimi Rogers whose father was an avid leader in the...
3 Pages 1447 Words

Liminality Of Desire In The Company Of Wolves By Angela Carter

“The Company of Wolves” by Angela Carter is a criticism of moralistic and pious ideologies surrounding sexuality and its repression expressed through the liminality of Little Red Ridding Hood, who, throughout the story, shifts from being the innocent, naïve girl to becoming the woman society fears the most- a powerful, enchanting, she-devil, witch. At the story’s conclusion, Little Red breaks the shackles of her repression, accepting herself as an outcast, embracing the liminal quality of desire also reflected in her...
3 Pages 1440 Words

Peculiarities Of First Aid At Workplace

Introduction According to RIDDOR (Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations), over 30 million working days are lost each year due to workplace injuries and illnesses in the UK. In order to avoid workplace hazards, emergencies and crippling lawsuits, employers must ensure that correct safety measures are in place, and adequate first aid training is provided. Whether you’re an employee or member of staff, being qualified in first aid could potentially save a person’s life. From treating minor burns...
3 Pages 1439 Words

Gene Therapy As The Possible Key To A Cure For Motor Neuron Diseases

INTRODUCTION Motor neuron diseases (MNDs) are a group of neurodegenerative diseases with progressive degeneration of motor neurons (MNs) that lead to muscle weaknesses, loss of ambulation, and chronic disability, ultimately causing premature death in patients (Cappella et al., 2019). Two representative examples are spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), both severe MNDs that share pathological, cellular, and genetic similarities (Tosolini & Sleigh, 2017). They are currently treated with gastrostomy tube placement and non-invasive positive pressure ventilation, which...
3 Pages 1439 Words

Dharma, Kama, Artha, Moksha As Four Main Concepts Of Hinduism

Hinduism is one of the widespread religions in the world. It is considered the third largest religion after Christianity and Islam, and some scholars even call it the oldest religion with the roots dating back more than 4000 years. It is mostly practiced in the countries of Southeast Asia especially in India so almost 90 % out of 900 million followers of this religion live in India. What makes Hinduism special is that it does not have any founder, thus,...
3 Pages 1434 Words

The Characteristics Of Courage In Beowulf, How The Raven Lost His Beak And The Hunger Games

Saving a baby from a burning building. Spending time with passing ones. Standing up for political rights. These acts look odd when they are put together, but they do exemplify one shared foundation, courage. Courage is the ability to show determination in times of risk and strength in the face of danger. It is the opportunity to display growth and bravery in pressing situations. A character that illustrates these traits is Beowulf from “Beowulf and the Fight with Grendel” written...
3 Pages 1388 Words

Impact Of Computing On Police Officers

The topic I wanted to research is about how police use computers in their everyday job. Over the past two decades, technology has increased dramatically and has made its way into policing. There are a couple of reasons why I chose to look at this topic. Here at Frostburg State University, my major is law and society. After college I plan to work in the law enforcement field as a career, more specially I want to be a K9 handler...
3 Pages 1371 Words
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