1500 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Essay on the Role of Banking in the Indian Economy

Banking as an industry processes cash, credit, and other financial transactions. Banks provide a safe place to store extra cash and loans. They offer savings accounts, certificates of deposit, and checking accounts. Bank loans and credit mean that families don't have to save before going to college or buying a house. Banking plays a significant role in the economy of any nation. In this essay, I am going to take a closer look at its conception in the context of...
3 Pages 1502 Words

Why Is Technology Important: Argumentative Essay

When the world was first introduced to technology, numerous things have revolutionized and as the years go by it is ceaselessly improving and overhauling. Technology is machines and equipment developed from the application of scientific knowledge. It helps us with our everyday lives since we can streamline plans, disentangle work and domestic ventures, facilitate exercises, and substantially more. That's why it's so important. One of the real and main benefits of having technology in our lives is that it can...
3 Pages 1479 Words

Thomas Jefferson Essay: Biography and Achievements

Intro Thomas Jefferson, a figure whose legacy is as monumental as it is complex, remains a pivotal character in the tapestry of American history. His life and contributions, a blend of brilliance and contradiction, offer a unique lens through which we can explore the foundational years of the United States. This essay delves into Jefferson's multifaceted identity: a Founding Father, the principal author of the Declaration of Independence, and the third President of the United States. It also addresses the...
5 Pages 1539 Words

Overpopulation Essay: Causes and Solutions

Intro Overpopulation refers to a situation where the number of people surpasses the carrying capacity of the environment. This phenomenon leads to various challenges, including environmental degradation, unemployment, and resource depletion. Overpopulation is about the number of people, the resources available and how humans utilize them. As the global population grows, understanding and addressing the implications of overpopulation becomes increasingly critical. This essay explores the multifaceted aspects of overpopulation, analyzing its causes, effects, and potential solutions through essays of varying...
5 Pages 1457 Words

Free Nationalism Essay for Students

Introduction Nationalism, a pivotal force in shaping societies and nations, holds a particularly unique place in American history and identity. In the USA, nationalism is not just a sentiment; it's a complex tapestry woven through the country's history, politics, and culture. This essay aims to dissect the layers of American nationalism, understanding its evolution and impact on the nation. From the fervor of the Revolutionary War to the contemporary political landscape, nationalism has been a driving force in uniting and...
5 Pages 1476 Words

Why Parents Should Limit Children's Screen Time: Argumentative Essay

In recent years, people have observed the advancements in technology and both its positive and negative effects on its consumers, specifically children. For example, electronic devices such as smartphones and tablets have become indispensable for many children today. Although some programs, applications, and games installed in these electronic devices might bring educational value to kids and help them to open up their intelligence, parents should limit their childrenā€™s time on electronic devices because too much time on these devices could...
3 Pages 1522 Words

Why Communication Is Important in the Workplace: Essay

A workplace is made up of various teams, each with different personalities and characters. For a company to run, it is essential for there to be communication between individuals of each team and team-to-team communication. If there is clear and effective communication, then the company objectives will be met more efficiently, and hence the business will become more successful. Clear communication is when two parties talk and listen to each other simply and concisely. Effective communication is when what was...
3 Pages 1502 Words

UN Sustainable Development Goal 4 on Quality Education: Essay

The United Nations Sustainable Development Goal number four is quality education. Education and its quality impact everyone. The big picture impact that this issue addresses is the assurance that all people complete free, equitable, primary and secondary education available to them. To ensure that both genders have equal opportunities and access to quality education, we can eliminate gender disparities in education by ensuring equal access to all levels of education. Building and upgrading education buildings and facilities that are sensitive...
3 Pages 1478 Words

Is Dr. Jekyll a Tragic Hero: Character Analysis Essay

In literature, there exist various representations of the hero protagonist, each with its own set of notable characteristics. In certain cases, the qualities that the hero protagonists display tend to deviate from those of the general hero archetype that is usually adhered to. Within the realm of dramatic tragedies, there exist protagonists classified as tragic heroes. In his ā€‹'Poetics'ā€‹, the well-renowned Greek philosopher Aristotle first gave rise to the notion of a protagonist within dramas as being a tragic hero....
3 Pages 1516 Words

Discriminatory Culture of Saudi Arabia: Essay

Customs have been passed down for many generations, with more 'modern' generations, some customs change, while others stay the same. If changed, the purpose of it doesn't get affected, but more of how the custom is carried out. Saudi Arabia is mostly known for its strict moral values and customs regarding religion and women. Gender discrimination is commonly seen in Saudi Arabia. This is due to their strict sets of moral rules. Saudi Arabian men enforce restrictions on women due...
3 Pages 1548 Words

A Doll's House': Literary Analysis Essay

'A Doll's House' was distributed in 1879; the production was quickly perceived as a women's activist torch. This play had been hailed as a show that represented feminism in academic readings until the reports of new critics. The new critics of the play had an opinion equivalent to those before them which was, the play was not so much worried about womanā€™s liberation, but instead represents the new beginnings of a person. This is broadcasted throughout Sandra Saari's article 'Female...
3 Pages 1532 Words

Reflective Essay on Goals

Introduction Behavior modification means an approach to change some negative behavior. Everyone has some specific behaviors that they want to change. I have many behaviors that I want to change but to start with I choose to monitor and decrease the time spent on my mobile phone. I think it hinders my daily activities and I can use that time on some other productive activities. I spent about 5-6 hours daily on my phone. Spending most of the time browsing...
3 Pages 1451 Words

Persuasive Essay on the Aesthetics of Music

Rap is the movement and rhythm of the modern world. Rap or road rap as it is sometimes called in the United Kingdom, is a result of public outrage against grime music of the 2000s. This music was born in South London in Brixton and Beckham. Rap is becoming more and more popular thanks to artists like Travis Scott. The rhyme schemes, the beats, and the 808 patterns mixed with the high hats all have produced an addicting and fast-growing...
3 Pages 1504 Words

Persuasive Essay on Effects of Changing Solution Concentration on Osmosis

Part 1 :Introduction Problem statement: Students will be able to investigate the effects of distilled water and different concentrations of sugar solutions on the length of potato chips. Hypothesis: If the solution that the potato chip will be in has a high concentration of water, then the potato chip will increase in size/length. If the solution that the potato will be in has a low concentration of water, then the potato chip will decrease in size/length. Explaining the hypothesis: The...
3 Pages 1482 Words

Exemplification Essay on GMOs

Lack of food and the destruction of our environment are two of the most prominent world problems. We as a species often worry about the future of ourselves and our surroundings, but we do not always have the technology to solve these issues. These problems arise and only worsen over time without any real option for success. However, GMOs are a solution to several of our problems and we have used it since we discovered agriculture thousands of years ago...
3 Pages 1527 Words

Evaluation Essay on the Blind Side

Everything conventional is not always purposive, and not everything ancient is ineffectual. This essay is an attempt to articulate the blind side of architecture and its influence that goes much beyond the apparent level of design efficiency and user-friendly systems. Perception is a corridor beyond which lies the boundless experience of existence, and architecture is a manifestation of oneā€™s potential assisting in enhancing the perception. With such an enormous possibility we have reduced its prominence to ergonomics and sustainability. Today...
3 Pages 1534 Words

Evaluation Essay on McDonald's

Introduction This report will aim to use SWOT analysis to analyze if Mcdonald's provides their customers will good quality service and if the business's customers are satisfied with the business. Firstly, it will briefly explore the business's history and the progress the business makes throughout the year. In addition, the report will also provide recommendations as to how Mcdonald's should provide its customers with the best service thus, satisfying customer requirements. Terms of reference This report has been demanded by...
3 Pages 1485 Words

Evaluation Essay on Food

Junk food All fast foods are not junk foods. Junk foods are classified as hamburgers, pizzas, french fries & tacos. Whereas fast foods can be high or low in nutritional value. For example ā€“ Salads are considered to be high in nutritional value. Junk Food does not provide any nutrients that are required by the body for a healthy lifestyle. Processed foods are mostly junk food, as they have high sugar content present in them. The UK Advertising Standards Authority...
3 Pages 1525 Words

Essay Persuasive on Puppy

Puppy Mills: Why They Must Be Stopped Imagine this: A little girl and her mother walk into a pet store. There are many different types of dogs for them to choose from. Some lie with their heads down, their big, sad eyes staring back through the cage. Others wag their tails and bark with excitement. The little girl peers around the store, searching for the perfect puppy. Finally, she locks eyes with Jasper, a mini Golden-doodle. He sees the little...
3 Pages 1535 Words

Descriptive Essay about a Person

My friend Matthew Ross is a big part of my life, I met him in high school, and ever since we have been best friends. In 2018 Matthew gave me an understanding that I needed, he made me realize that Iā€™m not the only one with a different kind of family. That is the main reason I interviewed him and tell his story. A tall white boy about 6,1ā€™ guy who is skinny but loves to always eat chick fil...
3 Pages 1470 Words

Argumentative Persuasive Essay about Video Games

Why do people think that video games cause shootings? Video games have been around since the early 1970s. These massive shootings have only been happening for multiple years now. First Person Shooter (FPS) games were one of the first video games created. Video games donā€™t cause violence; Instead, they just help people escape the real world and just have fun. It can be for competitiveness, entertainment, or they are just bored and have nothing better to do. People in their...
3 Pages 1546 Words

Argumentative Essay on Slavery

The debate over slavery can be a very sensitive topic to read about but it is very informative to read both sides and gain all the information you can about a topic. Reading both sides of an argument, especially in history, can give you more insight into why things happened the way they did. This debate in particular is quite interesting to read both sides of the argument because it can be difficult to read things you donā€™t personally agree...
3 Pages 1494 Words

Argumentative Essay on Controlled Fires

Wildfires: How Should We Prevent Them from Spiraling Out of Control? Before the settlement of America, some 1.5 million acres of Californian forest burned every year (Ngu and Chinoy, par. 9). In the latter half of the 20th century, that number was reduced to 57,000 acres annually (Ngu and Chinoy, par. 12), but from 2008 to 2017, roughly 6.9 million acres were set ablaze (Ngu and Chinoy, par. 20). In more recent fires, it is not just forests that are...
3 Pages 1483 Words

Argumentative Essay about Covid 19

COVID-19 is an emerging public health problem, which started in China at the end of 2019 and gradually affected the majority of countries including India(1). Doubtful information about this novel disorder along with the nonavailability of proper treatment has presented some ubiquitous challenges to our mental health (2). This pandemic has become a fertile ground for many mental health issues and more people are affected by mental health issues in any pandemic than by the pandemic itself (3). Quarantine and...
3 Pages 1526 Words

ā€œJust Walk on by: Black Men and Public Spaceā€ by Brent Staples: Rhetorical Essay

In the three pieces, every author employs varying forms of Logos, Ethos, Pathos, and Kairos to support their work and ensure that their arguments are strong and persuasive, and compelling. The first work in an essay written by Peggy McIntosh called ā€œWhite Privilege: Unpacking the Invisible Knapsackā€ was written to show what types of benefits she as a white woman receives in our society providing an exceedingly long list of each and every one of those benefits while also giving...
3 Pages 1489 Words

Self Evaluation on Speech Essay

Good Afternoon, On behalf of the Holmes High School class of 2020, I would like to thank all of the people that make Holmes High School special. To teachers and faculty that come every day and strive to provide us with a tremendous education despite our unwillingness to learn. To the staff who work day in and day out to coordinate our events while also supporting the faculty and us students. We thank you and we love you. Additionally, I...
3 Pages 1506 Words

Internship Evaluation Essay

1. Introduction 1.1 Rationale I have been granted an internship at Devnet Limited to acquire the goal of being acquainted with the best practices of ā€œSoftware Developmentā€ from an esteemed organization. During the period of my industry experience, I worked with the finest ones in this industry and learned cutting-edge tools to solve problems from the requirement of companies who are in the field of catching the feature of software development. I believe that the process which I have gone...
3 Pages 1467 Words

Self Evaluation Essay for English Class

Is it necessary to ignore oneā€™s identity while learning to speak English? In Amy Tanā€™s essay, ā€œMother Tongueā€ the author talks about her love for languages. The author highlights more about her life experience with her mother in America because of her mother's barrier to the English language. Tan also talks about her mother's humiliation due to broken English and how her mother broken speech affected her life. Tan further talks about the kind of language she speaks to the...
3 Pages 1510 Words

Informative Essay on Physical Education in School

Imagine being an elementary student who is told that they will no longer have recess or physical education. Instead, that time will be devoted to more time in the classroom. If you are like me, this news would be crushing as recess and physical education were the highlight of my school day. Schools are now taking time away from physical activity to help children understand more complex topics in the classroom. According to Kenneth Ginsburg, ā€œA 1989 survey taken by...
3 Pages 1536 Words

Essay Proposal on Marijuana Legalization

Audience Analysis The study confronts the different personalities that are affected by the use of Marijuana. The government of the United States is directly influenced by the decision to legalize Marijuana as most effects are directly attached to its operations. For instance, in the changing economy or crime rates, the highest benefit will be the government. However, in terms of any adverse outcomes that crop up from legalizing Marijuana, will immensely affect government operations. The law and policymakers have for...
3 Pages 1527 Words
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