1500 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Be Your Best Self Essay

In October 2019, The National Academy of Medicine released the widely anticipated report, Taking Action Against Clinician Burnout: A Systems Approach to Professional Wellbeing, a culmination of the research conducted by The Action Collaborative on Clinician Well-being and Resilience since 2017. Their findings indicate that more than half of all clinicians, most prevalently nurses and physicians throughout the United States, experience symptoms of burnout, depression, and suicide; now widely recognized as a public health epidemic that is having adverse effects...
3 Pages 1538 Words

Actions Speak Louder Than Words Essay

Gauging and understanding someone’s personality when you first meet them may seem like a daunting thing to do for some people, especially when it feels like one wrong move could make it harder to get to know them. Many times, it also feels like one sitting isn’t enough to fully understand someone’s personality. Personality is a fluid aspect of our lives, something that is constantly changing and growing, but something that may not change is the methods you have in...
3 Pages 1516 Words

American History X': Critical Essay

Black and White Flashbacks: Looking Our Racist in the Eye In the film, American History X, he portrays the profound message of how prejudice and hatred can change people and bring them closer together. Shows how “hate is baggage and life’s too short to be pissed off all the time.” Although hard to watch the film American History X, the realism of the movie sends a powerful message of hatred and violence. Derek who had joined the neo-Nazi movement soon...
3 Pages 1463 Words

World War 2 Research Paper

Before America joined the fight in World War 2, it was in a state of disarray. The Great Depression, which began in 1929, had ravaged the nation and resulted in record-high numbers of unemployed, 25%. Once Japan bombed Pearl Harbor, this gave the United States an opportunity to join the war full-time as they only aided the allies in a non-combative role. Joining the war would change everything for the United States. In doing so, idle factories were to be...
3 Pages 1454 Words

Enraging the South: The Twenty-Negro Law in the Civil War

For many years Hollywood has depicted major events in history on the big screen. However, “major” history is constituted by what the populous and those in power want to be remembered as major history. In recent years, movies have been released that uncover the parts of history that are swept under the rug for whatever reason. The Free State of Jones is a movie that depicts one of these events. However, the film is not accurate enough to be considered...
3 Pages 1452 Words

Research Paper on Illegal Suicide-Physician-Assisted

The current policy around death and dying is a highly emotive subject. One that is discussed time and time again. At the heart of this policy should be the person who is terminally ill. Most would want to see their loved ones have their dignity respected and prevent avoidable suffering, and be able to end their life as they see fit. To see another human being suffer at the end of their life is cruel, inhumane, and just prolongs the...
3 Pages 1530 Words

Proposal Essay on Preventing Cyber Bullying

Introduction: On 3rd May 2017, a student who studies at TARUC committed suicide because of cyberbullying. Even though his friends were successful persuade him to give up suicidal thoughts temporarily but at last, he still decided to end his life. This news astonished everyone and started to notice the problem of cyberbullying. Cyberbullying means the activity of using the internet to harm or frighten another person. (Cambridge Dictionary online, n.d.). Cyberbullying can call a stealth killer because it causes fatal...
3 Pages 1494 Words

Physician Assisted Suicide Speech

Modern medicine is a double-edged sword. With new innovations and treatments, Americans are now living longer than ever. Predictably, this voyage into uncharted territory brings its own host of new dilemmas. Over the years, there has been a notable shift in the leading causes of death in the United States. From the beginning of time until fairly recently, the vast majority of people were dying from infectious diseases. They would contract these diseases rapidly and with ease, and die from...
3 Pages 1501 Words

Why Macbeth Is a ‘Fiend-Like Queen’: Persuasive Essay

Shakespeare’s tragedy ‘Macbeth’ presents the themes of ambition, the supernatural, and guilt and illustrates the consequences of regicide. Written for audiences of the 16th century, the Scottish tragedy shows how the Great Chain of Being would have been disrupted if the foiled Gunpowder Plot was successful. The purposeful killing of a monarch is often associated with the forceful taking of power. Such violent acts were typically only committed by men of this era. Lady Macbeth, however, inverts the gender roles...
3 Pages 1528 Words

What Is a Community and Why Is It Important: Analytical Essay

As part of my current practice, I am a teaching assistant working with children aged 4-7 in an infant school. My current role is within year one and consists of supporting teaching and learning in the classroom. As part of this essay, I will be looking at what a community is and why a community is important to children and young people. I will also, look at the skills and values that are needed by practitioners to support children and...
3 Pages 1466 Words

Physical Fitness in Law Enforcement

Imagine a 6’, 250 lbs male with a large build fighting against a 5’7, 120 lbs female officer with a slender build body, during the mist of action who would win? To pursue a career in law enforcement fitness is one of, if not the most important, part of the job. Physical fitness is not just about lifting weights every single day and or running for hours and hours, sure that it is a part of what fitness is about,...
3 Pages 1492 Words

Key Events That Shaped My Life: Reflective Essay

When I first entered university, I was well aware of how I was the minority in school. Here I was at age 27 in my first year of university among my peers in the 19-21 age range. Add to the fact that I was a private A-level candidate in a sea of students coming from their respective post-secondary institutions and, as unsettling as it is, my own race being Malay, I was in many ways a minority in various aspects....
3 Pages 1479 Words

Essay about the Importance of Travelling

Why do we need to travel? Well, this is quite an unfathomable question —only because we can't really answer it, no matter how much we study about it. Although I have not traveled much in my busy daily life over the years, I have developed an understanding of the importance of traveling. In this essay, I want to share my beliefs. The first experience of me traveling is that it gives us peace of mind. It opens us to a...
3 Pages 1539 Words

What is Globalization Essay

Introduction Society, economy, and culture all around the world are being transformed by globalization, which is a hallmark of the modern era. Technology, communication, and transportation advancements are driving a more interdependent and interconnected global community, which is a complicated and multi-faceted phenomenon. Globalization is creating a more interconnected web of human endeavors as trade, investment, and information flow are made easier to navigate. Trade in commodities, services, money, ideas, and people has reached new heights as a result of...
5 Pages 1461 Words

Decision Theme in All American Boys and The Other Wes Moore

The significance of the human decision is beyond what can be described with a mere cause-and-effect structure. All choices ultimately influence any given outcome that an individual happens to experience. Furthermore, provided that an individual has absolute control over what actions they choose to make, what they perceive as right from wrong may differ from another. ‘All American Boys’ by Jason Reynolds and Brendan Kiely and ‘The Other Wes Moore: One Name, Two Fates’ by Wes Moore encompass this concept...
3 Pages 1482 Words

Reflective Essay on My Leadership Experience

This essential reflection is concentrated on my very own expertise of leadership whereby I recommend areas for my very own development. I'm additionally exploiting hereby leadership theory and ideas in analyzing and evaluating the leadership case that I'm presenting. Leadership could be a method or series of actions directed toward cluster goals; it's a systematically incontestable pattern of behavior with sure objectives. It helps to direct and motivate managers, employers, and employees on how to perform the task in what...
3 Pages 1524 Words

Why Cooking Is Important: Persuasive Essay

As the world changes every day, so does the establishment of family and the day-to-day routine they participate in. A few of these routines include family meals and homemade cooking. Sadly, the relationship between family and food has changed throughout the years. According to research from a New York Post article titled ‘Here’s How Many Meals the Average American Eats Alone’, “Americans eat 387 meals by themselves every year”. A leading factor of these declining habits is the busy work...
3 Pages 1487 Words

Student Council Speech Essay

Speech 1: A Message of Unity Dear fellow students, As we embark on another school year, I wanted to take a moment to speak about the importance of unity within our student body. We come from diverse backgrounds and experiences, but we share a common goal: to learn, grow, and succeed. In order to achieve this goal, it is essential that we work together and support one another. Unity does not mean that we all have to agree on everything...
3 Pages 1520 Words

5000 Word Essay on Being on Time

Time, as the saying goes, waits for no one. It is a constant, a force that keeps on ticking whether we are ready for it or not. This unyielding character of time necessitates a skill that is often overlooked yet universally valued: punctuality. Being on time is an art that requires more than just a keen eye on the clock; it embodies a profound understanding and respect for the temporal fabric that binds our lives together. The Cogs of Courtesy:...
3 Pages 1538 Words

Informative Essay on Latino Vote Mobilization

The 2020 Democratic presidential candidate faces many challenges in garnering voter support across the country once they are picked as the nominee. The current viable candidates must look ahead, towards the future, in securing valuable blocs of voter support in order to defeat Trump. One of the most important and relatively overlooked electorates in America is the Latino bloc of voters, which has become the minority ethnic group with the largest population in the U.S. Garnering support and rallying Latino...
3 Pages 1469 Words

Informative Essay on European Integration Theories

The integration of Europe has three theories that explain its evolution: federalism, neofunctionalism, and intergovernmentalism. Federalism, evolving after World War I and becoming prominent after World War II, holds a focus on avoiding future wars within Europe and containing nation-states. Functionalism has a focus on this idea, as well so when evolved into neofunctionalism, there is a focus on integrating different aspects of society in order to avoid conflicts and have these integration policies essentially lead to more integration. Intergovernmentalism...
3 Pages 1464 Words

Reflective Essay on Whether Science Makes Progress

In this essay, I will argue that science does make progress on three conceptions: social, methodological, and cognitive (specifically, epistemic). I define the concept of progress and distinguish between possible end goals, before arguing that a knowledge conception of progress better characterizes scientific progress than a truth conception. I will discuss science as a discipline, including both physics and the special sciences. I distinguish science from other disciplines such as philosophy, art, and literature. Similarly, scientific progress is widely thought...
3 Pages 1501 Words

Critical Essay on Steven Spielberg's 'Jurassic Park'

Steven Spielberg's 1993 action, adventure-filled, science-fiction thriller follows Dr. Alan Grant and Dr. Ellie Sattler. John Hammond discovers a mosquito frozen in tree sap from millions of years ago and gets the blood that the mosquito took from animals. He discovers that the mosquito had been carrying dinosaur DNA, so he then uses the DNA to create living dinosaurs. This film is celebrated for its amazing CGI effects and amazing visuals filled with beautiful shots of scenery. In the opening...
3 Pages 1539 Words

Music and Its Effects on Society Then and Now: Critical Essay

Music can possibly change a state of mind and mood, and empower idiosyncratic behavior and views in society. Actually, the normal American tunes into four hours of music every day! Simply envision what sort of effect music is having on our feelings for the duration of the day, regardless of whether we deliberately acknowledge it or not. So, to put it plainly, music has the ability to socially, ethically, and sincerely impact our general public. Consequently, the more purposeful we...
3 Pages 1456 Words

Quality Practice Makes Perfect: Reflective Essay

Throughout time, there has been a saying that ‘practice makes perfect’. I firmly believe in this saying, but with one caveat: I believe that quality practice makes perfect. I believe in 'quality over quantity', which raises the question: ‘What exactly is a quality practice?’. This question will be discussed and answered in this essay. Quality practice comes in many forms depending on the musician’s learning style, and to achieve this, there must be more stress on efficient and effective methods...
3 Pages 1541 Words

Shark Culling Must Be Banned: Persuasive Essay

Sharks are a crucial part of the marine ecosystem. They help maintain the balance and health of the ocean. Shark culling has occurred in Australia in both Queensland and NSW as a response to shark attacks, it also appeared in Western Australia. Shark cull is implemented through shark nets and drumlines. Hundreds of sharks are caught each year in each state, including small sharks, threatened species, and other marine animals such as turtles, whales, and dolphins. Therefore, this essay argues...
3 Pages 1503 Words

Critical Essay on Nursing Informatics and Its Importance

The explosion in the implementation of technology into every single aspect of healthcare has created a whole new specialty of nursing called ‘nursing informatics’. Nursing informatics can be defined as the integration of technology and information in all aspects of nursing practice that promote (​Hebda, Hunter, & Czar, 2019​). The overall objective of nursing informatics is to improve the quality of patient care and patient outcomes. The persistent growth in healthcare has resulted in nursing informatics basically becoming a necessity,...
3 Pages 1500 Words

Peter Weinberger's Kidnapping That Stunned the Country: Critical Essay

The kidnapping of Peter Weinberger stunned the country in 1956. It brought a dreaded reality to the average family. During my research, I found that kidnappings, the taking of a child by a stranger, were not common in the era of the 50s. A headlining kidnapping case prior to Peter Weinberger was the kidnapping of Charles Lindbergh Jr. in 1932. His father was a well-known aviator. The difference between the two kidnappings was that Peter Weinberger belonged to a loving,...
3 Pages 1511 Words

Student Debt Forgiveness Is a Bad Idea: Persuasive Essay

Student loan debt. You’ve probably heard this term at least once. It affects everyone, whether it be now or later on in life. During the 20th century, around the end of World War II, the federal government recognized the wasted brain power due to the lack of higher education for the majority of society except a few wealthy white people. Later the government began supporting higher education through a series of laws, such as the 1862 Morrill Act, which allowed...
3 Pages 1527 Words

Vegan and Vegetarian: Comparison and Contrast Essay

You might think that there is no difference between being a vegan and a vegetarian. Some people even think that the term 'vegan' is just a newer and trendier version of or term for vegetarianism. This is easy to understand when you think about the fact that the well-known common trait for both vegans and vegetarians is that neither eats meat. Vegan vs vegetarian But there may be some similarities and differences that you aren't aware of yet, and these...
3 Pages 1505 Words
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