1600 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Smart Materials in Pediatric Dentistry

McCabe et al. defined smart materials as materials whose properties might be changed in a controlled manner by improvements, such as stress, temperature, moisture, pH and electric or magnetic fields. A key feature of smart behavior includes an ability to come back to the first state after the upgrade has been evacuated. These materials respond to environmental changes or external impacts, and are otherwise called responsive materials. The response may exhibit itself as a change in shape, stiffness, viscosity or...
4 Pages 1605 Words

Review of the Movie ‘V for Vendetta’ from a Sociological Perspective

The movie I chose to discuss from a sociological perspective is ‘V for Vendetta’, which is directed by James McTeigue. The film was originally taken from the graphic novel written by Alan Moore and David Lloyd. The setting is familiar to many of the fictitious novels written in the future about a dystopian era, in which people are ruled by fear spread through government-driven propaganda and human atrocities. Many would probably say in a way today we see such tools/mechanisms...
3 Pages 1590 Words

Review of the Article ‘When Markers Meet Marketing: Ethnicity, Race, Hybridity, and Kinship in Genetic Genealogy Television Advertising’

This article essay reviews ‘When Markers Meet Marketing: Ethnicity, Race, Hybridity, and Kinship in Genetic Genealogy Television Advertising’ (Scodari, December 2017). This review includes a summary, discussion, and critique about the article mentioned. It includes many topics including DNA analysis and its relationship with ethnicity, race, hybridity, and many more. This review manages to discuss each point and topic in fine detail and connect them all to each together, like pieces of a puzzle. Even though there might be questions...
4 Pages 1642 Words

Review of Octavia E. Butler's Book ‘Kindred’

“Rufus had done exactly what he said he would do: Gotten possession of the woman without having to bother her husband. Now, somehow, Alice would have to accept not only the loss of her husband, but her own enslavement. Rufus had caused her trouble and now he had been rewarded for it” (149). This quote from the book ‘Kindred’ reveals the powerful theme of the corruption of power, after Rufus inherits the plantation, he gains a lot of power over...
3 Pages 1562 Words

Reconstruction and the Freedmen’s Bureau

During the Reconstruction era, the rebuilding of the south proved to be a difficult task. Even after the abolition of slavery blacks still faced harsh discrimination. Due to the continuous unequal treatment of blacks, the government of United States created the Freedmen’s Bureau. This organization provided Americans across the South with a resource to seek advice with race related issues. The letters provide first-hand information about what the environment was like that existed in the post­war south. Specifically, the letters...
3 Pages 1569 Words

Persuasive Essay on Animal Rights

Animal rights… Before we dive into what animal rights really mean, I would like to define some certain terms and animal rights itself. What is an animal? A living organism that feeds on organic matter, typically having specialized sense organs and nervous system and able to respond rapidly to stimuli, animals need food and water to live. What does it mean to have a right? Rights are legal, social, or ethical principles of freedom or entitlement; that is, rights are...
4 Pages 1640 Words

Parenting Styles and Their Significant Impact on a Child's Personality

From the beginning of life, the family is the main institution of education. It is the starting point of the entire educational process because what a child acquires in his family in his childhood, he keeps throughout his life. The importance of the family as an educational institution is because the child has been in it for a significant part of his life, and by the length of his influence on the personality, none of the educational institutions can be...
4 Pages 1621 Words

My Life Story and the Person I Need to Become in the Future

Human is the best creation of the world’s creator. I think that I am fortunate to get a human life. I’m very thankful to my mom and dad for giving me birth to this beautiful and fascinating world. Myself, you, my mom, my dad, my brothers, my surrounding, trees and animals, we all are sons and daughters of the mother nature. She looks at us with equality, care and love. Therefore, it is our responsibility to protect the mother nature,...
4 Pages 1625 Words

My Career Development Journey

This essay aims to illustrate my career development journey within a theoretical framework which I will reflect on, using two career theories discussed in the duration of career psychology module. This theoretical re-telling will incorporate ways in with my career choices were made and how they developed and continue evolve through different stages of my life, the role played by my family, environmental conditions I was exposed to and the influence of others around me. Throughout this essay I will...
3 Pages 1565 Words

Minecraft as a Valuable Addition to Our Lives

We should understand the current technologies easily in order to function in an increasingly digital world. Everyone can get benefit from attention to positive and healthy online communities, such as the world of Minecraft, an open-world block building game for any age. Researchers believe that certain video games provide significant benefits to children, helping them regulate emotions, build strong social ties, and improve other cognitive abilities. In this essay I am going to explore why Minecraft can be a valuable...
3 Pages 1561 Words

Lessons from Diverse Experience of Roman Democracy

As well as being the capital of Italy and Catholicism, and a famously beautiful city, with a great climate and fantastic food, Rome is also something else. It’s a place where politics has gone on ‐ and has been recorded ‐ for some three thousand years. Rome is a political case study like nowhere else on earth. Romans have lived under every kind of political system, from oligarchy to theocracy, and from dictatorship and monarchy to democracy. Often Romans have...
4 Pages 1635 Words

It's Time to Say No to GMOs: Argumentative Essay

Introduction to GMO Controversies Unlabeled. Unassuming. Untested ('Genetically Modified Foods'). What’s the truth about genetically modified organisms (GMOs)? Genetically engineered foods have affected the economic and agricultural landscape for the worst. A process which refers to the unnatural transferring of foreign genetic material (DNA) from one organism to another has many concerns. If continued, the future withholds crippling ecosystems, rising superbugs, and declining human health. The truth of these ‘Frankenfoods’ will soon be exposed to the public. Little do Americans...
3 Pages 1565 Words

Immunotherapy in Head and Neck Cancer

Head-and-neck squamous cell malignant growths are one of the most well-known tumors worldwide and represent the greater part million new cases and 480,000 passing for each year. Major etiological hazard factor incorporates tobacco use, betel-quid and areca-nut biting, liquor utilization, human papillomavirus (HPV) contamination (oropharyngeal disease), and Epstein–Barr infection disease (nasopharyngeal cancer). An enormous number of patients are determined to have privately propelled ailment and require multimodal treatment approaches. Despite progresses in radiation and careful procedures and the utilization of...
3 Pages 1588 Words

Golden Rice from Bioethical Perspective

Golden rice variety of rice known as Oryza sativa produced through engineering to biosynthesize beta-carotene, which is precursor of vitamin A. It is known as a biofortified culture which is genetically modified and is nutritionally rich. The nutritional valued are concerned with healthier skin, immune system, and vision. The development of golden rice was collaboration result between Peter Beyer and Ingo Potrykus research obtained in 1999 (Ye et al., 2000). Deficiency of vitamin A is major problem of developing countries...
3 Pages 1590 Words

Genetically Modified Food and Its Significance in the 21st Century

People depend on plants and creatures as sustenance sources and have since a long time ago utilized organisms to deliver nourishments. GMO or genetically modified foods are novel organisms created in a laboratory using genetic modification/engineering techniques. Scientists and consumer and environmental groups have cited many health and environmental risks with foods containing GMOs. However, GMO are everywhere in today’s society where they effect every person through regulations on food consumption, technics and its economy. However, these methods are relatively...
4 Pages 1601 Words

Food Wastage Problem in the United States

A recent study by Magnet found America as the second leading country in food wastage. The revelation that Americans generate an average of two hundred and seventy-eight kilograms per capita is a clear indication that the US is leading to food production. On the other hand, the figures demonstrate that the country lacks effective mechanisms to prevent wastage and ensure that no American starves as others offload leftovers in landfills. The fact that dumpsites are filled with tons of spoilt...
4 Pages 1620 Words

Essay on Space Tourism

Introduction Since technology has opened up the opportunity to bring humans to space that experience has been limited to professional trained astronauts. Visits to space have been discovering journeys for scientists but now space is being looked at as a new market place. The term space tourism is being used more and more frequently like it is in the near future. That near future could be closer than ever now with some companies already offering seats costing up to hundreds...
3 Pages 1570 Words

Chernobyl as a Major Engineering Disaster

Which industry is the safest and most trusted in the world? The answer is no profession or industry system in the world that can guarantee zero accident rates, such as healthcare, manufacturing or engineering. unimaginable disasters always happen, it causes new generation of engineers have to study the reasons for their emergence and increase related of ethic of engineering to avoid any accident as much as possible. People in engineering believe trial and error are a way to move engineer’s...
3 Pages 1609 Words

Analysis of the Film ‘One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest’

Released in 1976, ‘One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest’ is a film directed by Milos Forman, and adapted from the 1962 Ken Kesey novel by the same name. The film is about Randle Patrick McMurphy, a criminal who fakes insanity to avoid going to prison and is instead warded at a mental institution. Over the course of the film, he instigates multiple revolts amongst the other patients while undermining the iron-fisted rule of Nurse Ratched. A simple observation of the...
3 Pages 1598 Words

American Airlines: Case Study

This report was commissioned to identify and explain the services offered by one of the largest global airlines based on revenue, destinations and fleet size, American Airlines (Bhasin, H., 2016). Based on the segmentation principles, information about the company’s target markets will be discussed, as well as how the external factors might affect it. The report draws attention to the fact that American Airlines uses a mix of segmentation principles in order to meet their market targets requirements. Moreover, taking...
3 Pages 1599 Words

‘A Different Shade of Gray’ By Katherine Newman: Book Review

‘A Different Shade of Gray’ written by Katherine Newman looks at a neglected group within the inner city. This group is the minorities that are middle-aged or older and they include African American, Puerto Rican, and Dominican respondents who took place in New York City life history interviews. Newman compares this data against a larger New York City survey and national data that comes from these middle-aged and older people. These people are elderly inner-city residents have worked hard against...
3 Pages 1572 Words

Descriptive Essay About the Ocean

What is ocean warming? Ocean warming is induced by rising levels of greenhouse gases preventing heat radiated from the Earth's surface from escaping as freely as it once did. The majority of the excess heat in the atmosphere is returned to the ocean. Since the 1970s, the oceans have absorbed over 93 per cent of the excess heat dispersed from greenhouse gas emissions. Because the oceans are vast in size, and because water takes much more energy to heat up...
4 Pages 1629 Words

Karl Marx Ideal Society

“What is a fair society?” is quite an extensive question that interprets our opinions through an ideological filter. For the reason that ever since Aristotle a famous Greek philosopher, there has been a sense of accordance that every society especially the one we currently live in should always aim for fairness and equality. There is less of an agreement about how these terms should be accumulated or what they mean, which in all fairness is understandable because people have different...
3 Pages 1556 Words

Was the Vietnam War Justifiable? Essay

Every War has to start somehow, and this one was started by two countries hating each other. According to History.com,” with the cold war intensifying worldwide, the U.S. hardened its policies against any allies of the soviet union”(6). America thought that if they didnt do anything the comunist belief would spread the whole way through southern asia and that would be very bad for america. The U.S.A also couldn't do an all out war against russia because that would lead...
3 Pages 1560 Words

Sino-Soviet Relations During the Cold War

If one was to think of the Cold War, what would first come to mind? For the vast majority of Western people, notions and tales of American and Russian conflict and tension and all related events spring to mind. Yet, Vietnam and the Korean Peninsula were far from the only regions in the Far East to be affected by the Cold War. The Sino-Soviet relations post World War 2 are fascinating both in their ideological diversities as well as the...
3 Pages 1594 Words

Positive Effects of the Cold War

Cold War Advancement War is not necessarily bad, it also has its good sides. There is such a war in history. It has no flames and no soldiers died. That is the Cold War, a game between the two great powers of the United States and the Soviet Union. The two great powers have raised human technology to unprecedented heights in the competition. The beginning of competition A discovery by nuclear physicists in a laboratory in Berlin, Germany, in 1938...
4 Pages 1638 Words

Highlighting the Strengths and Critiques of the Marxist Theory: Analysis of Communist Manifesto

A German philosopher, sociologist, economist and journalist, born on May 5th, 1818, Karl Marx was one of the nine sons of a man named Heinrich Marx and a woman named Henriette Presburg Marx. Heinrich Marx who was a successful lawyer wanted Karl to follow in his footsteps to become a lawyer. Karl studied at the University of Bonn in October of 1835 and later transferred to the University of Berlin. This was where he discovered that his passion and interests...
3 Pages 1648 Words

Explanation of the Balanced Path of Economic Growth on the Example of Ukraine

In order to explain the balanced growth path using a general Solow economy, I have chosen Ukraine as a developing economy as it is a great example of a country in Europe that struggles economically and fits the Solow’s model of economic growth. Solow’s model shows that the rate of savings in the economy determines the size of the capital stock, and accordingly the volume of production. The higher the rate of savings, the higher the capital adequacy and higher...
3 Pages 1565 Words

Influential Factors for the U.S. Presidential Re-Election Campaign

One of the main goals for any president is to be able to serve a second term in office. Some presidents succeed in this goal and some falter. There are various factors that contribute to a successful re-election campaign, however this essay will discuss three factors that are arguably the most important contributors in getting a president re-elected. These three elements are military success abroad, constructive relations with Congress and crisis management ability. This essay will also seek to define...
4 Pages 1624 Words

The Problem of Overtourism in the Cruise Tourism Industry

For a destination to be classified as suffering from overtourism means that both locals and visitors sense a disruption in the destination’s quality of both experience and lifestyle to a point that it may become unmanageable (UNWTO, 2018). Overtourism is a result of mass tourism which may lead to an imbalance of the multidisciplinary elements of social, economic and environment – the triple bottom line of sustainability (Weaver and Lawton, 2014). Destinations that become unsustainable due to overtourism can lead...
3 Pages 1556 Words
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