1600 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Literature Review on Internal Controls and Revenue Collection

Introduction In this chapter literature review on internal controls and revenue collection is discussed. The theoretical framework is presented first, followed by empirical literature on studies involving internal control and revenue collection. The conceptual framework is discussed last and then the chapter summary concludes the chapter. Theoretical Review The main theories that premise the relationship between internal controls and revenue collection are the Agency theory. Attribution theory, and Reliability theory. Agency Theory Jensen & Meckling (1976) postulate that a firm...
4 Pages 1625 Words

An Analysis of Ibn Taymiyya and Osama Bin Laden, and Their Influence on Modern Islamic Militancy

Islamophobia (noun): irrational fear of, aversion to, or discrimination against Islam or people who practice Islam.[footnoteRef:1] After the September 11 attacks on the United States by al-Qaeda, many people, especially Americans, associate Islam and Muslims with violence and extremism. Despite the overrepresentation of radical terrorist groups like al-Qaeda and ISIS in popular media, Islam at its core is a peaceful religion that shares roots with Christianity and Judaism. Many of the beliefs of Islamic terrorists can be traced back to...
4 Pages 1618 Words

Extent of NGO’s Success in Reducing the Impacts of the Food Shortage in the Yemeni Famine Crisis: Analytical Essay

Research Question: To what extent are NGOs successful in reducing the impacts of the food shortage in the Yemeni Famine Crisis? (GPC of health) In 2011, the Houthi rebel group took advantage of instability in Yemen and tried to take control of the country, which was then under the control of Abdrabbuh Hadi. Saudi Arabia along with 8 other countries were concerned this rebel group were backed militarily by regional Iranian Shia, and attempted to bring Hadi back to power...
4 Pages 1595 Words

Operation Geronimo Persuasive Essay

There is a fine line between what humanity believes what is right and what is wrong. If we learned anything from history, it is that calculated and precise decisions are crucial factors in any outcome otherwise history is doomed to repeat itself. That is certainly the case when it comes to Operation Geronimo. I believe that President Barack Obama had the legal authority to order Operation Geronimo which led to the assassination of Osama Bin Laden, the founder and the...
3 Pages 1568 Words

Francis Bacon and His Relationship with Anti-aging: Analytical Essay

The Pursuit of Anti-Aging Immortality has been a recurring aspiration since the ancient Greeks. The Fountain of Youth is a myth about a fountain that can restore the youth of its drinker that has its roots in ancient Greece. The search for this mythical fountain inspired explorations across cultures. There are also scientific roots in the alchemical endeavor to create an Elixir of Life, a way to prolong life. During the 16th century, philosopher Francis Bacon advocated for “extracting nature’s...
4 Pages 1642 Words

Research Paper on the Link between “The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock” and World War I

Through history, world war one stays on an essential position of how the modernism transform. People distinguish the world war one as a great war. It is because it brings the majority of changes to society. In the literature’s history of how the battle changes modernism is it brings some pros and cons. The pros give people a different chance to learn about their expression, and it is not like they used to do. The great war has also brought...
3 Pages 1574 Words

Racism in To Kill a Mockingbird and The Souls of Black Folk: Analytical Essay

Abstract Living among the Whites has caused many problems for the Blacks throughout the history. African Americans, who are African in their roots and American in their life, as opposite races, are segregated from the White's societies due to their colored skin. They are considered as uncivilized and lowbrow people who do not have equal rights to the Whites. Thus, racial segregation acting like a veil, as Du Bois refers to, brings African Americans a dual identity which leads to...
4 Pages 1604 Words

Self-Observation in the Midst of Prejudice in The Souls of Black Folk: Analytical Essay

Many social inequalities persist whether it be manifested through culture, sexuality, finance, or race. In many of these instances, there is a group that has an advantage. Pizan wrote The Book of the City of Ladies as an attempt to enlighten readers and free readers as well as herself from the bondage of sexual prejudices held against women. The main character of the story Christine, grew up to hate her female self because men were the dominant group at the...
4 Pages 1636 Words

Household Consumption through Recycling in Scotland

Household consumption is a core issue in sustainable development and has been at the centre of governmental policy making and the push towards sustainability due to its ease of access and influence. The household is considered low hanging fruit (Vandenbergh, Barkenbus and Gilligan, 2008) and is therefore targeted as a potential baseline for sustainable change. Consumption itself is clearly a major issue within sustainable development, with increases being seen across the board from household water consumption in the UK having...
4 Pages 1640 Words

Investment Policy of the Republic of Uzbekistan

Importance of the topic of the course work. Uzbekistan has carefully transitioned from a centrally planned to a market economy since gaining independence in 1991. Understanding that foreign direct investment can help Uzbekistan grow and evolve while also removing the country's change to a market-based economy and integration into the global economy, the country has welcomed foreign investors. Foreign direct investment boosts fixed capital formation and has a positive impact on the balance of payments because it represents an inflow...
4 Pages 1637 Words

Joseph Campbell's Stages of the Monomyth, and The Life of Pi

This paper is to compare the stages of the monomyth and how they tie to The Life of Pi. A hero with a thousand faces by Joseph Campbell goes through the stages of a hero's journey. The hero’s journey is a pattern of narrative identified by Joseph Campbell, that is found in most storytelling, drama, myth, religious rituals and psychological development. A hero’s journey has three stages: departure, initiation and return, but has 17 total stages. The Life of Pi...
3 Pages 1586 Words

The Disgusting Brilliance of Nabokov's Lolita

Every now and again it’s probably healthy to crack open the glass, remove a certain world masterpiece from the display case, and in re-reading it recall that—unlike Ulysses and Lady Chatterley’s Lover, two other novels once deemed obscene by the tribunes of moral upkeep— Lolita is a disgusting book. Furthermore, the day will never come when it is not a disgusting book. By comparison, in fact, it can make Lawrence and Joyce look like a pair of old village bluenoses....
3 Pages 1580 Words

Robert Browning: The Excellence of 'My Last Duchess'

Dramatic poetry was introduced in English Literature through the dream debates of Chaucer, The Owl and the Nightingale, and the ‘Metaphysical’ poems of John Donne and Andrew Marvell but it reached the height of its perfection in the Victorian age. Robert Browning was an English poet whose dramatic monologues made him a pioneering figure amongst the Victorian poets. His poems are widely acclaimed for their finesse in dealing with irony, dark humor, characterization, historical setting, and issues of social commentary....
3 Pages 1602 Words

Emmett Till and His Influence on The Civil Rights Movement

Emmett was a huge cultural influence on the Civil Rights Movement and for the history of African American freedom too. Emmitt Louis Till was a 14 year old African American boy born on July 25, 1941. He was born in Chicago, IL at Cook County Public Hospital. Emmet also known as Bobo, grew up in Chicago in a middle class black neighborhood. Chicago isn’t far from Mississippi but it has a huge cultural difference. Money, Mississippi is a very rural...
4 Pages 1635 Words

Annihilation of Caste': Sriticism of Caste Systems

The book written by Dr. Ambedkar, “Annihilation of Caste” which is also known as the undelivered speech which was supposed to be delivered at a Conference being organized by Jat-Pat-Todak Mandal of Lahore and was cancelled because of controversial and objectionable content against the Hindu religion, but it was published by Dr. Ambedkar as a book in which he aimed at the Caste system of Indian society which is led by the Hindu religion. In this book, Dr. Ambedkar has...
3 Pages 1598 Words

The Ring of Gyges: Justice is Always Self-Interested

Glaucon and Adeimantus, both Plato’s brothers, were seeking to come to a conclusion on whether justice is better than injustice. The Republic book II begins with Glaucon arguing against Socrates’ position of justice. Glaucon argued that by nature humans are selfish and unjust, and that justice is not good in itself; instead justice is a consequential good (it is only valued for the beneficial consequences). Glaucon told the story of The Ring of Gyges to illustrate his point that justice...
3 Pages 1553 Words

My Autobiography and Future Plans

My name is Tharun and I was born on the 18 of December, 2004 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. My parents were Suresh and Karolina. Both of my grandparents are deceased. My grandmother died when i was 4 years of age, at the age of 65 in 2008 from lung cancer which was the result of smoking her whole lifetime even though as a kid i tried convincing her to stop smoking but she wouldn’t listen. My grandfather died at the...
4 Pages 1638 Words

Pacifism in the Early Church

The early church understood the meaning of peace in the New Testament as a positive and creative force — the fruit of love. Its peacemaking was not based on a specifically political opposition to an unjust state, on the abhorrence of idolatry, or on apocalyptic expectations, but on the gospel command to make peace that was the basis for all these attitudes. From the early second century, when the New Testament was being completed, to the end of the Constantinian...
4 Pages 1629 Words

An Analysis of The Kalamazoo River Oil Spill and Its Devastating Effects on Our Environment

The Kalamazoo River oil spill was the worst oil spill in Michigan’s history. Well over 800,000 gallons of crude oil were spilled from an Enbridge pipeline in a creek upriver, and subsequently flowed downriver, causing devastating effects to the surrounding areas and the river’s ecosystem itself. It is clear that Enbridge dropped the ball, and that the entire situation was avoidable. The spill received a quick response from governmental agencies. The Michigan Department of Environmental Quality partnered with the United...
3 Pages 1555 Words

Philosophy & Husserl on Intersubjectivity

According to Husserl, inter subjective experience plays a vital role in the constitution of the self as subjects that exist objectively, other experiencing object and the objective world governed by space and time. That’s why transcendental phenomenology tries to reconstruct the basic rational structures that enable constitutive achievements. From a first person perspective, intersubjectivity occurs when people undergo acts of empathy because an intersubjective experience is highly empathetic. This is because it occurs in the course of person’s consciousness and...
3 Pages 1564 Words

Nanotechnology and Environment

The world is going from bad to worse. We as human being are wasting everything we face. We are the source of disasters in the earth. The Earth is almost 4.6 billion years old, and humans have been living on it for less than 12 million years. Still, in these few years comparing them to the age of the earth, we have destroyed more than 52% of its total forest. We have polluted its air. The water became toxic. We...
4 Pages 1613 Words

Reputation in 'Lady Windermere’s Fan' and A Good Woman

My latest reality TV obsession is the adaptly named Love Island, a show that is built on the premise that you must couple up if you want to win the ‘Competition’. Contestants are chosen based on physical attributes, probably a skillfully questioned psych assessment to ensure that you have no or at least questionably morales, taken to exotic locations, thrown onto sets that are designed to lull the gullible to relax, be themselves and forget that they are being videoed...
3 Pages 1552 Words

Reasons Why is Criminology Important

Introduction to Criminology's Role in Society and Law In this essay I will be showcasing the importance of the study and practice of criminology and why it has a firm placement and fixture in society and law. Criminology is an important aspect of law and social structure within society because it studies why volatile criminal behaviour is apparent in lawful countries. It helps us understand culpability and how morality is tackled within the eyes of criminals and the law. Exploring...
3 Pages 1606 Words

The Symbolism of 'The Concept of Blood'

In Part 1 of Henry IV, “blood” is the defining characteristic, separating the players into two distinct groups easily designated by their relationship to blood and providing the basis for the two lifestyles that Hal leads. The nobility’s obsession with blood in all of its meanings coagulates them into the first of the two groups. This blood obsession is manifested in the minds of the leading court figures, most especially those of the King, Henry IV, and Hotspur, Henry Percy....
3 Pages 1556 Words

Acknowledgement of Beauty in Pilgrim at Tinker Creek

Pilgrim at Tinker Creek written by Annie Dillard is a very mysterious novel. She goes through life examining many different things one would not typically pay attention to. She wants for us to go through life the way she does, by observing everything, whether it be big or small, and realize what is happening in our surroundings before it is gone. Pilgrim of Tinker Creek is a novel which consists of short passages which relate to one of her seven...
3 Pages 1555 Words

White Fang': Summary & Analysis

In the book White Fang by Jack London, White Fang is a wolf-dog hybrid that is the main character and quester of the story. White Fang begins his life well, living in the wild with his mother, but as they are adopted by humans, his life begins it way downhill. He is segregated and bullied by the dog pups and eventually his mother is sold to another human and forgets him. As he is taken in by a cruel master...
4 Pages 1645 Words

The Weight of Societal Pressure on Individuals

Shirley Jackson’s short story and Salman Rushdie’s essay both pass on the message that society is able to impose rules and mindsets that are driven by factors such as religion due to it having a massive following. Individuals in a society avoid going against flow of the society so it is easy to find themselves conforming to something they don’t truly believe in or understand. People will just blindly follow the tradition and culture they are born into without question...
3 Pages 1562 Words

The Poisonwood Bible': The Construction of Kingsolver's

“The Poisonwood Bible,” by Barbara Kingsolver, uses the character of Nathan Price to address the effects of western supremacy and one’s personal superiority, specifically fueled by religion. The Price family travels to the Congo on a mission trip, is only a year before the country secedes from Belgium, leaving them in great need of assistance. Nathan was determined to give them this help by will or by force, all while dragging his family along with him. The way each child...
3 Pages 1593 Words

A View from from The Bridge': The Use of Tragedy, Perspective and Clarity

Arthur Miller wrote A View from the Bridge, a work set in the late 1940s, as he became interested in the Italian immigration at the Brooklyn docks. Fascinated by the life of Pete Panto, a longshoreman who challenged the work of the Mafia, Miller wrote the play in the form of a Greek tragedy, of which Alfieri is the chorus. Annoyed by critics not capturing “the real and inner theme of the play,” Alfieri acts as an impartial, omniscient figure...
3 Pages 1610 Words

The Impact of The Taiping Rebellion in China

Taiping Revolution was a thorough political and spiritual disturbance that probably was the most important event in China during the 19th century. The rebellion was a massive Civil War in Southern China from 1850 to 1864. It was a millenarian movement against the ruling Manchu Qing dynasty. The rebellion ravaged 17 provinces and took an estimated twenty million lives. It also irrevocably altered the Qing dynasty. This research paper analyzes into details the causes of the rebellion, the events that...
3 Pages 1588 Words
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