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Social Issues

Impact of the Era of McCarthyism on The Crucible by Arthur Miller: Analytical Essay

In times of fear, people look to a person to help guide and lead them. Because of all the attention, that person's voice becomes a powerful tool that can change the views of many. The play, “The Crucible”, written by Auther Miller, was the story set in Massachusetts Bay Colony during 1692–93 focusing on the Salem Witch Trials. The Crucible’s main antagonist, Abigail Williams, is an orphan girl of 17 years. She becomes obsessed with power after she and some...
4 Pages 1638 Words

Discursive Essay on My Personal Philosophy of Education Based on the Principles of Progressivism

Abstract This paper will discuss my personal philosophy of education which is based on the principles of progressivism. The pragmatist and progressivist approach to academic curricula support the individual values and differences of each student and believes that knowledge gained should be practical in the real world. This progressivist approach corresponds with my strong belief that the whole child must be considered, which includes social and emotional learning, career, and life skills. Education is crucial to developing capable, resilient, and...
4 Pages 1613 Words

Analytical Essay on Self Concept: Self-Actualisation Tendency, Self-Acceptance and Introjected Beliefs

Carl Rogers believed that for a person to grow in society they needed to be in an environment to help them develop a healthy personality. With this kind of environment comes openness, acceptance and empathy. If a person does not have this kind of environment while growing up, Carl Rogers believed that a person would not be able to develop a healthy personality for one’s self and relationships with others. The self-concept is made up of how a person see’s...
4 Pages 1638 Words

Strengths and Weaknesses of Classicism in Comparison with Social Contract Theory

Compare and contrast the strengths and weaknesses of classicism with one other theoretical perspective that you have encountered in Block 1, and critically evaluate which perspective is most useful in considering issues of crime and justice. The ideas of modern ‘justice’ have at their core two concepts, around which have shaped the way Western liberal democracies have constructed the legal relationship between the ‘people’ and ‘state’. Those two concepts are Classicism and Positivism. This essay will compare and contrast the...
4 Pages 1634 Words

Importance of Project Planning and Scheduling: Analytical Essay

Introduction Project planning and scheduling is a mechanism of communications what tasks need to be done and which specific organization resource is allocated for the job and in what time frame. Planning is the coordination of all the support that needs to be put in place or to be used in achieving the organizational key goal project schedule on the other side is a document that collects all the works that are needed to deliver the project which has been...
4 Pages 1589 Words

Oversight and Financial Accountability of the EU Budget: Analytical Essay

Conclusion and Recommendations The primary objective of this research is to analyse how the EP oversight role in the EU budget discharge enhances accountability. After assessing the 2017 EU budget discharge, a number of conclusions have been drawn; these conclusions are rooted on two ends; the accountability elements and the oversight tools employed by the EP in executing the 2017 budget discharge procedure. A mixture of both theoretical and empirical findings. Overall, ex-post oversight of the budget allows parliaments to...
3 Pages 1590 Words

Analytical Essay on Theme of Slavery and Oppression: August Wilson’s “The Piano Lesson”

Over the course of the semester we have read and dissected a plethora of stories ranging from various literary periods. These literary periods encompass Romanticism, Realism, Naturalism, and finally the Modernism period. While reading these various works we have been focused on characterization. Specifically, seeing the world through the eyes of the character and as we learn more about the story we began to sympathize with what our protagonist is going through, and hope they find a resolution to what...
4 Pages 1612 Words

Use of CRISPR to Treat Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy: Analytical Essay

Introduction: An ongoing investigation has indicated that CRISPR can be utilized as a generative method that can treat Duchenne muscular dystrophy. Because of an examination in mice, it could be created as a remedial choice for humans Duchenne muscular dystrophy is caused by a defective gene for dystrophin. Duchenne muscular dystrophy occurs in about 1 out of every 3,600 males commonly between 3 to 6 years. As this is an inherited disorder, risks include a family history of Duchenne muscular...
3 Pages 1553 Words

Research of Issues Faced by Wal-Mart and Its Effects on the Company

Executive Summary This proposal will highlight some issues in Wal-Mart, which is giving a negative prospect to the business success wise. Those issue will be examined which will be related to underpaying staff, loopholes in organizational strategy and some cost related analysis. Introduction Wal-Mart was established in 1962by Sam Walton when he was 44 year in Arkansas. The company became front-runner worldwide in merchandizing business from year 1970 and onward after it got public (Walmart.com, 2016). Company made great profits...
4 Pages 1635 Words

Improving Management Planning of Jet Airways: Analytical Essay

Summary: This report consists of the problems or crisis of jet Airways Airline and how that could be addressed, or which models are implemented in order to operate the airline successfully. The jet Airways went to financial losses this year 2019 due to improper management plan and rises in fuel prices lead to delay in its debt. Lack of skilled staff and centralization of decision making are the result to poor management planning. The company was unable to pay its...
3 Pages 1567 Words

Analytical Essay on LSD: Principles of Work and Negative Consequences of Use

Introduction Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) also colloquially known as “acid” is a psychedelic drug often criticised as being dangerous and delusion inducing but is also heralded by many scientists and psychologists as mind expanding, wonder drug. LSD is a derivative of ergot; ergot is a fungus which frequently grows on both rye and wheat. For centuries ergot was utilised as a medicine, such as in childbirth in small dosages. It was used to aid childbirth via both quickening delivery and...
3 Pages 1627 Words

Impact of Accountability in Australia: Critical Analysis

Over the years , Australian federalism ‘cake’ has become more and more marble like under the banner of collaborative or cooperative federalism leading to more overlapping , ambiguity, duplication, bureaucracy and accountability deficit . The theoretical merit of decentralised power and therefore decentralised responsiveness had created an accountability deficit. Accountability in simple terms is to account for ones actions to those affected by them. According to Management Advisory Board/Management Improvement Advisory Committee (MAB/MIAC) report, ‘In the context of the relationship...
4 Pages 1606 Words

Case Study: Chronic Kidney Disease of a 51 Years Old Man

In the following section, discussion will be carried out with respect to the applicability of the Levitt-Jones’ Clinical Reasoning Cycle in identification of the two care priorities within the realm of the given clinical scenario. The nursing vocation makes use of the Clinical Reasoning Cycle for considering the situation of the patient, further collecting and processing information, followed by identification of the problems. Based on the identified issues, goals are established, and actions are taken accordingly. As part of the...
3 Pages 1566 Words

Justification of the Humanist Philosophy of Education in a Rapidly Changing World

In a rapidly changing world where we have emerged in the age of information and technology and a growing knowledge economy, the pace of change in an evolving employment landscape is predicted to accelerate with approximately 65% of children entering primary school expected to gain future employment in completely new job types that don’t yet exist (World Economic Forum, 2016). Whilst the question about the purpose of education remains philosophically unsettled, Durkeim (1973), summarised that education teaches individual skills necessary...
3 Pages 1569 Words

Essence of Planning Principles in Court Procedures: Analytical Essay

Planning principles Planning Principles has been defined by the Land and Environment Court as “a statement of a desirable outcome from a chain of reasoning aimed at reaching or a list of appropriate matters to be considered in making a planning decision”. The principle in this planning principle has been derived from Latin word Principium which means beginning, origin or source which has been generally assumed by Dr. John Roseth as the basis for forming the chain of reasoning. He...
3 Pages 1559 Words

Advantages and Disadvantages of High-Speed Rail: Analytical Essay

Technology: Persistent welded rail is for the most part utilized to decrease track vibrations and misalignment. Nearly all high-speed lines are electrically driven by means of overhead cables, have in-cab flagging, and utilize progressed switches utilizing exceptionally moo section and frog angles. Road-rail parallel layout: Road Rail Parallel Format employments arrive adjacent to interstates for railroad lines. Illustrations incorporate Paris/Lyon and Köln–Frankfurt in which 15% and 70% of the track runs close to thruways, separately. Track sharing: In China, high-speed...
4 Pages 1619 Words

Importance of The National Anthem for American Culture: Analytical Essay

Standing for the flag of our country displays pride and patriotism. For Colin Kaepernick, standing for the flag is unjust for a country that oppresses people of color. “…To me, this is bigger than football and it would be selfish on my part to look the other way. There are bodies in the street and people getting paid leave and getting away with murder.” which Kaepernick stated. (Wyche) This statement leads to the beginning of a movement throughout the sports...
3 Pages 1557 Words

Descriptive essay on Valentine's Day: History, Spiritual Impact and Perspective

Valentine’s Day is celebrated in many international locations on a large scale. However, the history of the starting place of Valentine’s Day is shrouded with mystery. The Catholic Church recognizes at least three Saints named Valentine. According to an opinion, this day is celebrated to commemorate the anniversary of St. Valentine; others opine that to Christianise an historical festival, Lupercalia, the Christian Church may also have brought ‘St. Valentine’s Feast Day’ in mid-February. In the fifth century, Pope Gelasius announced...
3 Pages 1552 Words

Comparative Analysis of Marketing Strategies At Granular.ai

Conceptual Background and Literature Review Marketing: The term marketing is drawn from the base word called the market. The area or location or platform of the process/deal, where the buyers and sellers make a deal to exchange the products and services between them is known as the market typically. Alternative Data Market: Alternative data build predictive and improve investment returns by collecting, framing, packing, modeling, and also the distribution of big unstructured and structured data sources. Marketing Strategy: Tuning the...
3 Pages 1589 Words

Pros and Cons of International Business: Analytical Essay

Traditionally, international business is defined as a business that engages in international economic activities. It can also refer to the action of doing business abroad (Peng). Many businesses are either international or are domestic businesses competing against international businesses. Having a good understanding of what international business is can help business owners make better decisions, because international business is a rapidly changing environment. For example, according to market analyst Bert Markgraf, “Environmental factors are a major influence in the West...
3 Pages 1604 Words

Analytical Essay on Cognitive Development: Jean Piaget and Nature Versus Nurture

Introduction Cognitive development is that the construction of thought processes, together with memory, drawback determination, and decision-making, from childhood through adolescence to adulthood. Among the specifics of Cognitive Development are, information processing, intelligence, reasoning, language development and memory. Learning Objectives are; Be able to establish and describe the most areas of psychological feature development. Be able to describe major theories of psychological feature development and what distinguishes them. Understand however nature and nurture work along to provide psychological feature development....
3 Pages 1620 Words

Biography of Benjamin Franklin: Reflective and Discursive Essay

Benjamin Franklin once said “Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember involve me and I learn.” A lot of people, even google, recognize Franklin as an inventor publisher or scientist, or politician. Franklin was more than that, as the author of this primary source, he was an influencer to everyone around him. A primary source is a source that was created at the time the event occurred or materials created by those that experiences the event. This...
4 Pages 1623 Words

The Law of Seas and Jurisprudence of Ownership: Analytical Essay

Introduction to The Law of Sea India has managed to build a rich Maritime history in the course of time even before the rise of the European Maritime laws. During the ancient period, Indian ships would sail across international seas and transport all sorts of valuable goods to the neighbouring Asian and Middle Eastern countries. After the advent of the Britishers, Indian ships were discouraged and British ships were given more preference. The indigenous ships had to be registered under...
3 Pages 1601 Words

Analysis of Sexual Harassment Based on Sigmund Freud's Theory of Psychological Development

​According to The Advocates for Human Rights, street harassment is unwelcome or unwanted verbal, non-verbal, physical, or visual conduct based on sex or of a sexual nature which occurs with the purpose or effect of violating the dignity of a person. Street harassment can also be based on race, disability, class, gender identity, or other social identities. Acts considered to be street harassment are as follows: sexually explicit, racist, ableist, transphobic, and other derogatory comments; unwelcome comments about one’s appearance,...
4 Pages 1596 Words

Solar Energy on Trial: Human Effect on Nature in I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud

Solar Energy on trial The website https://www.ases.org/df is a reliable source due to many reasons; it has authority, an informative purpose, adequate ways of currency, and is very accurate. This website offers a lot of information about solar energy. It also coincides with another website, https://www.eia.gov/energyexplained/solar/solar-energy-and-the-environment.php. This new website is more objective with its unbiased opinion and has more reliable authors, as it is government restricted. They both offer adequate information on solar energy though. When writing an academic paper...
3 Pages 1576 Words

Business Ethics Versus Personal Ethics: Reflective Essay

To me, personal ethics are consistently created incidents all through a person's life, adjusting to new information, and refining as you age. To me, personal ethics are characterized as a lot of administering standards dependent on what one believes is ethically right. They are exhibited through the person's practices, activities, and convictions. My ethics have been and still are creating because of my family, companions, condition, and natural idea. Every individual has their own arrangement of ethical convictions that, thoroughly...
3 Pages 1563 Words

Traditions of Celebrating Eid in Malaysia: Analytical Essay

Malaysia is a Southeast Asian country with people of multiple ethnicities and diverse cultures thrive peacefully. The country recognizes Islam to be it’s official religion; while Malaysian is the national language of the country. As per the population demographics, Malaysia comprises of more than 65% Malays who are Muslims and the Islamic festivals are celebrated with great enthusiasm. Three of the biggest and the most important Islamic festivals are birthday of the Prophet (known as Maulidur Rasul), Eid-ul-fitr (also known...
3 Pages 1555 Words

Medgar Evers and His Activity in NAACP: Descriptive Essay

Throughout American history, African Americans suffered a period of oppression through the unjust leadership of white supremacy groups in society, disowned of their legal rights, deprived of any voice in society, and threatened to the point of death for actions of protest for their rightfully given freedom. Medgar Evers, an American civil rights activist from the 1950s, led African Americans to believe there's a chance to give a free and equal life for them and anyone else who has been...
4 Pages 1611 Words

Great Advances in Science and Knowledge: Reflective Essay on the Lewis and Clark Expedition

1620–1728: Puritanism Plymouth Plantation founded During the reign of King James I in September of 1620, nearly 100 mean and women boarded the Mayflower and set sail for the New World. These people were members of the English separatist church. The Mayflower landed on Plymouth Rock, the place that would later become the permanent settlement of the Europeans in New England. Most of the settlers died off within the first winter and those who survived secured peace treaties with neighboring...
3 Pages 1553 Words

Analytical Essay on Musculoskeletal System: Bone Types, Bone Composition and Role of Skeleton

Introduction Comment by David FRITH: You are employed by a large sports and fitness company as a trainee Health Care Assistant within their Occupational Health Department (OHD). Your employers are concerned that a significant number of working days are lost due to employee absence through musculoskeletal disorders. They hope that by liaising with other Health Care professionals, the OHD will be able to create support programmes that offer employees education and guidance regarding the structure and function of the musculoskeletal...
3 Pages 1648 Words
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