1600 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Still Alice Essay

The film Still Alice deals with a very serious subject matter of a person whose life is turned upside down when she gets a diagnosis of early-onset Alzheimer’s disease. Throughout most of this film we can see an accurate portrayal of the symptoms associated with this crippling brain disease. During the course of the entire movie Alice Howland progressively goes through the three stages of Alzheimer’s disease. Although this movie depicts the human aspects of this degenerative condition exceptionally well,...
3 Pages 1642 Words

Forensic Victimology and Crime Scene Analysis

Elizabeth Short, who would eventually become known across the globe as The Black Dahlia, was a 22-year-old American woman who was raped, murdered, dismembered, and thrown on a vacant lot in a Los Angeles suburb in Los Angeles County on January 15, 1947. No one knows exactly what happened leading up to Elizabeth Short’s last moments when she fought for her life. There was no murder confession, and there was a lack of evidence to lead investigators further (CITATION THE...
3 Pages 1589 Words

Salvage The Bones And Medea: Common Themes And Ideas

Salvage the Bones is narrated by a teenager named Esch. She is the only girl in an all-male family, since her mother is dead, and her father is an alcoholic. Isolated and alone in this savage town (the town’s name “Bois Sauvage” and the fact that their homestead is called “The Pit” says a lot about how rural this place is), she seeks of a way to escape. She shifts between the present happenings of her life and often alludes...
4 Pages 1634 Words

Motivation And Morality

Every second of your life and every decision you make is being influenced by your motivation and your morality. These concepts are very important and very different for every individuals, every society, every organization and every country. Motivation is the need or reason to do something (“Cambridge English Dictionary”, z.d.). Job motivation is needed for an employee to correctly execute their tasks within the organization. Morality are the norms and values for a person. Values are on a more individual...
3 Pages 1567 Words

Moral Ambiguity in Video Games

All video games are designed to give the player a choice. To a certain extent, it is an essential characteristic to facilitate a greater sense of immersion for the player. Either by creating a rich mental model of the game’s environment by highlighting unique set pieces to invoke imagery of its desired tone or hint at subtle nuances to give the player a small snippet into where a greater narrative might entail a hidden inconsequential truth to reward their personal...
4 Pages 1628 Words

Marijuana Legalization: Harm or Good?

“Why is marijuana against the law? It grows naturally upon our planet. Doesn’t the idea of making nature against the law seem to you a bit 
 unnatural?” – Bill Hicks. Marijuana, according to the Cambridge Dictionary “is a drug, illegal in many countries, that is made from the dried leaves and flowers of the hemp plant”. Many people mistakenly use the terms decriminalization and legalization interchangeably however there are important distinctions between them. Decriminalization is a loosening of criminal...
4 Pages 1620 Words

Making A Serial Murderer: Trauma, Aggression, And Mental Illness

Making a murderer involves many psychological factors that affect everybody differently. The psychological makeup of the human mind controls the thoughts, decisions, and actions. It affects everyone from infants to criminals and Trauma, aggression, and mental illnesses are factors that cause a person to become a serial killer. A serial killer is someone who kills at least three people with each killing being a separate event (Crime Museum). However, if the kills were done at once and were not separate...
3 Pages 1599 Words

The Practice of Health Promotion in Pediatric Nursing

Hundreds of thousands of babies are brought into this world daily. With our population growing more rapidly than ever, there is an apparent demand for pediatric nurses to provide care to these children. Pediatric nurses have the ability to promote a healthy lifestyle to children through many stages of their lives with the use of ample resources to maintain well-being and to allow patients to retain the healthy habits they have been taught in order to thrive from birth into...
3 Pages 1561 Words

Ignorance in Fahrenheit 451

The famous playwrighter William Shakespeare once said, “There is no darkness, but ignorance.” Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury is a book based on a dystopian society in the future; it is robot-like and controlled. Although Bradbury wrote it in 1953, it has some alarming similarities to the world today. Ray Bradbury’s Fahrenheit 451 illustrates a society where technology is dangerous, censorship covers up the truth, and ignorance is pervasive. These themes are conveyed through the thoughts and actions of characters....
3 Pages 1577 Words

Fahrenheit 451: The Effect Technology Has On People's Memory In A Modern Society

Ray Bradburry creates a society that is run by a government that manipulates its people by providing them with a happy and simple life. Instead, of allowing their own people to think independently, the government tells its society how to shape their lives. In order to keep control, the executives controlling the town, enforce their own mindset through the brutal use of technology. Adam Gopnik quote illustrates the idea that people tend to forget everything in order to stop constant...
3 Pages 1571 Words

Why To Study Anthem By Ayn Rand And Fahrenheit 451 By Ray Bradbury In Schools?

“War. Death. Despair. Oppression. Environmental ruin. Yup, when it comes to demoralizing literature, dystopian novels have it all! Yet many of us love this genre, and there are good reasons we do” states The Huffington Post. Dystopian novels are loved among many people, but there is also criticism of having these negative novels. Dystopian novels such as Anthem by Ayn Rand and Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury are popular in schools. There are many purposes of teaching these novels in...
4 Pages 1637 Words

Traveling Through Time: An Analysis of Antigone in World War II France

The story of Antigone is one of the oldest, yet most well-known, theatrical pieces. Sophocles, was the first playwright to interpret the myth to create a theatrical performance. The appeal of Antigone to many playwrights, as well as the reason for its longevity, is its ability to adapt to any social or political theme. In 441 b.c. Sophocles adapted the myth of Antigone to a play that emphasises Athenian ideals and cultural values. Centuries later in 1944, Jean Anouilh reinterpreted...
3 Pages 1552 Words

Woman Infertility as a Global Problem

The American Pregnancy Association points out, “Infertility is a condition that affects approximately 1 out of every 6 couples” (“Female Infertility”, 2019). Infertility is a global public health issue that silently affects more people that the average person assumes. Because this issue is not openly talked about, many people are unaware about the topic and it becomes stigmatized. In this paper, the pathophysiology, population affected, current ideas treatment measures, nursing care, other possible consideration regarding this health topic, and any...
3 Pages 1562 Words

The Meaning of Justice as Equity

The word justice is associated with many aspects of society today; social justice, criminal justice and environmental justice just to name a few. However, all of these subsections have one thing in common, a societal outlook past individual gratification or concern. All of these groups or movements seek changes within their communities to reach a state of justice from a societal standpoint. Justice may only be achieved when all aspects of society are in fact made to be just. As...
3 Pages 1591 Words

Structured Racism In Education: The Impact Of Colonialism

While there are several current issues with the education system in North America, one of the more popular issues to social justice activists is racism, and the influence it has on education. As a result of colonialism, a form of oppression known as structured racism limits the ability of minority students to thrive in the education system. As mentioned by Daniel (2019), many children are traumatized and minimized by their experiences in the colonialist education system that does not care...
3 Pages 1563 Words

The Reasons Medea Is Not Just Some Crazy Homicidal Lady

In her eponymous play, Medea, in the name of revenge for Jason’s betrayal, kills her own children. I will argue that Medea’s actions are, in fact, logically justified because they are rational when viewed on a cosmic scale. First, Jason’s severest and highest offense is his violation of his oath to the gods, and therefore the best form of justice for this is on a divine level in return. Medea carried this out after deliberating in a “divine” manner, which...
3 Pages 1588 Words

Colonial History of Alcoholism in Indigenous Communities

The tone of a social setting is often set by the alcohol which is consumed. Participants can use its significance to “manipulat[e]...cultural systems, values...and expectations”('Social and Cultural Aspects of Drinking'). Early on in North America’s colonial history, traders used alcohol to acquire “sought-after skins and other resources” from Indigenous people (Beauvais 1998 253). Note the terms Aboriginal and Indigenous, here, this vocabulary specifically addresses First Nations people affected by the Indian Act and colonization. This does not always include MĂ©tis...
4 Pages 1612 Words

Themes of Revenge and Sin in The Scarlet Letter

Written by Nathaniel Hawthorne, The Scarlet Letter primarily centers around the deed of sinning, and the effect it has on those surrounding. Initially, we are presented with Hester Prynne, a young woman who essentially commits the immoral act of adultery. Consequently, those associated with this act of sin ultimately are further consumed by immorality than the sinner herself. Sin in the Scarlet Letter presents itself in two forms; guilt and revenge. Guilt in the novel, is directly proportional to the...
4 Pages 1623 Words

Literary Devices in Depicting Society in The Giver

The Giver by Lois Lowry sets place in a futuristic society. It is undetermined the exact location or period that the story takes place. This society is based on a utopian community. A perfect society, where everyone is safe, they have never suffered pain, or ever heard of violence, but the citizens have no individuality, choice, or any freedom. The setting of this community is composed of a collection of houses known as dwellings were the same in shape, color,...
4 Pages 1640 Words

Ethical Dilemma: Choice Of Abortion Should Only Affect The Individual In Position

An ethical dilemma is when the best course of action is unclear, and when there are adequate and compelling moral reasons supporting each position (Keatings, 2020). There have been ethical dilemmas in various areas of topics, the field, biomedical ethics is associated with healthcare ethics and dilemmas. The topic of abortion has and is currently known as an ethical dilemma. The medical definition for abortion is the premature exit of the products of conception; the fetus, fetal membranes, and placenta...
3 Pages 1551 Words

Cholera: The Peculiarities Of Infectious Disease

Cholera is a disease characterized by extreme bouts of diarrhea (Somboonwit, Menezes, Holt, Sinnott, and Shapshak, 2017). In the 19th century, Cholera was believed to be a disease caused by breathing “bad air”, however researcher John Snow showed that cases of the disease were clustered around a public well (Symington, 2016). Upon inspecting the water from the well, John Snow discovered the presence of white particles floating giving weight to his theory that the disease was caused by waterborne bacterium...
3 Pages 1560 Words

The Injustice Of Domestic Abuse In The United States

Domestic violence is an issue that takes place far too often around us. It consists of spousal abuse, parent and child abuse, and abuse to elders. Retributive justice consists of knowingly violating the rights of others, but having the punishment of doing so fit the crime that was committed. With that being said, domestic abusers are often not convicted for those crimes. In fact, only about thirty percent of those arrested for domestic abuse are convicted and sentenced to jail...
4 Pages 1646 Words

The Characteristics Of Pediatric Diabetes

Abstract An increasing number of people are developing diabetes across the nation. The affect on children has become overwhelmingly high. Schools need to educate teachers on the signs and symptoms of the disease to insure the health of students. If school officials and teachers are aware of how diabetes affects children and the signs to look for proper treatment can be achieved without causing severe health complications. Familiarity with hypoglycemia, hyperglycemia, and the different types of diabetes enables a teacher...
3 Pages 1556 Words

Inequality and Violent Crime

Being a resident of the city of Beaumont since birth, and watching the local news often, I have recently discovered the violent crimes that have taken place. Four innocent people have lost their lives in the South Park neighborhood one day. The Beaumont Enterprise states that “it is the city’s first mass shooting in five years (Moore).” One suspect was charged with four counts of murder. The suspect and the victims were all minorities, specifically African-American. Why did he do...
3 Pages 1594 Words

Woman Or Women Of Influence

“Influence is when you are not the one talking and yet your words fill the room; when you are absent and yet your presence is felt everywhere.” (TemitOpe Ibrahim) Throughout my life, there have been several people who have great influences on me, but some have left a vast impact on my life. Beside of my loving mother, Staci was the significant figure that contributed in shaping and changing me to become who I am today. Whenever I think of...
4 Pages 1633 Words

Oedipus Rex: Human Condition Reversed As Soon As One Measures It Against The Gods

Since the universe has been created, there are certain patterns of life that the whole world is following. People born, they grow upon, face certain challenges of the life and devout their live towards the will of the God. So basically, all the events of life are written and organized by the God. However the conflict and problems of the life arises when we try to challenge the will of the God, when we try to write our own fate...
3 Pages 1573 Words

The Relationship Between Prejudice And Discrimination

This essay is going to discuss the relationship between prejudice and discrimination by drawing upon relevant literature, such as Abrams (2010) Equality and Human Rights Report and a study conducted by Hilton & Von Hippel (1996), which link to both associated concepts. It will include a definition of the terms as well as critically discuss the social psychological evidence that supports the relationship between each component. It will include psychological principles for a variety of groups, including race and gender....
4 Pages 1577 Words

Biological, Psychological and Macro-sociological Perspectives of Obesity

In this essay, obesity will be explored in three different ways. First, from a biological perspective to consider how to identify if a person is obese and the different lifestyle factors that contribute to the risk of obesity. Second, from a psychological perspective to investigate the psychological barriers of following advice to lose weight. Third, from a macro-sociological perspective to explore different factors that can affect David’s ability to change his perspective and lose weight. How to determine whether an...
3 Pages 1558 Words

The Influence Of Gender On Perceptions Of Intelligence

Abstract Past research has found that males estimate their own intelligence higher than females, and that in general, individuals estimate their father’s intelligence to be higher than their mothers. This study aimed to examine these gender differences in the perception of intelligence through a methodologically similar survey to Hogan’s (1978) study on IQ estimations, and found that females consistently estimate their IQ lower than males, and both males and females estimate their mother’s IQ lower than their father. This could...
3 Pages 1573 Words

Is Coronavirus Pandemic an Act of God ?

What we are experiencing today is not unknown to anyone.The world is going through an unprecedented year, a year which no one dreamed or thought of.The disease outbreak i.e COVID 19 is travelling so fast and everyone is fighting the battle including superpowers who could not prevent people against it. This novel Coronavirus is spreading faster than fire all over the globe. The Wuhan city of China first experienced this virus in December 2019 and then it had reached and...
3 Pages 1577 Words
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