1600 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

The Effects Of Discrimination On LGBT+ Homeless Youth

Abstract This paper analyzes a series of statistics as well as studies, journals and reviews of information surrounding LGBT+ homeless youth, discrimination in the form of societal and family rejection, and the mental effect such rejection has on many LGBT+ youth and adults. Statistics provided by a sample of homeless shelters reported that LGBT+ youth make up a large portion of the total population of the clients served at any given shelter included in the sample size. Of the total...
4 Pages 1633 Words

The Capital Punishment: Should it Be Abolished or Kept?

Imagine you are walking through the corridors of a jail with a guard on both sides. For your last minute of life, the only things that are going through your mind is your family and what led to this painful end. You walk into the execution room; it is dark and there is this bad feeling emerging from your body. You are being strapped to a gurney, while the executioner is filling the syringes with lethal poison. The needles pierce...
4 Pages 1574 Words

The Hate U Give: Police Brutality against African Americans

The Hate You Give is a great novel that expresses the topic of police brutality against the African American society. Though the novel centers around that, it has multiple topics that surround police brutality like a web. The story follows a young girl named Starr Carter, a girl who lives in Garden Heights who is dealing with an internal conflict. She lives in two worlds and this book covers her journey to realizing that she shouldnā€™t let them change who...
3 Pages 1635 Words

Abolitionistā€™s Individual Experience With Slavery

When thinking of the causes and matters of slavery, evangelization, tyrannical, and dominance, should be taken into consideration. Spanish Colonist, BartolomƩ De Las Casas, witnessed evangelization, tyrannical, and dominance first-hand when he traveled alongside the Europeans to many locations, such as the Land of the Indians, for the purpose of evangelization. After De Las Casas realized that the Europeans were not exercising a peaceful evangelization but tyrannical instead, he changed his views on the trade slave and became an advocate...
4 Pages 1631 Words

Gun Control: The Wrong Approach To Decrease Gun Violence

I was born into a family where guns were prevalent. As expected, I grew up shooting firearms regularly. It became a game to see who was the best shot with the air rifle in the backyard and then eventually transfer to a competition at the shooting range. We would see who could shoot the farthest and who could hit the most targets, see who could shoot the fastest and the most accurate. Shooting was always fun, but before I ever...
3 Pages 1569 Words

Legal And Non-legal Measures in Justice of Surrogacy and Birth Technologies

One of the main purposes of any legal system is to protect the most vulnerable, in this case, its the family members. To an extent, legal and non-legal methods have been largely ineffective when achieving justice for family members in relation to surrogacy and birth technologies. Surrogacy has been a prominent issue in regard to achieving justice for family members. Surrogacy is the act of a woman giving birth to a baby on behalf of another person as known as...
3 Pages 1563 Words

Gender Plays a Role in How our Society Defines and Perceives Drug Abuse as a Crime

Introduction The misuse of substances such as alcohol, cigarettes, cocaine, marijuana, illegal drugs, and other such stimulants has augmented at an extreme level. The illegal trafficking of harmful drugs is also common these days. Many of such cases have been identified while many of them still exist, which is why the population, especially the youth is getting affected and addicted to it. Drug abuse does not only affect the person taking it but also harms others (Stasby et al. 2017)...
4 Pages 1639 Words

Could The Human Population Be At A Greater Risk Of New Disease Outbreaks?

Increasing globalisation and continued human induced environmental degradation is enhancing the ability for infectious diseases to emerge and spread. Globalisation, climate change, urbanisation and livestock intensification are all features of the modern human society disrupting the natural ecological system and altering disease transmission (Patz, J.A. et al 2000). Changes in population size, density and distribution, aided by international migration and mobility further emphasises the likelihood emerging diseases will traverse entire continents and rapidly spread in short periods of time. Dengue...
4 Pages 1634 Words

Shakespeareā€™s Othello VS Nelsonā€™s O: Mixing Alienation with Tyranny

Tim Blake Nelsonā€™s modern film, O, and William Shakespeareā€™s classic play, Othello, both involve Othello (Odin) handing the lieutenant position to Michael Cassio instead of Iago (Hugo). The main difference comes between the two settings, Othello representing an army and O representing a basketball team. Iago knows he deserves the promotion because he had some experience in the war, unlike Cassio. Hugo persuades Roger (Roderigo) to call Desiā€™s (Desdemonaā€™s) father and explain to him that Desi is seeing Odin. The...
3 Pages 1607 Words

Ethical Issues And Dilemmas In Business

A Toxic leadership triangle includes the three aspects of the management which are the leaders who are destructive in their nature, the followers who are vulnerable and the environment which is very much conducive. All these together combine to form the destructive kind of a result. It can, therefore, be said that if the leader practices toxic kind of leadership then their workers tend to become very much unhappy with the organization in which they work this will ultimately lead...
4 Pages 1635 Words

Aboriginal Mental Health And Suicide

Aboriginal individuals represent 2.5% of the whole population in Australia. An ongoing survey of community uncovers that crosswise over seven reviews, indigenous grown-ups perceived to have more self-announced mental illness as opposed to non-indigenous individuals. Also, information on passing from 2001 to 2010 regarding suicide have demonstrated to be twofold than non-indigenous individuals in Australia. (Chalmers et al, 2014). This report is about to see the mental status and suicide issue among aboriginals. The major goals are to explore the...
4 Pages 1603 Words

Encountering Conflict Invites us to Reconsider Existing Ways of Thinking

When an individual experiences conflict, their existing opinions, viewpoints and stereotypes are challenged. This is demonstrated in both Dalia Mogahedā€™s ā€˜Being Muslim in Americaā€™ speech and Ronan Sharkeyā€™s ā€˜First Contactā€™ using a variety of techniques to encourage viewers to reconsider their current ways of thinking and to challenge any stereotypes and judgments they have. Individuals experiencing conflict can lead them to rethink their current world view. Expanding your knowledge can help to breakdown the predisposition of stereotypes and judgments. Sharing...
3 Pages 1618 Words

The Missing Gaps in David Millerā€™s Moral and Economic Justice Theory

In this essay we will explore the contention that the guiding principle for income distribution of work should be the principle of desert, whereby the desert is the contribution to the social product - drawing upon the work of David Miller. Miller argues for income distribution to be desert-based, where monetary rewards are provided as a portion of net output whereby the individual is responsible. The critique will begin with pointing out considerable weaknesses in his arguments, and a comparative...
4 Pages 1620 Words

How It Has Been Managed: Chinese Overpopulation

Overpopulation is when a place can no longer hold any more people without shortages. Some shortages are food insecurity, water cleanliness and amount, housing supplies, people not able to pay taxes, lopsided sex ratios, ageing population, spread of life-threatening disease and sicknesses and not enough space for healthy and clean living. These shortages create overpopulation. Some people get confused between urbanisation, overcrowding between overpopulation. The difference between overcrowding and overpopulation is overcrowding is having to many people in one area...
4 Pages 1620 Words

Ex Machina and The Handmaid's Tale: Social, Political and Historical Context

Frequently referred to as the ā€˜What ifā€¦?ā€™ genre, speculative fiction is a cover term for a diverse range of literature that diverges from the empirical reality that mimetic fiction implements (Jones, 2016). This genre encompasses science fiction, fantasy, horror, and invites the readers to consider the complex ways their choices contribute to generating the future (Hieroglyph, 2016). The 2014 film Ex-Machina depicts an eerily realistic future where Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) has advanced in order to create human-like entities with a...
3 Pages 1588 Words

Identity Of Woman And Male Dominance In A Midsummer Nightā€™s Dream

A Midsummer Nightā€™s Dream by William Shakespeare is a comedic masterpiece that raises questions on power, gender, and the deception of love which facilitates the drama culmination. Elizabethan norms included patriarchal authority, which Shakespeare not only questioned throughout the play, but also challenged. During Elizabethan times, the predominant role that women played was that of a housewife. Women were subservient to men and had no will of their own, thus they remained completely dependent on their male relatives, as they...
3 Pages 1578 Words

How Much of a Deterrent is the Death Penalty?

INTRODUCTION Deterrence is probably the most commonly expressed reason for maintaining death penalty but in fact, studies shows there is no connection between the presence or absence of the death penalty and murder rates (Deterrence and the Death Penalty,2012). Deters is to prevent someone from doing something or to make someone less enthusiastic about doing something by making it difficult for that person to do it. There are at least 690 executions in 20 countries in 2018, raise up a...
4 Pages 1618 Words

The Representation of Cross-cultural Encounter in Heart of Darkness

Cross-cultural encounter facilitates personal growth and challenges understandings of the self and world. By encountering different cultures, individuals are able to gain an understanding of their own culture as well as the world around them. Joseph Conradā€™s novel Heart of Darkness, explores the journey of British explorers up the Congo River and the inhumanity towards various individuals as a result of imperialism. By using Africa as a foil to Europe, the depersonalisation of Africa itself clearly highlights the slander and...
3 Pages 1558 Words

Social and Ethical Implications of Internet Censorship

More than one-fourth of the planet's populace utilizes the Internet today, despite the fact that entrance to it is exceptionally uneven all through the world. The web has changed the manner by which individuals acquire news, direct business, speak with each other, mingle, and interface with open authorities (Kelly, Cook & Truong). However, most of the people look at the internet as two sided sword. On one hand, it provides easy flow and availability of valuable information, connecting people. On...
3 Pages 1568 Words

Surrogacy within Family Law

The advancements in birth technology has irreversibly changed the discourse regarding families, for this reason the Australian Legal system must be responsive to these changes, in order to achieve just outcomes for family members and society Through analysing the legal and non-legal responses surrounding birth technology such as IVF and Sperm donation, it becomes clear that the Justice system has been limited in its ability to provide just outcomes for individuals and society. Technological advancements in birth technology such as...
4 Pages 1617 Words

Human Development and Osteoporosis

Effects on Ageing on Physiological, Cognitive, and Physical Aspects Ageing is a natural, inevitable, intricate multi-factorial process resulting from simultaneous interaction of different factors at varying functional organization levels over time. Aging processes increase individualā€™s susceptibility to factors that ultimately bring about death (Jayanthi, Joshua, & Ranganathan 2010). Further, the process affects individualsā€™ physical, psychological, and physiological functions (Ruiz-Montero, Chiva-Bartoll & Martin-Moya 2016). Before beginning the exercise, Mrs Virginia Rizanā€™s life was characterized by frequent falls and overall body weakness....
3 Pages 1554 Words

Racial Discrimination in Gattaca and To Kill a Mockingbird

All throughout history, prejudice and discrimination has been a prominent force in society. Discrimination and prejudice are built into our human nature with many discriminant acts being labelled ā€˜normalā€™. This is only done because certain groups consider themselves superior and use discrimination as a vantage point to maintain their privilege and power in society. To Kill A Mockingbird (1960) written by Harper Lee is a classic novel that demonstrates how discrimination existed and was used in the late 1920ā€™s to...
4 Pages 1609 Words

Moral Principles and Corporate Social Responsibility

No matter where you work, whether it is a small company or a big company, there is a need to live and follow by moral principles. Similar to what happened to Enron and other businesses that they did not adhere to moral principles so that they were bankrupt. Companies have to meet financial expectations, they additionally have moral responsibilities. Everyone, from the bottom to the top management, must meet these responsibilities. In a PowerPoint presentation of Dr. Jose Mario B....
3 Pages 1559 Words

An Artificial Intelligence Approach For Predicting

Abstract Today there are numerous data in cases of various diseases in medical sciences. Physicians can access new findings about diseases and procedures in dealing with them by probing these data. This study was to analyse the prediction of stroke illness. Stroke is a second leading cause of death and they have been seriously debated health attack. A stroke is a condition where the brain tissue is injured and some brain tissue dies. The disturbance in brain circulation affects the...
4 Pages 1608 Words

Theme Of Marriage In Jane Austin's Pride And Prejudice

Many of the characters in Pride and Prejudice feel that you must marry into wealth in order to be happy. Readers of this novel often look at the book as a romance, but do the characters actually marry for true love? The novel centers on the diverse ways adore may develop or vanish, and whether or not society has room for sentimental adore and marriage to go together. The author, Jane Austen, targets marriage by making individual characters fit for...
4 Pages 1619 Words

Micheal Cassio in the World of Shakespeare

Othello is considered one of the most tremendous tragedies out of Shakespeare's excellent, well-known work. Shakespeare's playwright was initially believed to have performed around 1604 for the relatively the first time. It is a story based on Othello, an African general within the Vietnam army, who is tricked by an envious and spiteful man into suspecting that his wife had committed adultery with his soldier. A few common known themes of this play includes prejudice against races, manipulation, and a...
3 Pages 1569 Words

To Be Shakespeare or Not to Be?

William Shakespeare is one of the greatest poets and playwrights from the Renaissance period. The Renaissance period spanned from 1485 to 1625. It was known for being the economic, political, and artistic rebirth of civilization creating a burst of creative expression. The Renaissance had a distinctive impact on literature, specifically involving the sonnet cycle and the influence of Greek and Roman tragedies. Arts flourished under Queen Elizabethā€™s reign because she was a great ā€œpatron of the arts and scienceā€ (Schwartz...
3 Pages 1580 Words

Why Procrastination Is Considered To Be The Foundation Of All Disasters

Introduction Procrastination in time management is no stranger to the modern society. Statistics by Beswick, Rothblum & Mann, 1988; Gallagher, 1992; Rothblum, Solomon & Murakami, 1986 estimated that 40 percent to over 50 percent of students were procrastinating. 'Procrastination arises from the Latin 'pro,' indicating 'ahead, forward, either for,' as well as 'crastinus,' meaning 'future'' (Klein, 1971). On that basis, procrastination actually means the postponement of a task by practice. 'Postponing by itself is certainly not enough, since procrastination is...
4 Pages 1582 Words

Dystopia Satire: Hunger Games and the Handmaids Tale

A dystopian satire is a significant and interesting type of literature to read and get engaged in .If you read various types of dystopian based stories you would notice that they normally have three main themes though-out the text. Such as Futuristic , Survival, and Government Control. Those who enjoy it say that it is both a thrilling and depressing experience due to certain characteristic the stories themselves may entail . A dystopia satire could be described as stories told...
4 Pages 1583 Words

Prioritisation Strategies Of Diabetes In Pakistan

Abstract According to global ranking, Pakistan is on 7th number. 6.6% adults in Pakistan have diabetes and it is believed that in 2030 around 14 million people will have diabetes. People with foot ulcers, no knowledge of diabetes and specifically young children diabetes are of major concern in the plan of action presented by international diabetes federation. Various shareholders and collaborators were working together at both stages globally to enhance the bad conditions of diabetes in Pakistan. Introduction Diabetes is...
4 Pages 1607 Words
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