1700 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

A Thousand Splendid Suns' Gender Analysis Essay

Sexism against women and girls is most commonly rooted in gender-based social norms and gender stereotypes, which ultimately perpetuate a system of patriarchal ruling. In the Afghan male-dominated society, the bonds of subordination and discrimination against women are often strengthened by a woman’s family members. In Khaled Hosseini’s A Thousand Splendid Suns, protagonists Mariam, and Laila both endure hardships and maltreatment within their abusive marriage, but while Mariam endures quietly and exhibits submission, Laila takes initiative and demonstrates determination and...
4 Pages 1693 Words

Virtual Reality in Theme Park Essay

Kraken - Turn upside down and fear Kraken is the name of a big, fantasy monster that is also called the giant monster in SeaWorld Orlando. It has a rail frame but the floor is empty. The collection is located in the US state of Orlando, Florida, in the Sea World and Entertainment Complex. Manufactured by Bolliger & Mabillard, the ride features a total of seven inversions including two vertical loops, a dive loop, a spiraling camelback (zero-g roll), a...
4 Pages 1709 Words

Essay on What Is a Cultural Dance

My love for dance started when my mom put me in ballet and tap classes at the age of six. As I grew up, I signed up for different types of dance classes like hip hop at my local community college. In high school, I was in cheer and drill, and the dance coach would incorporate various dances within each routine. Although I have had a history with dance, I have never taken into consideration my culture and its traditional...
4 Pages 1729 Words

Essay on Is Business Ethics an Oxymoron

Definition of terms Business This is a complex economic operation concerning those functions that govern the production, distribution, and sale of goods and services for the benefit of the buyer and the profit of the seller (Collins,1994). Ethics These are the principles of human conduct, sometimes called morals, and are concerned with questions such as ‘when is the act right and wrong and what is the nature or determining the standard of good and bad’ (Beauchamp, 2004). Business Ethics It...
4 Pages 1741 Words

Consumerism and Identity Essay

Understanding that consumerism through advertising and branding is very much about what the product says about you, and your status in the community not necessarily about what it does or how well it does it. It is important to look at how this affects your sense of self or self-concept, the answer to the question ‘who am I ?’. Belk (1988) brought together a large body of literature to support the thesis that consumers use key possessions to extend, expand,...
4 Pages 1651 Words

Essay on Difference between Marriage and Family

Family and marriage is a significant factor in the public arena today. A decent family structure can shape youngsters' lives as they change from youth to adulthood, anyway a poor family structure could be the defeat of numerous kids in the present society. Numerous components add to the attributes of a decent and poor family structure, for example, marriage life, financial status, and who we communicate with. These components enable us to have the option to see how and why...
4 Pages 1687 Words

Immanuel Kant Concept of Self Essay

Kant and Hegel are well known for their contributions to the field of philosophy and history. Their views and ideas have led to different ways of viewing and understanding concepts of history. Their theories of history provide more insight into things such as absolute freedom, self-consciousness, enlightenment and morals in society. Some of their views on these concepts represent similarities in thought or direction of one’s thoughts. However, their ideas and views on these concepts also show differences that exist...
4 Pages 1694 Words

Argumentative Essay on Adoption of Animals

Why You Should Adopt & Not Shop Specific Purpose: My goal is to persuade my audience to adopt their next/new pet(s) from a local shelter rather than purchasing from a breeder/puppy mill or pet store. Thesis Statement: By adopting a pet from a shelter rather than purchasing one from a store/breeder you not only help stop puppy mills but you are helping to save a pet’s life, save money, and help that pet with emotional stability. Introduction: Attention Getter: Have...
2 Pages 1708 Words

Essay on John Locke Influence on American Revolution

John Locke was an enlightened thinker from England born in Wrington, Somerset 1632 to family of Puritans (a father who even fought on the side of the parliamentarians during the English Civil War). Labeled as a contract theorist which the study of how conflicting interests build formal and informal ways of working constructively, Locke was known as the “father of liberalism” through his writing of the Second Treatise of Government which although written around 1680 was only published in 1689....
2 Pages 1732 Words

Peace with Honour Essay

The Vietnam War was a disaster. It was such a mega-fail that impacted global diplomacy for a long time. Nixon got pushed right into important business. The Nation was unfortunately divided, with turmoil in the cities and war overseas. He did eventually succeed in ending America’s fighting with Vietnam but in a way, many people wouldn’t have an image. Nixon got elected on the promise of peace for America while leaving the South Vietnamese to their fate. This was in...
2 Pages 1663 Words

Essay on Intersectionality in Health Care

Canada is considered a multicultural and pluralistic country. It has become home for many immigrants seeking a quality of life amid social and political instability in their homeland. Every individual brings in different transition experience that gives insight into a diverse cultural and societal norm. To better comprehend these experiences, an intersectional approach is needed to accept the differences between the varied cultures. The intersectional paradigm gives heed to the social, historical, and political context, and distinguishes the unique experience...
2 Pages 1717 Words

Essay on Relative Placement Vs Foster Care

The goal of the Kinship Guardianship Assistance Payment Program (Kin-GAP) was to establish permanency for foster children who have been living with a relative caregiver by offering guardianship through juvenile court when their dependency is dismissed. It sought to lower the number of children in the foster care system while still providing equivalent subsidies. For this paper, it is important to note that there are many types of kinship guardian programs between states, but in this case, I will mainly...
2 Pages 1748 Words

Brand Loyalty Essay

The formation of personal value is subtle. It is related to the environment where he/she grows. It is also related to what he/she learned from the people she stayed with since he/she was a child. Moreover, what he/she learned from the book, video, and the experience. A good reputation is important for a company. A good reputation is a unique resource that a company has to enhance its competitiveness in all aspects of business operations. The truth from “Electronic Office...
4 Pages 1726 Words

Essay on Statistics in Social Sciences

As the tools of statistics (programs and computing speeds) improve so does their relevance in social research. Statistics are used heavily in social research, from surveys to factor analysis to data mining. Importance of statistics The field of statistics is the science of learning from data. Statistical knowledge helps you use the proper methods to collect the data, employ the correct analyses, and effectively present the results. Statistics is a crucial process behind how we make discoveries in science, make...
4 Pages 1680 Words

Renewable Energy Advantages Essay

To better understand my field of research my literature review will focus background of the UAE's geopolitical position regarding renewable energy and renewable energy development in the UAE. The order of the review will be as follows, the background, process of economic adaptation, and the current development. The fossil fuel sector throughout the last century has been one of the most contested sector resources ever. Fossil fuel is of critical importance as a source of energy to the functioning of...
4 Pages 1670 Words

Transcendentalism Essay on Thoreau's 'Walden'

Walden, written by Henry David Thoreau, introduction and annotations by Bill McKibben, follows the life and observations of Thoreau as he lived apart from civilization for two years and two months near Concord, Massachusetts. During this time, he encounters many different individuals who assist him in forming his ideas of life and society. Thoreau argues that by living a life of simplicity, one can unearth the necessities of life. He does this successfully, by employing ethos, pathos, and logos to...
4 Pages 1684 Words

Frankenstein' in Pop Culture Essay

Mary Shelley’s novel ​Frankenstein​ has held much influence in culture throughout its time since its release to culture today. The novel focuses on a scientist named Victor Frankenstein who gives life to his creation out of old body parts. Once Frankenstein discovers this creation is not what he imagined, he, along with mankind, rejects the hideous creature leaving him sad and angry. This brought about a discussion of posthumanism within the novel and the way culture saw it. From this,...
4 Pages 1686 Words

Essay on the Influence of Isaac Newton on Enlightenment Thinkers

The Enlightenment was a cultural movement stemming from philosophical paradigm shifts concerning changes in both cultural and socio-political dogmas, distinguished by the early modern European era. The culture of Enlightenment portrayed a radical break with the origins of Europe’s past due to the drastic change from a religious-driven world to a scientific basis, with the growth in the humanist movement. The eighteenth-century Enlightenment was hence a crucial moment of change in early modern European history, influenced by a consecutive number...
4 Pages 1735 Words

Essay on Poverty and Unemployment in India

To understand the level and trends of unemployment in India it is important to comprehend the relationship between unemployment with demographic transition structure and economic development in India (k., 2017) Social scientists have argued over the impact of population growth on economic growth. The debate has oscillated from the “pessimistic view,” which explains that population growth restricts economic development (credited largely to Malthus), to the “optimistic view,” which says that population growth fuels economic growth (for example, Kuznets 1967). The...
4 Pages 1701 Words

Beloved' Magic Realism Essay

Abstract This paper is an endeavor to present a reading of Beloved by Toni Morrison and Wise Children by Angela Carter from the perspective of magic realism. By giving examples from both of the stories, we will try to explain our approach and also try to show the aspects of magical realism in both of the stories. Magic realism is a literary genre that blends mythical or fantastic elements with realist fiction. Although it is often associated with Latin American...
4 Pages 1697 Words

The War on Drugs Is a Losing Battle Essay

For over 50 years the War on Drugs has created the illusion of hope for positive change in the communities of minorities, drug abusers, and citizens, yet the negative consequences on society have been drastic. In 1971, President Nixon established the Comprehensive Drug Abuse Prevent and Control Act which is also famously known as the War on Drugs. The objective of passing this act was to decrease the crime rate and terminate the distribution of drugs, and the consumption of...
4 Pages 1664 Words

Music Appreciation Concert Review Essay

A string quartet performance can pack a concentrated punch of joyful music. It might involve a deeply meditative moment or the exhilaration of four stringed instruments in soaring flight. Jax Cello Quartet concerts at Jacksonville University by two dynamic string quartets delivered all of the glory of this concentrated telepathy in repertoires that spanned the graceful minutes of the intense flutter of contemporary works. On November 18th, the Jax Cello Quartet brought all of their strings to a concert performed...
4 Pages 1653 Words

Crime as a Social Problem: Essay

A crime is an offense by a person by action or omission that is punishable by law. Most crimes are dealt with by fines or prison sentences. The person who commits a crime is then prosecuted by the state or commonwealth. According to the Legal Services Commission of South Australia, there are 4 principles of criminal law: 1) innocent until proven guilty, i.e. every person charged with a crime is assumed to be innocent until otherwise stated, a judge/jury has...
4 Pages 1670 Words

Shortage of Water in Pakistan

Pakistan is facing a lot of water shortage that is going to break the limit in the country in the coming years. Recently, the Indus River System Authority highlighted that the Indus irrigation system was the world's largest irrigation system for the summer season but because of the crisis it was critical and it had delayed the growing of the country’s main cash crops which includes cotton as well. Pakistan's water demand increased from 1990 to 2013. Pakistan is right...
4 Pages 1734 Words

Overpopulation of Prisons Essay

1. Introduction An alarming number of prisoners are placed into custody around the world every day. There are over ten million inmates who reside in prison and overcrowding is a serious issue that must be addressed (Yeager, 2019:3). There are numerous causes related to prison overpopulation. These causes may include issues such as a significant increase in felonies, widespread poverty, and an increase in the number of arrests made (Victor-Zietsman, 2015:162). Furthermore, the student will examine why prison overcrowding is...
4 Pages 1735 Words

Chinese Immigration and Exclusion Essay

“Because I don't want to be a white coolie in my own country because it's not our country anymore” (Wright). This quote originates from the 1992 Australian film, Romper Stomper, which depicts Hando, the leader of a neo-nazi gang, and his reasons for his nazi obsession. This quote is interesting as it outlines a society of multiculturalism but also hints at ideologies of white nationalism and racism which quite thoroughly encompasses what Romper Stomper is about. Furthermore, the themes of...
4 Pages 1657 Words

Chinese Exclusion Act Essay

In this essay, I want to inform people about U.S. law policy issues that are applied to migrants, undocumented people, and U.S. citizens. U.S. law policies became an issue for migrants when the United States immigration law enforcement which started with the Chinese Exclusion Act was based on race and was unjust to Chinese Laborers. Over time more policies were set in place to target people because of their race and ethnicity. Moreover, people today are targeted because of their...
4 Pages 1709 Words

Essay on Teachers Role in the Community

Imagine a college the place teaching is viewed to be a career as a substitute rather than a trade. The position of teachers in a child's training -- and American culture -- has changed. Teaching differs from the ancient 'show-and-tell' practices as a lot of current scientific strategies range from practices such as applying leeches and bloodletting. Instruction would not consist specifically of lecturing to college students who sit down in rows at desks, dutifully listening and recording what they...
4 Pages 1703 Words

Maus' Symbolism Essay

In 1992, an American writer and cartoonist, Art Spiegelman won the special Pulitzer Prize for 'Maus,' which was the first time a Pulitzer had been awarded to a graphic novel. Because the author abandons the traditional text and adopts the form of comics to present the holocaust which is narrated by his father with the animal image as the protagonist, it shows outstanding artistic expression and writing skills. The author uses the cats, mice, and pigs, as images to represent...
4 Pages 1687 Words

Does Technology Promote Loneliness Essay

Aging or what we also refer to as getting older is a inevitable journey for almost everyone and this means we will all need some assistance at some point down that road. What happens is we enter a dependency stage towards the end of our life due to the fact that our bodies and mind go through changes that make it harder for us to be alone. There are many persistent myth surrounding aging and one of those is that...
4 Pages 1682 Words
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