Persuasive Essay on Media and Body Image

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High beauty standards and food disorders have always been a concern for many generations. Numerous studies have examined how the traditional media has impacted the body images of many populations for a long time. Recently, that research has focused on the effects of Social Media and its contributions to body image. Research and analysis of various variables can help in the study and understanding of how social media platforms impact the daily lives of individuals. Data collection was achieved using questionnaires distributed both physically and online to participants and collected after the deadline had elapsed for analysis.


Many people socialize, and network using social media platforms and networking sites, People between the ages of 18-25 comprise the most significant social media users (Statistics Brain, 2014). Over half the population of the United States of America has access to a social networking platform. Social media is a standard and essential mode of communication globally among family, friends, and businesses (Dittmar, 2009).

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Social media platforms like Pinterest, Facebook, and Instagram possess a powerful presence in many people's lives worldwide. Facebook is currently leading in terms of usage, and the rest are not far behind. Mobile devices have radicalized and unimaginably changed the digital environment. Accessibility and ease of usability have transformed the use of social media into a constant, habitual behavior (Kalnes, 2013). Users can take their devices wherever they go making them constantly up to date. Pinterest, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter are powerful platforms that focus on content and image sharing. The influence of these sites is enormous, and the posted images can mislead or encourage harmful practices to fit in or conform (Tiggemann, 2006). The study will focus on how social media sites impact the body image of adolescents and female adults.

Users interact through smart gadgets and devices. Commercial enterprises use social media platforms to discover and interact with customers, promote and advertise products, assess customer trends and developments, and offer customer service and assistance (Festinger, 1954). Social media has influenced both online and physical interactions. It has created a global village and simplified communications

With its far-reaching implications, social media has also shaped a notion about appearance and beauty, promoting a culture of slim, slender females and masculine men. People are copying online lifestyles, putting heavy pressure on themselves, groups, and society at large. Studies are now linking social media and how individuals perceive themselves, dress, eat, or interact with Kalnes (, 2013). It is well known that how you become aware of your physique may no longer be the fact. People copy and imitate what they see. Others modify their expectations based on how others appear and their activities on social media platforms. The images viewed on social media platforms and interactions shape your self-perception, either positively or negatively. There is constant pressure on people to look a certain way. Enthusiasts of the perfect body are always determined to achieve their goals by any means necessary. They could purge their body, restrict their diets, go through extensive periods of fasting, or put themselves through induced vomiting to achieve their desired outcome Bordo, S. (1993). From childhood, we are educated on the need to care for our bodies. As we grow, our bodies develop requirements. As individuals grow, we are judged by our appearance and introduced into the social fabric of conformity and fitting in, learning that thinness is valued and appreciated Kalnes (, 2013).

Sites like Facebook, Pinterest, and Instagram exploit the usability and appeal of digital image content and social media (Tiggemann, 2006). They employ elaborate presentation mechanisms and click baits to attract or divert attention to the intended product or service. Online users can like and share the images. These sites promote stereotyped forms and shapes that influence the primary user in one way or another.

Body image is a part of an individual's identity. It is how people view themselves.

The body image of a person offers identity and affects self-perception, self-esteem, and confidence. Low perception of one's body image can lead to poor habits and behavior. Measures such as little to no food intake, fashion and sense of style, exercises, or plastic and cosmetic surgery are some of the practices individuals may adopt to cope with their situation (Dittmar, 2009). Women are made to learn from a young age that they have to be beautiful, appealing, and accepted by society. The beauty standards in the United States of America are based on having a slim or thin body for females or a masculine physique for men, creating a social comparison environment with adverse effects on individuals and society.

Body image is the belief and perception of oneself, how we feel and see ourselves. Studies have indicated, that victims of negative body image could hide their disorders and behaviors out of shame and embarrassment. Some people may withdraw from family members and peers to be alone. Women are the most affected by the negative effects of body image, unlike their male counterparts, mostly because women's bodies are used more frequently in social media networks than male bodies. Standardized body images have a more significant effect on females than on males in terms of body satisfaction. Women are more dissatisfied and are more often concerned by weight and age (Dittmar, 2009). As a result, led to more research being focused and directed to gender. Among other effects of social media on body image, eating disorders affect millions of people on a global scale. Some people survive. Some fail to survive. Some individuals may die due to medical complications or, in extreme cases, commit suicide due to poor mental health. Effects of mental health can cause fatal health effects due to stress and strain on the heart or nutritional conditions. Body image conditions and disorders can strain body organs and psychological disturbances (Jones, 2001). Persons may experience irritability, a weak heart, depression, and insomnia, among other effects. Some disorders arise from poor body image. An individual may be dissatisfied with their body image and seek to change it. There are various options to choose from simplistic ways such as dieting and exercising to cosmetic and plastic surgery. They could further achieve their goal by using drugs, such as diet pills and steroids, or plastic and cosmetic surgeries.

A couple of factors contribute to negative body image. They include home, school, social context, mainstream, and social media. Females, in most cases, compare their bodies and their self-perception with that of people on both traditional and social media. Researchers have found that female bodies featured on social media platforms had smaller hips, waists, and medium busts than females not featured on social media platforms (Jones, 2001). As a result, most people researched were more likely to encourage or undertake cosmetic surgery. Social media platforms and other forms of media are responsible for these negative impacts, as they emanate from their oversaturation of messages about happiness and physical appearance. Social media networks and platforms can influence people's thinking about themselves. Most people on social media pages appear to be thin models and physically fit (Jones, 2001). After a while, many people come to think and believe that most people are thin. Most of the women exposed to such images on social media come to accept what they see as reality and use it as a case study for their looks. These, in most scenarios, lead to dissatisfaction and depression.

Most women strive to achieve the perfect body based on femininity and beauty, making it a constant challenge since it requires a lot of work to craft the perfect body. The images presented on social media platforms offer a reference point for anyone interested in altering their appearance. Most people tend to think they have to capture all displayed elements to achieve their goal. Body image represents a wide range of attributes: shape, weight, hair, face body, and degree of visible muscle and fat. It could also represent comfort, emotions, and memories of how individuals feel about themselves. The female body shown in social media promotes thin bodies as attractive and fat bodies as repulsive. Most people are unhappy with their bodies.

The effects of the internet leading to obesity among children and adults have posed a vital question to most researchers. It is highly accessible and easy to use. To those suffering from body image disorders and health issues, the internet offers a valuable tool for information on how to maintain their disorder, connect with other users, or find tricks and tips on how to deal with their situation. The chance to mingle and connect with people experiencing similar conditions can bring relief and comfort to those suffering from the effects of body image.

Online interactions with strangers may give a sense of security to those suffering from the effects of negative body image to share deeply personal information while maintaining their anonymity.

Research on men suffering from poor body image is limited. Part of the reason for this is, that it is unlikely men will recognize they are suffering from poor and unhealthy body image. Moreover, they are less likely to seek help and guidance if they recognize and acknowledge they have an unhealthy body image. It is hence, hard to research this area in men. This study, therefore, focuses on young female adults and how social media contributes to their body image.

People tend to compare themselves with others. The comparisons help them discern their characteristics and as case studies improve on their shortcomings. Comparisons can be made with or without intent in most cases and can impact positively and negatively. The resulting impacts can make an individual feel ashamed, guilty, or unhappy.

Satisfaction and a sense of self are essential for many individuals. Women are constantly pressured by society to achieve slim body types while men are encouraged to be masculine. People trying to conform to Western culture and the definition of beauty are preyed upon by social media marketers and promoters. They fall victim to well-calculated schemes and strategies that seek to control and dictate how one should look and appear. Women as young girls are trained and socialized to adopt this kind of practice to look like certain personalities or belong in a given category.

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