1800 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Police Corruption from Past to Present

Police corruption is one of the most serious offenses in the police service. This kind of behavior has drawn great attention from the public over a long period of time. Police agencies in all cities of the United States, including New York, face criticisms and condemnation for rampant cases of corruption across all ranks. The problem is of great concern because it causes misuse of public resources and exposes citizens to increased risks of crime. This report highlights when, how,...
4 Pages 1781 Words

Plant-Based Dieting: Is It Really the Best Choice for Health

When you glance upon the newest issue of a magazine or log into your social media accounts, one of the first things you will notice is society’s newest craze: the vegan diet. Extreme diet trends are common in today’s popular culture which makes influencing younger people into plant-based diets simple. Your average 18-25 year old, who is up to date with the latest celebrity gossip, fashion, and health trends are likely to be enticed by the physical benefits of plant-based...
4 Pages 1792 Words

Life's Effects on Teenagers' Mental Health

“With around one in four teenagers developing significant mental health problems, however, parents need to know what’s normal and when to worry-it’s part of the job” (Media Release). Teenagers deal with a lot of troubles that, for the most part, others do not see or even have knowledge what they are going through or what the issue is. Some teenagers go weeks or months without speaking or acknowledging anyone, but nobody notices until the teenagers tells someone. Most people believe...
4 Pages 1790 Words

Essay on Information Technology and Culture

Understanding of culture is imperative to the investigation of data innovations in that culture at different levels, including national, hierarchical, and group, can impact the effective usage and utilization of information technology. Culture likewise assumes a job in administrative procedures that may directly, or in a roundabout way, impact IT. Culture is a provoking variable to examine, to some extent on account of the different dissimilar definitions and proportions of culture. In any case, a wide assemblage of writing has...
4 Pages 1813 Words

Artificial Intelligence Technology and Existing Copyright Law

Developments to artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms have made the output of their work indistinguishable from human creations. Considering these technological advances, it has been increasingly difficult to determine who should receive copyright privileges for artwork generated by AI. This paper will attempt to educate the reader on current AI technology and existing copyright law for art. Additionally, it will critically discuss why AI generated art should be seen as ‘original’, whilst also substantiating the claim that AI is as a...
4 Pages 1840 Words

Analysis of Japan's Economic Policy

For a long time, Japan has been known for its distinct lack of natural resources such as oil, gas, metals and other traditional energy sources, depending highly on imports for energy and raw materials for activity such as construction (Owuor, S. 2019). In this economy, manufacturing, agriculture and fishing are the main sectors, and has continued to flourish owing to cultural factors and existing infrastructure allowing for the continued growth of these industries (Stokke, 1991). Manufacturing remains the most prominent...
4 Pages 1792 Words

Bright Future with Artificial Intelligence

With the development of technology, humans’ intelligence is been used very wisdom, with the highly developed techniques we created the AI. Artificial intelligence is the most powerful technology in the world without a doubt it will change society and the whole world, in fact, it is not only a high technique but a new way of living. The future will be changed by artificial intelligence to a better place from a lot of different areas such as work, health, domestic...
4 Pages 1790 Words

Book Review on 'The Beatles: The Music Was Never the Same'

In Marvin Martin’s book, ‘The Beatles: The Music Was Never the Same’, the book is about how the Beatles changed popular music forever. They inspired many people to try and make music of their own. Marvin Martin goes into detail about the band and their music. The members are John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison, and Ringo Starr. The famous stars grew up in Liverpool, in northwestern England. Starting with the year 1940, Britain was brought into World War II....
4 Pages 1769 Words

Ghost Genre as a Tool to Symbolize Capitalism Critique in The Signalman of Dickens

Charles Dickens (1812-1870) was an eminent writer, journalist and social critic of Victorian era. He was brought up by middle class family in destitute poverty during British industrial revolution. These things had everlasting impact upon his memory. He is one of the literary canons who wrote a magnanimous amount of literature on varied topics. He wrote blatantly about social and economic disparities and stratification. He pinned menace and drawbacks of industrial revolution. Sigmund Freud has been a celebrated neurologist and...
4 Pages 1839 Words

Court of Appeal: Case in Medical Services Sector

The court of appeal between Jimmy Brown (Appellant) and Galaxy General Hospital (Defendant). Notice of appeal I. The learned Trial Judge, Campbell J, erred in law in holding that Dr. Roberts was not negligent in performing the operation and that the procedure in question was a general and approved practice. II. The learned Trial Judge erred in law in failing to find that the operation in question did not contain inherent defects and was carried out with the appropriate standard...
4 Pages 1768 Words

Genetic Origins of Melanoma: Mechanism of BRAF Gene Mutation

Melanoma Background Melanoma in the early years was described as a benign mole that continued to grow and could be recognized by an irregular shape and discoloration of the mole (Sober et al., 1979). These cancer cells were well known for their ability to spread around the body quickly and avoid the therapeutic treatment, creating a dangerous situation (Li et al., 2001). When detected early, Melanoma could be removed successfully by a surgical procedure, but when metastasized, the cancer cells...
4 Pages 1829 Words

Comprehensive Overview of Key Methods Used in Performance Management

Introduction Grades are an essential part of almost every university class. What would happen if there were no grades ? Would your individual performance improve or decline? Similar issues take part between employees concerning their performance. Performance management involves assessing and communicating employee contributions. Rating employees’ performance is similar to giving them grades. In the employment context, important questions include the following : Do employees improve their performance when their contributions to the organization are measured? Is it helpful to...
4 Pages 1791 Words

Analysing Short-Comings of The Safe Sex Campaign in West Australia

The 'Sexual Health Youth STI Campaign' is a compelling and authoritative campaign run by the Department of Health, Western Australia Government. The campaign uses notions of fear to target adolescence at how easily contactable Sexually Transmitted Infection’s are. The campaign looks to promote education towards the issue as well as normalize STI testing among young people. This report will focus on why there are negative connotations towards sex itself, instead of being promoted as a pleasurable quality of life. Ideologies...
4 Pages 1777 Words

Research Paper on Dyslexia

Dyslexia is a disability that affects a child reading, spelling and/ or speaking. The difficulty varies from person to person due to inherited differences in brain development, as well as the type of teaching the person receives. Because dyslexia is neurological it affect a person’s language skill. This language processing disorder can hinders reading, writing, and sometimes even speaking. This research provides Guyanese educators with basic information about dyslexia, dispel some of the myths and misconceptions surrounding it and serves...
4 Pages 1831 Words

Relationship of Landscape Paintings with My Definition of Art: Reflective Essay

In the book “Believing is seeing: Creating the culture of art”, Staniszewski considered art in many aspects. There are some here: (1) Art, like photography and popular culture, is a field of representation that is unique to modernity, and it is meant to augment out understanding of cultural creations both different and including our own. (2) Art is an original creation, produced by an individual gifted with genius. This creation is primarily an object of aesthetic beauty, separate from everyday...
4 Pages 1833 Words

Principles of Medical Paternalism and Patient Autonomy: Analytical Essay

A fundamental debate in the field of medical ethics and English medical law has been finding the right balance between the principles of medical paternalism and patient autonomy. While there are commonly used definitions of medical paternalism, such as “treating of others in their best interests, regardless of their own view of what their best interests are”, as well as a wider societal consensus that it generally refers to the idea of ‘doctor knows best’, there is less agreement on...
4 Pages 1810 Words

President Outline: Analysis of Ronald Reagan Presidency

Politic Iran releases American Hostages (January 20, 1981) 52 Americans were taken hostage from the U.S. Embassy in Tehran on November 1979 and were finally released on the day of Reagan’s inauguration. (See Prominent Issues of the Election C for more) British House of Commons (July 2, 1982) Reagan spoke about how there is hope for the future and how we can be optimistic. He said democracy can work and is working. Hence the quote: (we are at the) “end...
4 Pages 1829 Words

Modern History of Orientalism in Said’s 'Orientalism': Analytical Essay

Napoleon and modern history of Orientalism in Said’s Orientalism Said suggests the Egyptian Campaign 1798 of Napoléon I as the beginning point of Orientalism and emphasis on the important wok of the Description de l’Égypte that he believes is the birth of the modern view of the Orient :“the Orient was reconstructed, reassembled, crafted, in short, born out of the Orientalists’ efforts. The Description became the master type of all further efforts to bring the Orient closer to Europe, then...
4 Pages 1768 Words

Importance of Creating and Preserving Memories through Architecture: Views of Maya Lin

Architecture is constantly associated with its functional purpose, physical appearance and its amenity. However, maintains a much more inadvertent role which surpasses far beyond the physical and material world in which we live and enters the intangible realm of our existential memory. ’A mental meditation between the world and our consciousness’ . Successful architecture is displayed in the completeness, credibility and the unquestioned prestige of experience. Memory is involved indisputably throughout this, between the space and experiencing person lies an...
4 Pages 1795 Words

Impact of Nelson Mandela on Development of South Africa: Analytical Essay

How Nelson Mandela became leader and how did he change the thinking of the people that thinks that the black people is different to the other culture Nelson Mandela was fighting for this right and to think that we are the same humans no one in this world has been left out. Nelson Mendela was the first black president of South Africa. Nelson Mandela was born in Rolihlahla Mandela on 18 of July 1918 in Mvezo. He is a descendant...
4 Pages 1810 Words

Essay on Impressionism: Visual Analysis of Les Deux Sœurs by Auguste Renoir

In the 19th Century, an art movement known as ‘Impressionism’ evolved with a group of Paris-based artists whose independent exhibitions brought them to fame during the 1870s and 1880s.The artists known today as Impressionist, Claude Monet, Auguste Renoir, Edgar Degas (and several others) could not afford to wait for France to accept their work. “They all had experienced rejection by the Salon jury in recent years and felt that waiting an entire year between exhibitions was too long. They needed...
3 Pages 1772 Words

Descriptive Essay on Cannes Film Festival

To begin with, Cannes film festival originated in 1938. The founders Jay Zay, the French minister of education, Philippe Erlanger and film journalist Robert Favre Le Bret initiated Cannes film festival. Cannes film festival was created in competition with the Venice film festival which at the time was the only other international film festival and was widely criticised for its fascist bias by the press and public. Prior to Cannes film festival was called “festival international de film” in French...
4 Pages 1829 Words

Critical Analysis of Picasso's Guernica

In 1937, Pablo Picasso painted Guernica, oil on canvas. The Republican Spanish government authorized the wall painting for the 1937 World Fair in Paris. Guernica is a huge painting, twenty-six feet wide and eleven feet tall, and was put at the passageway to Spain's structure. Picasso didn't do any work subsequent to accepting the commission until perusing of the shelling of the Basque town of Guernica, in Spain. It was that assault, executed by the German Luftwaffe, that roused him....
4 Pages 1760 Words

Community Architecture

Through olden times, architecture has been a representative of the social order, reflecting the success, morals, and ultimate downfall of civilizations over time. Architecture is more than just the built environment in which people live but also a part of our culture. While the aspect of shelter is a fairly simple thing, the building style was initially shaped by the values of the society building them, what materials were readily available as well as the climate of a particular location....
4 Pages 1796 Words

Application of Virtual Reality for Interior Design Modelling: Analytical Essay

Abstract: Virtual Reality technology refers to a computer simulation system, which provides users with fully immersive in-depth feeling of the environment in which the user is simulated to. In Interior Designing domain it is challenging to convince the customer about the design without the look and feel of the design. This paper proposes virtual reality-based designing framework that helps the interior design engineers to design according to their customer requirements, were they can experience it by being part of it...
4 Pages 1835 Words

Analytical Essay on the Legacy of Marcus Garvey

Introduction The late Marcus Mosiah Garvey was conceived on the excellent Caribbean island of Jamaica, in a little town of St'Ann bay to Marcus Mosiah Garvey senior who was a mason and Sarah Jane Richards a domestic worker, On August 17, 1887. He was the most youthful of eleven children. As a child, he invests more energy perusing and longing for offering addresses to extensive groups. He grew up in a family that had an extremely solid feeling of closeness...
4 Pages 1822 Words

What Is Entrepreneurship: Essay on Bill Gates

Entrepreneurship Introduction What is an entrepreneur? Generally, the entrepreneur can be defined as a person who is willing to take greater risk to organize and operates a business. (McClelland, 1976) Based on the author Chad Brooks in Business News Daily Senior Writer entrepreneurship is the development of a business from the ground up coming up with an idea and turning it into a profitable business. According to Ajay Bam, a lecturer for entrepreneurship at the University of California, Berkeley’s Haas...
4 Pages 1788 Words

Society Essay: Concept of Dialogue in Mozart's Music

Mozart's Piano Concertos represent the dynamic relationship 'between the individual expressive voice of the soloist and the wider 'community' of the orchestra…both ultimately uniting in joyous unanimity' (Till). The extent to which Mozart succeeded in achieving this 'dialogue', is easily determined by the way piano concertos were valued and understood by audiences of the time. Mozart's greatest concertos, written in Vienna– offer an attractive source for investigating this topic. will be analysed. To understand how dialogue was created and gained...
4 Pages 1794 Words

Short Story Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been Versus the Film Smooth Talk: Comparative Analysis

The belief of valuing a human’s life may be inherent and unequivocal by most people. Nevertheless, there are people in the world that do not acknowledge the importance of one’s life and choose to be careless over the fact and proceed to take advantage of anyone, regardless of the consequences. These types of people were either taught not to value humanity at birth or elect to treat others as objects or use them as pawns to further their own personal...
4 Pages 1775 Words

Sexual Education and Planned Parenthood: Descriptive Essay

Margaret Sanger’s first clinic handed out cervical caps. During World War I, many servicemen were diagnosed with venereal diseases. Due to this, the government responded by placing out an anti-venereal disease campaign. This changed contraception from a moral issue and began making it public health issue and research began. In Europe, soldiers began to use condoms, for which they brought back to the US and readily supported their use. In 1938, the judge lifted the federal ban on birth control,...
4 Pages 1827 Words
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