1800 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Current Status And Future Prospective Of Vaccine Against Covid-19

Abstract A novel infectious disease COVID-19 pandemic caused due to severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus- 2 (SARS-CoV-2), first emerged in late 2019 in Wuhan, China. Novel corona virus is member of beta-coronavirus family, having high human to human transmission than SARS-CoV and MERS-CoV. The transmission of COVID-19 occurs through respiratory droplets generated by coughing and sneezing. There is no specific treatment or vaccine registered for disease. The various antigen selected as M protein, E protein, S protein, RBD and N...
4 Pages 1833 Words

Health Care, Wellness Provider And Faith Diversity

At the point when individuals are hit with a disease or have a genuine physical issue they go to God and religion to help them through the experience they are confronting. Regardless of what religion somebody has confidence in or which god they decide to love, there are likenesses among the differing beliefs. The objective of this paper is to analyze two different faith worldviews with respect to the social interaction that is offered among them. James Sire describes a...
4 Pages 1752 Words

Transgender Athletes: History And Discrimination

Abstract Transgender athletes encounter discrimination in the world of sports. Beginning from summer of the 1936 Olympics, “was also known as the “Nazi Olympics”, in Berlin” (Budanovic, Nikola 2019). To our upcoming 2020 Tokyo Olympics. Even in High school sports, teenagers are followed by discrimination when parents or students find out about being transgender. There are concerns about transgender girls still having a physical advantage against biological girls. A main concern with transgender athletics is that they might put the...
4 Pages 1770 Words

Martin Luther King Jr. And 1968: The Turning Point In American History

Introduction: The Pivotal Year of 1968 in American History America’s history is filled with many eventful years, but none are as eventful as the year 1968. 1968 was a presidential election year, a leap year, a year of violence, and the year that citizens found their freedom of speech. Some describe 1968 as “a year of triumphs and tragedies, social and political upheavals, that changed our country forever.” (1968: A Year of Turmoil and Change 2018). The year 1968 is...
4 Pages 1847 Words

DNA/Gene Classification Using RNN Sequential Analysis

Abstract Each active life has complex molecules in their cells called DNA (Deoxyribonucleic Acid) which are responsible for all biological features. These DNA molecules are further reduced into grander structures called chromosomes, which together compose the being’s genome. Genes are size altering DNA sequences which comprise code that are frequently used to produce proteins. There has been a struggle to reliably try to identify the gene sequences since the entire anthropological genome has been sequenced. Gene classification and prediction are...
4 Pages 1799 Words

The Role Of Stakeholders In Improving The Teaching-learning Process

Abstract The teaching-learning process has gained all time importance in the changing educational scenario, though it is the basis of the education system since time immemorial. The second criterion of the assessment parameters by NAAC ‘Teaching-Learning and Evaluation’ carries the highest weightage which brings forth its importance to the fore once more. The student is the chief stakeholder in the whole process of teaching and learning. This paper attempts to take a sneak peek at the definition of a stakeholder...
4 Pages 1762 Words

Perception Of Prison Recreation Club Members On The Factors Affecting The Implementation Of Recreational And Sports Activities

Introduction/Rationale It is well established that the effective utilization of human resources is a key element in the management of any custodial institution. The manner in which prison staff are recruited, trained and rewarded, as well as their sports and recreation activities, will have a major impact on their health, the manner in which they conduct their duties, as well as the commitment and professionalism they bring to their work [IDD],n.d) Sports and leisure activities of convicts had been a...
4 Pages 1842 Words

John Stuart Mill And Immanuel Kant Under Utilitarianism And Categorical Imperative

Philippa Foot in his publication “Killing and Letting Die,” formulated a thought experiment that incorporated two situations. Despite the two different scenarios yielding the exact same consequences in the end, the different methods employed in arriving at those similar outcomes raise questions revolving morally permissibility. In the first scenario which we shall call Rescue I, a person is in a situation where he must drive swiftly in order to rescue five individuals from an imminent ocean tide. Along the way...
4 Pages 1777 Words

The Influence Of Neoplatonism In Augustine’s Journey

Augustine was a Roman African who lived from 254 – 430 AD, he is renowned as a great theologian, philosopher, and writer. Throughout his life Augustine composed dozens of works, the arguably most influential being Confessions, an autobiography that outlines the spiritual journey Augustine had in his life. Throughout Confessions, Augustine constantly references his relationship with God, and the mysterious and beautiful ways in which one can connect to God. Through analysis of the text it becomes apparent of the...
4 Pages 1788 Words

Green Chemistry In The Manufacture Of Drugs

Green science doesn't implies Green as a shading however a choice to the structure of compound items and procedures that decrease, limit or take out the utilization and age of unsafe substances. Green science depends on the essential or extraordinary rules that when executed right will amplify the joining of crude materials into the last items with ecologically amicable substances and systems. The utilization of solvents and impetuses as greener advances are underscored. In pharmaceutical industry, a few medications create...
4 Pages 1765 Words

The Relationship Between Academic Well-being And Academic Performance

The relationship of academic well-being and the academic performance of 1st Year Psychology students at Xavier University- Ateneo de Cagayan In a study conducted in 2019 which involved a teacher named Ms. Mahmud Yusr, she stated her perspective regarding the ​student’s well-being and reported it as something which is as important as academic success believing that students who are resilient and have a greater capacity for emotional intelligence, often perform better academically. In addition, according to Tuominen--Soini et. al. (2012),...
4 Pages 1790 Words

Do Animals Use Language?

Language, as defined by the Cambridge dictionary, is ‘a system of communication consisting of sounds, words, and grammar.’ Most humans use language in day to day life as a method of communicating between one another. However, it is not fully clear whether animals use language to communicate or not. The most obvious example of animal communication is bird song. Owls, hummingbirds and songbirds all have distinct bird songs and Parrots have the ability to mimic sounds and the human language....
4 Pages 1807 Words

Women In Post-war Europe Workforce

During World War II, the working women of Britain experienced a significant increase in their freedoms and independence, as they assumed the occupations left vacant by the men at war. When the war came to an end there was a dramatic return to domesticity within the family unit. The societal expectations put on postwar women - derived from gender constructs - affected their newly established careers. Many of the women who proved capable of doing a “man’s work” were relieved...
4 Pages 1825 Words

Heartbeat Sensing And Heart Attack Detection Using Heartbeat Sensor

Abstract In this project we are implementing a heart beat monitoring and heart attack detection system using the Heart Beat Sensor. Now a days we have an increased number of heart diseases including increased risk of heart attacks. The sensor is then interfaced to a arduino that allows checking heart rate readings and transmitting them over internet. The user may set the high as well as low levels of heart beat limit. After setting these limits, the system starts monitoring...
4 Pages 1806 Words

Paris Agreement: History And Effects

Abstract Climate Change has become one of the criticalities towards the sustainability our existence, with continuous increase in carbon and greenhouse gas emissions and lack of significant targets to tackle this global problem, The purpose of this paper is to deliberate on the Paris Accord, and analyze if the agreement is ambitious enough, if it will bring the planet Earth to a global temperature of two degrees celsius target and further below pre industrial levels, in this paper we conclude...
4 Pages 1781 Words

Sports Medicine Orthopedic Surgeon: The Features Of Work

The start of sports medicine dates back to the 5th century, where Ancient Greek physicians educated athletes on how important it was to protect their body while exercising. Sports medicine continued to develop, with different scientists and physicians studying how exercise affects the body. In 1928, the first committee was formed to help individuals prevent sports injuries. Then, the American Orthopedic Society for Sports Medicine was established to treat and prevent injuries. The American Medical Society for Sports Medicine was...
4 Pages 1767 Words

The Effects Of Inter-religious Marriage

INTRODUCTION Marriage is a formal union of a couple legally and socially that is regulated by laws, rules, customs, beliefs, and attitudes that prescribe the rights and duties of the partners (Britannica, 2019). According to Puja (n.d.), marriage is “both a biological, psychological, cultural and social affair”. Marriage is a special type of relationship between permissible couple involving certain rights and obligations. Comment by Dan Jules Fermilon: Marriage also holds a particular position in different cultures and religions. Marriage from...
4 Pages 1813 Words

Life Of A Nurse

The Role and Character of a Registered Nurse The character of a nurse is just as important as the knowledge she possesses. Registered nurses comfort and assist us so we can feel more comfortable and enhance our care. As a registered nurse I can influence the world by providing advice and emotional support to patients and their families. The challenge in nursing is not the hard studying but the stereotypes, harassment and pay gap. There is a lot of studying...
4 Pages 1835 Words

The Analysis Of Work Life Balance And Its Effectiveness

ABSTRACT The study focuses on work life balance in GAIL. The concept of work-life balance has now become centre of attention for almost all companies, political institutions, research institutions, families, individuals and trade unions at both national and international level. Work life balance is an important topic in human resource management that means to combine work and life in a way, that both are achievable. Work life balance is generally related to role overload, time management, time pressure, job satisfaction,...
4 Pages 1773 Words

The Peculiarities Of Social Issues In The Play A Doll's House

This essay is a critical examination of the play, A Doll's House composed by a Norwegian dramatist Ibsen Henrik on 21 December 1879. It considered being the most well known of the scholars play and has been perused in numerous foundations of learning. The play is written in three fundamental acts and has been persuasive in what mankind thought. The exposition will quickly abridge the play plot, list the characters and examine in subtleties the primary topics of the play....
4 Pages 1837 Words

The Discovery Of The Structure Of DNA

Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), a self-replicating material which is present in nearly all living organisms as the main constituent of chromosomes. It is the carrier of genetic information. DNA was discovered in 1860. The molecule now known as DNA was first identified in the 1860s by a Swiss chemist named Johann Friedrich Miescher. Johann set out to research the key components of white blood cells, part of our body’s immune system. The main source of these cells was pus-coated bandages collected...
4 Pages 1788 Words

Loss Of Faith In Night And The Crucible

Memories and experiences have the ability to change a person’s life. Without them, people would never learn and grow. Although Night and The Crucible are different in that they both have completely different contexts, they both reveal the loss of faith in God through the author's diction, which greatly affects the characters. Night by Elie Wiesel is a book about his own experiences with his father in the Nazi concentration camps during the Holocaust. The book helps to convey the...
4 Pages 1791 Words

Text Classifier Using Natural Language Processing

Abstract Nowadays text synthesis is most vital part of web technology. Natural language processing (NLP) are often a subfield of linguistics, computing , information engineering, and AI concerned with the interactions between computers and human (natural) languages, especially the way to program computers to process and analyze large amounts of tongue data. Natural Language Toolkit also known as NLTK is to be used in which there are pre-existing provisions and libraries which are required for this particular application. The programming...
4 Pages 1840 Words

Internet Change In Consumer Behavior

The Internet 's growth has flipped the conventional direction of shopping on its ear, as consumers are becoming more and more well educated. Consumers have been part of the cycle, so had fun doing it. Whether advertisers may affect consumer behavior in this modern retail model, and where they can exploit the purchasing direction. After the subsections of this article, we would address the issues of the simple integration of brick mortar and online retailers, their disparities, reasons influencing their...
4 Pages 1772 Words

Who Were The Most Significant Players In Driving Religious Change In The Early Modern Period?

Religious change was largely brought about by the protestant and catholic reformations. This had ultimately changed the religious landscape throughout Europe. Martin Luther, was arguably the most significant player in bringing about reform within the catholic church, ultimately bringing about religious change. Catholicism was one a global religion and so the protestant reformation effectively threatened and radicalised the catholic church. The protestant reformation “began life as a negative concept”. This meant that many viewed the protestant movement as a threat...
4 Pages 1819 Words

Religion Vs. Conflict And The Religious Conflict

French political thinker Charles de Montesquieu wrote that religious wars are not caused by the fact there is more than one religion, but by the spirit of intolerance. The definition of religion according the the Cambridge dictionary is ones belief in and or worship of a god/gods, or any other such system of belief. Religion means many things to many people, it can mean they follow a higher power, a group, or spiritual meanings. Religion has no right or wrong...
4 Pages 1834 Words

The History And Formation Of Childhood Concept In Terms Of Family As The Society

This assignment will analyse the history of childhood concept including the social construction of the family. This assignment will begin firstly by describing the concept of childhood with different views, arguments and definitions from various historians and authors throughout time. The next section will give different development stages of acts, policies and laws introduced for the education and working conditions of a child from centuries ago to present times with the latter giving a closer to date information on the...
4 Pages 1837 Words

Audit Expectations Gap

Introduction and breakdown of the theory Even though there are differences in the definition of the audit expectation gap, one can argue that the universal understanding of the expectation gap is that there are differences in what a user expects auditors to be responsible for in their work in terms of scope and performance and what auditors themselves believe their professional responsibilities are. I base this observation on Liggio’s first mention of the term in 1974 that described the gap...
4 Pages 1804 Words

Importance Of Internal, External And Extra-linguistic Motivations For Language Change

External motivations are ‘contact-based’ motivations, Weinreich et al (1968) put great emphasis on the need to incorporate external factors into a theory of language change. Hickey (2010) states that while “internal change is that which occurs within a speech community, generally among monolingual speakers, external change is that which is induced by contact with speakers of another language [(or dialect)]” (p.7) commonly regarding bilingual speakers. Geographical and social isolation tends to promote linguistic conservatism (Bloomfield, 1933), whereas “open social networks,...
4 Pages 1770 Words

The Meaning Of Women Chastity In Christianity

The traditional and orthodox woman will not accept the loosing of virginity before marriage because it defeats the very purpose of marital proceedings. It is considered to be one of the essentials for the sanctum of marriage. Female chastity is highly valued in India but pre-marital promiscuity is not connected to morality in the west. In the name of modernity or New Woman, the age-old thinking about chastity cannot be altered. Generally, the chastity of a woman is linked to...
4 Pages 1795 Words
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