1800 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Essay on What Is War and Why Does It Exist

What is war, it can be described as an armed fight between two or groups. War can be characterized by violence, aggression, certain death, and the use of military forces, whether they are ethical or not. War is not only controversial but it can be misunderstood. Most people would say that war is not necessary and if it didn’t exist there could be world peace, but with a glance into the past you could see that war has been a...
4 Pages 1811 Words

Informative Essay on the Concept of Social Construction of Reality

Sociologists Peter L. Berger and Thomas Luckman introduced the theory of social constructionism in 1966 in the book ‘The Social Construction of Reality’. Three separate intellectual movements came together to form the basis of social constructionism in the late 1960s. The second was a literary and rhetorical impetus to the deconstruction of language and how it affects our knowledge of reality. Furthermore, the third is a criticism of scientific practice. It was led by Thomas Kuhn, who argued that scientific...
4 Pages 1791 Words

Narrative Essay on My Senior Project Experience

Life is full of lesson-learned experiences. Life is always going to be a never-ending learning experience. During your lifetime, you are going to experience an event that will teach you something important and ultimately shape or greatly affect your relationship to learning, reading, and writing. Throughout my lifetime, I have had too many trials and tribulations that caused me to be mentally challenged. In my opinion, everyone can relate to a life-changing experience that affected them in a righteous way....
4 Pages 1754 Words

Past, Present, and Future of Healthcare Facility Design: Informative Essay

Healthcare design is complex and is based on new medical technologies and architecture. In the past, patients have longer hospital stay as compared to today. Leading healthcare practitioners and architectural firms highlighted the need for better implementation of new technologies and an effective approach to design for better patient outcomes and well-being. Evidence-Based and Experience-Based Design Evidence-based design as a concept originated in the 1970s with basic research methods. In 1978, the Planetree model was established. Planetree is a non-profit...
4 Pages 1783 Words

Analytical Essay on the Geology of North-Eastern England

This report details the geology in the northeast of England by analyzing geological events that determined the present-day rock and drift composition, with a particular focus on the Carboniferous onwards. The impact of rock and drift geology on slope stability and methods to improve stability has also been discussed. The Carboniferous is defined by two phases of deposition, forming the Yoredale Group and Pennine Coal Measures Group, and a period of uplift. In the early Carboniferous, Britain was located at...
4 Pages 1771 Words

Critical Essay on the Importance of Helmets for the Safe Driving of Motorcyclists

In the state of Colorado, I am a licensed driver and the granddaughter of an impaired past motorcyclist. I drive almost every day, going from my house to work, or to school, and for the most part, I see roughly about 10 motorcyclists a day during the fall and winter seasons. In the summer/spring months especially, I see on average about 25-50 motorcycle drivers in a single day. Although, the population of drivers isn’t my point in theory. Some percentage...
4 Pages 1767 Words

Religious Discrimination Legislation in Australia: Critical Essay

As the values, attitudes, and beliefs of the Australian population change, the laws and government must evolve accordingly to reflect this, extending to the country’s Church-State relationship. New religious discrimination legislation was proposed off the back of the same-sex marriage plebiscite, which, amongst many other issues, runs the risk of prioritizing freedom of religious expression over other recognized human rights. Regulating the extremely complicated Religion-State relationship historically has been embedded in Australia's Constitution with a goal to ensure peace and...
4 Pages 1781 Words

Critical Essay on Surrealism and Its Impact on Design

Surrealism is an art movement that took place in Paris in the early 1920s, becoming more popular between the First World War and the Second World War. Dadaism is a movement prior to Surrealism and occurred as a response to the brutality of the war. However, Surrealism is less aggressive and almost playful in the sense that it can be interpreted in many ways. While Surrealism has been around since the 1920s in the form of art pieces, it became...
4 Pages 1825 Words

Synthesis Essay about Terrorism in India

What is terrorism? Firstly, the question arises, what does “Terrorism” means? In simple words, “Terrorism”, means the unlawful use of violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims. Terrorism comes from the word ‘Terror’ which means creating fear in the minds of the people in the country. The word “Terrorism” joins with the suffix “ism” which means in English, that, a distinctive practice, system, or philosophy, typically a political ideology. Terrorism in India is the biggest...
4 Pages 1766 Words

The Glass Castle' Psychology Research Paper

For generations, mental illnesses were not considered a sickness or a problem that was worth talking about. As time passes and change happens, new illnesses began to rise as people begin to understand the reality of the problems that came with mental illnesses. The mind is so complex that there are discoveries of new mental illnesses often. Depression is one of the most popular mental illnesses, it affects over 3 million Americans per year. The worst thing about depression is...
4 Pages 1842 Words

Why Do You Want to Study Public Health: Narrative Essay

I was born in a country in East Africa known worldwide as the “land of a thousand hills.” Despite its limited geographical expanse and dark and complex history, the Rwandan people and its government remain incredibly ambitious, undaunted by setting goals many may consider impossible. However, the resilience of the government and its commitment to health is demonstrated in its myriad substantive outcomes over the past ten years. Such achievements have occurred in the wake of the 1994 genocide and...
4 Pages 1821 Words

Thesis Statement for Pearl Harbor Research Paper

WWII was full of great leaders that were prominent figures in their day and age. There were plenty of leaders and others who left behind memories of what they accomplished in WWII. Some leaders made gains and advanced during the war. Others suffered and lost what they did have during the war. Whether they were good or bad they were important parts of history that will be covered in this passage. Among these was Winston Churchill, he was an orator,...
4 Pages 1759 Words

Persuasive Speech about Google Competitive Advantage

Introduction Google, its products, and its expanding services have become household names; as the second most valuable firm in the world valued at approximately $528 billion (Cusumano, 2017, p. 22) it is no surprise that they monopolize the majority of Internet general services. However, as the market becomes increasingly crowded with companies threatening Google’s technological domination, the key challenges and threats to Google’s sustainable competitive advantage must be examined and counteracted. In this position paper, Google’s performance will be examined...
4 Pages 1766 Words

Research Paper on Children Being Abused in Foster Care

Elijah Emanuel Yates is a six-year-old boy that was in foster care in Martinsburg, West Virginia for about a year. His parents were both drug addicts, and he watched them overdose multiple times. His dad also beat his mom. He was put into foster care until his mom’s rights were terminated, and an adoption family was chosen. This is the story of many kids in Hillsborough County Florida, however there are not many happy endings. Foster care is a problem...
4 Pages 1837 Words

Opinion Essay on First Amendment

The First Amendment has been one of the most questionable issues encompassing the Constitution since its confirmation in 1787. The First Amendment states, 'Congress will make no law regarding a foundation of religion, or denying the free exercise thereof, or compressing the right to speak freely, or of the press, or the privilege of the individuals quietly to collect, and to request of the Government for a review of complaints.' Many individuals differ on the degree of intensity the First...
4 Pages 1793 Words

Essay on the Freedoms of the First Amendment

The comparisons that were established during the implementation of the Communications Decency Act are significant because it forms regulations based on conditions that were current and protected by the First Amendment. The First Amendment has multiple factors including the right to freedom of speech for all individuals in the U.S. These comparisons are important because they are all different forms of communication types of speech that would be protected under the First Amendment. Adequate assessments and comparisons will allow lawmakers...
4 Pages 1845 Words

Are Students Protected by the First Amendment: Argumentative Essay

In this era, the youth are both encouraged and feel more inclined to participate in politics than ever before. The internet, as well as public areas such as colleges and universities, all provide a space for self-expression. However, the media and youth have also taken it upon themselves to deem what is politically correct, leading to mass self-censorship amongst those who wish to express differences in opinion. Self-censorship can be defined as “an act of intentionally and voluntarily withholding information...
4 Pages 1797 Words

Fake News as the Biggest Challenge: Thesis Statement

According to McNair (2017, p. 38), fake news is “intentional disinformation (invention or falsification of known facts) for political and/or commercial purposes, presented as real news.” The ‘fake news’ phenomenon is an important issue to address as it has sparked social, cultural, and political issues within the twenty-first century (McNair 2017). For example, political concerns arising from ‘fake news’ were significantly evident during the 2016 presidential election, where Allcott and Gentzkow (2017, p. 213) estimated that “the average adult saw...
4 Pages 1833 Words

Thesis Statement for Domestic Violence

The family is the smallest, yet most important unit of our society. Being the first agents of socialization, it is not unexpected that most of the factors that will shape a child's life will be those things that they first experienced and were exposed to at home. Children, being in their early formative years are very delicate, thus their development and well-being require a conducive environment free from violence. Children are also vulnerable and unable to defend themselves, this often...
4 Pages 1813 Words

Samuel Huntington's Thesis on Global Terrorism: Critical Analysis

Introduction The concept of civilization may be defined as a collective group, embedded into history and as a cultural entity. Villages, regions, ethnic groups, nationalities, and religious groups, all have distinct cultures at different levels of cultural heterogeneity. The culture of a village in southern Italy may be different from that of a village in northern Italy, but both will share a common Italian culture that distinguishes them from German villages, Huntington is Convince the concept of civilization is defined...
4 Pages 1844 Words

How Did the Constitution Guard against Tyranny: Critical Essay

Throughout history, the concept of democracy has gone through radical transformations and changes. Democracy originated in Ancient Greece, Athenian democracy is generally considered the first reference of classical democracy. The emergence of democracy is usually related to Cleisthenes’ constitution of Athens, which came into existence in 508/7 BC. A specified description of it was given by historians as Herodotus (484?–425 BC), Thucydides (460–395 BC), Plato (428–348 BC), Aristotle (384–322 BC), and Plutarch (45–125). Its main feature was the great participation...
4 Pages 1758 Words

Hamlet Character Traits: Quotes Analysis Essay

Quotation Speaker Context Significance You must not put another scandal on him (i) Polonius He is speaking to Reynaldo. He is telling lies about Laertes and for Reynaldo to spy on him. Polonius wants Reynaldo to spread bad rumors about Laertes, but to make sure he is saying it in a way you can gather information and in a way that it doesn’t seem so bad, anything to do with sexual activity just to see what he has been doing....
4 Pages 1784 Words

Homelessness in America: Research Paper

Should the people who fight to protect our homes get paid more? For the first time since 2010, troops have seen a pay raise of more than 3.0 %. And they may not have to wait another decade before the next one arrives. But is that enough? About 11% of the adult homeless population are veterans. Also, homeless veterans are younger on average than the total veteran population. And why should this be? This is the problem I want to...
4 Pages 1753 Words

Economic Principles and Indicators of Childhood Obesity: Critical Essay

1. Introduction Childhood obesity is a global issue, and an increasing number of children are becoming overweight and obese. There are approximately 216 million children worldwide who are classed as overweight. All countries are seeing a rise in childhood obesity including low- and middle-income settings. (1) There is also an economic burden; the NHS spent £5.1 billion on illnesses attributed to obesity in 201415. (2) Obese children are more likely to develop cardiovascular disease and low self-esteem which can affect...
4 Pages 1809 Words

Thesis Paper on Social Media Benefits

This thesis aims to explore police use of social media and how it can be used to benefit public engagement within the community. The social media platforms mentioned in this thesis include Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and TikTok, all mentions of followers were correct at the time of writing. Furthermore, the use of social media for engagement purposes will also be explored as well as an analysis of police social media misconduct cases and how this has impacted community engagement. Finally,...
4 Pages 1839 Words

Attention Grabber for Bullying: Persuasive Essay

Bullying is one of the worries that beings deal with every single day. This kind of harassment is very common to teenagers; they wake up with fear of attending school because they have to suffer another day of getting bullied. This is a very alarming topic for today’s society. This essay will give additional information and a better understanding of what bullying is really about. This will also serve as an eye opener that this society is a hypocrite society...
4 Pages 1770 Words

The Holocaust and Its Survivors: Critical Essay

Holocaust survivor Lydia Tischler mentioned in her interview that she had never felt like giving up and only wanted to know what it would feel like to have a full stomach. She took every day as it came and, paradoxically, got acquainted with a cultivated life while being in Teresin. She shared that, as far as it was possible, there was rich cultural and intellectual life in camps filled with well-known actors, musicians, writers and professors, and she even heard...
4 Pages 1838 Words

Informative Essay on Bullying in Schools

There is a problem running rapidly through America’s schools today. Bullying is seen throughout many of hallways and playgrounds at schools. By saying this, imagine your child coming home from school with twelve bruises on his or her stomach. His or her face is as white as a sheet. He or she is grabbing one’s stomach as they run to bathroom trying not to throw up everywhere. Unfortunately, the bully is just giving a slap on the wrist. Would you...
4 Pages 1799 Words

Concept of Heroism in Mary Shelley’s Novel ‘Frankenstein’: Critical Essay

In this essay I aim to discuss and analyze the concept of heroism in Mary Shelley’s gothic novel ‘Frankenstein’. I will also discuss the way in which both Frankenstein and his monster are heroes. Furthermore, I will explore the different archetypes of heroes, e.g., the romantic hero, the tragic hero, the Byronic hero and the anti-hero. Additionally, I will discuss the features of romanticism Shelly uses throughout the novel. To conclude, I will evaluate whether Frankenstein or his monster is...
4 Pages 1787 Words

Helping Others as the Key to Happiness: Narrative Essay

Despite the thousands of years that separate Aristotle and Confucius from Martin Seligman and Sonja Lyubormirsky, they all highlight that the key aspect to achieving happiness is helping others. They all state that helping others increases our own happiness levels due to the feeling of helpfulness and knowing that we are using the skills and knowledge we have to aid someone. According to Lyubormirsky’s study, ‘Count Your Blessings’, by recapping your recent experiences of someone helping you or you helping...
4 Pages 1795 Words
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