1800 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

From Inner Peace to Outer Peace: Critical Essay

Every religion around the world preaches the concept of being peaceful and shares the ultimate goal of obtaining peace worldwide. However, in order to achieve a sense outer peace, inner peace must first be attained. Islam and Christianity both place an emphasis on the importance of obtaining peace internally and externally. In the Qur’an and Bible, the message of peace is taught and understood by adherents, but its true meaning is open to interpretation. It is important to understand the...
4 Pages 1781 Words

Theme of Poverty in William T. Vollmann's ‘Poor People’ and Toni Cade Bambara's ‘The Lesson’

One may argue that poverty is an individual's choice rather than a reflection of society as a whole. Nelson Mandela once stated: “Overcoming poverty is not a gesture of charity. It is an act of justice. It is the protection of a fundamental human right, the right to dignity, and a decent life. While poverty persists, there is no true freedom”. This statement expresses that an individual can defeat neediness if one wants to carry on with a superior life....
4 Pages 1806 Words

Steady Increase of Atheism and Agnosticism in the United States

America has always been a religious country. Since the early pilgrimages, there has been a religious aspect to the American culture and its way of life. America was so religious in their way of life that they were ranked one of the most religious countries (‘Atheism's Bad Rap in the United States’, 2014), and yet America is seeing a decline in religion. More and more people in the United States are identifying as atheist and agnostic, and the number of...
4 Pages 1788 Words

Life Story of Eminem

This is the life of the greatest rapper. This is the story of Eminem and his challenges. The story of his obstacles, style, and how he is one of the greatest. What were the key factors that made Eminem successful? They were that he had many obstacles to overcome, developed a unique style, and the struggles that made him great. This made him one of the best. Eminem had to face many obstacles when he started his career. One of...
4 Pages 1815 Words

School Segregation as a Social Problem

Students who transfer from predominantly minority schools have difficulty transitioning to segregated high performing schools. They are left to figure out on their own why it is so difficult to earn high marks on mastery at this school compared to their past school. If you’re a student of color, it isn’t questioned why the new student is performing poorly, it is often assumed they it was never in them. Saminathen, Laftman, & Modin, (2019) examined how students zoned to disadvantaged...
4 Pages 1794 Words

Relationship of Temperature to Fungal Growth on Bread

Bread makes up a substantial part of many people’s diets, and moldiness presents a considerable issue in regards to maintaining bread’s freshness. However, there’s more to the mold-fungus- growing on bread that meets the eye. Fungi are made up of filaments called hyphae, and the network of hyphae are known as mycelia. All fungi are heterotrophic and secrete hydrolytic enzymes that break down their surrounding material, subsequently absorbing the broken-down nutrients. Fungi enjoy feeding on sugars, and Rhizopus stolonifer in...
4 Pages 1821 Words

Potential Application of Essential Oils as Antimicrobial Preservatives in Bread

Food safety is a global priority and one of the major objectives of the food industry due to high incidence of spoilage microorganisms that cause a risk after consumption. The food industry continues to examine ways to reduce the use of traditional chemical preservatives, some of which have been not linked with microbial resistance and health risks, while improving quality and food safety by controlling the growth of pathogens and spoilage microorganisms. Several studies demonstrated the preservative action of species...
4 Pages 1817 Words

Ideas of Margins and Intersectionality in the Texts of Bell Hooks, Kimberle Crenshaw and Toni Cade Bambara

When not talking about the borders of a page, margins can be described as areas of limitation and oppression. Areas where there is a sense of inferiority; margins can be seen as a place that is set apart from the norm. Margins are an incorporeal idea but have been seen all over the world throughout history. When looking at margins through a perspective of migrations and spaces, one can understand how people from the margins of a society get to...
4 Pages 1827 Words

Analysis of the Influence of the Barbie Doll on Young Girls

In this paper I'm going to discuss how Barbie effects young girls. I wanted to research deeper into this topic because I am very interested in body image and the things that affect it, as I believe that this topic is especially relevant to teenage girls in the modern world. I also want to learn more about how consumer complaints affected Mattel and the Barbie brand. I will be researching both sides of the argument (consumer and company), and I...
4 Pages 1799 Words

Ratatouille': Making Dreams Come Reality

‘Ratatouille’ is a movie about a rat who wants to pursue his dreams of cooking for anyone. He has a passion and tries desperately to make his dream a reality. This dream is to work for Gusteau’s restaurant and Gusteau himself is alongside Remy, the main character, through this journey. Although this dream is very inspiring and passion-filled, there are many obstacles on the way that make this journey nearly impossible. Family and physical expectations take a hit on Remy’s...
4 Pages 1756 Words

Striped Majesty: The Mystique of the Tiger Essay

Intro Tigers, emblematic of raw power and natural beauty, have long been subjects of human fascination and reverence. These striped carnivores, often seen as symbols of strength and wilderness, are deeply intertwined with our cultural narratives, historical tales, and ecological understanding. Historically, from the dense forests of Asia to the tribal stories of indigenous communities, they've been revered not just as apex predators but as spiritual entities, guardians of the forest, and symbols of bravery. Today, while they continue to...
5 Pages 1765 Words

Why the Bombing of Hiroshima Was Unjustified: Argumentative Essay

Introduction The decision by America to use two atomic bombs on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki at the end of World War II was an intense topic of discussion for years after the incident. The Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombings are one of history's best-known historic events, but at the same time provoke ongoing, fervently heated reactions. This research paper aims to examine the Hiroshima and Nagasaki incidents and investigate the causes, implications, and effects of the bombings. History...
4 Pages 1766 Words

Why Is Pilgrimage Important to Christianity: Argumentative Essay

Pilgrimages have been carried out with the earliest of them dating back to the 4th century when Jewish males traveled to Jerusalem on pilgrimage three times annually as God prescribed to celebrate Sukkot and Shavu’ot feasts and Passover. Isaac, Jacob, Sarah, Abraham, and Noah were among the earliest people in the Bible who acknowledged themselves as pilgrims by leaving their homes for religious reasons. Perhaps, the life of Jesus, demonstrated when he followed His parents on a pilgrimage and his...
4 Pages 1828 Words

What Did Plato and Aristotle Think of Democracy: Informative Essay

Winston Churchill said that “democracy is the worst form of government – except for all the rest.” Compare and contrast conceptions of democracy in the two theorists we have studied. Democracy is defined as “a system of government by the whole population or all the eligible members of a state, typically through elected representatives.” The concept of all the citizenry of a state participating in and having a say in the affairs of the state was controversial in the past...
4 Pages 1767 Words

Water Quality and Contamination: Final Lab Report

Introduction Water is fundamental for living organisms. In the farming system, water can come from many different sources and the quality are varied. Water sources include surface water, groundwater, or town water. Water from a number of different sources may be not suitable in the aspect of quality for its intended use for irrigation, stock, household, or other farm activities. It is crucial to determine and solve water quality problems that may affect farm productivity. The farm owner should have...
4 Pages 1781 Words

The Battle of Midway as the Turning Point: Analytical Essay

Midway was a crucial battle within the Pacific theatre of World War Two. The events that occurred at the Battle of Midway would change the direction of the war. Before Midway, Japan had launched an unexpected attack on Pearl Harbor. This attack would spur the United States into declaring war on Japan. Going forward, The United States would play a crucial role in fighting the Axis powers in several theatres of war. The film Midway depicts events that occurred in...
4 Pages 1758 Words

Similarities between the Narrator and Fitzgerald in 'Great Gatsby': Critical Analysis Essay

In this essay, I will be discussing the stylistic techniques used by F. Scott Fitzgerald in the novel The Great Gatsby (Fitzgerald, 1925). The Great Gatsby is a novel that follows the story of Jay Gatsby`s unrequited love for Daisy Buchanan, narrated by Daisy`s cousin, Nick Carraway. Nick acts as the focaliser as well as the narrator in this novel as he retells the story of Gatsby to us, using stylistic features to create a sense of nostalgia and loss....
4 Pages 1790 Words

Similarities between Capitalism and Socialism: Compare and Contrast Essay

There is an ongoing debate about the two economic systems namely, Socialism and Capitalism. The main difference between these two is the ownership of the assets. In Capitalism, assets are owned by private companies, while in Socialism they're owned by the government (Pettinger, 2017). According to Tejvan Pettinger (2017), capitalist societies' income depends on the market forces of the economy while socialist societies are more into the redistribution of resources. There are a lot of controversies that circulate these two...
4 Pages 1817 Words

Should the US Have Dropped the Atomic Bomb on Japan: Argumentative Essay

Morality One of the biggest arguments I see is the question of morality in this situation. Regardless of whether you believe it ended the war or not, it still killed many innocent civilians. On Monday the 6th of August 1945, a little boy, the name of the nuclear weapon, was dropped on Hiroshima at 580 meters. The height at which the bomb was dropped is significant as this was done to maximize the destruction of the bomb (Cochran). [Change wording...
4 Pages 1759 Words

Renaissance Vs Middle Ages: Compare and Contrast Essay

The Renaissance was a period of rebirth of classical learning that flourished in Europe beginning in the fourteenth century. In the Middle Ages multiple events, new characteristics of creating, and new discoveries came to life. Each new event, characteristic, and discovery it led to the medieval developments that paved the way for the incoming Renaissance era. Along with these, there are five main events that also enhanced the Renaissance time period. These five events are the failure of The First...
4 Pages 1754 Words

Julius Caesar Achievements: Critical Analysis Essay

Julius Caesar, in full Gaius Julius Caesar, (born July 1213, 100 BCE, Rome [Italy]—died March 15, 44 BCE, Rome), conqueror of Gaul (58–50 BCE), victor in the civil war of 49–45 BCE, and dictator (46–44 BCE), who was about to launch a series of political and social reforms when he was assassinated by a group of nobles in the Senate House. Most of us will fade without a trace in the cloak of history, and most people who appear in...
4 Pages 1787 Words

Influence of Greek and Roman Culture on Renaissance Art: Critical Essay

Classical Greek antiquity has completely shaped our Western world in various fields like science, politics, law, art, and architecture. Renaissance humanism has its roots in Greek classicism where a man was placed at the center of cosmology “Man is the measure of all things” (Plato’s Theaetetus, 152a). We can clearly see human proportion and gender symbolism in Greek orders. The Doric order is meant to symbolize the body of a man, the ionic order is the body of a mature...
4 Pages 1814 Words

Why Is Literature Important in Everyday Life: Critical Essay

The topic “What does literature mean to me?” Is such a broad and exciting topic that allowed me to create an essay that explores the many works of literature that I love and the many reasons why these works are so influential not only to me but also to the millions of people who have been touched by them too. It is difficult to move so many people through the use of words on a page and being able to...
4 Pages 1840 Words

My Life My Faith: Narrative Essay

Introduction Since beginning my theological studies this year, I have become more aware of my developing theological method. Thorsen believes that all Christians are constantly reflecting on their beliefs in a methodological way, whether they realize it or not. Up until recently, I would have placed myself in the latter category - often reflecting on my beliefs methodologically without realizing it. The purpose of this essay is to reflect on my current theological method, and its development since beginning academic...
4 Pages 1821 Words

Agriculture Essay

Agriculture, the age-old practice of cultivating crops and rearing livestock, has been the bedrock of human civilization since time immemorial. It is a field of paramount importance that sustains life, shapes cultures, and influences the course of societies and economies. Essays about agriculture serve as gateways to a comprehensive exploration of this vital domain, shedding light on its multifaceted dimensions and far-reaching significance. Spanning the vast expanse of human history, these essays trace the origins of agriculture to the fertile...
4 Pages 1770 Words

Myself Essay

In the vast tapestry of literature, there exists a genre that serves as a personal gateway into the intricate depths of human nature - the essay about myself. Often introspective and intimate, these essays form a vivid portrait of who I am, encapsulating my thoughts, experiences, and emotions in a mesmerizing blend of words. At its core, an essay about myself is an exploration of my identity, a journey that transcends the bounds of time and space, delving into the...
4 Pages 1774 Words

Food Essay

Food serves as a common language that links us all in a world where varied cultures coexist and exquisite flavors dance on our taste senses. Food essays transport you to the core of human subsistence and culture. Cuisine has the ability to link individuals, elicit memories, and represent the character of varied nations.  These essays delve into the complex tapestry of tastes, culinary traditions, and the role of food in our lives. The materials, which range from researching the origins...
4 Pages 1806 Words

War Essay

War has been a constant presence throughout human history, leaving permanent impacts on communities, civilizations, and individuals alike. It has stirred a plethora of emotions, stimulated philosophical discussions, and offered fertile ground for contemplation as one of the most profound and momentous human experiences. Essays on war, as windows into the human condition, provide a chance to investigate the many facets of armed conflict. The subject of war has continually altered, from ancient battles engraved on stone tablets to modern...
4 Pages 1845 Words

Apple Essay

Introduction In a world filled with a dazzling array of fruits, one humble and extraordinary creation stands out: the apple. As an ancient and timeless fruit, the apple has transcended cultures, climates, and cuisines, earning its place as a cherished symbol of knowledge, temptation, and nourishment. Beyond its delectable taste and vibrant appearance, the apple boasts a fascinating history, remarkable nutritional benefits, and a profound cultural significance that makes it a captivating subject of study. The apple's journey through time...
4 Pages 1762 Words

Indian Culture Essay

Introduction India, a nation synonymous with diversity and rich cultural heritage, has intrigued and captivated the world for centuries. It is a living tapestry of numerous languages, religions, dances, music, architecture, food, and customs - each differing yet beautifully entwined from state to state, city to city, and village to village. The sheer magnitude and intricate nature of Indian culture might make it a challenging subject to encapsulate in a single essay. Yet, the task is to delve into this...
5 Pages 1780 Words
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