1900 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Perception of Young Adults about Role of Media in Creating Awareness Regarding Drug Abuse

This study will do investigation on the perception of young adults about the role of media in creating awareness about drug abuse. In this modern age the use of drug is increasing day by day. Drug abuse is very common in mostly young people and they are not properly aware about what they are using and what could be the result of drug abuse. Mass media has become a key player in socialization and social change and people rely on...
4 Pages 1932 Words

Philosophy of Anaxagoras, Socrates’s Search for Own Theory and Plato’s Phaedo: Analytical Essay

Why is Socrates dissatisfied with the explanations given by Anaxagoras? What does he suggest instead in Plato’s Phaedo? In this paper, I will first discuss the philosophy of Anaxagoras, particularly his theories on the infinite elements (chremata), and the Mind (nous). This will be followed by Socrates’s search for his own theory for the causes of how everything is the way everything is. I will raise questions in the irony within this theory and proceed on to discussing its inadequacy...
4 Pages 1927 Words

Freuds Views on Females and Oedipus Complex: Analytical Essay

What did Freud say about women? And how did feminism respond? Introduction to psychoanalysis and gender: According to Freud’s psychosexual theory of personality development, it is suggested that gender development occurs during the phallic stage. This is when a child is between the ages of 3 and 6 years old. Psychoanalytic theories suggest that gender development is different for boys and girls (Freud, 1905). The Oedipus complex is a term created by Freud and implies that through this complex, boys...
4 Pages 1867 Words

Impact of Psychological Developmental on Socio-Emotional State in Middle Childhood: Theory of Multiple Intelligence

1. Introduction 1.1. Introduction to the development stage (Middle Childhood) Children grow and develop rapidly in four main areas of development which are motor (physical), communication and language, cognitive, and lastly social and emotional. Social-emotional development includes the child’s experience, expression, and management of emotions and the ability to establish positive and rewarding relationships with others (Cohen, et, al., 2005). It focused on how children start to understand who they are, how their feelings, and what to expect when they...
4 Pages 1916 Words

Critical Analysis of Jacques Derrida's Essay

Derrida begins his text with a reference to a recent event in the history of the concept of structure, but immediately retreats to question the use of the word “event.” He is concerned that the word “event” is too loaded with meaning. This is a problem because the function of thinking about structure is to reduce the notion of events. Why is it so? The reason is: thinking about structure must be abstract and exclude concretes such as events. Still,...
4 Pages 1886 Words

Critical Report on The Lion King: Analysis of the Oedipus Complex Presented in a Movie

Felix Bruno Bettelheim, Christian Metz, and Michel Foucault are psychologists that gave me the concepts that might be useful for a psychological reading or interpretation of the film The Lion King, an American animated film produced by Walt Disney Feature Animation, released by Walt Disney Picture in 1994. The ideas and concepts of Foucault, Bettelheim, and Metz can be linked as a rational theoretical framework, as it provides the basis upon which this interpretation can be based on. Bettelheim said...
4 Pages 1853 Words

Importance of Pacifism and Peacemaking: Analytical Essay

The two events I attended were From Just War to Peacebuilding: Lessons for US Racial Justice lecture by ethicist Lisa Sowle Cahill and Someone’s Gotta Tell the Freakin Truth! Writing about ‘Fundamentalism’ in the Age of Trump. A discussion between Brandon Ambrosino, journalist, and David Harrington Watt, the author of Antifundamentalism in Modern America. Mrs. Cahill discusses the importance of pacifism and peacemaking to combat the ongoing trend of war and violent activities in the world. Thus, with proper research...
4 Pages 1946 Words

Symbolism in Mocking Jay: Analytical Essay

Symbolism (Notes) Bread The Mocking Jay Names The games Fire Plants - Symbolism Task Mocking Jay Names Fire Bread Games Plants Plants Plants during the text can either be your best friend, or worst nightmare. The right plants will help you survive, whereas the wrong plants will kill you instantly. Plants play a huge role in the creation of this text, it allows the districts with less money but with more knowledge to have a larger chance of winning in...
4 Pages 1850 Words

Essay on Professional Communication Process: Analysis of Message, Audience, Channel, and Potential Noise

The professional communication process is used every day by everyone around the world. It makes up the way in which people communicate. This process has four main elements: the message, the audience, the channel, and the potential noise. When you are communicating with someone or a group of people, all four of these things will be present. Within this report, the importance of these particular elements will be discussed and evaluated in detail. After knowing the fundamentals of all four...
4 Pages 1899 Words

Principle of Determinism by Peter Van Inwagen: Analytical Essay

Peter Van Inwagen was an American Philosopher born in 1942 and was a prolific leader in the field of free will. Incompatibilism or otherwise known as “The Consequence Argument” was made popular by the famous philosopher Van Inwagen. However, prior to discussing Peter Van Inwagen’s first formal argument for incompatibilism, it must first be established what incompatibilism is. Incompatibilism or The Consequence Argument claims that if agents have no control over the facts of the past then the agent has...
4 Pages 1935 Words

Free Will Vs Determinism: Argumentative Essay

Free or Determined “We learn the influence of our will from experience alone. And experience only teaches us, how one event constantly follows another; without instructing us in the secret connexion, which binds them together, and renders them inseparable.” (David Hume, 1737) When we broach the subject of whether we are free or determined, we must understand that there are some theories that accept freedom or determinism (regarding them as mutually exclusive), and some that attempt to integrate the two...
4 Pages 1941 Words

Utilitarianism and Deontology Views on Down Syndrome: Analytical Essay

Utilitarianism means that you do anything to get the most amount of happiness. No matter what it takes in utilitarianism the bigger factor and, really the only factor that matters is being happy and receiving pleasure. If it means killing someone because it brings pleasure and for the greater good to you and others than that is okay. Utilitarianism also uses humans as always having to do good for others. You will always have to volunteer o always try to...
4 Pages 1895 Words

Religion Through Artwork of Ancient Civilizations: Analytical Essay on Hatshepsut

Since ancient times art has been associated with many different religious practices in a variety of cultures. The artworks that has been left behind by these ancient societies demonstrate how impactful religious beliefs were to shaping their civilizations. Perhaps many have forgotten this, but without such artwork, we may not have known the magnitude to which religion affected their lives and culture. These pieces of art help bring back past events to the present and bestow us the opportunity to...
4 Pages 1886 Words

Critical Analysis of the Economy of the Ottoman Empire

The Economy of the Ottoman Empire The Ottoman economy had a strong basis of many clever trade policies, transportation networks, and an abundance of diverse natural and land resources. It contributed to both European, Asian, and African economic processes, and influenced the economies of many other states in different periods of time. It had great potential for development and for becoming one of the greatest economies in Europe and the Middle-East. However, due to Ottoman conservatism, foreign intervention, and the...
4 Pages 1910 Words

Analysis of the Approaches to the Rise of West: Example of British Industrial Revolution

1. What have been the main debates in historiography over the rise of the West? Describe how two historians have approached these ideas. Compare and evaluate their claims. The main debates in the historiography over the rise of the West include whether the West imitating the East proves superiority or inferiority over other civilizations, whether the main ideas; events, and innovations that shaped world history and our world today emerged from the West or the East, how much did other...
4 Pages 1852 Words

The Birth of Independent Latin American Nations: Role of Simón Bolivar of Venezuela

Latin American colonies built their independence off a foundation of colonization and conquest. In search for unity and peace, the colonies worked hard to obtain their freedom from the Crown. Although there was a struggle, the journey of Latin America stems from its inhabitants. Friction caused by prejudices, discrimination, and exploitation from the Spanish Crown on the residents of Latin America initiated their uprising. There were many contributing factors leading to the independence of most of Latin America by 1830,...
4 Pages 1927 Words

Aboriginal Rights, Then and Now: Analysis of Boer War

Aboriginal rights have drastically changed over the past century from the 20th-21th century. Things have gone from The Stolen Generation, soldiers being denied the right to return home and Women getting abused in the workplace to today where women can work any job, men getting recognized for their achievements on the battlefield, and children only now finding their long-lost siblings (for one person, she waited 100 years just to die 6 months later). In this essay, I will explore the...
4 Pages 1892 Words

Poseidon Cult in Atlantis: The Lost Empire - Film Analysis

Introduction Atlantis: The Lost Empire has been a movie I loved watching ever since I was little due to Milo, the dorky young scientist, who sets out on an adventure to discover the lost city of Atlantis with a questionable crew looking to capitalize on the mysterious power. The hues of blue throughout the movie and the magic of it all had always captured my attention, making me wonder if the lost island was really like how it was depicted…...
4 Pages 1911 Words

Concept of Mental Breakdown in The Bhagavad-Gita; Analytical Essay

Research Paper The Bhagavad-Gita has been teaching many things to influence a lot of people started in India, and gradually his teachings were spreading to West, and eventually, it is still considered as an effective way for our modern society. These days, Japan has been known as one of the most developed countries in the world and they put a lot of effort to their development. However, due to their economic reasons, a lot of Japanese people overwork these days...
4 Pages 1941 Words

Representation of Gender in Shakespeare's Plays: The Taming of the Shrew and Twelfth Night

Two of Shakespeare’s plays which focus heavily on the theme of gender are The Taming of the Shrew and Twelfth Night. In both plays, Shakespeare simultaneously supports and poses challenges to early-modern understandings of gender. In The Taming of the Shrew, the misogynistic treatment of Kate reflects the patriarchal values which were standard of the period, whilst subtle mocking and satire directed at her abuser, Petruchio, challenge the notion of male superiority. In Twelfth Night, Shakespeare’s indication of homoerotic feelings...
4 Pages 1908 Words

Essay on Continental Drift: Critical Analysis of the Article “Flight of the Kiwi”

The article “ Flight of the Kiwi” will explain how large flightless birds overcame the water barriers and dispersed around the world. Also, the article explores the idea of if the Kiwi bird came first or the egg. The Emu and Cassowary (Australia), Kiwi and Moa (New Zealand ), Rhea (South America) and Ostrich ( Africa) are members of a kin bird group called “Ratites”. The answers were proposed by Australasian scientist through countless research projects and gathering accurate evidence....
4 Pages 1932 Words

Portrayal of British Life in Mansfield Park: Analytical Essay

Review Article: ‘Jane Austen & the Empire’ by Edward Said In his essay “Jane Austen and the Empire”, from the book Culture and Imperialism, Edward Said outlays an argument surrounding Austen’s work on the British life which is related to the geographical positioning and politics in her novel “Mansfield Park”. At the same time he also criticizes her upon taking two extreme notions relating to European and American justification but most importantly the writer’s ignorance of colonialism, its impacts and...
4 Pages 1934 Words

Potential Therapies for Promoting Plaque Regression and Slow Down the Atherosclerosis Process: Analytical Essay

Potential therapies for promoting plaque regression Various targets have been proposed to induce plaque regression or slow down the atherosclerosis process. Some potential therapeutic targets are discussed in the following paragraphs within the idea of plaque regression (Table 2). Evidence of plaque regression The plaque regression concept was evidenced earlier from animal studies 101 and from patients undergoing medical therapy 102, 103. Murine apo E−/− or the LDL receptor−/− suggested that plaque regression occurs 104. Plaque regression is an important...
4 Pages 1916 Words

Deaf Child Development: Analytical Essay

Child Growth and Development Since Thanksgiving has just passed you think of all the things you are grateful for or things you have taken for granted. One important thing we take for granted is hearing. We are blessed to be able to hear the beauty of the world’s melodies. Some are not so lucky. Deaf or hearing-impaired have an everyday struggle of communication or interactions. The deaf children who are born deaf and raised deaf have a struggle that the...
4 Pages 1948 Words

Contribution of Brain Imaging to Memory Storage and Retrieval: Features and Neuroanatomy of Amnesia

Contribution of brain imaging to memory storage and retrieval Loss of memory is referred to as Amnesia. People suffering with amnesia, also called amnestic syndrome usually remember information themselves but have trouble learning new information and forming new memories. Amnesia can be caused due to damage in the area of the brain responsible for memory process and storage. Unlike temporary memory loss, amnesia can be permanent. Features of amnesia There are two main features of amnesia. They are, Anterograde amnesia...
4 Pages 1949 Words

Essay on Tobacco Use: Analysis of Negative Consequences of Nicotine

“How many more people would have lived longer, productive, happy lives if only we had been able to reduce nicotine use in society sooner.” (Brick et. Erickson, 2013, p. 95) While taking this course, I have been able to understand the use of medications in the treatment of alcohol and drug dependence. New medications are being used for “less potential for addiction”, while the impact is detrimental by having a direct impact on the neurochemistry of addiction. I have reviewed...
4 Pages 1926 Words

Derivation of Ideal Rocket Equation through Simple Physics Concepts and Formulae: Newton's Laws of Motion

1 Introduction I have always been interested in the physics and math behind rocketry and aviation. Aeronautical engineering is my dream job, making it an obvious idea to do some topic related to the same. Recently, I visited the Kennedy Space Centre where I saw the Saturn V rocket, the rocket that was used for all the Apollo missions. While I was bewildered by its very size and scale, what intrigued me the most was haw much of the mass/...
4 Pages 1875 Words

Speed of Light through Gelatin: Analytical Essay

Introduction What is the speed of light and what affects? This question has been asked for hundreds of years and the answer is simple. The speed of light is approximately 299,792,458 m/s (Las Cumbres Observatory, 2019). This answers the first part of the question, but what about the second part? What affects the speed of light? The purpose of this experiment is going to be answering that question “What affects the speed of light?”. And in particular, does the density...
4 Pages 1907 Words

Alexander Pope’s The Rape Of the Lock and Keats’ Ode To Psyche, Ode on Melancholy, Ode On A Grecian Urn' Comparative Analysis

Alexander Pope’s ‘The Rape Of the Lock’ and Keats’ poems ‘Ode To Psyche, Ode on Melancholy, Ode On A Grecian Urn. I will be looking into how the subject and theme of beauty is represented within each text and presented in each piece of text. Although each poet discusses beauty they both show two different perceptions and views of beauty, that are shown through their writing techniques. My essay will analyse this and explore how Pope and Keats show this...
4 Pages 1922 Words

Understanding of the Singaporean Culture: Descriptive Essay on Confucian Asia

Introduction Abeona is a manufacturer of luggage and travel accessories. The company is based in London and plans to internationalize to Singapore. The plan is to set up offices in Singapore which would act as the headquarters for operations in Asia and the US. The Singapore office plans to be the central hub for the manufacturing operations that will be set up in the surrounding countries including the Philippines, Malaysia, Indonesia, and China. Cultural Profile In Singapore, lower-level employees acknowledge...
4 Pages 1888 Words
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