1900 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Research about Preventing Food Allergic Reactions

Food allergies are a frequent concern globally, especially in developed countries such as Europe and America (Gowland and Walker, 2014) and this concern is growing rapidly, with prevention as the most recommended treatment (Pieretti et al., 2009). There are cases of allergic reaction ranging from mild to severe, two of which fatal cases happened in the United Kingdom in this last decade. This brings up a question of what we can do to further prevent allergies. This essay will try...
4 Pages 1899 Words

One Belt One Road' as a New Silk Road

The new world request is flourishing in the light of rise of China. It is endeavoring to modify the worldwide perceived leverage. China has proposed ‘One Belt One Road’ activities and built up Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB). It is currently extending its worldwide nearness as far as financial and political viewpoints. China presently is by all accounts equipped for shaking the post-war American authority. ‘One Belt One Road’ is a national-level political system that China has proposed to progress...
4 Pages 1939 Words

Critical Analysis of the Factors that Determine the Success and Failure of Long-Term Memory

Long-term memory (LTM) can be broadly defined as a store of information that is held indefinitely, with a near-limitless capacity (Cowan, 2008); this is estimated to be around 2.5 petabytes on average (Reber, 2010). LTM can be sub-divided into two main systems (Curran, 2014), one being declarative memory which stores information that requires conscious recollection, including episodic memories (EM), enabling us to remember events and experiences, and semantic memories (SM), which store our knowledge about the world (Tulving, 1993). In...
4 Pages 1939 Words

Changes in British Society After the World War I

The World War I continued for four years and was one of the most expensive. This war was much more advanced than any previous wars, as not only had it killed over 16 million men, it had managed to create lasting economic and social changes to British society. Whilst some of these changes can be seen very positively because the war resulted in many developments in medicine and warfare. However, some of these changes can be seen as having caused...
4 Pages 1913 Words

Online Child Sexual Abuse: Current Risk Assessments and Treatments for Online Offenders

Internet sex offenders are described as those who commit sexual offences online. Child sex abuse is a growing concern. Two main forms of cyber-enabled sexual abuse against a child are grooming and proliferation of indecent images of children (IIOC). Online grooming is the use of digital technologies to facilitate either online or offline sexual contact with minors. IIOC Incorporates the use of digital technologies to produce, distribute or possess offensive or indecent images of children. However research suggests that a...
4 Pages 1880 Words

Do Animals Need to Be Clever to Be Social?

Insight into the relationship between cleverness and social behavior (SB) in animals provides a window to understanding the dominant and complex sociality of humans. Cooperation and conflict are crucial to surviving in a complex social world. Cleverness can be defined as behavioral flexibility, referring to the adaptive behavioral change of animals, to internal or external environmental challenges (Brown & Tait, 2014). This essay considers whether social animals require cleverness more so than solitary animals. Next, a group-level perspective of complex...
4 Pages 1854 Words

Heroic Women of the American Revolution and the New Republic: Analytical Essay

Women proved to be the most heroic and prominent people throughout the most oppressive times in America during the Pre-Columbian era to 1650, the Era of the American Revolution and the New Republic 1750 to 1800, and the period leading to the American Civil War 1800 to 1860. The Native women’s power and hard work during the Pre-Columbian era left the European explorers extremely impressed. The women of the American Revolution and the New Republic used their powerful voices to...
4 Pages 1868 Words

Essay on Post-traumatic Stress Disorder: Biopsychosocial Factors and Interactions of Factors

Introduction Charlie is the high school student that will be assessed and there will be a hypothesized diagnosis for him. There are many things that will be described about his behavior, social interactions, and previous mental health issues. When initially looking at Charlie, he seems as though he does not have any signs of mental health issues but as everything progresses, there are accounts from family and Charlie himself that brings light to what is actually going on. Hypothesized Diagnosis...
4 Pages 1886 Words

Corpus Analysis Essay: Investigation of the Corpus of Violence in Video Games

Corpus Analysis is a semantic approach to analyzing a corpus – a set of methodically or arbitrary collected and electronically stored ‘real-life’ language samples such as speeches, magazine articles, and texting messages – with a goal to discern certain rules of language use, grammatical or lexical patterns, for instance, that are pertinent to a particular genre or type of text, serving as a valuable source for dialectology, sociolinguistics and other related fields. Corpora are investigated through the use of dedicated...
4 Pages 1901 Words

Achievement Gap in Schools across America: Analytical Essay

A. Advantages of Using PLC’s Professional Learning Communities “are not a program or an organized curriculum, but it is a way of working together so that everyone involved in a child’s educational experience is focused on improving that child’s and all children’s learning” (Hord, 1997, p.2). According to Dr. Wanda Shelton, Superintendent of Lincoln County Schools of Fayetteville, TN, teachers and school and system leaders must work together to focus instruction on student learning and engaging students in the assessment...
4 Pages 1889 Words

Analytical Essay on Ethical Issues of Violence in Video Games

Abstract This paper aims to explore video game controversy, its significance and how it ethically impacts people. The ethical issues of violence in video games, as well as gaming addiction will be evaluated and determined if they are ethical issues or not. Influence of video game controversy in other countries will be discussed as well. Video Game Controversy 1. Introduction In 1971, the first video game ever released was the simple tennis inspired arcade game named “Pong” [1]. Ever since...
4 Pages 1901 Words

Representation of Racism within the Criminal Justice System in Just Mercy: Analytical Essay

Introduction to Injustice in the Criminal Justice System The criminal justice system is an important component within the government to enforce the laws, the courts and the corrections to succeed in achieving social order. Without the justice system, problems regarding the law can heighten. Without the system, citizens will be living in a lawless chaos. Despite the obvious need for the justice system, there has been occasions where it has failed to accomplish its main goal. I say this not...
4 Pages 1929 Words

Racial-Ethnic Differences in Offending: Labeling Theory Explanation

There are some major differences in criminal offending, particularly in the ethnic-racial differences among offenders. Studies over the years have shown a correlation between race and crime (Gabbidon, 2015:4) But, why is that? There are three theory’s that adequately explain and justify the ethnic-racial differences in criminal offending. The first theory that adequately explains these differences in the social disorganization theory. This theory was created in the Chicago School during the 1930’s (Gabbidon,2015:50). The second theory that explains the differences...
4 Pages 1920 Words

The Old New World and History of Jamestown: Analytical Essay

The Colonists emigrated to the New World for the frontier experience. When the English started making journeys to the New World in the early seventeenth century it was with the mindset of establishing settlements. England wanted raw materials like wood, sugar, tobacco from the New World since England was running low on these products. The New World had a lot of empty lands compared to England which was becoming more crowded. In 1607 Jamestown was built and the structure was...
4 Pages 1853 Words

Death of Dissent Versus Freedom of Speech: Argumentative Essay

Death of Dissent What it takes to raise a dissent? What is it that you feel so strong within, that you raise a dissent? Well, knock your sleeping conscious and ask “Do I agree”? “Do I accept”? If your conscious says “NO” well then, that is your dissent. Dissent is the inner voice within you that often coerces the logical mind with an emotional and ethical farrago and implores you to put forth your contradicting opinion. In recent times, I...
4 Pages 1897 Words

Critical Analysis of I Want a Wife by Judy Brandy

Gender is the state of being male or female and because of society gender has been used irresponsibly for many years. Little by little gender roles that society has created and enforced have been changing for good and women have been less and less oppressed because of their gender. even though society has loosened the reins on gender it still has not reconstructed the way the majority of people feel about men and women being equals. Women have been on...
4 Pages 1926 Words

Courageous Love and Courageous Loss in Dreaming in Cuban, In the Time of the Butterflies, and Breath, Eyes, Memory

Courageous Love, Courageous Loss “ You cannot love without the risk of loss.” -Charlie Day. In Dreaming in Cuban, In the Time of the Butterflies, and Breath, Eyes, Memory, love and loss intertwine so that one element can not exist without the other. It is by love, courage, and perseverance that the protagonists of the story are able to face the devastation of losing family, innocence, and love. Love creates unbreakable family bonds in Breath, Eyes, Memory and In the...
4 Pages 1850 Words

Essay on Post Traumatic Stress Disorder: Definition, Classic Symptoms, Risk Factors and Causes, Prevention Methods

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder affects millions of people every day. It can affect everyone and anyone and they don’t have to have served time in the military. It can be a man, women, child, or elderly. In this paper, I will be going over the definition of PTSD, the classic symptoms, risk factors and causes, prevention methods, warning signs, treatments, look further into what is happening in the brain, how to help if you know someone who is going through...
4 Pages 1889 Words

Representation of the Path of Innocence in “Little Red Cap” and ' Little Red Riding Hood': Analytical Essay

“Little red cap,” and “The World’s Wife,” as a whole confronts the subordinate role of women in traditional tales. Within the collection we see a series of underdeveloped and discarded literary figures take an active role in their texts and often rebuttal the marginalisation which is thrust upon them by the original male leads of the original stories. The title of the collection “the world’s wife,” is possessive and reminds the reader that even in the late 90s the world...
4 Pages 1872 Words

Analytical Essay on «A Temporary Matter»: Characters and Themes, Crucial Physical Elements

Characters and Themes «A Temporary Matter» is told from the third-person perspective of Shukumar, whose name means « Very sensitive » in Bengali. Shukumar is indeed very sensitive, and the death of his still-born child has had a tremendous impact on his life. Shukumar is a middle-aged man with an inferiority complex, as he is still finishing his thesis: « adding to his anxiety that he was still a student at thirty-five » (p.3). He is described by Lahiri as...
4 Pages 1907 Words

The Salem Witch Trials and the Pueblo Revolt: Analytical Essay on Tensions in American Society

Before countries began to colonize the New World in 1492, there were many groups of Native Americans in the Americas. They had developed their own cultures, religions, and ways of life. Eventually, in search of the west indies, Christopher Columbus found south America. Spain had more advanced weaponry and fast-spreading diseases that allowed them to quickly take over South America. Their oppression of the natives' culture, religion, and rights created high tensions and lead to revolts, such as the pueblo...
4 Pages 1881 Words

Analytical Essay on Factors Affecting on Employee Retention among the Sewing Machine Operators

Introduction The focus of this chapter is to discuss the investigation analysis findings of the research study to find out whether the research objectives have been achieved and to emphasis the contribution to the knowledge. Further, the researcher suggested directions for future research possibilities which have been noticed during the period of research by the author’s personal reflection as well by interpreting analyzed data. Revisiting the Objectives Training and development: The second variable analyzed was Training and Development. Training is...
4 Pages 1900 Words

Analysis of Human Resources Manager: Job Requirements and Qualifications, Main Duties and Responsibilities

Introduction Refers to the Cambridge dictionary, human resources manager is a person who in charge of the department that deals with the employment, training, support, records of a company’s employees. In order to complete this assignment of the subject “English for management”, we are managed to conduct an interview regarding one of the business professions. This report aims to investigate the English language use in the workplace. In additional, we need to find out the job requirement and qualification, main...
4 Pages 1870 Words

Relationship between Academic Interest of Students and Their Achievements: The Problem and Its Background

Introduction Classroom has been the second homeroom of our students. It is a place where they stayed for more than 12 years of their lives, shared experiences, met new friends, and many others. Hence, it plays a significant part to who they will become in the future. In the same manner, it is a learning space in which students are being taught. It is room where they gain knowledge and understanding on the different aspects of life. This is where...
4 Pages 1869 Words

The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks Rhetorical Analysis

Introduction to the Significance of HeLa Cells and Henrietta Lacks In 1951 the first immortal cell was found, a cell that would change science and medicine forever, but no one knew where it came from. 59 years later a book was published, The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks by Rebecca Skloot, and in this book, Skloot tells the story of HeLa and the authors search for answers. This book is the result of her use of audience appeals and rhetorical...
4 Pages 1908 Words

Reflective Essay on Lessons Learned after Hurricane Katrina

The power or ability to begin or follow through energetically with a plan or task; enterprise and determination. Hurricane Katrina has left us with many questions and lessons. To start with: Why situational awareness was so foggy, for so long. Why all residents, especially the most helpless, were not evacuated more quickly. Why supplies and equipment and support were so slow in arriving. Why so much taxpayer money aimed at better preparing and protecting the Gulf coast was left on...
4 Pages 1907 Words

The Perseverance of Hope during the Great Migration: Argumentative Essay

Art is a highly personal and subjective form of expression and is often inspired by real events or other art pieces. The various forms of art often offer another layer of depth to other forms of art when used in tandem with each other, such as with music and dancing or poetry and paintings. As with most art, any poem or painting may have multiple subjective meanings, but when interpreted together, one may be able to look at the deeper...
4 Pages 1889 Words

Analysis of Yoga Mysticism: Patanjali Yoga Sutra, Bhagavad Gita and Yoga Hatha Pradipika

Yoga is an ancient spiritual practice that remains a dynamic habit of life, originating in India, and is considered a means of its development. Karma Yoga, Bhakti Yoga, Jnana Yoga and Raja Yoga are considered the four main types of yoga, but there are also many other types. As a means of enlightenment, yoga plays a central role in Hinduism, Buddhism, Sikhism and Jainism, affecting other divine and spiritual melodies around the world. The main Hindu scriptures that created the...
4 Pages 1892 Words

Multidrug-Resistant Pathogens of Pneumonia: Analytical Essay

Chapter 1. Introduction 1.1 Background Acute Respiratory Infections (ARTIs) in infants and young children, mostly under 5 is one of the most distinct and dominant causes of mortality worldwide. Evidently, a significant portion of these casualties are caused by pneumonia which is a lower respiratory tract infection. According to a recent estimation, approximately 2 million children die every year globally (Levine, Foundation, & Dinleyici, 2010) on account of this detrimental condition and that is almost 19% of total children mortality...
4 Pages 1933 Words

The Business Model of Tesla Motors: Analytical Essay

This article is about Tesla, Inc., which was founded in 2003 by a group of engineers in Silicon Valley whose objective was to create zero-emission electric cars better than gasoline automobiles and to accelerate the advent of sustainable transport by providing compelling, mass-market electric cars as soon as possible. Tesla is not just an automaker. It is also a technology company with a focus on energy innovation. Its CEO is American’s most well-known entrepreneur, Elton Musk. 1. Introduction: The inception...
4 Pages 1868 Words
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