1900 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Improve Air Quality: Mexico, Tehran And Delhi

Abstract Air pollution has been one of the burning issues effecting the urban and rural people across the world. Urban population has been highly effected by the air pollution due to industrial development, automobiles, and various other factors. Improving air quality is therefore a norm that needs to be addressed in all growing urban areas of the world. This paper reviews the study done by researchers in Mexico and Tahran on improvement of air quality and thereby apply the techniques...
4 Pages 1921 Words

Scientology: Cult Or Legitimate Religion

If someone has ever seen the phrase, “Church of Scientology,” then they have most likely also seen the name “Tom Cruise” associated with it. This is because the Church of Scientology has had a long and harrowing history in Hollywood, and its list of members has included A-list celebrities for decades. However, it is important to note that the Church has controlled the narrative surrounding its portrayal in the media. Their seemingly endless sources of funding have aided in allowing...
4 Pages 1871 Words

The Concepts Of Reincarnation In Different Religions

Introduction to Reincarnation Reincarnation is often associated with the idea that the soul could go to the body of an animal, of a plant, or even of an inanimate object, like stone, in death, and is not necessarily associated with transmigration. In comparison with the Western Christian concept of a single body, which is united in the resurrection (the union between soul and spiritual body) and life with God in Heaven, the concept of reincarnation that the soul goes through...
4 Pages 1898 Words

Constraints And Challenges Faced By Salt Farmers In Occidental Mindoro

ABSTRACT This is a descriptive case study which endeavored to find the profile of the salt farm owners and farmers, their salt production characteristics in terms of size of farm used in salt production, material used for salt beds and use of the salt produced. Additionally, this also found the warehousing and packaging practices as well as the constraints and challenges aced by the salt farm owners and farmers. Results of the study indicate that the salt farm owners and...
4 Pages 1944 Words

Needle Thoracentesis: A Critical Evaluation Of A Paramedic Clinical Intervention

The skill of Needle Thorococentesis (NT) has been a core paramedic skill for many years (Reichman, 2018), used to halt the development of a Tension Pneumothorax (TP). TPs occur in 1 in 250 of major trauma patients, equating to 0.4%, and lead to rapid death if not treated timely and effectively (Leech et al, 2016). TP develops when air enters the pleural cavity without escaping, causing the lung to collapse as air pressure within the thoracic cavity prevents it from...
4 Pages 1886 Words

Demonology And Its Existence

Introduction The subject of demons and whether they exist or otherwise attracts a lot of attention across the societal framework. Particularly, it has attracted interest in the Academy and across all religious traditions that form a crucial part of the global order. This debate results from the whole idea of demons and their existence or lack thereof. The study of demons is covered under the umbrella of demonology. Religious conceptions hold that demons exist. On the other hand, scientific conceptions...
4 Pages 1941 Words

The Propagation Of Child Labor In The Ready-made Garment Industry As A Result Of The Increase In Demand For Fast Fashion

According to The International Labor Organization (ILO), an estimated 170 million children are engaged in child labor around the world (Moulds, n.d). Although the situation is improving over the years with a 30% decline in child labor between 2000 and 2012, the century old battle against child labor does not seem to be ending soon with the rise of fast fashion. Fast fashion, a term used to describe inexpensive clothing produced rapidly by mass-market retailers in response to latest trends,...
4 Pages 1940 Words

Social Media Pro Loneliness: Rhetorical Peculiarities

Introduction Matthew Pittman and Brandon Reich (2016) in the article for the journal Computers in Human Behavior “Social media and loneliness: Why an Instagram picture may be worth more than a thousand Twitter words” examined the relationship between the use of social media and loneliness. Particularly, they divided social media into three groups such as image-based (e.g. Instagram, Snapchat), text-based (e.g. Twitter, Yik Yak), and mixed (e.g. Facebook), and investigated effects of each separately. They reviewed works of other scholars...
4 Pages 1872 Words

Critical Discourse Analysis Of Imran Khan Speech In United Nation

In Critical Analysis of candidates' speech, we can suppose that one of the most crucial reason for political candidates to achieve favorable result in any election campaign is the use of versatile language and their ability to induce and make an impression on their audiences. Discourse is not just a mental and lingual issue, but it contains thoughts, emotions and excitements. The priority of a discourse is not necessarily rooted in reasoning power of that discourse, but the priority of...
4 Pages 1925 Words

Solutions to the Police Brutality Essay

Introduction to Police Brutality: The Michael Brown Case On August nine two thousand fourteen, Michael Brown, an eighteen year old African American was shot to death by a white police officer in Missouri. After a surveillance camera captured a man shoving a clerk and walking out of the store with a box of cigarettes, nine one one was called. Michael and his friend Dorian are walking in the middle of a street and are suddenly confronted by an Officer, he...
4 Pages 1883 Words

The Balance Between Work & Families

Abstract This research paper is based on some changes within the structure of family and how one is to take care of their families. Also how the household is formed in terms of responsibilities and balance between working and taking care of a family. Being that one of the biggest dilemmas as being a parent for most is their balance of maintaining all of their home issues then also being able to deliver their best at work. As individuals there...
4 Pages 1932 Words

The Peculiarities Of Police Officers' Training

There has been a lot of news and social media coverage on police brutality and shootings leading to a push for police retraining. The aftermath of events like Ferguson, Missouri, New York, Baltimore, and Cincinnati, Ohio. Has led to the development of many social activist groups such as Black Lives Matter, Cops Watch, and Cop Block. Which has fueled the discussion on police training and how citizens have become proactive in patrolling their communities using technology with cameras as surveillance....
4 Pages 1894 Words

The Sterilization Of Mexican-American Women

There has been a long history of forced sterilization in the United States. Many of these coerced sterilizations were targeted towards poor people, minorities and those who were disabled. According to a peer reviewed journal, Mexican American and Eugenic Sterilization, one of the root cases of sterilization, is Buck v. Bell. Carrie Buck was a woman who had been taken into a mental institution. Her condition was said to be present through at least three generations of her family. The...
4 Pages 1935 Words

The Features Of Eugenics Movement

In the 20th century, there was a period of murder and brutality that was brought on by the eugenics movement. This cruelty mainly occurred in Nazi controlled Germany during World War II, but the eugenics movement was quite strong in the United States of America as well. Eugenics is the controlled sexual or asexual reproduction of people to encourage people with good genes to reproduce while forcing people with bad genes to not reproduce. This idea, first developed by Sir...
4 Pages 1863 Words

Global Labor Rights: Problems And Solutions

Introduction Establishing rights for workers has created global problems. Every country has different priorities when it comes to industry, since exports tend to be a major component in their economy. To keep up with demand, corporations pressure their employees to work long days for little compensation, knowing most are struggling to support their families. Laborers have struggled to gain rights because business thrives off profit, which increases with cheap labor. Globalization has created strong connections between countries, promoting exportation of...
4 Pages 1871 Words

Why Americans Think That Alien Crafts Have Visited Earth

The earliest sightings go back as far as to Egyptian times, and some before that. Many people of various ethnicities and religions have claimed to see UFOs. There are many things that most people don’t know about UFOs, such as the most famous abduction case, UFO conspiracies, types of UFOs, and statistics about UFOs There are many alien abduction cases, but none more convincing than the Betty and Barney Hill Case. On September 19, 1961 Betty and Barney Hill saw...
4 Pages 1912 Words

Leadership And Work-Life Balance

Introduction The aim of this paper is to examine and critically analyse the literature previously written by professionals in regards to leadership and work-life balance. A leader will be described in broad form followed by an exploration through several leadership theories. The author of this paper decided to apply this research into the realm of work-life balance and work-life conflict in the hospitality industry as this is an area of high interest and passion and found great interest in finding...
4 Pages 1894 Words

The Concepts Of Grief And Loss In Judaism

The process of grief and loss has been in existence since the earliest days of life. The development of new cultures and religions has influenced the way in which grief and loss is practiced and viewed in different communities. Specifically, one of the world’s oldest religions that influenced a new style of grief and loss is Judaism which was introduced about four thousand years ago. Jewish grief and loss styles are built upon their unique development of beliefs in religion,...
4 Pages 1907 Words

Gender Inequalities In Sports Media Today

Introduction Gender inequality caused by the media’s often unfair representation of women’s sport is still a prominent issue in society today. Women are still underrepresented and oversexualised by the media in order to harness a wider range of viewers, (Trolan 2013). According to Harris (2007) historically women participated mainly in sports which were deemed elegant enough to fit the gender stereotypes of being a woman, this in turn led the media to cover women’s sport with social ideology in mind....
4 Pages 1884 Words

Effects Of Gender And Bilingualism

ABSTRACT The idea that being bilingual gives people an advantage on cognitive functions has gained more popularity throughout the years . Be as it may, the specific cognitive advantages of bilingualism seem to be hard to pinpoint. Some studies that focused on the advantages of bilingualism on facets of executive control, and many of these pointed out how inhibition and “shifting” play important parts (Bialystok & Viswanathan, 2009). Nonetheless, little research has been conducted on the relevance of bilingualism on...
4 Pages 1853 Words

Selfishly Generous: The Sham Of Philanthropy

With rolling green hills and rivers, Davos looks like the Von Trapp family’s paradise. Just a tiny village nestled in a Swiss valley, Davos is home to the World Economic Forum (WEF) meeting. Each year, the worlds’ elite business, social, and political leaders – including the likes of Bill Gates, Angela Merkel, Al Gore, Matt Damon – meet for four days to discuss “improving the state of the world,” (Meredith, “Who’s Going to Davos?”). Following these leaders is an entourage...
4 Pages 1882 Words

Would Forgiveness Give Us Good Feeling And Having Peaceful Mind?

Mahatma Gandhi once said, “The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong.” We all need forgiveness, and we all need to give forgiveness. Forgiveness can transfer anger and hostility into peace and healing. Forgiveness can help people overcome feeling of depression and anxiety and help them to not prison themselves into what they’ve wronged to themselves or other. Many religious leaders around the world agree that forgiveness of oneself and others is the key factor to...
4 Pages 1866 Words

Mark Zuckerberg: Leadership Style And Qualities

Abstract Mark Zuckerberg was born on May 14, 1984 in Dobbs Ferry New York and is an entrepreneur and philanthropist. He is also the founder of the well-known social media website and app called Facebook. This well-known social media website started off as a site that connected attendees of Harvard University, the college Mark had attended. After its success at the college it was then made public in 2004. Since then Mark Zuckerberg has experienced many trials, errors and success....
4 Pages 1857 Words

Personal And Teaching Traits Of Prophet Muhammad

Introduction to Prophet Muhammad's Teaching and Personal Traits Surely Allah conferred a great favor on the believers when He raised from among them a Messenger to recite to them His signs, and to purify them, and to teach them the Book and Wisdom. For before that they were in manifest error. Al-Imraan 3:164 Indisputably, the prophet Muhammad (SAAWS) was the greatest teacher that the world had and will ever witness. Through him, the laws of Islam were sealed and the...
4 Pages 1859 Words

Changing Roles For Men And Women In Modern Japanese Families

Japan continues to face demographic issues of declining fertility rates and an aging population, as a result the government has implemented strategies to ease the decline with the overall goal of increasing the fertility rate and women’s participation in the workforce. One big factor influencing demographic problems is the state of contemporary Japanese families and the strict societal expectations for each gender in the household and workplace. To address the issue directly, the government has been targeting Japanese men and...
4 Pages 1905 Words

Goals, Achievements And Findings Of NASA’s Mars Exploration Program

Summary Nasa has run into a few challenges and setbacks since its founding on 29 july 1958. But it has never stopped surpassing it’s limits to go above and beyond. Nasa is the leading science in space exploration and it has been for a while now. This essay is about the some of the goals, achievements and findings of Nasa’s Mars Exploration Program. It also talks about the effect this program has had on society and in the aerospace industry...
3 Pages 1929 Words

Evidence For Ancient Martian Hydrological Cycles And The Modern Presence Of Water On Mars

The hydrogeology of Mars has continued to be an exciting and ground-breaking area of research since early telescopic observations made by astronomers such as Giovanni Schiaparelli, Christiaan Huygens, and Percival Lowell which propelled the curiosity about water on Mars deeper into the scientific community. The understanding of water and its history on this planet continues to improve through the compounding research made possible by NASA rovers, satellites, and numerous researchers but still leaves the scientific community with important questions. Although...
4 Pages 1926 Words

A Comparison Of American Suicide Religions

There have been only two known cases of religiously motivated mass suicides in the United States. Those two make up half of all known on earth. They are the Peoples Temple and Heaven’s Gate. One might think that because these two religions shared one gruesome end that they are similar, or follow a similar path or structure. This couldn’t be further from the truth. In fact, the histories of the new religious movements Peoples Temple of the Disciples of Christ...
3 Pages 1882 Words

College Athletes Earning A Dollar

On October 29th, the National Collegiate Athletic Association top governing board passed a law allowing college athletes to earn endorsements and sponsorships. The law states that student-athletes are to be treated like non-athletes attending their universities, and they should have a “clear distinction between college and professional opportunities” (Getty, 2019). In the past, rules have been in place so athletes do not see economic benefits other than scholarships. They are not allowed to sign with an agent or receive gifts...
4 Pages 1872 Words

Spirituality In Architecture

Abstract The purpose of this research paper is that how spirituality affect architecture , its had two folded purpose. Firstly , it investigated the issues inferred by the topic , as how spirituality influences architecture and secondly through critical analysis of literature case study of “ Lotus temple , New Delhi”. The importance of such a temple was established by analyzing architectural qualities that contribute to creating a spiritual environment as stated in the hypothesis. Subjective problems were identified as...
4 Pages 1902 Words
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