2000 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Importance of Brain-relevant Changes during Adolescence: Analytical Essay

Introduction Being a very important transition phase between childhood and adulthood, adolescence is marked by significant physical, social, cognitive and emotional changes. Due to these changes, the behaviour of an adolescent is different from the adult. This demeanor may be considered as irresponsible, emotional and sometimes even risk-taking and reckless. Hormones often get the blame but they’re not the only factor at play. By understanding the nature and processes of physiological and psychological transformations during adolescence, it becomes clear how...
5 Pages 2183 Words

Implementation of Mentoring Program: Critical Analysis

Introduction Mentoring is a dynamic aspect of our daily lives. It is a partnership between a more experienced person (mentor) and a less experienced protégé (mentee). Definitions also revolutionize as time passes but the key element that describes and separates mentoring interaction from other forms of association is that it is an evolution of partnership rooted in the scope of careers toward improvement. (Ragins et.al. 2007). According to Ellinger (2019), studies conclude that mentoring outcomes are career growth and advancement,...
5 Pages 2176 Words

Impacts Of Social Media Marketing On Purchasing Decision Of Electronic Goods

Abstract: The Internet has become the primary source of information for a large number of marketers and consumers. In developing countries like India, the rapid growth in social media provides both marketers and consumers a platform for communication and sharing information. This research paper aims to study the impact of social media in consumers' decision-making process for purchasing of electronic goods. The study is conducted in Kothrud Pune, the respondents were consumers from the age group of 18-60 years. While...
5 Pages 2125 Words

Impact of Stephen King on Horror Genre

Horror is a genre that has evolved into a broad umbrella with multiple portrayals of the original works underneath, this allows for diversity and appeals to a wider range of audiences. The horror genre began in the Romantic Movement in the beginning of the 19th century and encompasses many types of horror literary works and films. These include science fiction with Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein and supernatural with Bram Stoker’s Dracula. Horror as a genre has continued in popularity with supernatural...
5 Pages 2162 Words

Impact of Social Context in South Korea on Individuals' Decisions to Undertake Plastic Surgery

Introduction After the rapid development of the Korean economy in the 1950s, people who were sharply ignorant of their looks and clothing began to have enough money and time to dress themselves up. At the same time, under the influence of foreign cultures, Koreans began to pick up their own wide face, short nose and small eyes, and the appearance of almost paranoid requirements. An increasing amount of people choose cosmetic surgery to make themselves look more beautiful. As we...
4 Pages 1986 Words

Impact of Population Control on Chinese Culture: Analytical Essay

Intro A Chinese woman was seven months pregnant with her second child. A group of people barged into their house and took her away. She was taken to a hospital while her husband pleaded for them not to take her. They didn't sign any papers or agree to anything. She was shoved into a room where against medical advice, they injected a needle into her stomach. 10 hours later she gave birth to a dying infant. She wasn't even allowed...
5 Pages 2174 Words

Holden Caulfield’s Addiction to Childhood and Innocence: Analytical Essay

Childhood and adulthood were not factors of age but states of mind “ (Axel shakar). You have fun as a child but adapt to the new world as an adult. In J.D Salingers “ Catcher in the rye” adulthood, childhood and change all play a major Role in young 16 year old Holden Caulfield’s life we will see how this affects him. Holden’s obsession with childhood and innocence causes him to act like and makes him a pessimistic character in...
4 Pages 1968 Words

Historical Overview of Planned Parenthood

​The fierce political debate surrounding abortion in the United States boils down to a back-and-forth between politicians on each side of the spectrum, writing bills to support their agenda and subsequently fighting the opposition—this can be said for attempts to both expand and reduce access to the medical procedure. At the heart of the debate is an organization that has made a name for itself by showing no fear in their willingness to get in the ring and fight a...
4 Pages 1977 Words

Free Speech Versus Hate Speech on Social Media

Hate speech is merely critical, often demeaning, very critical, and offensive. Whenever hate speech becomes clear intimidation and threats against certain citizens, then some legal action needs to be taken. In addition, any form of malicious and persistent harassment that is focused on an individual is hate speech and should be prosecuted using the law. Individuals who send threatening messages using the internet to another individual or use public messages that are displayed on a certain website with information showing...
5 Pages 2157 Words

Figure of Zeus on the Vase “Ganymede with Cock and Hoop”: Descriptive Essay

The vase, “Ganymede with Cock and Hoop”, is a red-figure bell krater that was made in 525-475 BC by Berlin Painter, located in Musee du Louvre, Paris. The Athenian vase is in large size and has a large opening and a big belly. The frame that showed on the vase was the Greek myth about the young man, Ganymede, is playing the loop with one hand and has a cock on the other hand. The other side of the vase...
4 Pages 2026 Words

Evidence-Based Practice in Nursing: Importance of Hand Washing

Evidence-based practice may be defined as a problem-solving approach that requires nurses to be conscientious in their clinical practice. Therefore, the practice is emphasized on the incorporation of best evidence in making decisions with regard to patient care, from well-designed studies, and the preference and values of the patient (Vaidotas et al., 2015). The use of feedback by health care professionals is a way of creating opportunities for learning and reflection which will consequently lead to improved practice (Smiddy et...
5 Pages 2108 Words

Evaluation of Waiting for Godot as an Absurd Play

Absurdity means meaninglessness, purposelessness, silly, strange, incongruence, ridiculousness, bizarre, and nonsense. An absurdity is a thing that is awfully unreasonable, so as to be foolish or not taken seriously or the state of being so. The Theater of Absurd is, a form of drama that emphasizes the absurdity of human existence by employing disjointed, repetitious, and meaningless dialogue, purposeless and confusing situations, and plots that lack realistic or logical development. In a simple word a type of drama that tries...
5 Pages 2091 Words

Essay on War on Drugs: Literature Review

Kennedy (2011) concluded the War on Drugs had blackened prison populations for a number of years. Diiulio (1995) based on the above evidence, was right to state that government policies can destroy families but it cannot create one. Alexander (2010) accused the War on Drugs for its inequality focus but also blamed the indifference of the White community for this expansion of penal imprisonment. Bobo et al. (2006) wrote that it is difficult for low-skilled young black guys to find...
5 Pages 2115 Words

Essay on Waiting for Godot: Analysis of Plot and Characters

Samuel Barclay Beckett was born on Good Friday, 13 April 1906, in Foxroch, near Dublin. He was educated in Ulster at Portora Royal School and then proceeded to Trinity College, Dublin , where he studied the modern languages and where he eventually took his M.A. degree. From1928 to 1930, he lectured in English at the Ecole Normale Superieure in Paris. Then he gave up university life, moved for some time to London, wandered around Europe, and finally settled in Paris...
5 Pages 2102 Words

Essay on To Kill A Mockingbird: Critical Analysis of Boo Radley, Tom Robinson and Dolphus Raymond

“You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view - until you climb into his skin and walk around in it” (Lee 39). An individual once told me, I stopped explaining myself when I realized people only understand from their level of perception. In the novel, To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee it is evident that numerous characters throughout the book are misjudged and misunderstood for a variety of reasons. Individuals in the...
5 Pages 2192 Words

Essay on the Universal Declaration of Human Rights: Issues of Poverty in Bangladesh

About 32% of the population in Bangladesh does not have the minimum amount of income required for a person to afford basic necessities, hence they would fall under the absolute poverty category (Imam, Islam & Hossin, 2017). There is also a further 19% of the population falls into extreme or chronic poverty (Imam, Islam & Hossin, 2017). However, Bangladesh continues to amaze with its incredible economic growth and development (Rajan, 2018). Despite this, half the population of the country continues...
5 Pages 2037 Words

Essay on The Giver: Critical Review of Book

Protagonist: The protagonist is Jonas. He lives in a family of 4, which consists of himself, Lily, Father, and Mother. He will later meet a baby named Gabe, who has a matching trait with Jonas that is very unique. They both had pale blue eyes. His best friend was named Asher, and he was also close friends with a girl named Fiona. They were all 11s. Antagonist: I think that the antagonist in “The Giver” would have to be the...
5 Pages 2201 Words

Essay on The Alchemist: Critical Analysis

This story is based on a young sheepherder named Santiago, who feels very restless having a recurring dream. He has a dream every time he sleeps under a sycamore tree that grows in the ruins of a church. During the dream, a child tells him to look for a treasure at the foot of the Egyptian pyramids, feeling confused with the dream, he decided to find out its meaning and goes to a gypsy. She told him that dreams are...
4 Pages 2011 Words

Essay on Social, Emotional, Psychological, Biological, and Behavioural Changes in Adolescence

On an average night, during the June quarter 2018, 980 adolescents aged between 10-17 were in youth detention in Australia (Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, 2018) posing a challenge to the criminal system which recognises the unique needs of adolescent offenders. A report by the Australian Law Reform Commission summarises some of these challenges by noting that adolescents “tend to have a reduced fear of danger and display 'acting out' behaviours. They may have volatile behavioural patterns and emotional...
5 Pages 2048 Words

Essay on Social Impact of HIV and AIDS

Background The earliest known cases of human HIV infection have started in Western equatorial Africa, presumably in Southeast Cameroon where a group of the central common chimpanzee lives. Phylogenetic analysis has disclosed that all HIV-1 groups M, N and O were so closely related to just one of these SIV Cpz lineages which were found in p.t troglodytes. It is surely suspected that the disease has spread to humans from the butchering of Chimpanzees for human consumption. Current hypotheses has...
5 Pages 2237 Words

Essay on Political Theory: Analysis of The Prince by Machiavelli

The meaning of necessity in a broader sense is something that we can’t live without. For example, when saying that a decision was necessary to be made, it means we don’t have a choice under those circumstances, the decision had to be made to accomplish some end. In the book, Machiavelli used necessity mainly referring to political necessity, so if a leader like the prince wants to accomplish his goals, he must use a certain method no matter whether it’s...
5 Pages 2227 Words

Essay on Non-verbal Communication: Annotated Bibliography

Annotated Bibliography My area of interest is nonverbal communication within different cultural context because I’m from a different culture, and I frequently find myself comparing communication styles with the people around me and assuming their actions could correspond to negative aspects, based solely on the knowledge of my own culture. Nonverbal is a universal thing as it is a part of the act of communication. However, the meanings vary from culture to culture, for instance, the meaning of eye contact...
4 Pages 2052 Words

Essay on Museums Heritage and Society

Museums Heritage and Society In 1980s museums were majorly small-scale ventures which were devoted to numerous topics but the commentators focused on large organizations. The independent organizations were concerned with the previous industrial past of the museums. The independent sector, as a result, was associated with heritage as opposed to established public museums. Britain is experiencing cultural booming with new heritage and museums opening at a fast rate as people pick up their heritage trails. The museums are now considered...
4 Pages 2027 Words

Essay on Mexico Population Policy in 1974

Abstract This is paper discusses the family planning population policy implemented in Mexico in 1974, and also covered its effect on Mexico's fertility and population age structure by comparing the demographic data before and after this policy. To better understand this policy, there is also some demographic background of Mexico in the last century. This population policy is for how to lower Mexico's fertility rate to make its economy grow better. And it made a good performance on change Mexico's...
5 Pages 2142 Words

Essay on Mansfield Park: Summary of Chapters and Character Analysis

Chapter 1 Characters Mrs. Price Mrs. Price is Fanny Price’s mother and has 9 children. Her family is not very rich, so she decides to send Fanny to live with the Bertrams. Mrs. Norris Mrs. Norris is Fanny’s aunt, and is very dramatic, self-righteous, and does not like Fanny, as she keeps saying that she is different from the Bertrams, and is lowly. Sir Thomas Bertram Thomas Bertram is Fanny’s uncle and is a very rich man. He wants what...
5 Pages 2249 Words

Essay on Leadership Qualities of Bill Gates

Introduction The leader is one of the main key players and holds very important roles in every country or organization to accomplish its goals, mission and vision. Despite the leader holding the power to influence his follower but also have huge responsibility to take up the risk of the nation or organization encountering a challenging situation. According to Kelly (2004), “leadership is the ability to provide direction towards preferred future aspirations and aligns the followers towards goal achievement” Moreover, leadership...
5 Pages 2065 Words

Essay on Issues of Non-verbal Communication in a Workplace

Discussion of Findings This report will cover the issues of nonverbal communication in the workplace, and the effects that could happen without out proper training and understanding. This includes topics such as the problem defined, the impacts of the problem, problems examples, and attempted solutions. Problem Defined Communication is defined as “the imparting or exchanging of information or news. Communication is the means of sending or receiving information” (Webster’s Dictionary.) Nonverbal communication provides individuals a way to communicate using posture,...
4 Pages 2043 Words

Essay on High School Graduation: Consideration of Required Financial Literacy

Finally, your big day has come. A moment in almost everyone’s life where you can celebrate your achievement, High school graduation. You’ve been looking forward to this moment since you were a freshman and now it’s here. You are super excited to take your next step in life and see what the world has for you. You feel prepared for college, you’ve learned everything there is to know about chemistry and calculus. As you are preparing to walk across the...
4 Pages 1971 Words

Essay on Emerging Infectious Diseases: Causes of Outbreak

We as humans are currently at war with a pandemic, a virus known as COVID-19, an infectious disease that has devasted a large portion of our world. Covid-19 is one example of the many infectious diseases that have devasted our world throughout the past decades (Kim, 2020). As a modern society, we have endured the effects of horrid diseases including Ebola, Middle East Respiratory Syndrome, AIDS/HIV, Swine Flu, and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (Morse, 2003). As our civilization continues to...
5 Pages 2097 Words

Essay on Constitutional Law and Constitution on the UK

In recent years, the UK constitution has been a thriving topic of debate and the organs of government have frequently been accused by their critics of making ‘unconstitutional’ decisions, yet the meaning of this is subjective. To define this term, several factors should be considered; firstly, the difference between unconstitutional and illegal, secondly, if existing challenges to constitutional principles can be considered unconstitutional, and thirdly, how unconstitutionality is sometimes unavoidable. The difficulties that come with defining ‘unconstitutional’ are mirrored by...
5 Pages 2158 Words
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