2000 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Are the Current Tensions Between Russia, the EU and NATO a New 'Cold War'? An Essay

The Cold War was a period of extreme tension between the US and the USSR. The presence of a bipolar system, competing ideologies, and the threat of nuclear war, coupled with the global impact it had, were definitive features of the Cold War. However, today tensions between Russia, the EU and NATO are very different; Russia is no longer a superpower, there is no serious ideological competition, and they have not come close to the threat of nuclear war seen...
4 Pages 2009 Words

Reflections on How the Google Search Engine Affects Intelligence

Google search is a great tool for searching information that we need for work. It is so easy just to Google something knowing you will have it at the palm of your hand in no time at all or better yet not having to spend hours looking in books for a bit of information. But searching Google for every answer may seem awesome there are some negative impacts it can bring to our own intelligence as well. There are many...
4 Pages 2014 Words

The Boston Greenway Transportation Infrastructure Development Project in East Boston and Its Impact

Transport allows for increased mobility and access however the levels of mobility and access are not necessarily always equal. Boston illustrates how mobility can contribute towards increasing levels of social and economic inequalities. In 2017, the Brookings Institution stated that Boston suffered “from the worst income inequality of a major US city (Clauss, 2017). Boston’s transport system has been named one of the worst transport systems in the USA, in 2019, the Boston Globe reported that the “Massachusetts Bay Transportation...
5 Pages 2224 Words

United Kingdom: Cultural Features and Rules of Negotiation

The United Kingdom has a low power distance and uncertainty avoidance score, a high individualism and masculinity score. Decision making in the United Kingdom is centralized and safety is mandatory by law. Group rewards in the United Kingdom improve teamwork and individual are important that you acknowledge who goes the extra mile. Informal relationships in the United Kingdom are what make the organization work well. There are many cultural highlights that take place in the United Kingdom. The communication style...
5 Pages 2159 Words

Essay on the Culture of Italy

Italians are an ethnically diverse community within a small country that they occupy, this brings them together rather than further apart. No matter what dialect, they share the same race, Italians. Within this report there are 8 aspects of Italian culture mentioned these include food, traditional clothing, celebrations, dance; language, religion, rituals and inequities they face. These are important factors to consider when discovering Italian culture and values. Food in Italy Food in Italy can be a controversial topic when...
4 Pages 2031 Words

Gender Inequality in the Third World

Women were undermined when they participated in development discourse based on the sexual division of labor and their role in the economy. The development was about economic growth and women were absent in the debate. Women were relegated to the reserves while men were exploited outside the household (Pala, 2005). Different approaches came into existence to fight the challenges faced by women in the ‘Third World’. Women in development (WID) approach was made as a result of three major feminist...
4 Pages 1991 Words

An Analysis of the Likelihood of a Second Oil Embargo and America's Preparedness for It

The world’s economy is dependent on the availability of crude oil, which supplies the fuels needed for the transportation of labor, raw material, and most importantly final goods. Not only does oil fuel our economy, but it also yields over six thousand useful products, including fertilizers, plastic, and rubber. The Organization of Arab Petroleum Exporting Countries (OAPEC) supplies 42.4% of the international demand for crude oil, while also accounting for 43.52% of the world’s proven oil reserves or 724.71 billion...
5 Pages 2130 Words

Imperial Hotel Case Study

Hospitality is a business activity which provides various services to guests in hotels, bars, restaurants as a source of recreation purpose and meeting each and every needs and demands whenever asked (Merriam-webster.com, 2019). Hospitality industry basically puts emphasis on the satisfaction of the customers and providing the best experiences available. This industry is unique in its nature and provides facilities for its customers arriving for vacation or occasional purposes. The different areas of hospitality industry include different levels of accommodation...
4 Pages 1994 Words

Computer Graphics: An Overview of Highlights

Computer graphics are pictures and films created using computers. Usually, the term refers to computer-generated image data created with the help of specialized graphical hardware and software. It is a vast and recently developed area of computer science. The phrase was coined in 1960, by computer graphics researchers Verne Hudson and William Fetter of Boeing. It is often abbreviated as CG, though sometimes erroneously referred to as computer-generated imagery (CGI). Some topics in computer graphics include user interface design, sprite...
5 Pages 2223 Words

Case Study: MSN Messenger Discontinuation

MSN Messenger used to be the most used Instant Messaging (IM) service that only lasted for fifteen years. This case report shows the MSN brief history from its birth and boom, and further explanation regarding the discontinuation of MSN Messenger. Also, this case report aims to show the analysis of the retirement of MSN Messenger. The analysis was conducted by the push-pull-mooring (PPM) framework regarding the human migration decision. The objective of this case report is to show reasons of...
4 Pages 2046 Words

Should We Agree with Net Neutrality or Not?

According to Ted Thurn, director of Government Affairs at IREM “It is safe to say that technology encompasses almost every facet of our professional and personal lives” (Thurn). Can we trust our privacy to the Internet? What would happen if someone decided to know everything about us? With net neutrality people are more secure online and will enjoy all online services with the same speed and connection quality, no matter if they want to read a book or watch a...
4 Pages 2006 Words

Tourism in Las Vegas

Tourism is a serious economic activity in Las Vegas and the wider America. Indeed, significant companies struggle for the control of the lucrative industry. Sadly, most hotels underutilize the underlying potential due to both internal and external factors. One such hotel is the Venetian that is the third largest regarding revenue and the second largest regarding rooms. After a close examination, this report found that the story has excellent chances of improvement. However, a few areas require urgent improvements. They...
5 Pages 2215 Words

Nikko Hotel SWOT Analysis

Nikko Hotels is part of an international chain of hotels, which operate in Europe, Asia, South Pacific, and North America. The parent company that owns Nikko Hotels is Okura Hotels. Nikko Hotel officially started the operations in 1972, which was at that time the global brand hotel of the airlines known as Japan Airlines with the very first inception property located in Jakarta. The Japan Airlines Ltd owned Nikko Hotels up to the year 1990; after that, it was renamed...
5 Pages 2136 Words

My Trip to the China’s Border: An Essay

In this essay I’m going to talk about my trip to the China’s border about five years ago with my friends. So, we departed from Lahore at midnight and reached Islamabad next morning. In Islamabad we enjoyed a delighted breakfast then we departed towards Abbotabad via Muree and Nathia Gali, we enjoyed the most famous dish of NathiaGali that is fried Chilli Chicken and the unforgetable and most adventurous moment was Patriata Chair Lift then we headed towards Abotabad which...
5 Pages 2089 Words

Environmental Pollution in Kenya: Causes and Government Efforts to Combat It

Pollution is the presence in or introduction into the environment of a substance which has harmful or poisonous effects (Oxford Dictionary). My essay will cover the main causes of pollution in Kenya, specifically air pollution, water pollution and soil pollution. These causes will be sourced from governmental research as well as independent academic research. It will then review how effective the Kenyan government has been in tackling these sources. This research is important because pollution is detrimental to any country’s...
4 Pages 2001 Words

Education and Employment: An Essay on the Relationship Between Education Demand and Employment Supply

Most of the public discussion and literature about economic development and education generally, most especially employment and education, is based on two major economic processes. First, is the interaction between the politically responsive supplies and the demands that are economically motivated in determining the number of schools provided, who can access these places, and the kind of instruction given. Second, is the important difference between private and social costs and benefits of the different educational levels as well as the...
4 Pages 1966 Words

The Individualistic Political Culture of Texas

“Honor the Texas flag. I pledge allegiance to thee, Texas. One state, under God. One and indivisible”. I was born and raised in Texas and chances are if you grew up here too these seventeen words are how you began your school day. Reciting this pledge was second nature to me, so much so that I never give much thought to the words or the meaning. Texas’s unique conservative political culture is the reason we recite a state pledge when...
5 Pages 2054 Words

LGBTQ+ Discrimination in Florida and Solutions

The LGBTQ+ community in the U.S. has been gaining increased visibility not only in the media and everyday life, but also in the legal realm with the passage of marriage equality acts. However, state and nationwide legislation has fallen behind in granting LGBTQ+ individuals full rights and protections. LGBTQ+ individuals across the country are still subject to discrimination in the workplace, housing, and even health care. And while it usually doesn’t happen explicitly, employers show bias in who they hire,...
5 Pages 2226 Words

Egyptian Education Vs American Education

Egypt is well known for their beautiful architecture and mummies locked away in their sarcophagus waiting for the chance to prowl the earth. Well, that’s what my perception of Egypt was when I was a little girl at least. Growing up in America I was drilled with the impression of Egypt being undernourished and unable to make groundbreaking discoveries. I was under the impression that Egyptians were no longer capable of being as smart as Americans were said to be....
4 Pages 1996 Words

Essay on the Evolution of the Political System in China Using the Great Leap Forward Campaign as an Example

The Great Leap Forward (1958-1961) campaign was launched to transform the agrarian economy of Republic of China into socialistic economy with an aim to bring rapid growth but, in contrary resulted in famine and disaster. It was introduced by the People’s Republic of China (PRC) under the chairmanship of Mao Zedong. In an attempt to surpass the Soviet Union and the United States the China’s economy ended up with great recession and political struggle (Jung and Cheng, 2019). It plagued...
4 Pages 1980 Words

"Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death" Rhetorical Analysis

Introduction to Patrick Henry's Revolutionary Speech During the late 18th century, a large-scale revolution swept across North America, eventually forming the United States. One of the most prominent advocates of this revolution was a man named Patrick Henry, who gave a defining speech at the Second Virginia Convention, pushing many to revolt against the British Crown. This convention was attended by many important figures including George Washington and Thomas Jefferson. Furthermore, this convention was attended by members that did not...
4 Pages 1997 Words

North America Vs Latin America: Economic Change and Comparative Development

North America and Latin America have always been two nations, which possessed fairly different characteristics. North America, the third-largest continent in the world, consisting of twenty-three countries, occupies the majority of the northwest hemisphere. Latin America, based in the southern part of the western hemisphere, consists of a group of countries and dependencies. Latin America consists of the entire continent of South America as well as Central America, Mexico and the Caribbean islands, where citizens in the area speak languages...
5 Pages 2132 Words

Comparative Analysis of the Nation-Building Process in America and Iraq

Development is a very controversial issue. In fact, each state can be considered as a living unity capable of action, and each nation in the world has a peculiar personalized history. For this reason, the conditions that allow a particular development change from state to state, considering different variables such as the composition of the territory, the character of the population, the geographical position on the map, the international relations developed from its origin to today. In this essay I...
5 Pages 2122 Words

Data Mining Application in Healthcare

The concept of data mining is generally concerned with finding and looking up for relevant information or knowledge previously available in data. Data mining is applied in many fields, one of the hottest fields is healthcare. Since healthcare data is stored in electronic format, the storage of the data will be huge and complex, which make it a fertile environment for data mining usage. The motivation behind information mining, regardless of whether it's being utilized in social insurance or business,...
4 Pages 2021 Words

Changes in Indian Agriculture after Independence: An Essay

After over 600 years of colonial rule, India got its freedom from the British domain on August 15, 1947. An enormous section of the populace, around three-fourths, was subject to agriculture for work and for the nourishment and fiber, devoured by cultivating families and proprietors. Agriculture in India was based chiefly on feudal land system where a greater part of the populace lived in rural areas, battled with low efficiency, and had just crude innovation. The new popularity-based government had...
4 Pages 2021 Words

Impact of Cloud Computing on Financial Services

Customers’ expectations have evolved considerably in recent years. This is true for virtually every interaction of customers with their surroundings, and financial services providers are not an exception to it. Financial institutions (FIs) need to adopt and actively utilize new technologies to meet such evolving customer expectations, transforming their businesses and developing new capabilities to become more efficient and generate more value for customers. In this context, cloud computing is an important aspect of the financial system, as it enables...
5 Pages 2133 Words

What Role Should Mobile Technology Play in Education the Next Generation of Students? Essay

Mobile technologies emerge as an innovative tool associated with different methods and strategies (Ferreira et al., 2015). Several educational resources are available for learners in the digital form which in turn, is accessible through mobile technology. The increasing availability of open educational resources for mobile technology is making access to learning more affordable for anyone who wants to learn (Ally & Prieto, 2014). Several educational resources are available for learners in the digital form which in turn, is accessible through...
5 Pages 2077 Words

Robots in the Hospitality Industry

With the development of technology, more and more hotels are beginning to change their business management mode. For example, many hotels have saved their housekeeping supervisor and other positions through intelligent clients which in order to save the management cost of the hotel. This is a labor dependent industry that heavily relies on skilled labor force and a flexible workforce to cope with seasonal fluctuations. Also, face the challenges of finding and retaining talented employees (Murray, Elliot, Simmonds, Madeley &...
5 Pages 2216 Words

The Importance of Cultivating Sympathy in Modern Democracies

Democracy is a highly contest term and is constantly redefined by modern contexts. However, the success of a democracy always relied on its ability to ensure political equality and liberty. Yet the struggles in modern democracies such as US and UK highlight the difficulties in achieving these goals. Ronald Reagan (1982) once proposed that to foster the infrastructure of a democracy, there must be a system of a free press, unions, political parties, universities, which allows a people to choose...
5 Pages 2229 Words

Changes and Continuities in China

The economic and political changes which have occurred within Chinese society over the last three generations have influenced the traditional familial culture of its citizens to an extremely high level. This influence has seen changes in cultural practices and structure, though simultaneously, the continuity of many ideas. This notion is reflected by Yan, who states that “the centripetal power of the third generation of children, who attract attention, love, and care from both their grandparents and their parents is evident...
5 Pages 2097 Words
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