2000 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Evidence-Based Comparison of the Two Leaders Abraham Lincoln and Donald Trump

Political leadership has been studied since antiquity of human existence; prevalent through the distinct characteristics of certain leaders their actions, and rise to power and how they conduct their leadership. The question of leadership remains important due to the connection between those in power and the society in which they govern. This essay will critically evaluate the leaders Abraham Lincoln and Donald Trump, in a comparative standpoint. The central premise of this essay is to examine their traits as political...
5 Pages 2189 Words

Disaster Management: Evacuations from Gulf Coast Hurricanes

Introduction Managing evacuations from hurricanes and other natural catastrophes present recurrent challenges to the people responsible for such evacuations. A major challenge is how to best inform and direct the public responses to the imminent emergencies. A chronic challenge for emergency personnel is gaining public acquiescence with directives to evacuate or shelter. States and authorities have been reviewing evacuation plans after the hurricane Katrina. In managing the evacuation plans, for example, New Orleans’ City Assisted Plan directed evacuees who did...
4 Pages 2008 Words

The Importance of Determining Personal Strengths

Being able to identify and utilize your strengths is something that can help you advance in your daily life, and will allow you to reach your full potential. Once you are able to determine your own strengths, you become able to apply them for your own good and for the good of others. When you recognize your strengths you are able to also determine some of your weaknesses, and then have and idea of things that you can work on...
5 Pages 2111 Words

A Study of The Family Planning Policy in China

Probably no country in the world pays so much attention to its descendants as China does. The old saying, More children equal to more happiness , has been hold as a strong belief for thousands of years. It is well known that the large population was one of biggest burden of China s further development. Therefore, the Chinese government carried out the family planning policy in the late 70s, using this coercive means, in order to control the population growth....
4 Pages 1980 Words

Migration Promotes at the Cauvery Delta Zone in Thanjavur District

The dominant movement of individuals within the mega-deltas of Tamil Nadu is from agriculture-dominated rural areas to urban settlements, driven by growing opportunities, but leading to new human development challenges.Human development can be viewed as the process of achieving optimum slevels of health and well being. The main goal of this article is to identify the factors related to the decision to migrate taken by economic outcome. Despite an outsized growth in domestic and international migration and remittances in recent...
4 Pages 1981 Words

Gender Roles, Norms, & Sexual Attitudes in Rap/Hip Hop Music Lyrics

Music is an enormous role in adolescents' understanding of sex, relationships, and self-identity. 'Entering relationships are part of the adolescent experience and factors contribute to the nature and potential of these relationships'. The avenue most adolescents take to learn about relationships, sex, drugs, etc. is music. The way an adolescent learns about relationships, where and whom they learn it from, all contributes to the potentiality of their future relationships. Considering the importance of music as a major social and cultural...
4 Pages 2005 Words

Causes and Effects of Acid Rains Nowadays

This paper focuses on one of the main pollution related problems that affect the modern day world. The problem under study is acid rain. This form of rainfall is yet another of mankind’s caused problems since it results from production of nitrogen oxides, carbon dioxide and sulfur oxide gases in large amount due to activities such as deforestation and burning fossils to produce electricity. The implications of this form of rainfall on various ecosystems are discussed in this paper with...
4 Pages 1974 Words

‘The Martian Chronicles’ Made Climate Change Visible

As the coronavirus pandemic continues to encircle the planet, the structure of our lives has dramatically changed in the effort to slow the spread. Even among other diseases, Covid-19 presents as an especially invisible threat, because carriers can have it for weeks before realizing they’re sick, if they even show symptoms at all. In the interim, they risk transmitting it to others, who likewise have no idea they’ve contracted the virus until symptoms set in. The effects, as we know...
4 Pages 1997 Words

Troilus and Cressida' as a Problem Play

A problem play is a play in which the playwright portrays the social, political and economic problems of the society he lives in. The problem play is a development form of the ‘drama of ideas' (Drama of ideas is a type of discussion play in which the most acute problems of social and personal morality is revealed). It is tragic in tone and deals with human dilemmas along with the social evils, i.e., it is a play in which a...
4 Pages 2038 Words

BP Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill

Introduction Oil spillage refers to the release of hydrocarbon petroleum liquid in the environment. This is mainly a result of human activities. It is one of the greatest forms and causes of pollution. It involves crude oil spillage from tankers, platforms, wells, and drilling rigs. Spillage could also be from petroleum products that are already refined, leakages from large ships, and waste oils directed to the waters. It should be noted that oil that seeps in its natural form can...
5 Pages 2225 Words

An Examination of Imagery Across Genres: The Tragedy and The Epic

A tool consistently employed by the Greeks was that of imagery, and within the genre of tragedy and the epic they have demonstrated their mastery of the device. Imagery within tragedy adds a necessary and otherwise unattainable sub-story to the play through symbolism, while within the epic it enables the reader to fully comprehend the text with thorough description. The Oresteia, for instance, is flooded with symbolic imagery. Within the first two plays, The Agamemnon and The Libation Bearers, such...
5 Pages 2246 Words

Oxygen Dissociation Curve and Bohr Effect Using Haemolysate

Oxygen diffusion is essential for the survival of living animals. Differences in the surface area and relative thickness of respiratory surfaces among vertebrates have been shown to influence the rates of oxygen diffusion and the levels of aerobic activity (Gillooly et al., 2016). Different animals have developed specialized organs in which gas exchange can take place, such as the gills in fish and the lungs in humans. These specialized organs facilitate the transportation of oxygen molecules from the lungs to...
4 Pages 1997 Words

Causes and Consequences of Toxic/Abusive Relationships and Relapsing

“A life that has for so long been controlled by manipulation and fear, So many times left broken and in tears. Broken bones and bruises followed by promises allowed to heal, Names and accusations, confusion at the appeal. Was its appeal, or just a distorted view?” (Ashley P.) This poem exhibits the act of an abusive relationship showing how the victim feels all of these toxic feelings, yet still has a love for their abuser. Society views relationships as a...
5 Pages 2226 Words

Connections Between Cyberlaw and Criminal Law

Cyber law emerged as the society developed, the modern technology evolution made human progress and also gave rise to new problems which one of them is cyber criminality. As computer technology improved from accessing websites for research to communicating, making transactions, sharing and storing important data with people round the world through the internet. The computer increased our capacity to store, search, retrieve and communicate data and information which made it possible to contact anyone, anywhere and at any time...
4 Pages 2011 Words

A Problem of Exhaustion of The Green Sea Turtle in The Andros Barrier Reef

The following research was conducted in order to assess the effect(s) caused by the depletion of a specific predator, the Green Sea Turtle, in the Andros Barrier Reef on the coral reef growth of coral reefs and survival. More specifically a cascading top down effect on the coral reef ecosystem is inferred, since Green Sea Turtles both directly and indirectly control the amount of sea-grass and algae in this ecosystem. Excess nutrition could be regarded as a liability for the...
5 Pages 2127 Words

Culture Shock: Stages Explained and How to Alleviate It

Thousands and thousands of Students all over the World are entering foreign countries to live abroad for a time while studying. Sometimes just for a short period of time but otherwhiles for chapters in one’s life. It’s part of today’s society to experience different cultures and get connected with people all over the planet. Helpful for own social contacts but also later for finding the perfect job and becoming what one has ever dreamed of. But new cultures often imply...
5 Pages 2111 Words

Biodiversity: Costa Rica v. Merck & Company

Introduction Declining biodiversity across the world has compelled many countries to come up with effective conservation measures that enhance sustainable use of natural resources. The Costa Rica National Institute of Biodiversity entered into unique agreement in 1991 with a pharmaceutical company, Merck & Company, which allowed joint exploration and exploitation of biodiversity for the benefit of the pharmaceutical company and conservation of the environment to save the declining biodiversity. The prime objective of the agreement was to enhance sustainable use...
5 Pages 2142 Words

How Monetary Environment Affects International Businesses? Essay

How businesses are established abroad- When developing your business in a foreign market or region, you might consider establishing a more substantial operation. This can be for a variety of reasons such as lower costs, increasing market penetration, improving customer service and complying with government regulations. Most firms only set up an overseas operation after testing the market. This can be a logical progression from working with an agent or distributor as a company grows its sales. There may be...
5 Pages 2168 Words

Mexico’s Mitigation and Adaptation Methods

None of the Mexicans I sent the questionnaire to feel they had been personally impacted by any natural disasters however, the most common impact is getting a flat tire because of holes in the roads. Also, my participant from Mazatlán, Sinaloa stated that they lost their car due to one of the really heavy floods. Another one of my participants from Guadalajara said that they feel they have lost the beauty of the countryside as the forest fires has resulted...
5 Pages 2199 Words

Use of Criminal Law to Regulate Air Pollution in The UK

Air pollution in the UK is regulated under various statutes. The question regarding their efficiency however, still remains debatable. Whilst most cases have been brought forward via the tort of nuisance, there are a few instances where individuals and companies have been prosecuted for environmental harm (including air pollution). Prosecutions for environmental harm are relatively new in England & Wales whilst compared to other aspects of Criminal law – it’s mainly due to the fact that some may not deem...
4 Pages 1965 Words

Essay on The History of Aviation: Brothers Wrights' Way from Dream to Reality

The History of Aviation From Dream to Reality It’s been more than 100 years since the Wright Brothers took their aircraft, the Wright Flyer, to the sky for the first time in the history, but human being has always been dreaming of flight. Among the earliest recorded stories of man in flight is the legend of Emperor Shun. According to this legend, nearly 4,000 years ago, Emperor Shun escaped from prison by “donning the work clothes of a bird.” Around...
4 Pages 1959 Words

Lack of Political Reforms by Alexander II, Alexander III and Nicholas II as a Decisive Factor in the Fall of Tsarism

From 1801-1917, Tsarist autocracy was the political system of the Russian empire; it stemmed from the idea that the Tsar’s had the divine right to rule, i.e. that the Tsars obtained power through God instead of through the consent of the Russian people. The system had been in place since the time of Peter I (1682-1725), who had removed the independence of princes and boyars but came to an end in 1917. The Tsar ruled by decree and appointed second-tier...
5 Pages 2194 Words

Essay on Human Development Theories

In this essay I will begin by explaining psychological theories. Furthermore, I will evaluate how a care worker could use psychological theories to understand the behavior of an individual. Lastly, I will evaluate these psychological theories by looking at the strengths and weaknesses of each of them in regard to working with an individual. Erik Erikson and the Lifespan Theory is a psychological theory. Erik Erikson (1902-1979) was of the writers who developed the psycho-dynamic approach. He believed that there...
5 Pages 2090 Words

Essay on the Role of Education in Economic Development with Reference to Pakistan

Zafar Iqbal and Ghulam Mustafa Zahid from the ‘Pakistan Development Review’ worked on the ‘Macroeconomic Determinants of Pakistan's Economic Growth’ in 1998. The study explores the effect on Pakistan's economic growth of some of the most significant microeconomic variables, such as education, physical growth and the budget deficit. A multiple regression method was used to analyze the period between 1959-60 and 1996-1997. According to quantitative evidence, primary education and economic openness are essential factors for accelerating growth. However, the budget...
5 Pages 2122 Words

Federalism Vs Devolution: Which Political System is More Sustainable?

In order to define whether or not federalism is a more sustainable political system compared to devolution, we must first underline what exactly federalism is, alongside devolution, and what is meant by the term sustainable. Federalism is a political system where state sovereignty is divided amongst two-levels of government which are national and regional bodies. Whereas devolution is the transference of powers to regional bodies with a centralized government maintaining ultimate legal power (sovereignty). Throughout this essay, we shall be...
4 Pages 1955 Words

Racism Leads to Social Movements

Racism is a constant issue going on in America. It does not matter how many years go by, racism is still brought up, fought over, and fought about every day. Over the last few years, many can say racism has gotten worse and needs to be corrected in the world. As an individual, race is seen differently through the eyes of that person. Race may be classified as a social group, gender, skin color, and even the location of the...
4 Pages 2116 Words

Roman Civilization and Its Greatest History

Myths and Legends Romulus and Remus were the founders of the city of Rome in Roman mythology. In Roman mythology they were twins. Their mother was the priestess Rhea Silvia, and their father was Mars, the god of war. The two brothers later quarreled over who should get the support of the local god to name the new city, and a battle even broke out, resulting in Romulus killing Remus. Romulus later founded the Roman Senate. By robbing nearby Sabine...
5 Pages 2215 Words

The Negative Impact of the California Gold Rush: An Essay

Introduction to the California Gold Rush and Its Diverse Impact The California Gold Rush wasn’t solely negative for the people of California and the state’s overall economic situation. However, some groups of people did not experience this ‘California Dream’ some immigrants seemed to have lived. The Native Americans living in California at the time of the Gold Rush went through unbelievable hardships, easily suffering the most out of everyone. Furthermore, discrimination and racism were issues immigrants from all over the...
4 Pages 2078 Words

The Apollo 11 Command Module as a Historically Significant Artifact

Since the Columbian exchange and the coming of a new age there have been a wide amount of technical feats and objects that have helped the world to overcome obstacles and set new precedents. Many of these artifacts have led to more adaptable innovations that change our lives mostly for the better, but occasionally at significant costs. While most artifacts are relatable to history in a wider historical context and different versions have arose over time to produce something most...
4 Pages 2024 Words

Comparative Analysis of the Danger of Drug Addiction and Behavioral Addictions on the Examples of Famous Literary Heroes

People know quite a lot about addiction - not only about drug addiction and alcoholism, but also about bulimia, shopaholism and deceit. Cinematography is often referred to the topic of non-chemical dependencies: these topics are touched upon, for example, in Lars von Trier's ‘Nymphomaniac’ and Damien Chazelle's ‘Whiplash’. However, in the classical literature, other types of addiction are more common. Literature provides a wide range of addicted characters. Alexei Ivanovich in the novel ‘The Gambler’ of Fyodor Dostoevsky – the...
5 Pages 2228 Words
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