2000 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Eco-Labels for Travel, Tourism and Hospitality Companies: A Cost-Benefit Analysis

Nowadays, a rising number of international leisure tourists seem to be willing to choose a destination with high environmental health quality. Also, the diversity and integrity of the destination’s natural, cultural resources, and environmental considerations are now as the more significant features of tourists’ destination-choosing process (Hudson and Hudson, 2010). On the same time, the growing global population and unsustainable consumption presented thoughtful issues to human health and well-being and the natural environment (Royal Society, 2012). Thus, some private sectors...
5 Pages 2166 Words

Prevention of Heart Disease in Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders

The second leading cause of death in the United States for the Asian and Pacific Islander populations is cardiovascular disease. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2017) state that about 22.2% of the Asian and Pacific Islander population die from heart disease. The reduction of mortality rates associated with heart disease can be prevented with the control of modifiable risk factors. Modifiable risk factors that contribute to heart disease include prevention and control of high blood pressure, smoking cessation, and...
5 Pages 2231 Words

Different Philosophical Views on Morality and Moral Values

Immanuel Kant has been one of the more famous and influential philosophers from the last few centuries. He has influenced the minds of other philosophers from the past or present with his ideas in philosophy. His major contributions in philosophy have been to the topics of metaphysics, epistemology, ethics, and aesthetics to name just a few. He has been one of the most famous philosophers to debate and let his beliefs of morality be known. One of his main beliefs...
5 Pages 2142 Words

The Crisis of Participation in UK Politics

I believe there is a crisis of participation in politics within the United Kingdom (UK), but in order to reinforce the matter, it is important to understand and conceptualize the various definitions of political participation. Conge et al., (1988) defines the concept as “all voluntary activities by individual citizens intended to influence either directly or indirectly political choices at various levels of the political system”. Moreover, Whiteley (2012) defines the ideology as “the heart of democratic government and civil society,...
4 Pages 1969 Words

Five Confirmed Measles Cases in Westchester County

Doctor Collins rushes through a bustling pediatric office looking for her next patient. A child wails its mother's arms as they wait their turn, and every seat is taken in the lobby. Busy would be an understatement, with the waiting room feeling like a Best Buy during a black friday sale rather than your typical doctor's office. The measles outbreak plaguing the New York community has reached the suburb of Westchester, and riotous effects have followed. Measles is one of...
5 Pages 2169 Words

Injustice in the Justice System

Justin Bieber has committed crimes but gotten away easy. He was arrested for driving under the influence of alcohol and while underage, but released from jail the following day--even though he was arrested on a $2,500 bond. Authorities found marijuana and Xanax in Bieber’s system, yet he still pleaded not guilty to all charges. Also, Bieber was charged for egging one of his neighbors in Los Angeles that resulted in $20,000 in damages for the owner. He paid the damages...
4 Pages 2023 Words

Joseph V Spiller Case Analysis

The Legally Relevant Facts of this Case Campbell is an online blogger with a history of making controversial comments. Dugdale is an MSP and previous leader of the Scottish Labor Party who also happens to be homosexual. Dugdale wrote an article for the Daily Record criticizing Campbells comments on his twitter page as homophobic. The tweet referred to Scottish Conservative MSP Oliver Mundell, whose father, David Mundell, came out as gay in 2016. The tweet alluded to the fact that...
4 Pages 2018 Words

Disadvantages of Jane Austen's Free Indirect Discourse in 'Emma'

Jane Austen, who is considered by some critics to be ‘the best novelist in England’, started writing narratives at an early age. She is famous for her visual representation of society, social status, and typical marriage traditions. Austen can be seen as a feminist during this time because her heroine's strength is different from the norm. Reading ‘Emma’, Austen acknowledges and questions the belief that marriage is the maturity and lifestyle of a woman. She is an expert of vague...
5 Pages 2119 Words

Technology’s Role in Preventing Gun Violence

Gun violence is one of America’s major situations that nowadays seems as a new normal occurring in society. Digital technology experts are trying to reduce the situation with the advancement of technology. Prevention of these incidents should be our main priority for our safety and our lives. Advanced technology such as Gun detection could help improve the prevention of shootings in a more accurate representation and help the public become safe again. “Digital technology specialists argue if they should use...
5 Pages 2087 Words

The Usage of Espionage in the American Revolution

The American Revolution is one that some regard as not so revolutionary. The relative tameness of the revolution as compared to others is what leads to this idea. However, the usage of espionage at the time was extremely advanced and was a precedent to many agencies known today. A combination of enlightenment ideals and espionage technologies are what ultimately lead the colonies to win the Revolutionary war. The period of enlightenment was proclaimed in the eighteenth century by philosophers who...
4 Pages 1958 Words

The Duality of the Human Mind

In ‘The Strange Case Of Dr. Jekyll And Mr. Hyde’, the audience is introduced to a situation that at first seems very peculiar and fictitious. Upon later examination however it becomes abundantly obvious that the author is utilizing his position as a writer to bring attention to the double nature of humanity, by referencing the duality of every component within the story. The dual nature of the Victorian man, and of society in general, is investigated as the author ties...
5 Pages 2190 Words

Paul Cezanne, Pablo Picasso and Chaim Soutine as Socially Conscious Artists

Paul Cezanne was a master in the art world and greatly influenced and inspired other artists such as Pablo Picasso. One of Cezanne's first great paintings was a portrait of his friend Achille Emperaire. Achille Emperaire was born with restricted growth and spinal deformity and Cezanne did not attempt to hide this in the piece, in fact, he did the very opposite and exaggerated his frail frame. He depicts Achille Emperaire in a high back armchair, clothed in ill-fitting garments...
4 Pages 2033 Words

Jean Piaget's Theory of Cognitive Development

I have interest in psychologist theory of psychological feature development as a results of varied schemas to plug learning and development throughout the stages. This can be achieved by giving children several exposure to the surface world. Being exposed to a diffusion of learning-by-doing experiences from a young age may facilitate build up those internal index cards. Then, as we have a tendency to tend to mature, it’s concerning broadening the experiences and applying them to new, even theoretical ,...
5 Pages 2145 Words

Canadian Federalism and Its Impact on Air Pollution Policy

Pollution is an epidemic that is constantly in the mind of policy makers, especially since all United Nations member states agreed on the ‘2030 agenda for Sustainable Development Goals’ (UN, 2015) and pollution falls under goal 17 of climate action. According to (Berg, 2017) anything at a molecular level that has a less than positive impact on the environment classifies as pollution. There are many different types of pollutions, but it was agreed by (McDaniel et all, 2011) that there...
5 Pages 2138 Words

The Scale of Social Changes in America in the 1920s

During the 1920’s there were a series of social changes, such as: prohibition which was heavily debated as having a large impact on society as it made the majority of people in the cities “lawbreakers,” the culture war between rural and urban America along with racial tensions in terms of the KKK and the Scopes Trial, the changes in Women’s role in society and fashion, and the rise of a common consumer culture all across America due to things like...
5 Pages 2070 Words

The Link Between Inequality in Chile and Peru and the Legacy of Neoliberal Reforms in an Era of Authoritarianism and Dictatorship

Inequality, in its myriad of social and economic forms, is a persisting issue in Latin American society. As of 2014, Latin America was found to be the most economically unequal region in the world: just 10% of the richest Latin Americans controlled 71% of the region’s wealth (Ibarra, 2014). When wealth is concentrated in the hands of the few, often so is power. It is argued that, for many Latin American nations, this is partially due to political systems being...
5 Pages 2052 Words

Impact of Government Accountability on Tax Compliance

In Kenya, the need to improve tax compliance has been necessitated by the need to increase government revenue, bridge the widening budget deficit and generate adequate revenues to pay debts. While as, taxpayers are generally aware of their obligations and need to make their contribution towards raising the government revenue, there is a growing consensus on focus to role of the state capacity in improving the efficiency of tax administration in a way that contribute to a more accountable and...
5 Pages 2079 Words

Cultural and Historical Significance of Monuments

While teaching a course on the History of Virginia, Professor George Gilliam of the University of Virginia’s Department of History, explained in response to the question of who really won the Civil War, “It depends on which era you look at and whose perspective you examine the issue from”. African Americans were freed from slavery and ultimately emancipation was achieved; however, today the legacy of slavery continues to impact US culture. Racial inequality in the states exists in every aspect...
5 Pages 2249 Words

The Revolution of the Ah Lian Subculture

Respective countries fathom through individual series of subcultures. In consonant to David Muggleton (Muggleton 2005, p. 1), 'Subculture often create their distinctiveness by defining themselves in opposition to the “mainstream”’. As for our motherland, Singapore, the distinct youth subculture would be the “Ah Lian” and “Ah Beng”. Undoubtedly, the “Ah Lian” subculture is one that locals would cross paths in stages of our lives, especially early teenage years. In this essay, I will discuss the “Ah Lian” subculture. Joanne Entwistle...
5 Pages 2064 Words

Comparative Analysis of Unitary and Federal Government

Today’s modern world is mainly divided into two putative political systems and those are federal and unitary systems. Both of these systems have their unique political structures along with their unique styles of functioning processes. Federalism is a kind of a system in which states and provinces share power with a national government. Such as United states of America as it functions according to the principles of federalism. On the other hand, the unitary government system is a sovereign state...
4 Pages 1985 Words

Analysis of the Main Ways to Solve the Opioid Epidemic in the United States

Drug overdose is one of the leading causes of death in America and across the world. According to recent world headlines, “in 2015, about 300 million opioid prescriptions were written, with more than 80% being written in the United States” (Davidson). According to author Tish Davidson, this is only one part of the “American public health crisis caused by addiction to both prescription and illegal opioid painkillers', better known as the Opioid Crisis. The United States employs current policies that...
5 Pages 2155 Words

United States in the 1950s: Major Achievements and Social Problems

When someone thinks back to the 1950s, they might think of a happy family or a time of prosperity before the Vietnam War. The harsh reality was the opposite; people were still segregated by race and it was the time of the “Trapped Housewife.” But despite the inequality many faced in this decade, there were societal changes, innovations, and influential books, to move the society into the flower power period of the 60s and 70s. Fashion in America during the...
5 Pages 2201 Words

One Man’s Debility is Another Man’s Identity: Discussing CRISPR Editing on Hereditary Deafness

The concept of editing and modifying genes has always been a subject of trepidation and consternation. Genes are organized units of heredity, sequenced within DNA, that converge to yield the vast variety of traits and characteristics that make you, you; the pigments that give your eyes that lovely blue, hazel, or brown color, the keratin that gives your hair its bouncy springiness or its conventional straightness, and even the light-sensitive cells in the retina that allow you to pick up...
5 Pages 2137 Words

Lenin, Stalin, Khrushchev and Gorbachev: Possible Agreements and Disagreements

Vladimir Lenin (1870 – 1924), Joseph Stalin (1878 – 1953), Nikita Khrushchev (1894– 1971), and Mikhail Gorbachev (b. 1931) are among the most important figures in the establishment and development of socialism as a major social, political, and economic system in the history of humanity. All of these men were instrumental in the history, progress, and the eventual demise of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR), having played their roles in the events surrounding that nation at various points...
4 Pages 2009 Words

Specific Needs of Older People with Dementia

Dementia is a progressive disorder of the mental process caused by brain disease or injury and marked by memory disorders, personality changes and impaired reasoning (McDonnell, 2013). According to Alzheimer's Society (2007), there are currently an estimated 683,597 people with dementia in the UK (Alzheimer's Society, 2007). The aim of this essay is to analyse the spectrum of needs in relation to older people diagnosed with dementia and to evaluate the implications for professionals working with this service user group....
5 Pages 2154 Words

The Importance of Cyber Security in Personal Life

Introduction Cyber security is a worldwide problem. We live in a highly connected and digital world. We will never be truly be safe from every cyberattack online but we can educate and protect ourselves. Ventures expects ransomware costs will rise to $11.5 billion in 2019 and expected to rise every year. Cybercrime affects national government, big business and average people. The Internet is often under regulated with little to none official security. Questions are beginning to be asked about accountable...
5 Pages 2213 Words

Cyber Security and Its Importance: How to Protect Your Business from Hackers

Cybercrime is increasing and developing quickly along with ubiquitous worldwide digitalization. Rapid technology development is prompting cyber security experts to work more and more to counter hackers. To some extent, they can even call their competition an ‘arms race’. Threats really become more tangible. In 2018, global losses from hacker activity amounted approximately $3 trillion, and this year the quantity of leak damage is anticipated to be around 3.5 trillion. Cyber security ventures predicted last year that by 2021, cybercrime...
5 Pages 2242 Words

Conceptual Models of Addictive Behavior

There are four conceptual models of addictive behavior as identified by Brickman and colleagues. These models are based on “beliefs about attributions of responsibility for acquiring the addictive problem and the responsibility for solving the addictive problem” (Miller, 2013). My personal experience with addiction in relationship to my progression into recovery align with the compensatory model and integrate the four dimensions of SAMSHA’s definition of recovery as will be demonstarated. As I am studying and working in the everchanging field...
4 Pages 2028 Words

Fostering Diversity in the Workplace

This report will focus on evaluating whether employing a diverse workforce is important and why, for businesses in today’s world. Also, to be discussed are the benefits and challenges experienced by companies after adopting diversity and the consequences they face if they do not and, how to foster a diverse and inclusive workplace for all employees. Diversity is a broad topic and will be examined thoroughly along with how it relates to the globalization and leadership concepts and how they...
5 Pages 2120 Words

Economic Inequality and Its Implications

Inequality can come in many different forms like gender, racial or social inequality. In this essay, I will focus on economic inequality as it often exaggerates and contributes to the other types of inequalities mentioned. Economic inequality comes in two forms mainly: income and wealth inequality. There are many different measures of inequality: using the Gini Coefficient, ratio measures or looking at the wage gap. Generally, high levels of economic inequality are a bad thing for a country with negative...
5 Pages 2098 Words
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