2000 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

The Peculiarities of Pro-Life Social Movement

In 1973, the court case of Roe versus Wade established that women had the constitutional right to decide to have an abortion or not. An anonymous woman sued the district attorney of Dallas, Texas, because she believed that her right to choose to have an abortion was being violated (Oyez 2018). Harry Blackmun, Supreme Court judge, announced that the woman was correct in believing that her rights were being violated and that is was unconstitutional to have a law that...
5 Pages 2057 Words

Othello: The Motivation of Iago to Cause Harm

The majority of the characters in Shakespeare’s Othello, view Iago, the play’s antagonist, as “most honest” (II, ii, 7) and laudable; however, as readers, we perceive him in a completely different way. There is a clear dichotomy between two perceptions of the same character. In the reader's perspective, Iago is an extremely powerful manipulator who feasts on being in a state of control and superiority. Although Othello is the general of the Venetian army and protagonist of Shakespeare’s Othello, Iago...
5 Pages 2140 Words

The Experience of Freedom in Space

Freedom is often defined as the power to act, speak, or think without restraint (Oxford dictionaries, 2019). It is undeniable that city life is packed with overwhelming routines and responsibilities. Thus, it is not surprising why a lot of people find ways to experience freedom such as going outside of the city or participating in activities within the city that are unrelated to their routine, to “unwind” and experience freedom. In the book entitled “Regulating Eden” by Hermer (1967) and...
5 Pages 2079 Words

Morality and Global Justice

Introduction Since the end of World War II, global inequalities have been increasing exponentially. The developing nations have been left behind even as most countries across the world are gearing towards sustainable economies (Habermas, 2018). Due to unequal growth, developing countries are still faced with limited resources to participate proportionately in global economic growth (Dorsey, 2005). There are many issues such as corruption, illiteracy, tribal wars, and trade barriers that still affect the developing countries (Cheru, 2016). The international relations...
4 Pages 1991 Words

Racism: An Infectious Disease Of America

Racism has been in existence since the 20th century and since its creation, has been at the center of human interaction (Smedley 2017). What is racism? Racism, also called racialism, any action, practice, or belief that reflects the racial worldview—the ideology that humans may be divided into separate and exclusive biological entities called “races”; that there is a causal link between inherited physical traits and traits of personality, intellect, morality, and other cultural and behavioral features; and that some races...
5 Pages 2106 Words

The Issue Of Discrimination Of The LGBT Community

L.G.B.T. What does this stand for? LGBT is an acronym for a group of people or “community” that refer themselves to as lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender. This group is diverse in many aspects including gender identity, sexual orientation, age, socioeconomic status, and race. The LGBT community is welcoming of people regardless of these differences, but unfortunately, society is not as welcoming of the LGBT community. Lesbians, gays, bisexuals, and transgenders are not yet perceived as normal in this society;...
5 Pages 2122 Words

The Fundamentals Ethics of Aviation

Abstract In aviation people tend to obey the principle of ethics and morals. Ethics is more in some situation they tend to have more self-interest. The person mindset is either good or bad. There morals determine how they were raised and depict what is good and bad. In situations on a day to day industry they develop a way to help people with their ethics. Since ethics have principles and theories they determine what and how they get to a...
4 Pages 1953 Words

Depression and Infertility among Maldivian Females

Abstract There is a natural requirement for people to have children and it is profoundly impacted by social and strict estimations of each society (Mohammadpur & Ghodrati, 2018). Religious and cultural values which are unique to every community, play major roles. Having children prompts an ascent to societal position, marital security, social and financial assurance and it also facilitates to receive care at old age (Mohammadpur & Ghodrati, 2018). In most cultures, parenthood is an utmost important part of every...
5 Pages 2104 Words

Blood Rage: Are Serial Killers A Product Of Their Environment?

Introduction to Serial Killers What is a serial killer? A serial killer is someone who kills without a clear motive, but they have a behavioral pattern. When you think of serial killers you think of someone who has had an abusive parent, who have been sexually abused or physically. Did you know that some are born with a type of rage or curiosity that may make them into the monster they become? Dennis Rader also known as the BTK killer...
4 Pages 2038 Words

The Interrelation Of Music And Learning

Numerous researches ensure that the inclusion of songs and/or sound-musical elements in teaching that brings benefits in the learning process of linguistic, affective and sociolinguistic levels. Music serves as an instrument for learning and put into practice in teaching and in different educational procedures, it can become a very useful tool, to corroborate this information first quantitatively studied if students with advanced hearing skills learned one more effectively and if they also showed a high level of development of musical...
5 Pages 2238 Words

The Correlation of Privacy and Censorship

Introduction Censorship means deletion or excision of parts of published materials and also efforts to ban, prohibit, suppress, prosecute, remove, label, or restrict materials, censorship is an effort by a groups to prevent people from reading, seeing, or hearing what may be considered as dangerous to government or harmful to public morality. Privacy Definition In a library, user privacy is the right to open investigation without having the subject of one’s interest examined or scrutinized by others. Confidentiality exists when...
5 Pages 2105 Words

The Ethical Critics of Walmart Inc. from its Cost-reduction Operational Strategy

Abstract The globalisation brings opportunities to the worldwide businesses. It is a chance as well as a challenge. The rules and standards are different when situations and places change. Ethics, an intuitive kind of standard, which is widely adopted by the worldwide business to judge about good and bad on the business behaviours. Ethics seems more and more important in this context. By using Walmart’s cost saving strategy as a clue, this report digs into the information about Walmart’s ethics...
4 Pages 2056 Words

Preventing HIV Infections Using HIV Education

Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is a retrovirus that attacks and destroys the immune system’s helper T cells, placing a person at risk for further infection and disease. Spread by bodily fluids through sexual contact, coming in contact with infected blood, and with the use of infected drug needles or equipment, HIV is becoming more and more prevalent throughout the United States (US). According to the CDC, 1.1 million people in the US are living with HIV (Cotler, Yingling, & Broholm,...
5 Pages 2210 Words

The Effects of Sleep Deprivation in the College Student

Does sleep deprivation have an impact on college student’s performance in school, physical and sexual activity, health, emotional stability. There isn’t much discussion on this topic other than that of researchers who studied this topic. Some aspects that make this topic debatable are rather or not sleep is connected to a healthy lifestyle, improve bodily function, or maintaining a healthy sex life. My reason for choosing this topic is that it relates to me being a student-athlete so I was...
4 Pages 2062 Words

The Impacts of Marijuana Legalization on Economic and Medical Field

“In strict medical terms marijuana is far safer than many foods we commonly consume. For example, eating 10 raw potatoes can result in a toxic response. By comparison, it is physically impossible to eat enough marijuana to induce death. Marijuana in its natural form is one of the safest therapeutically active substances known to man. By any measure of rational analysis marijuana can be safely used within the supervised routine of medical care.” (HON. FRANCIS YOUNG – DEA ADMINISTRATIVE LAW...
4 Pages 2004 Words

Is Savage Man Moral?

Man himself is one who seeks survival, approval, and a sense of belonging. The man will go to great lengths to ensure his role in society. We as men have our rooted primal instinct of survival, which plays an immeasurable role in the actions we take to fill our roles in society. We set a goal and we strive to achieve it, and the achievement or failure of that goal is the essence of our lives. Yet, we fail to...
5 Pages 2068 Words

The Effects Of Video Games On Social Relationships

Video games have become their own industry that have revolutionized every part of entertainment ranging from television all the way to sports. Through all the different companies and organizations, it generates about 19 billion dollars in revenue annually, which is much more compared to Hollywood or any other competing form of entertainment. This industry was created and is still evolving from products that are so mesmerizing that people of all ages stay up all night in front of a store...
5 Pages 2075 Words

The Effects of Smoking Tobacco and Vape for the Teenage Population

Over the years, smoking tobacco has remained one of the main factors in the increased levels of premature deaths and diseases. As many people know, smoking tobacco is responsible for more than 480,000 deaths per year in the United States. Many of these diseases include respiratory problems and vascular illnesses, which are caused by the many carcinogens found in the smoking of tobacco. Smoking cigarettes can stimulate anxiety on the smoker that is caused by the nicotine it contains. Because...
4 Pages 1997 Words

Coming in the Goddamn Window: Trauma of Phonies in the Catcher in the Rye

In J.D. Salinger’s novel The Catcher in the Rye, the narrator, Holden Caulfield, is a young man who is struggling to mature. He realizes that he is failing to take care of himself as well as others who may need it. Holden’s negative view on life alters the way he sees the world. In addition to Holden’s problems, he is unable to accept societal standards of maturity. Holden Caulfield fails to accept the death of his brother and, in which...
4 Pages 2039 Words

How Health and Social Care can Help Families with Specific Needs

Health and social care in the UK are the source used to find help and support for our wellbeing. It relates to the healthcare provision infrastructure. Health care are a massive subject. However, it mainly focuses on the basics of our needs if hurt or unwell, agencies such as doctors, nurses and paramedics. Social care is more mental health and wellbeing, agencies such as councillors. This essay will discuss how health and social care can help same sex relationships wanting...
4 Pages 1994 Words

Protecting the Ethics of Photojournalism and Understanding its Capabilities

To achieve a career in photojournalism you need to be extremely educated on all aspects of photography and photojournalism. From knowing composition and lighting with also having to understand what goes on behind a true photojournalist. Being a photojournalist is everything that I have always wanted to be. I plan to go on a trip with a fellow photographer that goes on mission trips in South Africa. He photographs the people in the villages living in poverty where his organization...
4 Pages 2045 Words

The Effect Of Discrimination In The Workplace Against Ex-convicts And The Employer Perspective

The Effect of Discrimination in the Workplace Our worth in this society is highly determined by our ability to work, yet those with an honest attempt to function in society face prejudices, discrimination, and legal barriers that consistently deny employment to ex-offenders for years on end. A recent study, released in July 2018, reported that 27 percent out of five-million ex-offenders are unemployed compared to the national average of about four percent for non-offenders; this translates to about 1,350,000 ex-offenders...
5 Pages 2202 Words

The Most Suitable Conception of Social Class for the 21st Century

Introduction Different social theories identify different kinds of social class conceptions, and debates between different theories never stopped since the mid 19th century, beginning with the theories of Karl Marx and Max Weber (both approaches will be further discussed in the essay). Every theory has its own unique way of defining “social class”, and a method to study how the society works to form and influence these classes. This essay is going to come up with a conclusion of whether...
5 Pages 2102 Words

Role of Cultural and Social Norms in Diagnosing and Assessing Psychological Disorders

Introduction Contemporary society has placed a great emphasis on the factors that cause or effect psychological disorders in individuals. These are the drivers that affect the behaviorism and understanding of individuals with mental conditions and include platforms such as cultural and social norms and how they get reception from the general society. Within the field of psychology, the diagnosis and assessment of psychological disorders are much determined by the alignment of social and cultural norms and its effect on individuals...
5 Pages 2046 Words

The Peculiarities And Aspects Of Restorative Justice System

In 2006 the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) released a report that conceptualised restorative justice as “…a way of responding to criminal behaviour by balancing the needs of the community, the victims and the offenders,” (United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, 2006). The report goes on to further underscore the importance of exercising this form of justice as opposed to the traditional retributive justice. In light of this recommendation by the international body this paper seeks...
5 Pages 2242 Words

The Issue of Surrogate Mothers Rights

In 2004, the Canadian government passed the Assisted Human Reproduction Act (AHR Act) that was designed to “prevent the commercialization of surrogacy and sperm and ova donation” in Canada (Health Canada, 2019). The AHR Act states that “no person shall pay consideration to a female person to be a surrogate mother, offer to pay such consideration or advertise that it will be paid” (Government of Canada, 2019). Despite the strict prohibition on surrogacy, Health Canada acknowledges that reproductive donors and...
4 Pages 1997 Words

The Impacts of Overpopulation on the Earth

The increasing or an extreme number of people occupying a particular area at a certain time within limited space with different mindsets is often termed Overpopulation. The Earth’s total population in 2015 has reached exactly 7.3 billion and was assumed that before 2050 it will increase rapidly up to nine billion or ranges between 9-12 billion. And that suggests it clearly as the actions and outcome of uncontrolled natality rates and or advances in medicine and immigration rates by the...
4 Pages 1991 Words

The Ethics of Punishment

This scene makes one wonder whether or not this action is right, which is the point of Judge Dredd’s character. There have been many theories of ethics proposed that attempt to answer what makes a punishment right and justified. Three notable philosophers, Immanuel Kant, John Stuart Mill, and H.L.A. Hart, have all proposed their own theories. For our society to be one that is moral, we must analyze each of these philosophers’ theories to see which we should model our...
4 Pages 2000 Words

The Relation of Violence and Morality in American Psycho and a Clockwork Orange

“I feel lethal, on the verge of frenzy. I think my mask of sanity is about to slip” Morality and violence will always be a controversial issue designed to shock and aims to make the readers question their own views and feelings on morality. The shocking and extreme nature shown by the violent and psychopathic actions, thoughts and feelings that are portrayed in both American psycho and a Clockwork orange can make readers question there own innate desires possessed by...
4 Pages 2018 Words

Social, Historical And Literary Context In Adventures Of Huckleberry Finn

‘All modern American literature comes from one book by Mark Twain called Huckleberry Finn’ (Coveney, 2003, p.12). Transatlantic writer Samuel Clemens (1835-1910) gave the world The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn in 1844. Growing up in Antebellum southern American society, with the backdrop of the Mississippi river in his boyhood provoked the settings for his novels The Adventures of Tom Sawyer (1876) and later sequel Huckleberry Finn (1884). The intention of this essay is to explore the themes of liberty and...
5 Pages 2116 Words
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