2000 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Can Capitalism Be Moral after the Financial Crash?

The 2008 financial crash was as much a moral crisis as a financial one. It exposed a major weakness in the capitalist system, and it was not principally financial, but human. Markets have an effect on morality, and this led to the financial crash. In its aftermath, ethics within economics has yet to be resolved. This failure to hold accountability will result in another crisis. There must be a re-evaluation at the heart of what economics stands for. Markets leave...
5 Pages 2212 Words

The Analysis of Samsung Marketing Strategy

Marketing strategy is a long-term, forward-looking approach to planning with the fundamental goal of achieving a sustainable competitive advantage. Scholars continue to debate the precise meaning of marketing strategy. Consequently, the literature offers many different definitions. On close examination, however, these definitions appear to centre around the notion that strategy refers to a broad statement of what is to be achieved. Strategic planning involves an analysis of the company's strategic initial situation prior to the formulation, evaluation and selection of...
5 Pages 2139 Words

The Attitude Of Higher Education Students To Compulsory Organ Donation

Introduction The notion behind organ transplantation is rather simple, remove a healthy organ from a donor, place that organ into a recipient via surgery, connect important tissues, valves and allow the recipient another chance at life (Brezina, 2010). However, it is not that simple in reality, thousands of people wait years at a chance of a new life, while the number of people willing to donate remains stagnant (Brezina, 2010). The task of organ donation is difficult, but with the...
5 Pages 2199 Words

Social Construction Of Youth Crime

This essay will analyse and evaluate the historical and contemporary contextualisation of the development of the social construction of youth and evaluate the states response to the youth offending. It will appraise the process of distinguishing childhood from little adults to a life stage synonymous with vulnerability and in need of protection. It will further evaluate how differences in social class led to an increased visibility of children during the industrial revolution leading to the creation of tension and conflicting...
5 Pages 2160 Words

The Peculiarities Of Music Therapy

The elements of music are all around us and within us as we move through our lives; from the changing rhythm of our beating hearts, the rise and fall of the breath in our lungs to the moving contours of pitch in the words we share with one another. But what if our understanding of these experiences in sound aren’t learned as we develop through our lives? What if there is an inane appreciation of music that children are born...
5 Pages 2161 Words

Exploration Of Drug and Alcohol Abuse In Books

It’s not drugs that make a drug addict, but the need to escape reality. I have chosen to explore the them Drug and Alcohol abuse. This theme is evident in books The Dirt: Confessions of the worlds most notorious rock band written by Vince Neil, Nikki Sixx, Mick Mars, Tommy Lee and Neil Strauss, I am Ozzy by Ozzy Osbourne and the films Once were warriors directed by Lee Tamahori and Walk the Line directed by James Mangold. In this...
4 Pages 1956 Words

The Relationship Between Race, Gender And Social Change In The U.S.: Gay Marriage

What is the relationship between race and social change in the U.S.? One of the many unfortunate realities of our society is that race has played a major role in how people are treated—that is, how they have been allocated power, given service (i.e., at restaurants, through government aid, etc.), and acknowledged on the street. Historically, at least in Western cultures, Black people have been targeted more than virtually any other racial group. Before the passing of the 13th, 14th,...
4 Pages 2085 Words

The Importance of the Government’s Intervention with Indigenous Child Poverty in Canada

Introduction An adverse childhood caused by low income status and poverty can act as an unstable base for one’s adulthood. The issue of child poverty is surprisingly an ongoing country within high-income countries, such as Canada. In Canada, the demographic most impacted by poverty are the indigenous populations. These specific populations are generally disadvantaged in Canada and thus struggle with providing their families with quality necessities. Quality necessities opposed to basic needs differ because it they allow an individual to...
5 Pages 2099 Words

Isolation And Loneliness In Munch’s Painting The Death Of Marat II And Faulkner’s Short Story A Rose For Emily

“An artist is a creature driven by demons. He doesn’t know why they choose him and he’s usually too busy to wonder why.” William Faulkner talks about demons in the previous quotation, specifically the demons of an artist. Artist and/or writers are often faced with the biggest demon of all- isolation. Can isolation and loneliness be reflected among artists pieces of work? In both “A Rose for Emily” written by William Faulkner himself, and in “ The Death of Marat...
5 Pages 2181 Words

Debunking The Common Anthropocentric Views Surrounding Animals And Humans In Life Of Pi

Introduction to Anthropocentrism in 'Life of Pi' Yann Martel’s best-selling novel, “Life of Pi”, is an engaging narration by sixteen-year-old Pi Patel, where he tells of his story of survival on a lifeboat with a four-hundred-fifty-pound adult Bengal Tiger dubbed, Richard Parker. Pi’s reflects on his past and tells the story of how he managed to survive not only being stuck in the Pacific Ocean for 226 days but also how he managed to fail to become prey to a...
5 Pages 2241 Words

Harry Potter And The Chronicles of Narnia from a Religious and Moral Perspective

Introduction to Magical Realms: Harry Potter vs. The Chronicles of Narnia Harry Potter and The Chronicles of Narnia are arguably among the most entertaining works of fantasy, especially when it comes to magic. The Harry Potter series primarily focuses on Harry’s struggles against Lord Voldemort, an evil wizard with the intention to achieve pure-blood dominance by ridding the wizarding world of Muggle, a world of non-magical beings. On the other side, The Chronicles of Narnia focuses on the adventures of...
4 Pages 2090 Words

The Causes of Drug Abuse among Teenagers in Maldives

Abstract Maldives has been categorized as Paradise in the world. Beyond the waving palm trees, sandy beaches and crystal clear water there is this ugly horrible problem of drug abuse among. Maldives being hundred percentage Muslim community drugs and alcohol is strictly prohibited. It’s against Muslim religion to use any kinds of drugs which diverts the normal brain function of a human being. However, drugs are now widely and increasingly used and abused in the Maldives. Drug addiction has been...
4 Pages 2034 Words

To The Lighthouse: Symbols Related To Women And To Men

The novel To The Lighthouse, written by the british writer Virginia Woolf belongs to the literary movement known as Modernism. Modernism in its essence breaks with the previous form of creation that was conceived in the Victorian era, and demands more focus on the writing itself, relegating content in favour of form. This can be applied to To the Lighthouse in the sense that what matters is not the story of the family itself, but the ongoing reflection and inner...
4 Pages 1960 Words

Reflection On Incident Of Academic Dishonesty In Shattered Glass

Shattered Glass is a movie that follows the work life of Stephen Glass, a journalist at the New Republic. Stephen is an established and successful writer who has written for multiple papers and magazines. The movie starts off with Stephens first mistake, this was giving false evidence to a story he was writing. The hotel in his story called him out claiming that his story and the policies that the manager follows don’t add up. The manager calls the New...
4 Pages 2015 Words

Issues Of Transnationalism In Interpreter of Maladies

Today transnationalism seems to be everywhere and across numerous disciplines. This expansion of interest is evident in a rapidly increasing number of publications, conferences and projects within the disciplines of sociology, anthropology, geography, political science, law, economics and history, as well as in interdisciplinary fields such as international relations, development studies, business studies, ethnic and racial studies, gender studies, religious studies, media and cultural studies. {Vertovec, 1} The meaning of transnationalism that has been gaining most attention recently is called...
4 Pages 2004 Words

The Odyssey: Critical Analysis

The Odyssey contains more than 12,000 lines and is divided into 24 volumes. The poet USES flashbacks to describe Odysseus's 10 years of sea adventures in the 40 days before his arrival at home. The thrilling experience of these 10 years contains many ancient myths, reflecting the fantasy-processed natural phenomena and the struggle and victory of the ancient greeks against nature. The story of Odysseus' victory over Polyphemus, the giant, in volume 9, highlights his wit and bravery. This epic...
5 Pages 2187 Words

Suffering Of Human Beings In Iliad: Because Of The Gods Or Is It A Consequence Of Human Action

In this paper, I explore the controversy of why human beings suffer; is it because of the gods or is it a consequence of human action? The former is something that I believe in; however, this seems untrue in the Iliad and the Odyssey. As a practicing Hindu, I believe in polytheism; for me, the gods are all knowing and are responsible for maintaining the moral order. Those who do bad deeds are punished and those who do good deeds...
4 Pages 2031 Words

Understanding Police Brutality and Excessive Force

Abstract This paper talks about police brutality and excessive force and how it is affecting people perspectives and attitude toward police officer. Police brutality and excessive force has and is a big issue around the United States. Innocent people are being killed or mistreated by officers who don’t respect protocol and who take advantage of their power. This paper also explains body cameras and how they are useful and how race and ethnicity is being targeted at times. The article...
4 Pages 2131 Words

Breaking Glass Ceilings and Empowering the “Weak” Gender: Amelia Earhart

Over time, stereotypes concerning women were re-defined thanks to several women holding positions of authority over men. However, it wasn’t always like this as women were disrespected, undervalued, and unappreciated. Throughout history, men dominated professional and most of personal roles in society. Women were expected to play their part as “housewives” and provide nourishment to the household. But, that had all changed over the last century. The century of the 1900s experienced a massive revolution and change for defining “sex-role...
5 Pages 2173 Words

Music Therapy As A Non-Pharmacological Treatment Of Mental Disorders

Recent studies have been designed to investigate the non-pharmalogical treatments in the world of mental disorders. A variety of mental disorders are set to have a (possible) psychotic component: schizophrenia, psychosis, schizoaffective disorder and bipolar disorder. Non-pharmalogical treatments exist of exercise therapy, cognitive therapy, art therapy, relaxation and music therapy. Zooming in on the music therapy gives us reason to think that there could be a beneficial aspect for using it to reduce psychotic problems. Thus, we can question whether...
5 Pages 2087 Words

Lung Cancer Detection and Classification Using SVM

Abstract— Image processing techniques are widely used in several medical problems for image enhancement in the detection phase to support early medical treatment. In this research, we aim to improve quality and accuracy of early detection of lung cancer through a combination of image processing techniques and machine learning. The Cancer Imaging Archive (TCIA) dataset has been used for training and testing purpose where DICOM is the primary format used for image storage. Classification is done using SVM (Support Vector...
4 Pages 2085 Words

Listening Skills: The Merits Of Being Non-Judgmental Rather Than Judgmental

Listening Skills Describe and discuss the merits of being non-judgmental rather than judgmental. Explain why being judgmental can sabotage a coach-client relationship. Non-Judgmental Coaching “Sometimes, all you need is someone who will listen. It is fortune enough to have people around you who hear you and not judge you.” This quote by Tara Estacaan highlights the importance of Listening as a cornerstone of effective communications and successful interpersonal engagements. While hearing is a physiological process, Listening is a cognitive one...
5 Pages 2145 Words

The Curious Incident Of The Dog In The Nighttime: Theme Analysis

“Imagine a world like that” (Grande), imagine a life that Christopher Boone lived in
 The “Curious Incident of the Dog in the Nighttime” is a novel brilliantly written by the famous Mark Haddon. This book not only moves and inspires you making you want to keep reading but its content is “gloriously eccentric and wonderfully intelligent”, (Boston Globe) making it captivating to every single age and gender. Mark Haddon uses such a unique way to describe the personality of an...
4 Pages 2033 Words

Langston Hughes: A Cultural Era With A Brilliant Poet

Musical and artistic yet segregative describes the Harlem Renaissance. The Harlem Renaissance lasted from 1918-1930s in New York and the era was especially remembered for African Americans expressing themselves in new ways. The Great Migration was a significant event that set the tone for the future progressivism of the Harlem Renaissance. It was when African Americans moved from the south to the north. Limited economic opportunities and segregation laws against them was the main reason they wanted to move north....
5 Pages 2235 Words

Negative Impact Of Violent Video Games

Introduction Computer games have become an increasingly important form of leisure, in which people live in the development of the computer and network popularization and electronics industry, and young people of one generation particularly welcome the violent computer game. The computer game with violence has stronger interactive, synchronous, repeatable and direct reinforcement features. Diagram 1 Violence computer game is a type that mutually presents the computer game of injury among the players, any person has a description (cartoon character and...
4 Pages 2038 Words

Position Paper: Importance of the Code of Ethics for Engineers

Introduction: The Professional Engineers of Ontario (PEO) value accountability, respect, integrity, professionalism and teamwork [1] and hold their members to a high standard as they represent the field of engineering in their work. The Professional Engineers Act of Ontario regulates the standards and engineering practices for the province and includes a statutory mandate to protect the public interest where engineering is concerned [1]. The Act was created in 1922 and is tasked with maintaining a Code of Ethics that as...
5 Pages 2075 Words

Culture And Tradition: Rudiments Of Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni’s Novels

One of the major and dominant trends obvious in post-independence Indian English fiction is the portrayal of the vast and enduring culture of India. Culture is best expressed through the arts and writings of a country. The pluralistic heritage of Indian culture helped the Indian society to get exposed to a variety of cultural influences, and gifted the Indian cultural variety with its richness. Indian society has managed to absorb and assimilate the divergent traditions, customs and bodies of knowledge...
5 Pages 2089 Words

Genocide: Case Study Of Bosnia And Rwanda

“Why is the killing of a million a lesser crime than the killing of an individual?”- Raphael Lemkin. Throughout history, humans have killed each other for an array of reasons; differences in religion, culture, ethnicity, or just simply because one believes they are superior and wishes to marginalize or decimate the other. It’s hard to pinpoint when specifically mass-killings of a race began and became so common in our world’s history, but perhaps could be coined back all the way...
5 Pages 2155 Words

Shifts on the Social Contract, Aging, Life Course and Retirement

The post-world war era had both positive and negative effects on retirement, the age-differentiated life course and productive aging. Historically the occupational life cycle of workers in America was characterized by unstable conditions and brutal working conditions. However, the coming in of the social contract brought in a stable occupational life cycle and contributed positively to the productive aging model. This is because the social contract gave workers stable jobs, retirement benefits and the traditional age-differentiated life course was clearly...
5 Pages 2050 Words

Growing Phenomena Of Consumer Activism: Risks And Advantages

During this essay I will be arguing and explaining how the changes in contemporary society have influenced the growing phenomena of consumer activism and as a result have posed new risks as well as positive attributes and experiences for the stakeholders involved e.g. business organisations, consumers and employees. Consumer activism is the process of action with the intent to “protect consumers in their economic role by bringing attention to the political, ethical and moral aspects of consumption (behaviour) and consumerism...
4 Pages 2026 Words
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