2000 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Ethanol Production From Gebabe And Chiquere Varieties

Bio-ethanol as alternatives source of energy Bioethanol is obtained from plant biomass based waste materials or renewable sources. It can be used as a fuel, chemical feedstock, and solvent in various industries. It has certain advantages as petroleum substitutes, alcohol can be produced from a number of renewable resources, alcohol as fuel burns cleaner than petroleum this aspect is environmentally more acceptable. It is biodegradable and thus, keeps a check on pollution and it is far less toxic than fossil...
5 Pages 2086 Words

Chastity And Women In Koran

A quick scan of online materials on the subject of women in the Koran reveals that this religious text can refract in multiple ways. Middle East correspondent Carla Power (2015) concurs with this judgment, further elucidating that a civil rights activist “may discover freedoms in the same chapter in which a twelfth-century Cairo cleric saw strictures” (p. 1). People holding different ideologists – terrorists, moralists, fundamentalists, democrats, and even egalitarians – can point to a certain Koranic passage in support...
5 Pages 2067 Words

Examination Of The Bodily And Enzymatic Processes: Osmosis Transpiration Within The Membrane And Body

With nutrients being consumed daily by individuals, this lab serves to inform one of the processes of osmosis and diffusion when digested, as well as detecting the nutrient that will result in either process. Due to the human viewing the objective, they must be informed of the processes that occur within their bodies, hence the usage of a semi-permeable membrane and substances to determine the process. The processes must be acknowledged as well as the functions of nutrients within the...
5 Pages 2192 Words

The Ethical Issues On Mars Getting And Colonisation

Throughout the history of mankind, an undiscovered world above us has fascinated us into studying and observing what could potentially lie behind nature’s secrets. A constant push to make discoveries has led us to several findings, recently and mostly related to the exploration of Mars, which could one day be a home for humans. NASA has already stated that humans would “absolutely” be on Mars in the future, but we should be considering the action-oriented aspect of these ideas rather...
5 Pages 2099 Words

Do Labor Unions Increase The Wages Of Workers?

Introduction If any union is going to increase the labor, they must have an inelastic demand. According to the book, labor problems in American Industry by Carroll R Daughtry, “Inelastic means when people buy about the same amount whether the price drops or rises, likewise they don’t buy much even if the price drops” (Daugherty, 1941). People should keep a high demand for the product the union is producing to be able to raise the wages of workers. If the...
5 Pages 2207 Words

The Significance Of Microbiology In Daily Life

Introduction Microbiology is the study of all living organisms that are too small to be visible with the human’s naked eye ( including Bacteria, Fungi, Protozoans, Parasites, and Viruses), usually called 'microbes'. (Schmacke et al., 2020) Some companies even use microbiology studies to develop new products that might kill the viruses and bacteria by helping to diagnose diseases such as meningitis and tuberculosis and to prevent the spread of diseases. Therefore, for such an important purpose, microbiology plays a significant...
5 Pages 2187 Words

Harmony Os’s Features And Challenges

ABSTRACT Harmony operating system (Harmony OS) is the English name for Hong Meng operating system which means” to bring more harmony and convenience to the world”. Harmony OS is the first open source operating systems developed in China since China's economic opening 41 years ago, developed by Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd. It is an operating system that was launched after the United States launched a blockade which part of the US-China Trade war. This blockade has makes the Android operating...
4 Pages 2015 Words

Religiosity Vs. Spirituality

INTRODUCTION Jesus, since his time, has placed children and the youth at the heart of the Christian faith. He has primarily taught how children and their humility could be a model to His disciples, that people who follow Him must be ‘like children’ (cf. Matthew 18:1-5; Matthew 19:13-15; Mark 9:33-37; Mark 10:13-16; Luke 9:46-48; Luke 18:15-17). Jesus has also invited the youth to come and follow Him (Matthew 19:16-30; Mark 10:17-31; Luke 18:18-30; Luke 24:13-35). According to the survey conducted...
4 Pages 2163 Words

Christianity’s Influence On Adherents Views Of Abortion

Abortion is arguably one of the most controversial topics in modern society. Although it may seem straightforward - life or death - it is much more complex than people think. An individual’s faith can heavily influence the lens from which they view abortion. The Christian's decision for Pro-Life and opposition to abortion is influenced by the overall Christian belief based on the teachings of the Bible; however, different denominations and churches can influence an adherent's response to abortion. This is...
5 Pages 2207 Words

Child Protection As The Top-priority For Social Worker

This is the ability to use the knowledge in different practice scenarios while assessing parents; it starts from a general systems theory that incorporates human development ecologically. Therefore, it is sensitive and listens to the people's stories rather than their composure, and it also provides a theoretical and conceptual clarity that ensures a child's welfare. The critical view takes into account the practical and emotional aspects of parenting. When adopting a critical lens to a child's protection practice, Milner (2015)...
5 Pages 2195 Words

The Post-colonial Dialect: A Battle Between Licence And Liberation

The virtue of privilege is fundamentally palpable. The deed is that it is not a virtue at all. When an individual, or a group of individuals carry a granted immunity which prevents them from facing institutional discernment, political prejudice and societal discrimination and misrepresentation, they practice privilege. What really separates privilege from entitlement is gratitude, not heroism (Maurantonio, 2017). I find it intriguing to think about the evolving ways in which white supremacy and white privilege can be emanated through...
5 Pages 2194 Words

Does Apple Use Child Labor?

Apple Inc. is an American multinational company that designs and sells consumer electronics. The company was initially founded by Steve Jobs in 1976, where he started off with selling computers in his company and then moved towards other products like mobile phones, tablets, televisions, laptops and etc. Apple has gained customer loyalty and brand recognition due to its diversification strategy and fulfilling customers desires (Khan and Alam, 2015). Over the years, the enterprise has been one of the most highly...
4 Pages 1971 Words

Using Children's Literature To Support Language Development

Oral language is one of the key components of literacy, it is intertwined closely with reading, writing, vocabulary and grammar. Children learn language competency through repeated exposure to increasingly complex words via conversations they have with the adults around them as well as through specific language instruction provided by the teacher. Picture books provide the opportunity to develop the students’ knowledge of language and vocabulary further. The implications surrounding poor language knowledge are expansive and also indirectly affect the other...
4 Pages 2037 Words

Perspectives, Gaps And Uncertainty On Global Climate Change Attitude And The Implications For Australia

Abstract Understanding the complex human behaviours in response to climate change (CC) is important to undertake mitigation measures. The objective of this paper is to review the attitude, gaps and uncertainty of global climate change and the implications for Australia. While Australia is the most vulnerable country to climate change, an inevitable dismissive audience segments belief that climate change is not happening and strongly oppose the climate change mitigation action to archives low carbon future. Therefore, a comprehensive and continuous...
4 Pages 2047 Words

The Reasons To Become A Doctor

Introduction To me, a medical practitioner’s occupation is one of the noblest things a person can do. When asked why do I want to become a doctor, I always answer with my interest in Biology, but I often struggle to elaborate further. However, I am confident that I can overcome all sorts of obstacles from various aspects with my personal qualities and values I bring to the study of medicine. Description and reflection The personal qualities that I bring into...
5 Pages 2068 Words

The Peculiarities Of Photosynthesis In Aquatic Plants

RATIONALE Aquatic plants can be used to demonstrate the oxygen production in the process of photosynthesis because they are specialised to produce oxygen while submerged under water. The common aquatic plant that is used for most of the experiments is Elodea. In theory, when an aquatic plant is placed in a solution in the presence of appropriate light intensity, the plant will photosynthesise and produce bubbles of oxygen gas. These bubbles can be counted and the number of bubbles can...
4 Pages 2036 Words

The Role Of Gender In Self Presentation And Self-esteem

Introduction Over the last two decades, social media has grown from being a technology based media tool to a medium of self – expression for teenagers and young adults. There seems to be an increasing trend among social media users to control and manipulate one’s identity and appearance on social networking platforms - a tendency to project an exaggerated and often fabricated image of themselves, to create a false idea of certain aspects of their lives. This phenomenon can be...
4 Pages 2011 Words

The Bible As Foundation For Theological Studies

“The Bible is a vehicle that unveils God and God’s will” (Lennan, 1998, p.82), it is a collection of books that bring to the forefront the relationship between the Divine and human beings. Just reading the Bible may not give the depth of understanding that is needed to bring to life religious insights, interpretation of the Bible must be undertaken to make clear the importance of the intersection between God and God’s people (Lennan, 1998). Interpretation is central when reading...
5 Pages 2061 Words

The Issue Of Discrimination In Basketball

The game of basketball developed from a game called peach basketball to a beloved but competitive game today. Basketball was invented in 1891 at Springfield College, Springfield, Massachusetts by Dr. James Naismith. Peach baskets were first used as goals, but without any openings in the bottoms, the ball had to be retrieved by the use of ladders after each basket. Prior to the invention of basketball, Reconstruction was in effect from the late 1860s-1870s in an attempt to lift the...
5 Pages 2178 Words

CRISPR-Cas9 Gene Editing Technology In Agriculture

Gene editing in agriculture Gene editing involves making distinct changes in the DNA sequence of a plant/animal cell creating a desired genetic make-up. Gene editing is a powerful tool for genome editing which requires high specificity and uses enzymes known as nucleases which cut the DNA at the desired site while another sequence is inserted to replace the cut sequence (Fridovich-Keil, 2019). The development of gene editing techniques was challenging; however, the breakthrough of gene editing was made successful by...
4 Pages 2050 Words

The Role Of Humor And Comedy For Ethnic Minorities In The United States

Throughout American history, comedy has been one of main ways to cope with the difficulties that life has to offer. Whether it was the pilgrims dealing with harsh conditions and the Native Americans, racist slaveowners in the civil war, or the many different minorities that make up the US today; the role of comedy and humor has stayed relatively consistent in society. The comedic viewpoint fulfills an essential requirement in America, one that helps people to deal with their own...
5 Pages 2110 Words

The Effects Of Symbolism Usage In A Doll’s House

Introduction to Symbolism in A Doll's House Ibsen's life and inspirations, along with the context of his writing during the 1800s was summarised during the Interactive Oral. Initially, I was only aware of the unequal treatment of women in terms of occupation restrictions. However, through learning about the domineering position by men over women in a traditional marriage during the 1800s, I now understand why the public outcry for A Doll's House and its push for censorship was so significant....
4 Pages 1974 Words

China Pakistan Free Trade Agreement (CPFTA)

Free Trade Agreements (FTAs) are treaties between two or more countries to promote trade without any hindrance, and thus to ensure smooth outflow of goods and service across the countries territory. There is a long history and theory behind the formation of FTAs. One of the earliest concepts which supported FTAs was comparative advantage theory given by the Economist “David Ricardo”. This theory states to overall increase the production of the world by producing at its lowest opportunity cost, but...
4 Pages 2175 Words

7 Habits Of Highly Effective People Review Essay

The only way to improve your life is by developing better habits that will result in lasting personal change. Human beings are creatures of habit, as is often stated; thus, we are primarily defined by our habits. With that said, what habits can we develop to enhance our effectiveness? The chapters of the book outline these habits, focusing on the following; Proactivity Having the end goal in mind Putting first things first A win-win mentality Understanding others before seeking to...
5 Pages 2234 Words

The Characteristics Of Gene Modifications In Human

Genetic modification is the process of altering the genetic makeup of an organism. This has been done indirectly for thousands of years by controlled, or selective, breeding of plants and animals. Modern biotechnology has made it easier and faster to target a specific gene for a more-precise alteration of the organism through genetic engineering. The terms 'modified' and 'engineered' are often used interchangeably in the context of labeling genetically modified, or 'GMO,' foods. In the field of biotechnology, GMO stands...
4 Pages 1992 Words

Job Satisfaction And Motivation: Factors And Effects

ABSTRACT Today’s organizations are highly dependent on how it attracts & motivates its employee. Therefore, organizations are adapting strategy to improve employee engagement & satisfaction. Employee satisfaction is a key of success to organization growth. The aim of this study is to learn the factors that affect the motivation & satisfaction of the employees. INTRODUCTION Organizations have realized that major differentiators & uniqueness of an institutions comes from its human resources. Since then the approach of personnel or HRM has...
4 Pages 2113 Words

Divorce And Remarriage In Islam And Judaism

Within some religions there are a range of procedures and traditions regarding marriage that are set in place for adherents to uphold as well as follow. Both Jewish and Islamic traditions celebrate marriage as a special union in which procreation derives. Judaism along with Islam are greatly concerned with the upbringing of children to be of high religious involvement and advocates for their faith. Thus, Abrahamic belief systems are shown to be sensitive to issues revolving around divorce and re-marriage,...
4 Pages 2029 Words

How Do Bilinguals Co-ordinate Their Two Languages For Successful Communication In Both Monolingual And Bilingual Contexts?

Throughout literature and research, the term Bilingualism has remained extremely difficult to define as it has developed multiple meanings over time, however, it is generally acknowledged as when an individual has developed a high level of fluency and proficiency in two or more languages (Hamers, 2000). It is the coexistence of multiple active language systems that are constantly in contact with one another and active within the speaker even when only one language is being utilized (Hamers et al., 2000...
5 Pages 2181 Words

Inheritance Of Evil Within Human Nature

Introduction The notion of the inheritance of Evil has been prevalent since the onset of the Second World War, where homicide, rape and racism, captured the interest of moral, political and legal philosophers. As a complicated and broad term, many religions shed light on this concept from differing angles. “The way in which we understand Evil is crucial to our conception of morality”1 (Kekes, 1988). The Original Sin and Evil are seen by Luther2 as “an inheritance from Adam and...
5 Pages 2248 Words

Evaluation Of Key Service Quality Dimensions: Identification And Analysis Of Existing Management Strategies

Introduction This report represents the recent service operations and management technique of Tcheriton Hotel. This hotel started its business from about 3years ago. This hotel is located in a center of the city which is one of the benefits for hotel because guests prefer to stay in city area where they can explore many things. This hotel consists of 150bed rooms and gave 50seater restaurant with bar which sells foods and drinks to both in-house guest and out-house guest. As...
5 Pages 2232 Words
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