2000 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

How Do Language Shape Ethnic Identity?

Fundamentally, dialect may be a framework of ordinary conventional talked, manual (marked), or composed images by implies of which human beings, as individuals of a social group and members in its culture, express themselves. The capacities of dialect include communication, the expression of identity, play, inventive expression, and emotional release(Robins, 2012). Moreover, Dialect is an angle inherently associated to an individual’s character. in gather discourse can serve as a image of ethnic character and social solidarity . It is regularly...
5 Pages 2112 Words

Internships: Challenges And Way Forward

Abstract Internship is a short-term opportunity given by employers of both non-profit and for-profit sectors to students where their academic learning can be applied to real-world work environment. It can be paid or unpaid. However, the trend is increasing towards the former. The main objective of this article is to look into the challenges faced during an internship program and how to overcome them. Just like a job, the students go through an application process to get an internship. Applying...
5 Pages 2139 Words

Affects Of UV Light On DNA Of Skin

Introduction Radiation is the emission of energy from any thing. There are many varieties of radiation, starting from very high energy radiation like x-rays and gamma rays to very low energy radiation – like radio waves. UV rays are within the middle of this spectrum. They have more energy than visible light, but not as much as x-rays. So Ultraviolet (UV) radiation is a form of electromagnetic radiation with wavelength from 10nm to 400 nm that comes from the sun...
4 Pages 2006 Words

Plant Genetic Engineering And Role Of Nanoparticle Mediated Delivery System

Introduction Plant genetic engineering is a very important technique towards the productivity of better yield of crops. Cell wall is a great obstacle in genetic engineering techniques for transfer of foreign genetic material to obtain desirable products. Because it doesn’t allow the large particles to enter in the plant cell. Nanoparticles are promising materials for the transmission of biomolecules, inferable from their capacity to cross plant cell walls without outer power and profoundly tunable physicochemical properties for differing load conjugation...
5 Pages 2100 Words

The Role Of Biotechnology In Agriculture

A viable strategy to feed the planet and its people must also encourage the biodiversity preservation. One of the best ways to stimulate biodiversity is to reserve natural habitats. By sustaining or even increasing harvests on standing land, expansion of agriculture into natural areas can be minimized with help of biotechnology crops. Agriculture has been the pillar of food and nutrient supply not only for human but also for animals directly and indirectly. At this time agriculture is suffering from...
5 Pages 2187 Words

Global Inequalities And Social Work

Globalization is generally understood as a natural evolutionary process resulting from developments and breakthroughs in computer science and telecommunications but Stiglitz (2002) prefers to see it as the globalization of the economy and the removal of barriers to ‘free trade’ . The writer and activist Susan George suggests that neoliberalism, the economic ideology which has been promoted over the past two decades by the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund and the World Trade Organisation is based on a set...
4 Pages 1999 Words

The Characteristics Of Environmental Biotechnology

Introduction Since the beginning of the industrial revolution in 19th-century environmental pollution has grown into a global problem and has affected air, water, soil, and ecosystems. This has shown a direct impact on human health and well-being. Disorders and diseases like cardiovascular diseases, respiratory tract diseases, asthma, lung cancer, ventricular hypertrophy, autism, retinopathy, fetal growth, Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases, psychological complications, and low birth weight (Ghorani-Azam et.al 2016). Ecologically, environmental pollution can cause major serious threats to the diversity of...
5 Pages 2206 Words

Protective Umbrella Of Law Vis-à-vis Muslim Women

Family law or personal law is that branch of civil law that deals with or governs relations of among the members of the family or we can say that it deals with personal family matters of an individual like marriage, dowry, and dissolution of marriage, guardianship, adoption, maintenance, inheritance, and succession. These laws not help in defining a relationship between a man and women but also helps in determining the relationship between women and the State. The Quran, which is...
5 Pages 2113 Words

Techniques In Genomic DNA Extraction From Palm Oil Leaves

Introduction The oil palm (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.) having a place with the family Arecaceae [1], a diploid oil-delivering crop with a genomic size of 1.8 Gb [2], is one of the most important oil-bearing crops in the world. It is a large feather palm having a solitary columnar stem, short internodes, and short spines on both the leaf bases and within the fruit bunches [3]. It has irregular sets of leaflets on the leaf, which gives the palm its characteristic...
5 Pages 2106 Words

How Can NASA's Revise Their Space Debris Treaties

This paper is to analyzes the space debris dangers and risks of future exploration. There are two main issues for space exploration. Since the 1970s space exploration has widened our understanding of space, but so far for every mission that starts, it has repercussions. In 2015 National Aeronautical Space Administration (NASA) reported over 3 million kilograms of space debris, in a Lower Earth Orbit never returning after its mission. Since the early 90's cases of satellites and space equipment colliding...
5 Pages 2093 Words

Fitness Plan Recommendation System

Abstract The motive of this project was to create a “Fitness Plan Recommendation System” for the Android users those don’t know about which are the fitness plans that are suitable for them for workout. And based on age, height, weight this system can generate number of fitness plans that are Appropriate for the individuals. This android application also accumulates all the data relevant to a user’s workout. The overall intent of this application to enables all users to become aware...
5 Pages 2166 Words

Plants And Their Disease Detection

Abstract With increase in population the need for food is on rise, in such circumstances, plant diseases prove to be a major threat to agricultural produce and result in disastrous consequences for farmers. Early detection of plant disease can help in ensuring food security and controlling financial losses. The images of diseased plants can be used to identify the diseases. Classification abilities of Convolutional Neural Networks are used to obtain reliable output. Google’s pretrained model ‘Inception v3’ is used. The...
5 Pages 2220 Words

Should Humans Colonize Mars?

Introduction to the Debate on Mars Colonization Solar, wind, hydraulic energy are all ways we can get natural resources. However, NASA and several other organizations want to move everybody to a new planet? Since the beginning of history, we have been solving problems. One problem is whether or not humans should colonize Mars. With many factors that go into exploring the red planet, NASA is trying to determine if exploring Mars is a worthwhile endeavor. When determining if humans should...
4 Pages 2108 Words

The Peculiarities Of DNA Fingerprinting

ABSTRACT DNA Fingerprint is a real technique that is used in labs. DNA fingerprint was discover in 20th Century. This survey quickly thirty years of progress in measurable. DNA sample that accrued in crime scene like stains of blood, semen, saliva or hair born material as well. In DNA Fingerprint many applications are used for many different purpose which contain advantages and disadvantages too. Now a day it is very useful technique. INTRODUCTION What is DNA Fingerprint? DNA finger print...
4 Pages 2129 Words

The Bible And Abortion

Introduction Using Divine Command Theory Metaetchics I will attempt to explain my moral reasoning on Abortion. It is a topic that is heavily felt and discussed at a minimum in most cases due to difference of opinions. As a Christian in today’s world being raised in what they call the Bible belt, I will compare my views and moral thoughts on this matter as I glance into the different verses, thoughts and views while using examples of different theory’s through...
5 Pages 2220 Words

The Peculiarities Of Internet Shopping: Benefits And Risks

Today internet has changed the way of shopping. Online shopping has tremendous changes from past years. The most famous activity to which now all the generations of people are addicted is online shopping any person can do his shopping from anywhere of any store. It also us compare the features and prices and choose the best product by sitting in the home. The online shopping was developed in 1970s in the United Kingdom. The e-commerce has developed to explain the...
5 Pages 2139 Words

Impact Of Stress On Students Academic Performance

Introduction Nowadays stress has become an important subject matter in analysis studies in academic circle as well as in our society. This analysis was conducted to check the impact of stress on students’ academic performance. Tutorial stress among students has long been a subject of analysis study and researchers have recognized completely different necessary stressors that embrace excessive assignments, unhealthy competition among category students, concern of failure in instructional accomplishment and lack of hard cash (Fairbrother & Warn, 2003). Poor...
5 Pages 2001 Words

Sign Language Translation Using Deep Learning

ABSTRACT Sign language is the way of communication for hearing impaired people. There is a challenge for common people to communicate with deaf people which makes this system helpful in assisting them. This project aims at implementing computer vision which can take the sign from the users and convert them into text in real time. The proposed system contains four modules such as: image capturing, pre-processing classification and prediction. By using image processing the segmentation can be done. Sign gestures...
4 Pages 1983 Words

Analyzing The Personality Of Human Traffickers

Introduction When the topic ‘human trafficking’ comes to mind, what are some thoughts that pop into peoples’ heads? Initially when hearing this, people may think or say statements similar to “Human traffickers are sick people,” or “I don’t see how someone has the nerve to do that,” but has anyone ever thought about asking the simple question why? The purpose of this research paper is to analyze the common traits, characteristics, and types of personality human traffickers have to develop...
4 Pages 1983 Words

Anxiety And Its Effect On Self-esteem

Introduction Humans are cognizant of others' actions and opinions and are therefore susceptible to others' evaluations. The urge to appear publicly acceptable and conform to societal norms has likely caused lower self-esteem in this generation. Leary (1999) states that sociometer theory suggests that self-esteem is a method of monitoring social acceptance and avoiding public rejection; therefore, self-esteem acts as a protective measure that warns of potential social devaluation so corrective actions can be taken to mediate the problem. Considering positive...
5 Pages 2115 Words

Corporate Social Responsibility And Philanthropy

The definition of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) carries a level of ambiguity within the public and private sectors. Although authors are influenced by popular definitions there is a clear expectation among literaries that businesses should uphold a set of moral values and/or actions (Garriga & Mele, 2004). One of the most popular approaches to CSR programming that businesses use as a guideline is an ethical framework (Lee, Kim, Lee, 2012). Ethics based CSR initiatives can be drivers of economic and...
5 Pages 2218 Words

The Effects Of Cannabis Plant

Marijuana plant is found everywhere in Bhutan. Though, Bhutan being religious country trading of this drug in southern belt is still going with full swing. This plant was not a drug in olden days but it was also considered as an herbal medicine, likely starting in Asia around 500 BC. Cannabis in Bhutan is illegal but grows pontifically in country and has a multiple traditional uses, such as feeding pigs, producing textiles as per UNODC: south Asia regional profile. Growing...
5 Pages 2082 Words

Essential Aspects For Forensic (Criminal) Psychology Professional

Forensic psychology combines the study of psychology along with criminal law. Clinical psychologists working within the system are significant for the well-fare of some offenders. congruous with current research, they are doing significant such as justifying involuntary hospitalization, deciding if an individual is stable enough to face trial, if the transgressor was stable when they committed the crime, and if the person has suffered any harm thanks to trauma (Kramer, Bernstein, & Phares 2009). There are various things which will...
4 Pages 1993 Words

Optimization Of Plant Population And Planting Geometry In Relation To Different Resources

Abstract Optimization of the plant population is one of the most important aspect for better growth and development of the crops. Optimum population of the plants is required to utilize all the growth factors viz. nutrients, water, light and space. If space is not properly utilized then there can be the more weed infestation which highly affects the crop production. Weeds contribute 45% loss in the overall yield of the crops among all the crop pests. Population of the plants...
4 Pages 2014 Words

Life, Works And Activities Of Martin Luther King

Summary on Martin Luther King Jr. Martin Luther King Jr. turned into the overwhelming pioneer in social equality development to end racial isolation and separation in America during the 1950s and 1960s (Martin Luther King Jr., March 21st), and was a main representative for peaceful techniques for accomplishing social change. His expressiveness as a speaker and his own charism—joined with a profoundly attached assurance to set up uniformity among all races in spite of individual hazard—won him an overall after....
5 Pages 2150 Words

Lebron James: Life And Career

“I feel like LeBron James is an amazing basketball player, but he's also a community person.” This short description by Chance the Rapper sums up the viewpoint Lebron receives by a large portion of the world. There are few people throughout history who have been capable of fighting through an upbringing like Lebron James, and evolved as not only an athlete, but a human being in totality to become recognized as one of the most selfless figures in the world....
5 Pages 2160 Words

The Tell-tale Heart: A Tale Of Death, Guilt And Madness

Introduction to Edgar Allan Poe's Exploration of the Human Psyche Whеn somеonе kills a man, would thеy hеar thе constant bеating of his hеart? Would it drivе thеm insanе? In еdgar Allan Poе’s short story, Thе Tеll-Talе Hеart, thе narrator is facеd with a problеm. This is not a common, еvеryday ordеal. This is thе problеm of mеntal instability, tеrror and paranoia driving thе narrator to kill somеonе. Thе Tеll-Talе Hеart is fillеd with compеlling idеas, claims and thеmеs to...
4 Pages 2141 Words

Why Our Planet Is Considered To Be Dying

If Antarctica were to completely melt it could raise sea levels by 200 feet. Antarctica contains ninety percent of earth's fresh water so if the ice sheets and glaciers were to melt it would be a huge potential contributor to sea levels rising rapidly. For decades human activities have been contributing to global warming and climate change by increasing the levels of greenhouse gas emissions in the atmosphere causing many drastic changes on earth. For example Antarctica hit a new...
5 Pages 2211 Words

The Process Of Slavery To Freedom In The World

Abstract During 1619 slavery started and even though it ended, African-Americans still endured abuse. Laws were put in place to help African-Americans be freer like the 13th and 14th amendment. However, the Jim Crow Laws kept everyone segregated. The Civil Rights movement took place and the Brown vs. Board of Education was a cornerstone to desegregation. Slavery ended in 1865 and segregation ended in 1968. It took 300 years for equal rights and due to the laws, we have in...
5 Pages 2184 Words

Language Acquisition As A Cognition Ability

Introduction As a human, we cannot avoid ourselves from using language to interact with one another. According to Simanjuntak (1978), language is a structure in which units of sound and speech are selected and arranged arbitrarily for use by a community to communicate. Language acquisition is a process of human language development. Usually, first language acquisition is associated with children's language development while second language acquisition focuses on adult language development. The acquisition of the child's native language or mother...
5 Pages 2224 Words
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