2000 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Essay on 'Life of Pi' Movie

Films, from the beginning of their invention, have been based on the manipulation of the captured image. Over the years this has only been made easier with the introduction of new technologies, giving visual elements an ever-evolving aspect in cinematography. In this way, digital cinema has brought about a new era in film production and reception. Previously, directors would have been limited to the actuality in which a shot was taken, however digital technologies offered a new range of manipulation...
5 Pages 2217 Words

Argumentative Essay on Eating Disorders

Eating disorders are more complicated than just unhealthy dietary habits. At their core, they’re attempts to deal with emotional issues and involve distorted, self-critical attitudes about weight, food, and body image. It’s these negative thoughts and feelings that fuel the damaging behaviors. Social media acts as a breeding place for these harsh degrading feelings to flourish whether it is Twitter’s constant ana groups, TikTok’s “what I eat in a day” or YouTube’s “how I lost 30lbs in one week”, the...
4 Pages 2041 Words

Macbeth' Cause and Effect Essay

“ [Individuals] have self-centered minds, [which] gets [one] into plenty of trouble. If [one] does not come to understand the error in the way an individual thinks, [one’s] self-awareness, which is [one’s] greatest blessing, is also [one’s] downfall.” In William Shakespeare’s play Macbeth, the theme is that one’s tragic flaw or weakness can result in a downfall, as one recognizes failure is inevitable. Firstly, when a person leads their life with trust and expectations, it can lead to a lifetime...
4 Pages 2074 Words

Socioeconomic Inequality of the Post-Communist Countries of Eastern Europe and Its Reasons: Essay

It is undeniable that the post-communist countries of Eastern Europe are now experiencing inequality. Assessing the causes of such a phenomenon is an intricate issue because of the very dynamic essence of the concept of inequality itself. Crucially, this essay will delve into the contrast between the 'distributive conception' of inequality and the 'relational view' of inequality and their implications. As such, this essay will explore the consequences of the metropolization experienced by such countries, the consequent social polarisation, and...
4 Pages 2032 Words

Filipino Culture and Its Interrelation with Planning: Essay

According to Elie Wiesel, “Without memory, there is no culture. Without memory, there would be no civilization, no society, no future”. That being said, we need memories to be able to recall and recollect our culture, doing so would lead us to history or our past. Some historical books and accounts discuss culture as a whole and culture in different parts of the world. These accounts would help us understand, comprehend and appreciate our values, principles and beliefs. These accounts...
5 Pages 2123 Words

My Community Service Experience: Essay

Mac’s Child Care Centre is located in the Kasarani area in Nairobi. It is situated in a small muddy area, whereby during the rains it is not suitable for learning due to mudslides. Mac’s Child Care has been in existence for 27 years. It is a children’s centre that caters to 60 children, 20 being hosted with others helped from back home. They only rented two rooms from the building they have. They have classes ranging from classes 1- 5...
5 Pages 2122 Words

Importance of Employee Benefits: Essay

Business professionals are often faced with human resource challenges that, in the long run, can impact company performance. Valuable personnel is especially important to properly manage during an economic downturn. Employee benefits can play a crucial role here. Kathryn Mayer, an hrexecutives.com editor and chair of the Health & Benefits Leadership Conference says, “[In the midst of COVID-19] even employers that find themselves in cost-cutting mode know that they are in a unique position to help employees.... Many are turning...
5 Pages 2065 Words

Problem of Child Poverty in Canada: Essay

According to Investopedia, poverty is defined as “a state or condition in which a person or community lacks the financial resources and essentials for a minimum standard of living. Poverty means that the income level from employment is so low that basic human needs can't be met” (2019). Childhood poverty is then a situation in which children lack resources for living. In Canada, childhood poverty continues to be a growing concern as it directly affects health outcomes, educational attainment, and...
5 Pages 2205 Words

Challenges in Achieving Career Goals and How One's Career Meaning Affects Them: Essay

The concept of a 'career' has been a complex phenomenon within social science discourse. Described by Frank Parsons as a choice equal to that of a life partner, the interpretation of a career as a vocation composed of a single primary occupation is a notion maintained by the majority of Western societies and widely propagated by mainstream career counseling. Regardless, such an opaque constructivist approach may potentially pose an impediment to achieving professional prosperity by restricting individual perception and resilience...
5 Pages 2168 Words

Which Economic System Is the Best and Why: Argumentative Essay

Theoretically, economic systems are imperative for the efficient allocation of scarce resources across society and the protection of its citizens on a national and globular scale. One of the most renowned of these systems is capitalism, in which autonomy is granted to its members, allowing them to trade in a free market, less encumbered by regulation to achieve greater efficiency. Recognising that capitalism may go against the utilitarian views on morality doesn’t mean it’s an immoral way to organise an...
5 Pages 2062 Words

How 'Growing Up Asian in Australia' Represents People from Multicultural Backgrounds: Essay

Australia is one of the most multicultural countries in the world. It is therefore essential that Australian society has access to the literature exploring the stories and experiences of people from multicultural backgrounds. Multicultural literature must authentically explore the challenges of people from diverse backgrounds, adjusting to a culture different from their own. 'Growing Up Asian in Australia' by Alice Pung is an anthology of stories that provides a thorough insight into the lived experiences, challenges, and successes of Australian...
4 Pages 1961 Words

Does the Texas Governor Need More Power: Persuasive Essay

To answer the question of whether the governor of Texas needs more power, in my essay I will analyze the different roles the governor of Texas and the president of the United States fill. I will also compare and contrast the differences in each office, as well as the qualifications, and how each office came to be what it is by thoroughly investigating the history of these positions. There are a variety of differences between each office, these differences contribute...
5 Pages 2224 Words

Nurse Role in the Healthcare Provision: Inductive Essay

This paper discusses the impact of the wider determinants of health on the individual's and community's health and wellbeing and the role of the nurse in promoting health and wellbeing to address the public health crisis of the COVID -19 pandemic, with a focus on vulnerable groups of older people. It also examines the external factors affecting health and social care delivery including the complexity of treatments, disease management for long-term conditions, and the workforce issue. According to both Dahlgren...
5 Pages 2156 Words

Hospitality Industry Fraud: Inductive Essay

During this time of the covid 19 pandemic, there have been many disruptions in the way the world works. Things have turned from normal to abnormal. Everybody is now gearing towards embracing the new lifestyle. The travel and tourism industry has also been affected largely by this pandemic. Due to travel restrictions, the government closing down their country, the quarantine rules, and social restrictions, the industry has largely been affected. This disaster will forever be engrained in people’s memory due...
4 Pages 2056 Words

Exploratory Essay: How to Deal with and Live Life as an Ileostomate

If your large intestine is removed or resting, you’ll need an opening for the stool to pass through. This is an ileostomy. Ileostomy surgery is a life-saving surgery. This surgery redirects the intestines to the outside of the body. It is performed when a person’s quality of life is so poor it offers relief. An ileostomy is necessary for many reasons including birth defects, cancer, inflammatory bowel disease, diverticulitis, incontinence, etc. Some of the terms related to this topic include...
5 Pages 2226 Words

Exploratory Essay on Digitization in India

As we know, In today’s modern world new and rapidly improving technologies are in the process of transforming India’s higher education system. With the help of technology like ICT, we can enhance the learning experience of the students and teachers in a cost-effective manner. Initiatives like SWAYAM and SWAYAM PRABHA, Shodhganga, Shodhgangotri, Open Journal Access System, and Virtual Labs have made knowledge accessible to all across the nation. The Massive Open Online Courses work as digital learning platforms to meet...
5 Pages 2246 Words

Explicatory Essay on Hafez: 14th Century Poet

Since the 14th century, people have been analyzing and talking about the works of Persian Sufi poet Hafez. Born between 1320 to 1325 a.d. in Shiraz, South-Central Iran, Hafez was one of the two most influential, studied, and praised poets of the Middle East and even the world. His works centered around the ideas of spirituality, love, and wine. Hafez's poems in modern-day language are considered mystical, aesthetic, and rich in imagery. Through his hundreds of Ghazals, a lyric poem...
5 Pages 2079 Words

Medical Technology in Modern Healthcare: Essay

When considering healthcare, does the public believe what is the future, for example, new medical technology and the effect it will make, or does the public think about the past and the information that specialists know and gained from the books? A few doctors depend on the books, and others need technology to ensure they are doing everything right. Medical technology is utilized in all healthcare, from mental to physical, it can even be used with regard to sickness and...
4 Pages 1982 Words

Life as an Immigrant: College Essay

My father immigrated to the United States in 1989 after living in China for 26 years. I sat down with him in our living room to talk about his experiences adapting to life in the United States. It was definitely one of the more emotional conversations we have had together, for we touched on many of the memorable events of his life as he reflected on his momentous past. In this essay, I’m going to analyze his life as an...
4 Pages 2006 Words

How to Improve Globalization and Make It More Just: Essay

“The problem that we have is not globalization. The problem is lack of global governance”. This is a quote from the founder and executive chairman of the World Economic Forum, Professor Klaus Schwab. This pertains to globalization as a positive side. Although lack of governance is on the negative side, still the controversy is within the former positive. Nowadays, improving globalization, making it more justifiable, is interrogative. It makes sense among us how we can apply our insights and approaches...
4 Pages 2046 Words

Essay about Your Travel Experience

Let’s begin by saying “Jai Mata Di” as this is what people keep on chanting throughout their journey to the holy shrine of Mata Vaishno Devi. It is considered to be one of the holiest pilgrimages, and a large number of pilgrims visit this place every year. As a matter of fact, Shri Mata Vaishno Devi Ji is known to reside in a holy cave that is located in the folds of the three-peaked mountain named ‘Trikuta’ and pronounced as...
5 Pages 2240 Words

Research Essay on Animal Rights

Introduction ‘Humans and other species’ is the topic that I personally chose for my Global Perspectives individual research essay. While for my sub-topic, I have specifically chosen ‘Animal Rights’. The reason is that this is a common issue that is happening in this world. All of us know that every human being is entitled to their own individual rights, which gives them the ability to defend themselves if someone attempts to take them away from them. This should also be...
4 Pages 1991 Words

Reflective Essay on Personal Performance

I have engaged with concepts, principles, and strategies about tactical awareness and its use within the sport of netball. Throughout this task, my motor learning goal is for the ability to change from one stable state of movement to another when performing the specialized movement sequences of a wing attack. In order to achieve this goal I am required to self-organise. In response to the many adjustments that I am consistently making to a range of tasks, learner, and environmental...
5 Pages 2249 Words

Reflective Essay on Nature

During our Community Service course, I was on the design team, we helped our EcoGreen Awareness project to introduce the art of nature and showed the people how productive it can be, we combined our strengths and guided each other to do the right thing. To help nature and ourselves. The course improved a lot of our skills. Starting with leadership skills. Let's start with the fact that leadership is the lead, therefore the leader is the person who leads...
5 Pages 2078 Words

Persuasive Argumentative Essay on Death Penalty

The death penalty is a topic that nowadays has become one of the most controversial topics in this society, especially between the two major political parties in the united states and how each of them gives their own view. The topic is really important because there are many people who believe we should bring the death penalty back to save governments money they spend on prisoners and many other reasons, and each of them has their reasons and beliefs on...
4 Pages 2031 Words

Persuasive Analysis Essay on Literature

Should Literature be Political? Defining Political Literature: To fully answer this question, it is important to establish the definition of literature. While literature is often taken to mean any written work, in this context, I have chosen to define literature as works of the creative imagination, including fiction, poetry, and drama. I also aim to clarify the definition of politics, and what it means to modern civilians. People’s impression of ‘politics’ tends to be of partisan politics, divisiveness, and smear...
4 Pages 1971 Words

Exemplification Essay on Racism

Introduction ‘Racism’ starts with a child! When a child is not even familiar with the word ‘racism’. But how actually racism started? From subtle discrimination in day-to-day life to incidents like lynching in the American South, cultural imperialism, and racism exists in many different forms in almost every facet of society. Is it a curse of not being fair or being of a dark complexion? Why do so few people actually admit to being racist? Only a few people now...
5 Pages 2093 Words

Exemplification Essay on Foods

Introduction We all process foods every day when preparing a meal for ourselves or our family and virtually all foods undergo some form of processing before they are ready to eat. Some foods are even dangerous if eaten without proper processing. The most basic definition of food processing is 'a variety of operations by which raw foodstuffs are made suitable for consumption, cooking, or storage'(Robertson, 2004). Any activity that changes or converts raw plant or animal materials into healthy, nutritious,...
5 Pages 2213 Words

Exemplification Essay about Travel

Travel Afrika is a local travel agency which is located in the city of Bulawayo. The agency specializes in the compilation of tailor-made packages itineraries as well as safari tours in and around Zimbabwe, car hire, hotel, and airline reservations. Its mission is to present impeccable service on top of being friendly and sincere. This agency is part of the Zimbabwe Tourism Authority (ZTA) and the African Travel and Tourism Association (ATTA). Travel Afrika's purpose is to satisfy the safari...
5 Pages 2127 Words

Evaluation Essay on a Comic Book

Comic book movies have become the customary stock of motion pictures and have been reigning at the box office for the last 20 years. Box office sales are a huge factor in the production of comic book movies and the money spent to produce them is extraordinary. Hollywood has invented a world of fantasy that has become an obsession for viewers and the most consumed narrative to date. Our values are reflected on the big screen, politically and socially in...
5 Pages 2089 Words
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