2500 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Colonial Domination and Victorian Period: Analytical Essay

Introduction The study of the Comparative Empire in the Victorian period by classically educated civil servants frequently invoked classical analogies. James Mill, whose writings were heavily influential in the conceptualization of imperialism, frequently drew examples from Roman civilization in his History of India, justifying imperial rule as a necessity due to the inferior, uncivilized nature of Indian culture. The likening of India`s position under control to that of Britain`s under Roman rule was a common, standard theme in the writings...
5 Pages 2431 Words

Chesapeake Colonies Vs New England Settlements: Compare and Contrast Essay

American Exceptionalism is the concept that America is superior to the rest of the world and that it is allowed to do certain things, even occasionally bad ones, because of that superiority. This can be one-sided because it justifies every doing of America even if it's bad. Many people were migrating to North America from 1492 to 1776. This was true however, many people were dying mainly the Native Indians and Africans. Many of the Native Indians died due to...
5 Pages 2332 Words

Causes and Effects of Decolonization: Critical Essay

Decolonization defined as the end of formal European Empires, resulting in the independence of these regions, occurred during the post-colonial phase of globalization initiated in the 1950s and remains operative today. This form of global expansion has simultaneously resolved minor “incompatibilities”[footnoteRef:1] and initiated change resulting in the establishment of new conflicts beyond the formal end of the Empire. This essay will discuss the significant globalizing changes that the process of decolonization prompted during the post-colonial period. Decolonization facilitated an atmosphere...
5 Pages 2383 Words

Analytical Essay on Transition into Adulthood

Individuals who have a disability find it more difficult to transition into adulthood and to function independently, which is why it is important to find factors that can help ease this shift (Arnett, 2007; Galambos, Magill-Evans & Darrah, 2008). A study conducted by Rehm, Fuentes-Afflick, Fisher, and Chesla (2012) found that 29% of teenagers who had a physical disability, that impacted development, required external assistance when trying to transition into adulthood. Along with physical disabilities, psychiatric disabilities are a primary...
5 Pages 2309 Words

A Day in Our Life: Personal Narrative Essay

My day starts on most days with a conversation with my spouse. I would then get in contact with members of my platoon to see if the information corresponded previously has changed so as to confer where to go from there. Then I would call immediate family members to see if they are in the best of health. Over the past few years waking up to a conversation with my spouse has become the norm in our relationship. Most if...
5 Pages 2304 Words

Going Back to School after Covid-19: Narrative Essay

Back To School Documentary: The covid-19 pandemic made us acknowledge the major global perplexes we are facing. Whether they are economic, political, social, or environmental issues; we are witnessing such aspects rapidly diminish and hit their lowest of low in terms of technicality, ethicality, and the pursuit of a normal day-to-day life. But most importantly, the pandemic affected students and education by many orders of magnitude. Education takes an essential segment of people's lives; depending on their future careers, either...
6 Pages 2622 Words

Galatians Justification by Faith Alone: Critical Essay

For this research paper, I will seek information about one of the letters of Paul the letter to the Galatians. This letter is said that is an important letter to puzzle the story of Paul and his letters. This research paper will be shown different key information about the letter to the Galatians. It is mentioned the first impression a reader gets when reading the letter other with who is the messenger and what role the churches in Galatians represent....
5 Pages 2412 Words

Exploration of the Entangled Meanings of the Objects: Discursive Essay

A fireplace opposite white and red life rings brandishing the words 'Canalside Heritage Centre', a wooden chair, and exposed floorboards dressed with a rag rug is how the downstairs room of the Canalside Heritage Centres exhibition presents itself. The exhibition tells the story of the Weir Cottages and the history of the local waterways (Canalside Heritage Centre, n.d.). The first room of the exhibition has been curated to tell the story of life in those cottages: simple, practical, somewhat bare,...
6 Pages 2519 Words

Every Single Day of My Life: Autobiography Essay

I’ve had many challenges and experiences that I’ve learned from. This is one that I continue to learn from every single day of my life because it affects me every single day of my life. Yet this is one that I’m most hesitant to share. It’s just that everyone has a sob story, and I refuse to let this be one. So, this is me cutting myself open, while another me uses a stick to point at different parts of...
5 Pages 2542 Words

Essay on Lincoln Electric Case Study

Executive Summary When Lincoln's plan started its activity abroad its fundamental center in Asia was China. So, the principal challenge was to join its main western strategies with a remote local strategy. China is the center of different indigenous religions, societies, and customs. The migrant supervisors in China were confused a great deal about those strategies, they were in a dilemma in terms of operations management, and the formulation of those strategies to take place in China. The Chinese method...
5 Pages 2523 Words

Do Rich People Get off Easier When They Break the Law: Persuasive Essay

Hey Rich People, do you have money that can buy something that is not for sale? and something you shouldn’t try to buy. And Hi Powerful, do you have that much power that can place yourselves above the law? The whole scenario can be easily understood in this way we are driving a car and with us, there are the rich and powerful also driving on the same road with their cars, both driving rashly without a license (which means...
6 Pages 2678 Words

Descriptive Essay about a Beach

Folly Island, 20km south of Charleston, South Carolina, is a barrier island. It has marketed itself and its beach as the “Edge of America,” and attracts thousands of tourists each year. Folly Beach is Folly Island’s most valuable resource. Folly Beach acts as a barrier against storm damage, an economic source, a recreational area for thousands of people per year, and a habitat for a variety of wildlife. In 1896, the US Army Corps of Engineers completed the construction of...
6 Pages 2660 Words

Critical Essay on What Was Chris McCandless Seeking in the Wilderness

Into the Wild​ by Jon Krakauer is a novel that describes the story of Christopher Mccandless. Born into an upper-middle-class family in Virginia, Christopher attended Emory University and embarks on a journey to find meaning and freedom. It takes him to Alaska where he eventually dies in an old bus from starvation. Christopher’s story is one of the sacrifices made and the chances were taken in order to live life to the fullest. During the book, the main character Christopher...
6 Pages 2639 Words

Critical Essay on the Bucket List Psychological Analysis

Erikson’s Stages of Psychosocial Development Erik Erickson developed the psychosocial development theory that has eight stages following a person's life from the time they were born to the day they pass away. During each stage the person goes through, there are advantages and disadvantages that could shape and affect the individual's life. Each situation the individual goes through is of psychosocial nature because it involves the need of the individual which conflicts with the social needs (McLeod, 2018). For this...
6 Pages 2719 Words

Critical Essay on Renaissance: Love and Desire

In the early modern period, poets William Shakespeare and Richard Barnfield utilized erotic and homoerotic language to subvert English Petrarchan conventions and explore the transformative effects of love and desire on the mind and body. Coppelia Kahn confirms as such by suggesting that by means of echoing Ovid’s tales of Metamorphoses, Shakespeare’s poetry captures the “overwhelming psychological changes wrought by desire, as well as its often-grotesque physical mutations.” Less drastically, Bruce Smith proposes Barnfield’s poetry as focusing on the internal...
5 Pages 2310 Words

Critical Essay on News In Shoes Industry: Website For Shoes

Introduction This report is on commodity shoes and the aspects and stakeholders of the shoe industry. Websites such as the western Canadian shoe association and Nike one of the biggest shoe manufacturers at present. Some issues such as environmental and social issues are mentioned and also there is a brief description of the issue of child labor and stakeholder and the authorities who are responsible for the care of this issue. News and Highlights Harmful effects of sneakers on our...
5 Pages 2347 Words

Critical Essay on Locke's Ideas and Their Relationship with Objects

This essay will primarily discuss Locke's notion of ideas and more importantly their relationship with objects. I will attempt to show that some fundamental aspects of his philosophy, which he deems to conserve, force him to a representational cognitive theory; however, any interpretation of said theory seems to underpin another fundamental aspect of his philosophy. Ideas and their relationship with objects Locke's philosophy are of utmost importance as upon this his philosophy rests. As he states ‘my Purpose [is] to...
5 Pages 2354 Words

Critical Essay on Justifications of State Violence

Introduction State violence refers to acts of brutality that are meted out by government agencies against foreign or domestic targets that are considered enemies of the state. A classic example is the enactment of anti-gang policies and laws in Latin America whereby security organizations have killed many children under the guise of quelling gang activities (Jackson, 2018). Recently, there have been numerous debates on the justifications for state violence. For instance, proponents of the approach posit that there are moral...
6 Pages 2663 Words

Understanding of Historiography in Teaching: Analytical Essay

Introduction Philips (2005, pp.16-17) claims that “the authority vested in the word of the dominating view of Australian history is deemed to be unchallengeable, not because it is beyond question, but simply because it has been reinforced by repetition and written text over the centuries”. Despite the fact that historical texts have been repeated and re-written for centuries, through historiography, new historical understandings, historical inquiry, and critical evaluations of historical events being developed, Australian history can be challenged. The Australian...
5 Pages 2514 Words

Traditional Mainstream Historiography Vs Contemporary Historiography: Compare and Contrast Essay

Do you think Carlo Ginzburg’s idea of micro-history also contributes to looking at everyday life in history? During the period between the two world wars, there was a radical departure from the traditional mainstream historiography which mainly focused on high-level politics and diplomacy, warfare, and the lives of great statesmen. On the contrary, they tried to focus on the lives and struggles of ordinary people, their popular forms of protest, their everyday activities, as well as attitudes, beliefs, practices, and...
6 Pages 2528 Words

In-depth Historical Analysis and Historiography of the Spanish Civil War: Proposal Essay

Course Description: In this course, students will break down the Spanish Civil War into two main sections. The first section will give students a general overview and fundamental understanding of the Spanish Civil War. The second section of this course will invite students to take a deeper analysis and examination of multiple participants in the conflict. Proposal: The adage that history is written by the victors is often used, but never has it been less correct than in the case...
6 Pages 2710 Words

Evolution of the Arabic Tradition of History Writing: Essay on Historiography

Abstract History writing or Historiography is a study of historical writings means the art of writing history or the history of history. like many other disciplines, it was begun in the late 18th century. However, history writing is as old as humankind. Certainly, historians of the ancient past had a sense of history writing of their precursors. Introduction The term ‘history’ is derived from the Greek word ‘Istoria’ meaning inquiry, research, exploration, investigation, or information, and in the broad sense...
5 Pages 2404 Words

What Does It Mean to Be an Outsider: Argumentative Essay

What is an outsider? An outsider may be a person who does not belong or fit in an organization or profession. They could be considered a stranger, an outcast, or foreigner. An outsider in society is someone that doesn't fit in. someone who observes from afar and watches people, life, and society through a metaphorical window. Matthew Homes, the protagonist of 'The Shock of the Fall', tells us the story of his life and others through his point of view,...
5 Pages 2458 Words

Demons Can't Be Pretty: Argumentative Essay on Makeup

This is a quotation that I think most of us could relate to makeup. When we're wearing it we may actually feel good, but the aftermath may be unimaginable just like when we take drugs. Since ancient times cosmetics have been used to enhance beauty. Ancient cosmetics are mainly composed of chalk to whiten skin, kohl for eyelids, eyebrow pencils, and stains for the cheeks. Ancient cosmetics are used for sensual, religious, and hierarchical purposes. Back in the early 18th...
5 Pages 2346 Words

Introducing Yourself: Narrative Essay

My name is Sergeant Michael Asher and I am a recruiter out of Greenville, South Carolina. I have one assigned high school in my area of operation (AO) which is Eastside High School. The purpose of this paper is to discuss my demographics, school programs, my recruiting and sustainment plan, and how I plan to utilize the recruiter zone in my assigned area. Demographics Greenville, South Carolina is ranked as one of the best cities to live in the United...
5 Pages 2328 Words

How Positive Psychology Can Fit into My Own Life

Abstract In Authentic Happiness Seligman suggests a formula for happiness, The Pleasant Life, The Good Life, and The Meaningful Life, encouraging people to seek a meaningful life in a continual quest for happiness. (Seligman 161). Seligman's theory reconciles two conflicting views of human happiness, the individualistic approach, which emphasizes that we should take care of ourselves and nurture our own strengths, and the altruistic approach, which tends to downplay individuality and emphasizes sacrifice for the greater purpose. (www.pursuit-of-happiness.org). This paper...
5 Pages 2459 Words

Essay on Professionalism: Compassion and Confidentiality in Nursing

This assignment explores the concept of professionalism in nursing terms. It will also seek to examine the terms communication, compassion, and person-centered care. I will use literature and examples from personal experience to explore the relationship and roles of professionalism and the importance of communication and compassion in delivering person-centered care. Professionalism is a difficult concept to define as there is not a concise and definitive definition available. To be a professional means different things to different people. Morrow et...
5 Pages 2422 Words

Essay on Professionalism in Nursing

This essay will explore how reading the article ‘Nurse’s responsibility when using social media' (Barrett, 2018) and investigating the concept of professionalism has helped me develop my understanding of nursing throughout this module. To begin, there will be an explanation of the key concepts within the article, and how researching these concepts has improved my understanding of nursing. There will then be a summary of the chosen article and the main concepts involved. Following this, the essay will explore a...
6 Pages 2745 Words

How Do You Construct the Past Objectively: 'What Is History?' by E.H. Carr

First and foremost, what is the definition of History? History originates from the Greek word ‘Historia’ which means information or an inquiry designed to extract the truth. There are many definitions of history; a simple definition of history is the study of past events, particularly in human affairs. History is also a continuous, typically chronological, record of important or public events or of a particular trend or institution. History is the study of life in society in the past, in...
6 Pages 2505 Words

Research Professional Investigation Project: Career in Forensic Psychology

Investigation For my research professional investigation project, I was able to interview a clinical counselor who owns her own private practice in Gilbert, Arizona. She was referred to me through my sister-in-law, as her mother had graduated high school with Dr. Wyman and has maintained a friendship with her over time. Ideally, I would have loved to buy Dr. Wyman a coffee and sit down and chat with her, however, due to circumstances such as her busy schedule and my...
5 Pages 2358 Words
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