2500 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Analysis of Routine Vaccination of Felines

Introduction to Vaccines A vaccine is a preparation of attenuated or killed pathogen that is administered for prevention, betterment, or treatment of a contagious disease Vaccines are one of the most important developments of the modern world and save an estimated 2-3 million lives every year by preventing and controlling infectious disease outbreaks The first person to make a scientific attempt to control infectious disease using vaccination was Edward Jenner in 1796, enabling the eradication of smallpox The first laboratory...
6 Pages 2671 Words

Makeup Advertisement Analysis: Critical Essay

Reading Our Lips: A Reflection of Lipstick Advertising from 1920-2019 What makes something beautiful? Each culture has a set of general beliefs about what constitutes femininity and beauty (Frith et al., 2009, p.193). Beauty is a discourse of society and it is constantly changing and reflecting societal values of the given time period. For example, Marilyn Monroe was the beauty ideal in the US in the 1950s and then replaced by Twiggy in the sixties (Frith et al, p. 194)....
6 Pages 2666 Words

What Are the Potential Pitfalls of Community-Based Adaptation

Small Island Developing States (SIDS) are on the front line of climate change-related perturbations due to their small land masses located in areas prone to natural disasters and extreme weather events. Their exposure is exacerbated still further by factors such as a reliance on natural resources for subsistence and livelihoods, inadequate infrastructure, high population growth, and limited health, education, disaster response systems, and adaptive capacity. This entails challenges regarding freshwater availability, agricultural production, safe housing conditions, food security, and health....
6 Pages 2534 Words

My Family History: Essay about My Grandfather

This essay is about two sides of my family; My fathersā€™ side and my mothersā€™ side. I have obtained information on my fathersā€™ site that dates back to the 1890s. My paternal great-grandfather moved from Afghanistan to India in 1895 as a child and later settled down and eventually having my paternal grandmother in 1939. My paternal grandfather's family moved from the northern part of India during the 1890s as well due to economic reasons. After the partition between India...
6 Pages 2508 Words

Essay about Makeup: Analysis of My Favourite Brand

Introduction: The beauty industry is growing larger and larger each day by Billions of dollars. In the past most of its consumers are females and there was a wide pool of money generated from females alone. However, in the 21 century, more and more men are increasingly becoming interested in shaping their own appearance. This encouraged me to conduct this case study based on a makeup brand called Huda Beauty the makeup industry and how it managed to position itself...
6 Pages 2672 Words

Narrative Essay about My Grandfather

The Invisible One I sit dejectedly on the sofa counting the minutes until this painful ordeal is over. The tick of the grandfather clock is muffled by the sound of cheerful guests and talkative relatives, joyous laughter and corks popping, not to mention the blaring music. I sit resentfully wondering how my mother had convinced me to come to this party, or as she liked to call it, ā€œfamily-gatheringā€. I sit on the other side of the room, distancing myself...
6 Pages 2691 Words

Statesmanship and Reform Analysis: Application by Wilberforce, Douglass, Susan B. Anthony, and Martin Luther King Jr.

Introduction The United States was intended to be and has been successful at remaining one of the countries in the world with the most liberties. Citizens have many freedoms and are afforded the opportunity to fulfill their dreams, be successful, and live happy life. Regrettably, many individuals throughout history had to fight extra hard for their freedom and their rights as Americans. These citizens were battered, troubled, ignored, and demoralized, and were they afforded the same opportunities as others. As...
6 Pages 2658 Words

Education Essay

Long and Short Essay on Education in English Education plays a pivotal role in shaping the future of individuals and societies. It serves as the key to unlocking one's potential, fostering personal growth, and driving societal progress. In today's rapidly evolving world, the significance of it cannot be overstated. In long essays, we will delve into the multifaceted aspects of education, exploring its impact on individuals, communities, and nations. From examining the purpose of education and its various forms to...
6 Pages 2515 Words

Why Is 'Hamlet' Considered a Tragedy: Argumentative Essay

Hamlet: An Existential Crisis in the Making Through the dawn of mankind, one thing has remained constant for humanity, and that is our crippling mortality. The tragedy of Hamlet by William Shakespeare is about the self-doubt of the tragic hero Hamlet and his journey towards revenge in order to honor his father. Shakespeare uses the popular ideology of the time, The Great Chain of Being, to demonstrate the flaws and irregularities of the ideology which attempted to deter evil and...
5 Pages 2263 Words

Why Flu Vaccines Should not Be Mandatory: Essay

As a child, we all remember going to checkups with our family medicine physician. The familiar vile and needle are things that have defined the meaning of immunity across many generations of the human race, all developed with the first vaccination. Research shows that vaccinations are the best way to protect people from diseases that are spread through daily activities. The modern vaccine is changing from its predecessors because a disease has many strains, and each strain mutates rapidly. This...
5 Pages 2278 Words

Water, Nitrogen and Carbon Are Important to Life: Argumentative Essay

Intro In order for me to be able to build and sustain a colony on Mars I will need to find out the following things about Mars: Firstly I will need to find out what we have on Earth that helps us survive, Secondly I will need to find out what Mars doesnā€™t have that Earth does so that we are able to implement what Mars still needs for humans to survive and colonize on it. Finally, I will need...
5 Pages 2325 Words

Views of Holocaust Historiography on Women: Analytical Essay

Following on from this examination of PTSD and its impact on the reliable narrator, this dissertation will now interrogate other constraints placed on the accurate representation of women`s Holocaust experiences. In the 1960s and 1970s, the narratives of women which dominated historiography largely focused upon the accounts of resistance fighters or otherwise those considered heroic women. It is important to mention that I will not be discrediting the validity and importance of these experiences but instead questioning why these were...
5 Pages 2470 Words

To What Extent Did the Nineteenth Century Conservation Discourse Differ from That of Today

Plants, trees, forests, soil, animals. These are some common words that people hear when the environment is mentioned. The existence of these trees, plants, and animals adds to biodiversity and serves many important roles such as attracting visitors, generating revenue, and contributing to slow climate change. Over the years, many trees are felled and forest areas are disappearing at a fast rate. According to Earth Day Network, deforestation has been reported to be the second cause of global warming and...
5 Pages 2438 Words

The Monsters in Beowulf Seem to be Metaphors

Monsters are a metaphor for fate and the destructive forces of nature. ā€œHe who fights with monsters should look to it that he himself does not become a monster . . . when you gaze long into the abyss the abyss also gazes into you.ā€ Friedrich Nietzsche, Beyond Good, and Evil, 1886 Subsequent to the publication of J.R.R Tolkienā€™s ā€œThe Monsters and the Criticsā€ scholars have found it easier to view Beowulf predominantly as a work of art rather than,...
6 Pages 2600 Words

The Earth Seemed Unearthly: Discursive Essay

Heart of Darkness Activity Foreshadowing ā€œThe air was dark above Gravesend, and farther back still seemed condensed into a mournful gloom, brooding motionless over the highest, and the greatest town on Earthā€(Conrad, 65). The darkness that spreads above the port creates an atmosphere of despair and mystery as the novel begins. It is this gloomy atmosphere that serves to foreshadow the hardship and sadness that is soon to come. Conrad paints the initial setting as sinister, drawing a parallel to...
5 Pages 2504 Words

Stanford Prison Experiment Versus Milgram Experiment: Comparative Essay

The Apples in the Barrel Humans are intricate and complex creatures, capable of great things like landing on the moon with advancing technology but also capable of disastrous and horrible things such as committing genocide against a minority group. Thereā€™s a thin line between the great things humanity can achieve to the very horrifying tragedies that we can inflict on others. To study human behavior we use social psychology which is an interesting subject especially when experiments defy expectations and...
5 Pages 2376 Words

Similarities between Mexican Independence and American Independence in 'Viva Zapata!' Directed by Elia Kazan

Summary The year is 1909, and the people of Mexico begin to rise up against the tyrannical regime of President Diaz. This revolution is led by Emilio Zapata. a simple peasant farmer who wants to bring justice and freedom to his people. But as time goes by he is drawn deeper into a civil war where allies and enemies are often difficult to tell apart. Section 1:Differences between Film and History Viva Zapata! follows the traditional plot where the hero...
6 Pages 2577 Words

Show Me a Hero and I Will Write a Tragedy: Essay

American Literature has played a big role in impacting our society today. 1917-1937 was the era of the Harlem Renaissance, the Roaring 20s, The Lost Generation, and the Jazz Age. These Eras are important because of how they affected us and changed us for the better. These moments in history have led to wars, the great depression, and being poor. A quote by Langston Hughes ā€œNegroes - Sweet and docile, Meek, humble, and kind: Beware the day, They change their...
5 Pages 2360 Words

Research Paper on Global Warming

Awareness in the Public About global warming Introduction: Most of the information available on global warming is about its causes and effects of global warming. The World Health Organization (WHO) observes that each year more than 1, 50,000 people die on grounds that are linked to global warming. According to Collins dictionary, ā€œA slight but continuing increase in the temperature of the lower atmosphere, usually attributed to an intensifying of the greenhouse effect that could lead to harmful climatic conditions.ā€...
6 Pages 2614 Words

Relationship between Rap Music and Criminality

In this essay, I am going to critically evaluate the relationship between rap music and criminality, a link that has gained much notoriety and has become a controversial topic of debate in recent times. Rap music, formally known as ā€˜Hip Hopā€™, is a musical genre developed in the United States by inner-city African Americans in the late 1970s and has become a huge component of street culture around the world, particularly in the UK with the emergence of the garage,...
5 Pages 2358 Words

Relationship between Natural Resource Management and Pro-Poor Growth (Water, Land, Forest)

What are Natural Resources? Natural Resources allude to the things that exist unreservedly in nature for human use and don't really require the activity of humankind for their age or generation. The key part of natural resources is that they direct the survival of people and other living things on earth. These assets incorporate land, rocks, woodlands (vegetation), water (sea, lakes, streams, oceans, and waterways), non-renewable energy source, creatures (angle, natural life, and trained creatures), minerals, sunlight, and air. A...
5 Pages 2466 Words

Push and Pull Factors of Mexican Immigration: Analytical Essay

Abstract For the research project, I am going to write about stereotypes towards immigrants. This topic interests me because my father is an immigrant, and experiences stereotypes as well as all descendants of immigrants. I will be talking about the effects stereotypes have on a person. Another topic I will be covering is the different types of stereotypes, and how they relate to a group of people. Meaning of stereotypes is any wide assumption used towards an individual. The assumptions...
6 Pages 2549 Words

Marilyn Monroe: Research Paper

Introduction Celebrities are an important factor in our life whether we realize it or not there like political figures their image whether on the big screen of a movie theater or television is a representation of the power and wealth they possess which is what makes them famous in the first place to the people. One of the most famous celebrities is Marilyn Monroe she was a famous actress recognized not only for her theatrical work ethic but the beautiful...
5 Pages 2480 Words

John Donne's Holy Sonnet 18: Critical Analysis

What are poems made from?ā€”Discuss making in the work of any poet of your choice. John Donne is considered today to be the founder of metaphysical poetry, a term created by Samuel Johnson, but being the Dean of St Paulā€™s Cathedral in London from 1621 until his death in 1631, he was most famous in his life for the powerful oratory of his sermons. Critics such as Neil King and Isaak Walton have attributed to him and his poetry a...
5 Pages 2287 Words

Jazz Became the Cornerstone of Popular Culture during the Swing Era: Discursive Essay

Swing music (1935-1945) marked a shift in jazz from improvisation to notated music and larger ensembles known as 'big bands.' Because of the size of the ensembles, which were made up of several horns, reed instruments, and percussion, swing required simplified written arrangements. Swing was typically more repetitious, and pop-friendly than other forms of jazz. Swing music is the closest jazz has ever come to being America's most popular music. There are a lot of controversial topics to discuss when...
5 Pages 2397 Words

Japan Earthquake and Tsunami in 2011 Facts

Nobody expected it. This was an event that killed nearly 16,000 people. It was also an event that cost $360 billion dollars worth of damage. Over 2,500 people remain missing from this catastrophe. This once-in-a-generation disaster was caused by two tectonic plates colliding along a subduction zone at a 9.0-9.1 magnitude. The tsunami started when two tectonic plates from the Pacific Ocean and North America slid over each other. It all started on Friday, March 11, 2011, when an earthquake...
5 Pages 2450 Words

Israeli Rap and Hip Hop: A Voice of the Youth

Israeli Hip Hop is a genre of music that has gained recent popularity. Israeli Hip Hop or known as ā€œRapā€ has gained recent popularity among the Israeli youth. A lot of the lyrics that Israeli Rappers use can be used as a platform for Israeli teenagers. It helps give them a voice. This is important because there are a lot of current political issues that Israel is facing. This platform helps the youth stay involved. Israeli Hip Hop doesnā€™t have...
5 Pages 2251 Words

Is Trophy Hunting an Ethical Conservation Tool: Essay

1.0 Introduction Currently, Trophy hunting has been extensively debated in the field of biodiversity conservation. Trophy hunting is a form of sport hunting of a wild animal that has specific desired characteristics under the government license, for leisure. Generally, it involves with payment of a fee for a hunting experience by local or foreign hunters (Booth & Chardonnet, 2015). The trophy is an animal or its head, skin, or any other body part that is usually retained by the hunters...
6 Pages 2727 Words

Is Oedipus Rex Blind: Essay

Inside the debate on cinema and literature, particularly on cinematographic adaptations of literary works, the name Pier Paolo Pasolini inevitably has great relevance. Eclectic artist, critic, poet, and distinguished expert of classical languages he was, in fact, among the very few post-war artists capable of producing both arts (cinema and literature) obtaining results of great international impact. In regard to adaptations, one of his most significant intents was a ā€˜simultaneous reinstating and questioning the central tropes of his cultureā€™ through...
5 Pages 2329 Words

Is 'Hamlet' Primarily a Tragedy of Revenge: Essay

Tragedies are unfortunate events that occur on a daily basis, no matter if they were done on purpose or intentionally. Some things occur for a reason while others cause extreme chaos and distraught. The play Hamlet is based on many tragedies that occur due to one personā€™s selfish actions. The Elizabethan chain of being is corrupted and horrible things are happening in Denmark to sinful acts and relationships. The person that can be seen as responsible for the horrible things...
6 Pages 2708 Words
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