2500 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

In Which Ways Does the Performing Body Influence the Way We Look: Argumentative Essay

Throughout this essay; key themes, debates, and concepts which support and argue against this statement will be discussed. Focusing mainly on the rise of cosmetic surgery among celebrities, and those not in the public eye, to become the modern-day visual concept of perfection and how social media can be a huge influence on the way we look and view ourselves. The industry has seen thousands of young adults paying huge amounts of money to change certain features on their faces...
6 Pages 2709 Words

Impact of Pop Music Artists: Lady Gaga, Justin Bieber and Taylor Swift

It seems as though people have worshiped artists/celebrities for as long as they have been around, but what is it that makes them so desirable and makes their music speak out to the world? Fans from all over the world are inspired by artists like Lady Gaga, Justin Bieber, and Taylor Swift. But not just by their music which is great pop tracks by themselves that have everything you want from a commercial pop track, from a catchy chorus with...
6 Pages 2699 Words

Hybrid Cars Essays

Hybrid vehicle A Hybrid motor uses more than one type of source for its work. It could be either diesel, electric or electric, hydraulic or diesel, hydraulic. Sometimes they work both simultaneously, and sometimes only one works at a time. The outcome of it is less gasoline burned, in that it is not only the best economy fuel but very less pollution which is a major disturbance nowadays. The term ”Hybrid”, will probably mean everything. An internal combustion engine used...
5 Pages 2483 Words

How Is Macbeth a Tragedy: Essay

Macbeth is one of Shakespeare’s typical tragic heroes. He can be seen as a man with many admirable traits. However, his one mistake fills his life with fear and regret at every step. Being the protagonist of the play, he is someone who can be admired. His qualities are shown in his battle skills and at the start, we realize that Macbeth is a capable soldier and is loyal to his King. His bravery and performance in Scotland’s battle are...
6 Pages 2683 Words

How Does Archaeology Interact with Colonialism and Nationalism: Discursive Essay

Archaeology is the study of the artifacts and remains of humans from all around the world. This study is carried out by methods including surveying sites, excavations and classifying of artifacts found. Through these methods, a sense of cultural identity can be found. However, Colonialism in Africa and Nationalism in the Middle East obscure the true cultural identity of the native inhabitants of countries such as Zimbabwe and Israel. This essay will define colonialism in relation to the example of...
5 Pages 2367 Words

Hip Hop: Informative Speech

Hip Hop is one of the most popular and influential types of music in modern times. Only being around for almost 40 years, the genre has increased exponentially over its time frame. As recent as 2017, hip hop has become the most dominant genre of music in the United States for the first time. Hip Hop has surpassed rock music according to 2017 data showing 25.1% of United States music consumption being R&B and Hip Hop while 23% of it...
5 Pages 2333 Words

Hera Vs Aphrodite: Comparative Essay

Firstly, Hera not only reigns as Queen in Olympus but also in the Greek pantheon as a whole. On the surface, Hera is merely chosen to thoroughly dislike the Trojans simply because she is deemed less fanciable in the infamous account of Paris’ Judgment. She may be the Queen of the divine, yet mythologically she is rather complex and paradoxical since she is the goddess of lawful marriage and legitimate childbirth. Thus, she constitutes her subordination. The paradox of the...
6 Pages 2711 Words

Global Warming: Argumentative Essay

Introduction to the Inquiry on Global Warming I am inquiring about global warming. I chose this topic because I was interested in the things that cause it, and how we can all make a change to decrease it. I have often heard that global warming is something that we can’t do anything about and that it is getting worse every second. But to be honest, I don’t think that it is entirely true. We cannot blame everyone here. Some countries...
5 Pages 2419 Words

Forest Management in the Himalayas: Review of Literature

Review of Literature The Himalayas is a massive mountain range extending over 2500 km in length, between 80 and 300 km wide, and rising from low-lying plains over 800 m above sea level. It produces a distinctive climate of its own and influences the climate of much of Asia (Zobel and Singh, 1997). Troup (1921) divided Indian Himalayas into the western and eastern regions. Singh, 2006 states that variations in topographical features create a range of climatic and habitat settings...
6 Pages 2416 Words

Essay on the Major Figure in Development of Jazz Rock or Fusion

When a person hears the word Jazz the first people they usually think about are Louis Armstrong, Duke Ellington, or Miles Davis. One person who fails to get the recognition that he deserves is Ian Ernest Gilmore Green better known as Gil Evans. After doing research on topics and people of Jazz history the most interesting and unspoken person encountered was Gil Evans. His accomplishments and contributions to Jazz usually fall under the radar in Jazz History. Evans’s unique music...
5 Pages 2357 Words

Essay on Techniques for Conservation of Fish Genetical Resources

Among all vertebrate taxa, fishes have the highest diversity in species. Fishes have huge diversity in shape, size, and biology in their aquatic environment. According to the NATIONAL BUREAU OF FISH GENETIC RESOURCES, 32,042 finfish species were recorded globally and India is home to 9.2% of this global finfish diversity . According to NBFGR India accounts for 5070 Mollusca species, 2934 crustaceans species, and 765 echinoderms species. Fishes are considered as cheapest and high protein source food source worldwide. Fishes...
5 Pages 2479 Words

Essay on Superheroes: Iron Man Versus Batman

Marvel comics and DC comics are two very prominent comic book publishers in the publishing industry. They are both famous for their extensive and very interconnected universes and along with this, they’re famous for the creation of the concept of a superhero. In both of these publishing companies, there is a subsection for movies and TV shows. The one that marvel has is called the Marvel cinematic universe. The one the DC has is called the DC extended universe. These...
5 Pages 2263 Words

Essay on Psychological Research Methods: Analysis of Milgram Experiment

Today I am going to talk about the different types of psychological research methods. The three types that I will cover are experiments, Observations, and Survey Methods. I will take two examples for each method and summarise the strengths and limitations of each one. The first area I will look at is his experiments. There are two types of experiments. These are lab and field. The first type of experiment I am going to discuss is a lab experiment. A...
5 Pages 2497 Words

Essay on Philosophical Bioethics

The Facts: Chara’s mother died of bowel cancer at the age of 46. She was found to have Familial Adenomatous Polyposis (FAP), a hereditary condition that involves the development of many pre-cancerous polyps in the bowel. If FAP is not treated, bowel cancer will almost always develop in one or more polyps. Colonoscopy can detect cancerous lesions early, and treatment is effective with different types of colon surgery. The surgical removal of the entire colon (colectomy) is also an option...
6 Pages 2676 Words

Essay on Moral Theories: Deontology, Utilitarianism and Virtue Ethics

Philosophers attempt to use moral theories to ideally determine whether an individual is a moral and ethical person. This essay will include the theories; Deontology, Utilitarianism, and Virtue Ethics, and how each significant theory can make an individual a moral member of society, but with contrasting views of other philosophers' ideas. For example, different philosophers believe in different moral theories regarding how people make decisions in life, therefore, everyone has a diverse perspective on how they would approach situations in...
6 Pages 2569 Words

Essay on Impact of Lincoln's Assassination

Everyone has heard the story of how Abraham Lincoln was assassinated. Since elementary we have been taught about how John Wilkes Booth shot the president at the Ford Theater on April 15th, 1865. Our teachers taught us all about how sad the nation was and how tragic it was to lose the presidency, who freed the slaves, so soon after winning the civil war, but they never taught us why. I, like most people, assumed that Booth must have been...
5 Pages 2372 Words

Essay on Hip Hop Culture

When dealing with the stereotypes of African American society, it is very difficult to fathom how the average American (or Caucasian American) can understand. Yet, they seem to portray this through hip-hop. Many know that there is an enormous amount of diversity within the hip-hop industry, but it has always belonged to the African American community. Many sources indicate that white Americans are becoming more predominant in the hip-hop industry. As surprising as this may seem, it is something that...
5 Pages 2390 Words

Essay on Harlem Renaissance and The New Negro

The ‘Black Capital’ of the twentieth century, Harlem served as a cultural nexus of black America. It was a refuge for African Americans fleeing from oppression in the South and a new home for those seeking new opportunities. Harlem was a haven, a place of self-discovery, cultural knowledge, and political activism for African Americans, especially during the first half of the twentieth century. It fostered an artistic new age of literature, painting, music, and cinema. The neighborhood was home to...
6 Pages 2692 Words

Essay on Haiti Earthquake

Abstract On January 12th, 2010 a 7.0 magnitude earthquake rocked Port-au-Prince, Haiti. Social Media platforms such as Twitter proved to be a real-time source of current information. With over 200 000 lives lost, the Haiti Earthquake received worldwide attention. Within minutes of the earthquake, Twitter reported the event in real-time, and within three days had more than 2.3 million tweets with #Haiti. The public knowledge of the devastating condition the nation of Haiti was suffering from, was further reinforced during...
5 Pages 2422 Words

Essay on Gender Differences in Well-being at Work

Introduction When I began working in the healthcare sector, gender differences in well-being at work (WAW) were not something I had thought of as an issue. However, as my career progressed, I became attuned to certain gender-specific challenges my female peers faced. Historically, women are more thought to face occupational barriers than men (Swanson, Daniels, & Tokar, 1996), so it would be natural to assume that WAW is mostly an issue for women. This paper aims to examine whether this...
6 Pages 2734 Words

Essay on Determinism: Are Human Beings Fully Determined

Introduction Every day things happen to us; sometimes good, sometimes bad. This is something we’ve come to know and experience in our daily lives. The question, however, is not whether things happen to us, but rather how they happen and what causes them. This question has been on the minds of philosophers for a while now and no matter how much we’d like one solid answer to the question, there are a number of theories and philosophies that attempt to...
5 Pages 2313 Words

Essay on Cultural Values Represented in the 'Epic of Gilgamesh'

The use of the savage to contrast civilization is one that has long been utilized, established back in literary pieces such as The Epic of Gilgamesh as well as the story of Rama the Steadfast. Eventually, it was the Greeks who further defined the savage as a barbarian or someone who was foreign, non-greek, or did not speak the same language. This Greek term, Barbaros, emphasizes the idea of someone speaking gibberish, or nonsense. However, this definition does not mean...
6 Pages 2738 Words

Essay on Contribution of Women to Electrical Engineering

The contribution of women to electrical engineering is very important. As a result, many women are inspired and motivated to join the electrical engineering career. This begs the question of what should be done to promote the idea of many women entering the profession. The answer to such a question is not easy because the responsibility lies on the women, men, electrical engineering companies, as well as schools that educate on this particular major. Regardless of their gender, women seem...
5 Pages 2438 Words

Essay on Cars: Fossil Fuel Vs Hybrid Cars

With all the controversy of global warming and how it is affecting our planet. A lot of people look towards the problem of burning fossil fuels and the large amount of it that gets burned for transportation. Along with the price of gasoline increasing especially in 2008 and again in 2012 scientists and engineers have been working towards creating a more eco-friendly and fuel-efficient vehicle. Alternative Fuel cars are a great way to save money while also helping the environment....
5 Pages 2460 Words

Essay on 'The Scarlet Letter' Protagonist

The novel entitled 'The Scarlet Letter' was written by Nathaniel Hawthorne and was published in 1850. The story revolved around the American Puritan culture, which the author is very familiar with because according to him, he mentioned “in my native town of Salem” (8) and “this old town of Salem—my native place” (14) so he was born in a Puritan family from Salem, Massachusetts. The protagonist, Hester Prynne, was found guilty of adultery and was outcasted by the community in...
5 Pages 2289 Words

Essay on 'Oedipus the King' Tragic Hero

Introduction: The Inescapable Fate of Oedipus “Look upon that last day always. Count no mortal happy till he has passed the final limit of his life secure from pain” (Sophocles 1651-1853). Oedipus’s tragedy could be abridged simply like this but reading through the play in its entirety induces an obligatory and profound catharsis. Oedipus the King follows the story of how the Theban king unknowingly killed his father and married his mother when he thought he had escaped his appalling...
5 Pages 2392 Words

Essay on 'Like Water for Chocolate' Metaphors

American attorney Michael Josephson once remarkably proclaimed, “Don’t let others define you. Don’t let the past confine you. Take charge of your life with confidence and determination and there are no limits on what you can do or be.” Everyone is pretentious, everyone is competitive, and everyone has intentions. We live in a society that is a dog-eat-dog world or also known as every man for themselves. Mr. Josephson suggested, that people should advocate for themselves as no one else...
6 Pages 2652 Words

Essay about Different Perspective on Eating Habits

Food has always been an important part of life. It is a resource for energy and a vital part of survival for all living beings. However, for humans, it goes beyond just the necessities. It is a part of their culture –integrated into art, social settings, etc. Almost anywhere one looks, one will be met with countless photographs of food, from magazine pages to Instagram posts, conversations about going out to grab lunch, television ads, and a restaurant of some...
5 Pages 2388 Words

Effects of Unhealthy Eating Habits in Reflection to Health and Safety in Primary Students in Trinidad

In most primary schools in Trinidad, students are challenged with a chronic illness due to unhealthy eating habits. According to “TT’s Joint Select Committee on Social Services and Public Administration revealed that at least half of TT’s primary school children are overweight and are at risk of becoming diabetics”. Students are not following a healthy diet, they are consuming a vast amount of unhealthy foods on a daily bases with no guidance from their parents. These unhealthy foods are very...
6 Pages 2688 Words

Effect on Kinesio Taping and Bracing on Treating PFPs: Analytical Essay

Abstract In this research paper, I wanted to know what method between Kinesio Taping and Patellar Bracing is better for treating Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome effectively. I found many research articles that had a therapeutic study on treating PFPS with Kinesio Taping and a few articles that had a therapeutic study on treating PFPS with patellar bracing. The articles that had to deal with Kinesio Taping said that it had some effect in treating the pain but had more of an...
5 Pages 2299 Words
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