2500 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Essay on Grunge, Post-Grunge and Women's Empowerment

“Measure 9 goes against American traditions of mutual respect and freedom, and Nirvana wants to do their part to end bigotry and narrow-mindedness everywhere”. “Kurt Cobain, lead singer of Nirvana, 1992, regarding a piece of Oregon legislation that would have eliminated protections from discrimination based on sexual orientation”. Nirvana and Progressivism Seattle sound or grunge is a style of music born out of the late 1980s and especially the early-mid 1990s that was born out of Washington State. Grunge is...
5 Pages 2397 Words

Freebooting as Copyright Infringement

Today here, in our modern era world lies technology. According to computerhope.com, technology is an advanced set of tools used to make things easier and/or to resolve problems. An example of technology is computers, laptops, phone, tablet, TV, and many more. Another word for technology is ICT which stands for information and communications technology, this term mostly focuses for education as it works for giving information. Other than that, it is mostly has the same meaning as technology. Technology has...
5 Pages 2260 Words

Essay on Artificial Intelligence and Copyright

The concept of artificial intelligence (AI), where an object is capable of human thinking, has been around for centuries, where classical philosophers have attempted to describe human thinking as a mechanical manipulation of symbols and numbers. However, in the present era, AI can be understood as a computer system that can perform tasks that normally require human intelligence. Today’s AI software is capable of producing works that were never been created by computers before such as artistic works like producing...
5 Pages 2341 Words

Analysis of the Movie 'The Blind Side'

Introduction to Michael Oher's Journey Based on a book ‘The Blind Side: Evolution of a Game’, the movie I am going to talk about in this paper is based on a true story. Michael Oher, lonely boy, left away to the streets has now entered school, no money, no family, started sleeping at the school’s gym during winter as it was warming, then one day, the most amazing thing was going to happen to him, he was about to discover...
5 Pages 2558 Words

Analysis of the Movie 'Babies' through John Piaget’s Theory of Cognitive Development and Bowlby’s Evolutionary Theory of Attachment

The movie ‘Babies’ by Thomas Balmès takes us on a trip around the world to observe four newborn babies for the first two years of their lives. The movie looks at the relationship infants have with their parents and compares their development through a series of vignettes when each child accomplishes certain milestones. Throughout this paper I will discuss two theories that I felt were evident in the movie ‘Babies’. John Piaget’s theory of cognitive development and Bowlby’s evolutionary theory...
6 Pages 2610 Words

Leader in Today's Challenging World

Rapid and unprecedented changes are taking place in the business world as humans develop in their cognitive abilities, and these are further fueled by the advancement in technology, leading to increased dynamism in humans thought process. Global provocations in the print of climate change and the prevailing Covid-19 pandemic are also crucial factors that are impacting business landscapes and how people react. These altering phenomena, in no doubt, have piled up immense pressure on leaders to be more proactive, calculative...
6 Pages 2683 Words

A Clockwork Orange': Is It Effective to Use Violence to Fight Violence?

The controversial film ‘​A Clockwork Orange’ ​is best known for its scenes depicting graphic violence, rape, murder and human experiments. Whilst these scenes make ​‘A Clockwork Orange’ ​an uncomfortable film to watch at times; the visual aesthetics of the film demand our attention as the unconventional director Stanley Kubrick presents us with a unique and fascinating picture of a near future society. Since its release in 1971, the film has ignited much debate surrounding its effect on its audience and...
5 Pages 2308 Words

Essay on 'A Clockwork Orange': Aesthetic Analysis

In this paper, Stanley Kubrick’s ‘A Clockwork Orange’ will be analyzed through several baroque elements that are present and developed further in neo-baroque aesthetics. Antirealism, point of view, spectacle, and violence are among the most common ones, and represent the core of the neo-baroque peculiarity that defines this film. All these elements have a common origin in baroque forms and manifestations. Taken together, these different strands of expression and signification add up to ‘baroque scopic regime’. In what follows, these...
5 Pages 2422 Words

What Is the Purpose of Nadine Gordimer’s: Essay

A group of people living in a specific territory sharing the common geographical, cultural, economic, and political landscapes is called a nation. So people living in that space must have the sense of being one nation one people that work for the common goals of the nation and stand together to fight against any kind of challenges faced by the nation, thus, can be addressed as nationalism. Until the colonization, South African Blacks were ignorant of the concept of nation...
6 Pages 2640 Words

What Is the Enduring Significance of the Islamic Empire: Essay

Introduction to the Islamic World's Emergence To understand when and how the 'Islamic world' arose according to Hourani, I will cover a period of Arab history of about 300 years (from the 600s to the 900s). So, I will try to highlight the period of time before and after the coming of Islam as well as the influence of Islam over different eras, during different dynasties, and over different social segments. This will cover the life period of Arab peoples...
5 Pages 2303 Words

Was the Reign of Terror Justified: Argumentative Essay

France had many struggles. They had corrupt monarchies. France’s king did not know how to handle his people. King Louis only cared about the money that was given to him by his allies and the money that the Third Estate made. The king was unorganized. The commoners were suffering because of all the labor they were doing. The Third Estate never got to keep the money, it all went to the taxes. While the other citizens were privileged. The citizens...
5 Pages 2443 Words

Was the Bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki Justified: Argumentative Essay

Can it ever be morally justifiable to use ‘terror tactics’ in warfare? In this paper, I will be evaluating the morality behind the use of ‘terror tactics’ or terrorism, including traditional terrorist acts and the use of terror in circumstances such as interrogations. Throughout modern history, terror has been used in a variety of different circumstances, such as the French Revolution, the 9/11 attacks, and the US invasion of Iraq, following different purposes. In this context, philosophical questions such as...
6 Pages 2741 Words

The Problem of Evil Essay

When we are talking about God, the most common understanding is that God is the greatest possible being. God is said to be perfect in every way. The general description that we give when asked what attributes God has is that he is omnipotent, omnibenevolent, and omniscient; that is to say that he is thought to be all-powerful, loving, and all-knowing. All three of these attributes together make the perfect being. However, these three attributes that are supposed to combine...
6 Pages 2577 Words

The Maze Runner’: Critical Analysis Essay

Literary Exploration Everyone goes through experiences that change and shape who they are, and one's identity is constantly evolving, and molded in various ways. Throughout life, new experiences help a person to grow and change. Various situations and the emotions derived from them impact the way one views the world, influencing their values, hopes, and beliefs. The lessons one can learn from these experiences enable them to develop as an individual and form a clear identity that is all their...
6 Pages 2576 Words

Essay on ‘The House on Mango Street’: Critical Analysis Essay

The initial colloquial tone and antiliterary voice that pervades Sandra Cisneros`s The House on Mango Street is a deceiving ruse that initially conceals a narrative that employs its voice to question longstanding societal structures and hierarchies. The narrative voice of Esperanza reflects her own personal quest for agency, one that defies the previous lack of opportunities afforded to women in her position and in her family. This is both a vocal act of defiance, as the novel`s story follows Esperanza...
6 Pages 2674 Words

The Brains of Porn Addicts: Article Summary

Article Summary Sexual fantasies can range from being sexy to insanely weird. Weird meaning, not the norm in society. Most times individuals who experience these weird desires become perverts/rapists or most times addicted to porn. Pornography today is much more diverse and easier to attain than it was 30 years ago. You can find exactly what you are looking for with the click of a mouse. Pornography also called porn, is the representation of sexual behavior in books, pictures, statues,...
5 Pages 2397 Words

The Allure of Fear Essay

Human beings have consumed horror and all that relates to it throughout the beginning of culture, rituals, and the introduction of storytelling. For many, it is a euphoric sense of release and a much sought-after thrill of escapism consumed in a variety of ways through media, such as literature and film. ‘The connections between civilization and horror are very clear: the origins of civilization are in violence; ritual and other forms of sacred violence are used o channel otherwise uncontrollably...
5 Pages 2491 Words

Essay on Ethical Dilemma: Terri Schiavo Ethics

What gives us the right to decide when is someone's time to live or die? Do we have that power? Is it a paper that gives us that power? Is it a verbal message that someone once expressed, and we are following their wishes? Ethics are moral principles, and is it moral to let someone stay in a vegetative state with no quality of life, just because we want them around and we are having that hope that they might...
5 Pages 2353 Words

System of Foreign Exchange in Malaysia

Introduction This study is to inspect the effect of reserve assets ( gold, Bank Negara Malaysia external reserve, and foreign exchange), Malaysia’s lending rate, and the U.S. trade-weighted value of the U.S. dollar against major currencies on the exchange price movement in Malaysia. This part of the section will be discussing the background of the study, problem statement, research questions, research objectives, scope of the study, the significance of the study, limitations of the study, definition of terms, and also...
6 Pages 2542 Words

Should Schools Have a Dress Code: Argumentative Essay

Introduction: The Controversy Surrounding School Dress Codes When one picture’s a girl, what comes to mind? When one thinks of a girl or young woman’s body, should it be hidden? According to most school dress codes, a girl’s body is a distraction and should be covered to protect the male mind. Teenage girls today are told that their bodies, not the actions of the males that the girls “caused”, aren’t appropriate for a school environment. Dress codes can be outdated...
5 Pages 2506 Words

Secondary Effects of Pornography on Sexual Violence

A critical understanding of our acceptance of Abusive pornography Pornography is an old and deeply rooted item in the human species. In Greek, it is known as πόρνη (pórnē) which translates into prostitute, or prostitution which is the commodification of sexual acts. To perform sexual favors for compensation. γράφειν (gráphein) is Greek for illustration or the recording of. And so, the word Pornography derives from the meaning of recording prostitutes, whether by word and reputation or nowadays by the camera....
6 Pages 2593 Words

School Uniform: Argumentative Essay

School uniforms are no new thing. They have been around since the 1500s and whether it consisted of a strict shirt and tie or a more casual polo shirt and black pants skirt, they have always caused issues, whether its students not wanting to wear them, the school being strict about how students can and cannot wear the uniforms or parents not being able to afford them. School uniforms are common all around the world with students aged 4-18 wearing...
5 Pages 2288 Words

Essay on School Inequality: Always Just Black

Jobs today in the economy are still facing polarization and being precarious like it was around the mid-1900s. There are still many low-paying jobs that don’t require as much skill and knowledge which are mostly occupied by marginalized groups, and many people feel insecure about their jobs for a big reason. Technology advancement has greatly increased and it affects job markets by making technology-related majors more in demand as well as making it more competitive so not as many job...
6 Pages 2510 Words

Essay about Russian Revolution

During the Russian Revolution, the Bolsheviks, led by Lenin, forced the Provisional Government out of the office and placed themselves in power. On the 7th of November, 1917, the Russian Revolution began, triggering eight months of uncertainty and violence for the country and its citizens. In the April Theses, a speech made by Lenin promising peace, bread, and land, the peasantry, and much of the working class, were angry and ready for a revolution due to the unfair treatment they...
6 Pages 2555 Words

Essay about Revolutionary War

Many people would say the American colonists were bargaining with the British for their freedom in the leadup to the Declaration of Independence, but through an international affairs lens, is this actually the case? Was either party actually acting within the bargaining model, or where they both just determined to get exactly what they wanted? Ultimately, is the bargaining model a satisfactory and comprehensive model to view the American Revolutionary War under, or must one look elsewhere? This paper will...
5 Pages 2345 Words

Reflective Essay on Column from the Temple of Artemis in the Metropolitan Museum of Art

Several communities have very different mindsets and this makes the concept of value highly relative. The perception of an individual is dependent on one’s cultural background and disposition, thus the measurement of an artwork’s value highly depends on personal experience rather than a single rationale. Growing up in a small coastal town near the Aegean Sea and in a country that holds the privilege of possessing a rich cultural accumulation, I was never aware of how, as a country, we...
6 Pages 2554 Words

Prostitution Should Be Legal: Argumentative Essay

Areas to be discussed with pros and cons: Health, international policies, crime, and economical benefits/cons. Moderator Questions If prostitution were to be legalized, what would stop illegal sex trafficking from working under the guise of a licensed brothel? How much income would the state earn if something like prostitution were to be legalized and taxed? What are your opinions on women or men being empowered by having the right to choose what they are able to do to their own...
5 Pages 2393 Words

Privacy Vs Security: Discursive Essay

Cyber Security: should you be worried? Through recent advancements in technology, the idea of cyber-security is one that many people often argue and have questions about. Any time a website is signed up for, there are a bunch of privacy statements and things that are often looked over because people worry about whether they are giving away private things about them or not. Though it is often portrayed on the news as something that everyone is currently worrying about, the...
6 Pages 2590 Words

Privacy Vs National Security: Pros and Cons

Contours of the Right of Privacy in a modern world It is not that this right is a new concept that needs immediate attention and scrutiny- the simple reason behind the rise and recognition of this right in various legal systems is an account of the changing dynamics of the way people interact and connect with each other. There is an information explosion and increased connectivity due to the unprecedented growth seen in Information and Communication Technology (ICT), fundamentally transforming...
5 Pages 2289 Words

Pornography and Its Connection with Social Deviance

Introduction Pornography refers to the viewing or consumption of any piece of writing, movie, or picture that either show or describe sexual behavior the main purpose of which is to sexually excite people. This behavior is now accepted as normal in our society but there is a significant impact of it on the sexual health and quality of relationships of its consumers who have reported suffering from dire health issues such as anxiety and depression. It’s even found related to...
5 Pages 2351 Words
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