2500 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Argumentative Essay about Pollution

Essay Example #1 A herd of animals breaks the silence from the still ambiance within the mild plains. As they roam around the fresh green grass, blossoming with trees and flowers, their mind is escaped from the idea of being harmed by a toxic object that one would dispose of in our Earth, present day. Pollution affects every living thing on our planet, including our plants and wildlife. The selection of the big question “what makes the world safer?” was...
2 Pages 2610 Words

Essay about Overfishing

Problem Definition Overfishing is the process of removal of the species of fish from a body of water at a rate that the species cannot replenish in time, resulting in those species either becoming depleted or very underpopulated in that given area. It has spread all over the globe and has been present for centuries. Overfishing can occur in water bodies of any size, such as ponds, rivers, lakes, or oceans, and can result in resource depletion, reduced biological growth...
5 Pages 2331 Words

Let's Put Pornography Back in the Closet: Discursive Essay

Abstract Pornography is a controversial aspect of feminist debate. This essay strives to highlight the harm pornography causes women and whether restrictions or a ban on its production and consumption are necessary to protect and reduce inequality against women. The current debate in this area focuses on the extent to which the harm, caused by pornography, is rights-violating. Subsequently, if it is rights-violating, does the banning of pornography risk infringing others' rights in the process? Using anti-pornography feminist theories and...
5 Pages 2437 Words

Essay about Importance of MBA Degree

Management: Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow Pursuing an MBA degree equips one with the knowledge, skills, and abilities that a good and effective manager should possess. Moreover, better resources and great teachers ensure that students are prepared for the various tasks that are a part of managing an organization. As Aristotle once said, “Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom”. This project is significant as it is a form of learning about other people’s ideas and views about what effective management...
5 Pages 2352 Words

Cuban Trade Embargo: Pros and Cons

Cuba: Research Paper Cuba is the largest island in the Caribbean Sea and it lies at the mouth of the Gulf of Mexico. The Island of Cuba is known for its very diverse culture and beautiful beaches. Although Cuba has a very tropical climate, which makes it very hot most of the time, it would benefit anyone to wander down the Cuban streets and visit its many tourist attractions. Cuba has slowly found out who it is. It has evolved...
5 Pages 2583 Words

Essay on Security Dilemma

Introduction Since the last half-century, the United States has been the single most influential actor in the International Community. Since 1980, China has rapidly seen an economic, political, and military rise never before seen in history. With China’s rise, a new sense of threat in the international community has begun to form. US-China relations have become more important than ever, as China has begun to threaten the hegemony of the United States and the balance of power in the International...
5 Pages 2368 Words

Essay on Professionalism in Healthcare

Introduction to Professionalism in Healthcare There are numerous key qualities a health professional must possess in order to deliver the best care to their patients. Professionalism is extremely important when it comes to dealing with patients and colleagues in a professional practice. Throughout this assignment, key qualities and the importance of professionalism for health professionals will be explored. This assignment will look at the key theories and principles underpinning safe, effective, professional, and ethical professionalism in the healthcare profession. There...
5 Pages 2293 Words

Essay on Positive and Negative Effects of Imperialism in Africa

It is a ways stated that the bringing of Civilisation trust and infrastructure inspired the scramble for Africa by using European powers due to the fact European human beings were on two folds functions specially the unfold of Christianity and colonization whereby evangelical ministries were placed in Africa to civilize African human beings to be developed, advanced, and skilled as Roman imperialism made the foundations of contemporary civilizations which counteracted African barbarism, cruelty, torceculture at the equal time moulding Africans...
5 Pages 2303 Words

Essay on Plato Theory of Justice

Plato’s ‘Nature of Justice: A Critical Analysis This essay is a culmination of personal opinions along with reference to several other works on a similar topic all of which have been cited duly. Abstract There are several takes on the nature and theories of justice. However, Plato in his Republic provides some very famous arguments for what justice means and what it is to be a just individual living in a just state. He has criticized the already existing theories...
6 Pages 2605 Words

Essay on Physical Therapy Professionalism

The mission statement of the School of Exercise & Sport Science communicates how driven the school is to help us, the students, succeed in achieving our goals and reaching the level of education that we need to prepare us for our careers. It lets us know that we are going to be well prepared for our careers as long as we work hard and strive to reach our goals. It comforts me to know that while I am learning and...
5 Pages 2255 Words

Essay on 'The Hunger Games' Theme

Introduction to Dystopian Panem In a place where poverty is common and a country that is ruled by a tyrannical dictator, it isn't possible for an individual to trust others when their own life is always at stake. The novel The Hunger Games, written by Suzanne Collins, demonstrates the significant issues in the real world today, which are poverty, violence, and humanity. The novel portrays many themes such as evolving identity, class inequality, the rise of power and appearance, and...
5 Pages 2392 Words

Difference between Spirituality and Religion in Art

For millennia, the soul has been interpreted as an immaterial entity and this duality has been reflected in art. Spiritual art doesn’t always mean religious, it can just be otherworldly or spiritual-seeking. Music, painting, and sculpture take on spiritual meanings when they explore the meaning of life, death, and the infinite possibilities of consciousness. Spirituality is defined as the awareness of a feeling, sensation, or conviction that there is more to being human than physical sensation and that the greater...
5 Pages 2417 Words

Concept of Justice in ‘12 Angry Men’ and ‘To Kill A Mockingbird’

Justice is not a simple issue of right or wrong. When you look at it more closely, it is far more complicated. Justice is defined as “the quality of being just or fair, the act of determining rights and assigning rewards or punishment.” This may generalize the meaning of justice but when it is further looked at it arises different concepts, as to why it is so complex. There are many aspects of justice that we may question; i.e. Do...
5 Pages 2500 Words

Comparative Study of Racial Discrimination in Novels: 'The Help' by Kathryn Stockett and 'Beloved' by Toni Morrison

This dissertation entitled Comparative study of racial discrimination in the novels: The Help by Kathryn Stockett and Beloved by Toni Morrison is an attempt to compare and analyze the relationship between Blacks and Whites in the chosen novels using the theory of internalized racism by Karen D Pyke. This tries to focus on how black people suffered for reconstructing their identity and overcoming racial discrimination in the novels: The Help by Kathryn Stockett and Beloved by Toni Morrison. These novels...
5 Pages 2482 Words

Authentic Leadership Development and Its Contextual Implications

Authenticity is a developmental process epitomized by the growing awareness of one’s true self. Accordingly, I believe mapping my leadership development in relation to the authentic leadership framework would be appropriate, as this unit has strengthened and encouraged my self-awareness journey. The prominence of self-awareness for authenticity is discernible in the leadership literature whether it is perceived with regard to values (Bass & Steidlmeier, 1999), purpose (George, 2003), or positive psychological attitudes (Luthans & Avolio, 2003). I will be exploring...
5 Pages 2433 Words

Why Dieting Is Not the Best Way: Argumentative Essay

Weight gain has, undoubtedly, been a problem in America. The widespread access to fast-food restaurants, buffets, and the lack of exercise has prevented many people from keeping a healthy lifestyle. Every year, one of the most popular New Year’s resolutions is to lose weight. Unfortunately, many people report having failed to reach this goal. About twenty-five percent of those who set resolutions lose their motivation to lose weight or achieve other goals (Ord, 2015). Losing weight is important not only...
5 Pages 2340 Words

Essay on the Rocky Mountains: Structural Geology and Formation Process

The Rocky Mountains is an extensive mountain range located in western North America. It stretches for 1,900 miles from British Columbia to New Mexico in the southwest side of the United States. The age of the mountain is estimated to be 55 to 80 million years old when tectonic activities and erosion caused plates to slide underneath the North American plate (Bird, 1503). This resulted in dramatic formation of valleys and peaks as the glaciers erupted. The highest peak of...
5 Pages 2455 Words

Influence of German Film Industry in 1919-1945

Since 1919, due to the inception of the expressionist movement, and its increasingly artistic take on the medium, the German film industry had started to have major impacts on not only German culture but also how film had been viewed worldwide, from a form of entertainment for lower class citizens to an art form to convey complex plots and messages. Expressionist film, like ‘The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari’, had used film to express the directors' emotions, especially his thoughts on...
6 Pages 2749 Words

Effects of Mercantilism on the Netherlands, France and Britain: Essay

The word ‘mercantilism’ is a term that most economists would define as a theory; this is based on the idea that the world’s total wealth was static and strongly supported government intervention in regulating trade through commercial (protectionist) policies to protect domestic firms and economic growth. If executed effectively, it should result in a country’s GDP increasing whilst producing a trade surplus. The Effects of Mercantilism on the Netherlands When looking back at history, the theory of ‘mercantilism’ was first...
6 Pages 2729 Words

Effects of Animation and the Industry: Historical Essay

As far back as the foundation of photography individuals discovered that if pictures of moving items were taken in a speedy arrangement and flipped through in progression to make the bogus impression of a moving picture. Stoneware is a standout amongst the best instances of early craftsmanship still around today. One of the absolute first endeavors at making an interpretation of the unmoving picture into a moving picture is found on such bit of earthenware. About 5000 BC a piece...
5 Pages 2302 Words

The Beatles and Their Huge Influence on Society

Introduction to The Beatles' Global Impact The Beatles have influenced the world in unimaginable ways. “Beatlemania: extreme enthusiasm for the Beatles, as manifested in the frenzied behavior of their fans in the 1960s” (Oxford Languages). The Beatles have sold over 600 million albums worldwide (CBS). 600 million is an unfathomable number but in the case of the Beatles, it makes complete sense. The Beatles were a group of British men composed of Paul McCartney, John Lennon, Ringo Starr, and George...
5 Pages 2345 Words

Suggestibility in Children and Its Effect on Their Eyewitness Testimonies

Many people feel as though they fully understand the concept of memory but when asked exactly what it is, they find it difficult to put in words or simply define it as how we store and recall past and present information. The study of human memory has been a subject of research and major interest for many years. There are plenty of questions and theories surrounding the concept, but the subject remains quite complex. Majority of the time, many people...
6 Pages 2707 Words

Essay on South Africa: Hunger Must Go by 2030

The number of people going hungry everyday has been increasing in the world in the past 3 years. More than 820 million people are going hungry everyday around the world (FAO, 2019). According to Chakona and Shackleton (2017), Drimie & Mclachlan (2013) and Pereira, Cuneo & Twine (2014), South Africa is declared food secure at national level. However, it can be argued that this is not a true reflection because a lot of households are still living below the food...
5 Pages 2305 Words

Revealing the Secret of K-Pop's Global Success

If we were to travel 15 years back, who would have thought that South Korean music industry or otherwise known as K-pop would rise to become one of the world’s leading recorded music industries. With worldwide fanbases, statistics have shown that South Korea succeeded on becoming the sixth largest global music businesses in 2017. Needless to say, the total streaming revenue on 2013 reached up to $89.78m. These findings lead us to one concrete question – ‘How do K-pop music...
5 Pages 2268 Words

Essay on Public Policy, Its Main Models and Approaches

Public policy is about solving and addressing the problems related to public. Public policy is basically an instrument to guide societal actions in accordance with certain predetermined goals. In making of public policy, there are two types of actors (stakeholders): on the one hand, there is the government, and on the other hand, there is the public; both play key role in shaping the public policy. They are the means by which community are served. Public policy plays a very...
5 Pages 2440 Words

My Strengths and Weaknesses as a Learner

This paper is a reflection of how I go about being a self-empowered learner. It consists of my strengths and weaknesses which I have collected about myself throughout this course so far and provide the insights for which I developed to become a personal learner. This paper will also be consisting of the cultural practices within my home and community which have been seen to be adopted in my home amongst my family members which have consider to be learning...
5 Pages 2532 Words

Essay on Jazz in Nazi Germany

The German Nazi Party has lived on in infamy as one of the greatest tragedies of the 20th century. Few things compare to the horror of the Jewish Holocaust brought about by the racist ideology and practices of this tyrannical political movement. Any reasonable person in the 21st century looks back and wonders, ‘How could this have happened?’. ‘How could an entire country in the modern world be complicit in the execution of over 11 million people, many of which...
5 Pages 2484 Words

Essay on Information Technology and Labor

Labor can be defined as “the amount of physical, mental and social effort used to produce goods and services in our economy” (Amadeo, 2019). According to Warner (2005), the idea of physical and mental labor being separate is untrue and that there is often an overlap of characteristics. With modern day advancements in information technology, the mental process of labor can be transformed into machine process which has proven to have major consequences on the way we live and work...
6 Pages 2502 Words

Harmful Effects of Violence in Films on Audience on the Example of 'A Clockwork Orange'

The most remarkable changes in humans’ collective exposure have been the introduction of mass media. The introduction of media has been an increasingly and rapid form of communication between human beings. The uses of radio, television, film, video games et cetera, has become an ever so present thing in humans’ lives and holds a great value in all aspects of societies across the globe. Although these forms of media were not created to cause harm to others, through the mutilation...
5 Pages 2404 Words

Great Britain as a Tolerant Nation Regarding Politics and Public Reaction

Both immigration and societal issues surrounding immigrants themselves have rose to popular discourse within Britain for a significant number of years now (Kudnani, 2007). A large number of citizens and governmental figures have deemed immigration as a nationwide issue in the process (Blinder and Richards, 2020). This outlook will be analyzed to understand to what extent Britain claims itself to be ‘tolerant’ country with regards to immigration (Blinder and Richards, 2020). This essay will further elaborate on this proposal and...
6 Pages 2585 Words
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