2500 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Eyewitness Misidentification: Causes and Measures to Minimize It

Mistaken eyewitness identifications have contributed to approximately 75% of false convictions. Meaning that more than 100 people each year could be falsely convicted of violent or sexual crimes because of these false accusations from witnesses (Garrett, 2011). Eyewitness misidentification is believed to be the single greatest cause of wrongful convictions nationwide which are later overturned through DNA testing. Research studies since the 1960s (Brandon & Davies, 1973; Huff; Rattner & Sagarin, 1986) have demonstrated that there are significant reasons to...
5 Pages 2383 Words

Essay on Cultural Intelligence: Country in Focus Japan

Japan is an island nation which borders China, South Korea, the Philippines, North Korea, Taiwan and Russia by sea. Japan’s bolstering economy makes this country of great interest for conducting business. With proper preparation foreign managers can formulate better strategy and develop better awareness throughout their intercultural interactions. Helpful knowledge includes an overview of the country’s current cultural systems and cultural values that inform decision making, communication, relationship building, and more business elements (Livermore, 2015). Demographics in Japan Japan’s population...
5 Pages 2596 Words

Analyzing Andy and Red from 'The Shawshank Redemption' on Their Own Views on Happiness and Suffering

What does happiness and suffering means to you? That is very board topic as everybody have their own perception towards it. Personally, humans must experience both happiness and suffering during its lifetime as it is a part and parcel of life. We cannot say that we are only seeking pleasant experience and feeling. Feeling of suffering helps to shape a person’s character and state of mind in order to better appreciate the simplest thing in life to attain the highest...
6 Pages 2611 Words

Sons and Lovers: Oedipus Complex Hidden in Characters of Morels

Abstract This paper presents the utilization of Freudian Oedipus complex in the novel Sons and Lovers. I discover unique fascination among children and mother and some kind of disdain for father. In this self-portraying novel, we investigate the sentiments and desire for a mother for her children particularly when she neglects to draw what she needs to from her significant other. Keywords: Oedipus Complex, mother-children relationship, despondent wedded life, spouse substitute, hatred and death. Introduction Initially titled 'Paul Morel,' Sons...
6 Pages 2587 Words

Art Of War: Analysing US Military Strategy Based on Intelligence Strategies of Sun Tzu

Sun Tzu’ Intelligence Strategy in 21 Century Conflicts Abstract: Clausewitz's theory of war has been fully verified after Napoleon's practice, and has become a world-famous, relatively comprehensive interpretation of war. His analysis of the nature of war and the key to victory has been used in practice. Clausewitz's theory puts the key to the victory of the war on military strength and military power. He does not believe that the role of intelligence use in winning the war cannot be...
6 Pages 2537 Words

Factors Influencing Employee Retention in Companies

Abstract: Employee Retention is one of the key challenges faced by IT Organization. Employees are the assets of any organization and organization cannot afford losing its key performers. Effective retention strategies can reduce employee turnover and increase retention within an organization. Key employees are the instrument for overall growth and development of an organization. Thus, for retaining best employees, an organization has to design appropriate strategies. The present paper is to identify the major causes for employee turnover and analyze...
5 Pages 2318 Words

Clinical Features of Melanoma and Health Policy Approaches to Prevent It

Melanoma, otherwise known as malignant melanoma is the most dangerous skin cancer that we know of due to its potential to metastasize to other parts of the body including the liver, the lungs, bones and the brain. The most common patient groups are men over the age of 50, and women below the age of 30. The mechanism by which melanoma develops is due to damage to the skin DNA that goes unrepaired, triggering events that lead to rapid proliferation...
5 Pages 2293 Words

Research on Using Portable Supporting Device for Helping Narcoleptic Patients

Abstract Narcolepsy is a chronic neurological sleep disorder which causes excessive daytime sleepiness or sudden uncontrollable sleep episodes in patients. This supporting device for people with narcolepsy basically detects the early onset of narcoleptic sleep in the patients and provides external disturbances using vibration motors to prevent them from falling asleep. It uses EEG which constantly monitors the brain waves and detects if there is an onset of narcoleptic sleep. After which the onset is prevented by the disturbances provided...
5 Pages 2320 Words

Practical Experience of Evaluating Human Resources Recruitment Workflow during Internship

The concept of human resources recruitment process The recruitment process is crucial to every business endeavors. This will determine the kind of people who will fill in the right job so he must be the best person to do the job descriptions based from the person qualifications. Almost all organizations said that people are their important assets therefore, they have to do the right thing in hiring them that truly they are the best persons found for the job. Hence,...
5 Pages 2505 Words

Respect to Traditions and Courage of Women in The Thing Around Your Neck

In the past few years, a Nigerian writer Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie has become a feminist icon for many. The author openly criticizes patriarchal oppression, speaks often about the importance of feminism and equal rights for women, and consequently, she reflects her convictions in her literary works: “Adichie’s works wholly indict the patriarchal oppression of women and also encourage women to assert themselves irrespective of cultural norms and archaic traditions which have denied them their human rights and have largely promoted...
5 Pages 2339 Words

Importance of Cross-Cultural Competencies in Transnational Companies: Case of Tesla Factory in Germany

Introduction Multi-national companies are increasingly prevalent in today’s global market, however cross-cultural competence including communication is a core aspect. Cross-cultural competence is integral to communications and having global companies work with teams in different countries; it is about understanding one’s own culture and that of the counterparts with varied values, belief systems, attitudes and language and adjusting communication to befit each cultural interaction. In the Resetarits and Ankel article for Business Insider, the crux of the issue is cultural competence...
5 Pages 2469 Words

Comprehensive Appraisal of Marketing Strategies of PepsiCo

Market Segmentation As we know that Pepsi is provided among a huge population which is called market. To distribute it and increasing the revenue the market should be segregated, Pepsi has segmented their market keeping four major segmentation variables in their mind which are: Geographic Demographic Psychographic Behavioral Geographic Segmentation: Geographic segmentation means dividing the market into different geographical units such as nations, regions, states, countries, cities of even neighborhood, Pepsi has put little emphasis to segment their market geographically....
6 Pages 2655 Words

Impact of Instability of Food Production, Soil Degradation and Other Stressors on Food Shortage in Nepal

Overview Nepal is a small (147181 sq. Km) landlocked country situated between China in the north and India in the south. Nepal has got a diversified geography. Its topographical feature ranges from low land tarai (60 m) to the highest point (Mount Everest, 8848 m) in the earth. Agriculture in Nepal provides employment opportunities to 66 percent of the total population and contributes about 39 percent in the GDP ('National Strategy For The Development Of Statistics – Central Bureau Of...
5 Pages 2252 Words

Future of Time Travel: Theoretical Physics between the Lines of Modern Pop-Culture

The Next Generation's big screen outings are a mixed bag, to put it nicely, but the best film by far is the time-bending Star Trek: First Contact. Jean-Luc Picard and the crew of the USS Enterprise-E travel to the past to prevent the cybernetic Borg from mucking with Earth's history. It's a good film all by itself, but even more excellent if you're an invested Star Trek fan. We get to see huge, never-before-seen moments in the Star Trek universe,...
5 Pages 2484 Words

Operation Strategies Standing behind Success of Zara Fashion Brand

Fashion Retail in industry Canada profile provides excellent qualitative and quantitative summary information including market size (value 2013-17, and forecast to 2022). The profile also contains descriptions of the leading players including key financial metrics and analysis of competitive brands within the market. Crucial resources for data and analysis covering the Canada fashion retail market that includes market size and segmentation data, textual and graphical analysis of market growth trends, leading companies and macroeconomic information. The attire retail showcase incorporates...
6 Pages 2622 Words

Review of the Cognitive Neuroscience of Literacy and Dyslexia

Introduction Developmental dyslexia is a common learning disability that influences the reading and writing proficiency of those affected. Despite nearly 10% of the population having a form of dyslexia there is no universally accepted neurological starting point. I will be reviewing materials on some of the leading theories of causes of dyslexia and how they attempt to explain the brain processes involved and if there are potential limitations. Personally, I work with dyslexic children and adults in a school setting...
5 Pages 2348 Words

Relevance of Agricultural Meteorology to Plant Scientist: Analysis of Weather Forecasts

Agriculture is one field of the human activity which is extremely sensitive to weather and climate. The study of these two aspects in relation to agriculture is referred as agricultural meteorology and is a multidisciplinary science. Agricultural meteorology when properly applied by plant scientists can achieve the sustainability of agricultural production system through efficient management of agro-climatic resources and crop microclimate modification. Each and every plant developmental phase is decided by meteorological parameters. Every genotype has its own optimum climatic...
5 Pages 2546 Words

Reflective and Analytical Essay on Classical Ballet

The classical period The classical era in ballet was seen to be considered in the late 1800s, following from the romantic era. Arthur Saint-Leon’s 1870 ballet coppelia is considered to be the last work of the romantic era. Marius Petitpa is thought to be the ‘father of classical ballet’ where he moved to Russia at a time that Moscow and St Petersburg where becoming important hubs in the world of ballet. It is said according to source: anceappreaciation4.wordpress.com “The classical...
5 Pages 2568 Words

Essay on Racial Discrimination in the Workplace

Literature Review Although there have been changes in the labor force with respect to racial minorities, racial disparities still remain. Pager and Sheperd (2008) in their analysis of the Current Population Survey (2006) found that African Americans were twice as likely as whites (Hispanics only marginally so) to be unemployed, and the wages of both black and Hispanics continue to lag behind those of whites. In a study by Bertrand and Mullainathan (2004), the researchers mailed equivalent resumes to employers...
5 Pages 2381 Words

Pros and Cons of Lobbying

Introduction Corporate social performance (CSP) refers to the outcomes of corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiatives. These initiatives may include the practices and principles that businesses employ in their relation with certain stakeholders, such as communities, organizations, or institutions. The economic and political sphere has become more integrated with the growth of globalization, and businesses have consequently become more politically active in their CSP initiatives. In this essay I will provide an overview of the concept of CSP and how this...
6 Pages 2659 Words

Post Modernism and Consumer Behavior: Analytical Essay

Introduction Understanding consumer behavior is important for any organization before launching a product. If the organization failed to analyse how a customer will respond to a particular product, the company will face losses. Consumer behavior is very complex because each consumer has different mind and attitude towards purchase, consumption and disposal of product (Solomon, 2009). Understanding the theories and concepts of consumer behavior helps to market the product or services successfully. Over the years, customer behavior; now people are buying...
5 Pages 2299 Words

Possibility of Application of Natural Treatments for ADHD instead of Drug-based Approach: Analytical Essay

This combined with the fact that the companies that provide these types of medication, essentially that they all have a significant amount of resources to invest into research, both meaning that the information around medication is very clear and well understood universally. Therefore, people can make educated decisions with the breadth of knowledge that is available to them and there is not going to be any confusion that could cause patients to experience any problems. Another positive of medication in...
6 Pages 2519 Words

Picasso and Sadequain: Comparative Analysis

Introduction From the beginning of the world till now there is no doubt that the world holds a huge number of creative artists who they sophisticated in art, but Pablo Picasso and Sadequain marked essential attentions in the art world. The purpose of this essay is to emphasize the comparison between life and the art work of Picasso and Sadequain accurately, juxtaposing their cultural differences for artistic similarities. Obviously, they create a new theme in either painting or drawing in...
5 Pages 2314 Words

Photographic History and Theory: Analytical Essay

Question: Compare and contrast the work of two photographers of the New Sachlichkeit movement: Karl Blossfeldt, Laszlo Moholy Nagy, August Sander, Albert Renger-Patzch, Alice Lex Nerlinger Neue Sachlichkeit (New Objectivity) was a German art, literature, and musical movement that was most popular within German society from the mid 1920s to the early 1930s. The work of predominately German residents fell within the Neue Sachlichkeit movement. This included the work of Karl Blossfeldt, Laszlo Moholy Nagy, August Sander, Albert Renger-Patzsch, Alice...
5 Pages 2580 Words

Painting and Photography in the Art of Ben Shahn: Descriptive Essay

In 1947, Ben Shahn was given his first review show at the Museum of Modern Art in New York. This presentation assisted with building up him as one of the most well-known allegorical painters of his age and confirmed a pledge to his work when the gallery was advocating for the most part European dynamic methods of painting. James Thrall Soby, the caretaker of the display, intended to show an agent choice of Shahn's work in an assortment of media,...
5 Pages 2343 Words

Pablo Picasso Challenges Faced

The Life of Pablo Picasso Pablo Diego José Francisco de Paula Juan Nepomuceno María de los Remedios Cipriano de la Santísima Trinidad Martyr Patricio Clito Ruíz y Picasso, also known as Pablo Picasso, was not only a Spanish painter, but also a sculptor, ceramicist, play writer, printmaker, poet, and stage designer (Pablo Picasso Fun Facts). Picasso was very talented even at a young age and his talent just continued to grow and grow into the artist we all know today....
5 Pages 2483 Words

Overview of Greater Sydney Region’s Past and Current Housing Affordability Situation

The purpose of this briefing is to provide an overview of the Greater Sydney region’s past and current housing affordability situation. Key concerns and current policies will be outlined, so as to ensure that effective housing affordability solutions are implemented. This discussion will be supported by analysis of international case studies and pieces of various academic literature. It is recommended that the information provided in this briefing be taken into consideration when establishing new housing affordability policy directions for the...
6 Pages 2480 Words

Origins of the European Union and the Goals Established at Its Creation: Analytical Essay

Try to imagine what historians will recall about the European Union in 100 years regarding its future - does it still exist? Were all the common goals achieved? Did a war ever threaten the safety of the member states? The first goal ever set by EU was to achieve peace among its member states after the second world war, which coincides with the hopes of its founders when it was established in 1993. Since that time, all member states have...
6 Pages 2559 Words

Optimization of Drug Delivery System with Experimental Design: Analytical Essay

Introduction Some calculations will not get easy solutions in one step or immediately or by placing the values in one formula, so in that type of cases we pave the way towards different optimization methods for getting the solution. And this optimization is not that much easy in finding the solutions why because at the end we have to give a perfect conclusion. If we fail there means the entire batch will get fails. This optimization is easy in finding...
5 Pages 2319 Words

Marcus Garvey as an Organizer of Pan-Africanism Movement: Analytical Essay

Marcus Garvey was an important black leader and organizer of the Pan-Africanism movement, which sought to unify and connect black people from all over the world towards a common cause. He faced much difficulties throughout his lifetime, including being imprisoned and also survived multiple assassination attempts. Throughout his life, Garvey encountered much unethical and social problems such as Marxism, Racism and Neo-Colonialism. These issues not only affected him but it also had lasting effects on black race. Based on the...
5 Pages 2480 Words
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