2500 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Meaning of Bravery

What does bravery mean to you and why? Why does society value bravery? There are so many definitions of bravery from different people. The typical bravery definition is the quality of having to face danger but courage does not only mean being physically brave or just giving up some one’s life. Sometimes it means that despite all the fears that exist within every person, they can still overcome those fears and make them sounds in side to go with courage...
5 Pages 2406 Words

Impact of Stress on the Progression and Recurrence of Cancer

Cancer consists of a large number of diseases where cells from a specific part of the body grow and reproduce uncontrollably, which end up infiltrating and destroying normal body tissue (MayoClinic, 2020). This uncontrollable growth and reproduction occur as a result of interference of the normal genetic process involved with cell growth and reproduction (Conquer Cancer: ASCO, 2020). Each individual gene contains DNA which, in turn, contains a set of instructions on the functions of growth and reproduction of the...
5 Pages 2255 Words

Impact of Exercise on Cancer Mortality for Adults

Cancer is a disease associated with the growth of abnormal cells that divide uncontrollably and destroy normal body tissue. Skinner et al. (2005) cancer is not a single disease but rather a term that defines the uncontrolled spread of cells. Furthermore, a study by Dennis J. Kerrigan et al. (2013) found cancer is one of the leading causes of morbidity and mortality throughout the world. Two in one people in the world will be diagnosed with cancer, this is a...
5 Pages 2374 Words

Concept of Liberty

With the movement of time, the major idea of opportunity or freedom has changed hugely. In old occasions, freedom was considered as the autonomy from the mistreatment of a degenerate or unjustifiable ruler. In any case, with the triumph of the majority rules system, the job of ruler changed from ruler to the hireling of the country and subsequently, society transformed into the one thing everybody required freedom from. For example, the minorities in a general public consistently get their...
5 Pages 2300 Words

Slave Agency, Resistance and Victimization in ‘12 Years A Slave’ and ‘Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass’

Berlin argues that the memory of slavery promotes a dual message; one of “the dehumanizing force of slavery and the slaves’ refusal to be dehumanized” (Berlin, 1265). The transatlantic slavery trade and chattel slavery violated the freedom and robbed Africans of their basic human rights, but it did not “define the society and culture that slaves produced” (Berlin 1264). Both sources this essay looks at will touch on Berlin’s argument and consequently whether we should see the enslaves as pitiful...
6 Pages 2570 Words

Schools Are the Key to Combatting the Food Waste Epidemic

A common saying within the English lexicon is that ‘Ignorance is bliss’, meaning that what one does not know cannot hurt them. Americans specifically are ignorant to a great amount of issues, even ones occurring within their own households, and more specifically, food waste. Many Americans grew up regarding food in the same way – that it is infinite and there is no harm done if, say, a bruised tomato or banana is thrown out. Americans frequent stuffed grocery stores...
6 Pages 2586 Words

Pros and Cons of Communism

Karl Heinrich Marx the father of the most effective economic system we know of was born on May 5th, 1818 in Trier, Germany. Marx was the oldest boy that survived of nine children which I would call fate. Marx was born into a Jewish background which exposed him to prejudice and discrimination that may have been a factor in his questioning of the role of religion in society and contributed to his desire for social change (McLellan, 2019). In the...
6 Pages 2692 Words

Poverty in Costa Rica

According to World Vision, poverty is a severe lack of certain possessions which significantly reduces the quality of a person’s life. People living in poverty struggle to meet basic needs, including having limited access to food, clothing, healthcare, education, shelter and safety. People affected by poverty may also lack social, economic, political or material income and resources. In this case, Cost Rica, who have a total population of 4.85 million people, have about 1.1 million residents who are living in...
5 Pages 2465 Words

Portrayal of Black People in Movies

The films like ‘12 Years a slave’, ‘Rebirth of a Nation, ‘Within Our Gates’, ‘Daughters of the Dust’, ‘Malcolm X’, ‘Selma’ and ‘I Am Not Your Negro’ serve as instruments for the makers to employ the history of the Black people and also to provide people with knowledge about the developments that had taken place in the history of the Blacks. The films illustrate upon the journey of the Black Americans which they had taken in the American history. The...
6 Pages 2605 Words

Essay on Personal Experience of an Educational Tour

On 28th June 2019, Friday, I participated on a short trip with my classmates from the course MPU3412 Social Responsibility to the local heritage-preserving museum called the Muzium Negara, which provides an overview of the rich Malaysian history and culture over the past sixty years. As a matter of fact, Muzium Negara or the National Museum building was established and inaugurated by His Majesty the 3rd King of Malaysia on 31 August 1963, six years after the independence of the...
5 Pages 2252 Words

My Teaching Philosophy and Its Basic

As a teacher, my philosophy statement is that I believe that education is important for all. Children have many differences and each child has special characteristics that they can apply toward their individual education. As a teacher I will help guide my students so that they learn to express themselves, and learn acceptance of differences amongst others and themself. My role within the classroom will be to help each child learn their potential and abilities while developing their own personal...
6 Pages 2646 Words

Kidnapping: Kansas Vs California

Kidnapping is a national problem that affects states all over America. According to the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), in 2020, the National Crime Information Center (NCIC) reported 365,348 kidnappings in America (About NCMC, 2021). However, this number has declined by 56,046 in 2019, where the NCIC reported 421,394 (About NCMC, 2021). Nonetheless, the American government and law enforcement have been attentive, determined, and conscientious to reduce this issue to ensure the capture of the kidnapping perpetrators and overall bring...
5 Pages 2318 Words

Jobs Vs Startups: Opportunities and Options

Have you ever had one of those days of existential crisis where you just want to free yourself from corporate bondage and build a business of your own? There comes a point where you just wish to give up your job and do something that makes you happy? Or as a new graduate you are clueless and have no idea where to go? The answers for all these questions lie in one word – startup. A startup or start up...
5 Pages 2314 Words

Jobs Roles in Marketing Sector

This informative essay will outline five varied job roles in the marketing sector, covering a range of job roles with a focus on entry to mid-level positions. This essay will discuss each job role in detail and outline the description of the job, the average salary and finally an in-depth analysis of the skills and qualities needed to hold the position successfully. The prevalence of e-marketing has grown massively in recent years with more and more jobs in this sector...
6 Pages 2531 Words

Essay on History of Mass Media in Nigeria

The history of Nigeria mass media needs to be discussed under two headings for comprehensive understanding. The print media - newspapers, magazines, periodicals and paperback as well as broadcast media - radio and television. This report will brief point into the media history, which also x-ray the performances, problems and successes of mass media from 1859 to date which has been in the fore front in the country's independence and subsequent nation building. It will also be of great importance...
5 Pages 2260 Words

Goals Setting: Reflective Essay

One time, I was talking to my students and they said: “Mrs. Jumana you always find ways to be optimistic about the future and that’s so beautiful but the reality is different, life is so hard! We’re living in a bad situation, we are surrounded by social and political crisis…... Look all around you, everything is a disaster and no one cares!”. At that moment, I was wondering. Who said life is easy? And why do we focus on the...
6 Pages 2573 Words

Essay on Ethics and Ethical Problems of Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence (AI) is a broad term that encompasses several areas, including computer science, business, engineering, biology, psychology, mathematics, statistics, logic, philosophy, and linguistics. AI is unique and contentious due to its complexity and power (Siau, 2018). AI can be divided into two types: weak AI and strong AI. In contrast to weak AI, which can only process certain tasks, researchers from several areas are working together to develop strong AI (artificial general intelligence), which will be capable of processing...
5 Pages 2469 Words

Effects of Gluten-Free Diet on Food Intake of Second-Year Bachelor of Nutrition Science Students

In today’s world, diet has become an important part of one’s life. Food is related to a person’s well-being. High or low levels of specific macronutrients can lead to different types of problems. Different diets have different impacts on different bodies. Gluten is a part of protein family called prolamins (glutenin and gliadin) which are the storage parts of protein in the starchy endosperm of many grains like wheat, barley and rye. A gluten-free diet as the name suggests is...
5 Pages 2310 Words

Dubai Expo 2020: Potential Implications

Ever since Dubai was granted the rights to host Expo 2020 back in 2013, several discussions by local officials about the event have led to believe that its impact on Dubai’s economy will be quite significant. Expo 2020 Dubai is a global mega event that aims to celebrate innovation, entertain an international audience, promote development and foster global cooperation. It will be the first world expo to be hosted in the MENASA (Middle East, North Africa and South Asia region)...
6 Pages 2717 Words

Dogs and How They Affect Us

It’s been scientifically proven that feeling securely attached to a living being can reduce a lot of stress and therefore positively affect your breathing rate, blood pressure and oxygen consumption. (Fricchione, 2016). When the owner looks into the eyes of his dog, a hormone called oxytocin, which is released by the pituitary gland that causes increased contraction of the uterus during labor and stimulates the ejection of milk into the ducts of the breasts, and therefore is responsible for the...
5 Pages 2251 Words

Cultural Clashes between International Students at UCLan

The United Kingdom’s universities are the second most popular choice for higher education in the world for students from overseas. Furthermore, the interesting fact is that 15% of the student population in the United Kingdom, mostly in England are international students (Al-Quhen, KY, 2012). Purpose of this essay is to provide international students perceptions of their educational experiences at English university. University of Central Lancashire is well-known as a very friendly place for international students from all over the world....
5 Pages 2531 Words

Critical Film Analysis of 'The Help'

The issue of racism and racialization is an age-old conflict originating from the colonialization era that uses prejudice and discrimination as the justification for differential techniques of othering as inferior (Thobani, 2007). Although racism is perceived to not be predominant today, it is still a modern phenomenon that feeds off of its invisibility by inequalities and racial discriminations being overlooked by the false lens of multiculturalism (Nagra, January 17th, 2020). The film ‘The Help’ takes viewers into the lives of...
5 Pages 2330 Words

British Imperialism in Nigeria and Its Impact on the Nigerian Legal System

The history of Nigeria is heavily intertwined with British colonization. Ambiguity arises regarding the emergence of this imperialism, in the mid-1900s, and the end of its reign as the dominant authority in Nigeria, in 1960. Lugard’s amalgamation of Lagos and the Northern and Southern Protectorates led to Nigeria as we know it now, a British creation. British imperialism asserted imperial power through law. European law was illustrated as a gift of legal stability and legal coherence which juxtaposed the natives’...
5 Pages 2533 Words

‘Understanding and Handling Dog Aggression’ by Barbara Sykes: Book Review

The book, ‘Understanding and Handling Dog Aggression’, is an introduction into canine aggression and its causes. Its author, Barbara Sykes, is a highly experienced dog trainer and registered behaviorist and also one of the UK's top shepherdesses, winning many trials. She has a specialization in Border Collies and has also written books regarding the training and handling of that particular breed. The book has several different elements to its structure. On the one hand it gives details of what aggressive...
6 Pages 2622 Words

‘Ali: Fear Eats the Soul’ and ‘Do the Right Thing’ as a Challenge to Dominant Ideology

While both ‘Ali: Fear Eats the Soul’, directed by Rainer Fassbinder, and ‘Do the Right Thing’, directed by Spike Lee, criticize the divisive nature of dominant ideology within their respective stories, Fassbinder and Lee use differing cinematic techniques to address these racial hierarchies and tensions between minorities and dominant groups. The two films challenge dominant ideology through telling the story of an interracial couple in Germany in a time when this type of relation was not accepted, and the story...
6 Pages 2624 Words

Hidden Figures: In-Depth Review

Introduction: The Unsung Heroes of NASA The title of the movie is ‘Hidden Figures’. The film was written by Theodore Melfi and Allison Schroeder. It is directed by Theodore Melfi, an American screenwriter, film director, and producer. In 2016, he was awarded at Oscar’s where he received a nomination for Best Picture and Best Adapted Screenplay. The movie was based on a true story when America stood on the brink of the World War II, they focused on pushing the...
5 Pages 2455 Words

Gay Rights Movement Essay

The Gay Rights Movement - A Historiographical Analysis Homosexuals have been despised for much of history, but only in the latter half of the 20th century and the 21st century have gay people gained greater visibility and acceptance. In the United States, this could happen because of the Gay rights movement that originated in the 1950s. Some historians address the Gay Rights movement in regards to the mainstream perception of gay people. Others address the movement in regards to how...
6 Pages 2537 Words

The Main Source of Punic Wars

The second Punic war, more famously known as the Hannibalic war, was a turning point for Roman rule it was the dawn of the Roman empire. The Punic wars marked the end of a minor, mostly peaceful, democratic, land-based regional power the Roman republic and the beginning of a great, violent, autocratic, sea-based empire that conquered vast parts of the western world and so changed the way people were governed. These wars resulted in the destruction of Carthage and the...
5 Pages 2262 Words

Poverty and Education Essay

Introduction to Poverty’s Impact on Education Poverty seems to be one of the issues that hinders learners to complete or further their studies. On the other hand, some are motivated by it to work hard and better their lives. Poverty has more negative effects on the education of learners apart from. It is one of the issues that the government still fails to tackle fairly. By fairly I mean without excluding those who are in rural areas. Even though the...
5 Pages 2313 Words

What Can Ocean Trash Do? Essay

Ocean Trash is a lot of trash in the ocean and it is affecting animals and humans. It is very sad how this can hurt the environment by a man made mistake. Ocean Trash is debris from and land that gets taken away to the ocean and kills millions of animals. Ocean Trash is usually abandoned and know one cares to even pick it up from the deep or even the shores. For example, ocean trash kills many marine animals....
6 Pages 2505 Words
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