2500 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Adam Smith and Karl Marx: Compare and Contrast

Introduction: The Economic Titans - Adam Smith and Karl Marx Only a few people in our history can be credited to have radically transformed the functioning of societies and systems. Among them are Scottish philosopher, Adam Smith and German revolutionary, Karl Marx. In 1776, Smith published his magnum opus entitled “An Inquiry into the Nature and Cause of the Wealth of Nations”. His publication aimed to revolutionise the economy and provide both, the rich and the common man, with a...
5 Pages 2491 Words

Water and Climate Change Essay

In the Fourth Assessment Report of 2007, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) stated that evidence on global warming is undisputable and that it was beginning to impact natural systems. It further noted that cities with increasingly growing populations and energy demands, are both increasingly vulnerable victims as well as culprits of climate change (IPCC, 2007; Bulkeley, 2013). As a result of changing climatic conditions, the IPCC identified North American cities to expect more, longer and higher intensity urban...
5 Pages 2358 Words

Three Contemporary Theories of American Democracy

Knowing the past allows to better understand the present and predict the future. Most of the traditional leadership theories are dated before 1990. Many new theories or sub-theories have been derived from those theories with the ambition to more or less develop the original theories or to compensate for their shortcomings. The rapid development of communication technologies and technologies in general, which, among other things, support more massive globalization and wealth growth, was reflected in the need to adapt leadership...
5 Pages 2252 Words

The Visual Effects Used in the Animation

Since the advent of cinema, film studios have not only been interested in live-action performances but animated stories as well. The popularity of Disney Studio’s early feature-length films compelled other major Hollywood studios to open animation divisions to compete. Now, animated films are commonplace in the world of feature films and the evolution of film animations to date has been cutting edge and rapidly changing. With the introduction of computers to the filmmaking arsenal, directors and animators have been able...
5 Pages 2468 Words

The Significance of German Imperial Ambition in the Origins of the First World War

The First World War lasted from July 1914 to November 1918, a war that some historians argue was the fault of Germany’s Imperial ambitions. Others disagree presenting it as the inevitable fault of strained international relations, some arguing that the countries “slipped” into the war. This essay will attempt to evaluate the extent and significance of Germany’s aggressive policies and practice to extend their ‘rule’ over other territories. Indeed, to asses the significance of German Imperial ambitions in the origins...
6 Pages 2600 Words

The Role of Historiophoty in the Construction of American Civil War History

When employing historiophoty as a methodology to analyse the construction of history through images and films, it is evident that the American Civil War is insubstantially represented. This is due to the powerful influence of various director’s context, motives and personal bias, resulting in antithetical interpretations. Consensus history has constructed the American Civil war in a superficial manner lacking complexity by downplaying the conflict. American political historian, Howard Zinn asserts “Life informs scholarship and scholarship informs life,” implying that it...
6 Pages 2526 Words

The Renaissance of the 12th Century: History & Culture

Introduction Renaissance is a name given to a period in history where many changes were witnessed in an otherwise stagnant society. It is a French word which can be construed to mean a new start or a rebirth (Klaus 4). Renaissance means many and diverse changes that happen at a given period and their end result is the change in the prevailing ways of doing things. Historically, the 12th century is taken to mean the time span between the 11th,...
5 Pages 2408 Words

The Origins of Anime and How it Became a Popular

This essay will explore the origins of both Anime and Animation, how the two differing styles and origins of artform have converged in recent years by looking at the history of Anime through the similarities and/or differences between Eastern and Western styles. Also to seek out the path of Anime’s increasing exposure in Western media due to the success and popularity of streaming, on-demand and new media, why this access to what was once considered a niche form of entertainment...
5 Pages 2301 Words

The Importance of Water Essay

Intro about water and it importance for life Water is an indispensable elixir that sustains all forms of life on Earth. Constituting a significant portion of our planet, water is the essence of survival and the foundation of ecosystems. Its importance cannot be overstated. From nourishing organisms to regulating temperatures and facilitating chemical reactions, water serves as a catalyst for life's processes. It is the conduit through which nutrients are transported, supporting the growth of plants and sustaining diverse animal...
5 Pages 2317 Words

The Impact of Drought in South Africa Essay

Introduction to Drought in Africa Water shortages are a major threat globally but their impact is more severe in Africa in general and in Sub-Saharan Africa in particular. A recent Southern African Development Community (SADC) report suggests that by mid-2017 four countries will have to declare national drought disasters, namely, the Kingdom of Lesotho, the Republic of Malawi, the Kingdom of Swaziland, and the Republic of Zimbabwe. Countries in Southern Africa such as the Republic of Mozambique and the Republic...
6 Pages 2705 Words

Renewable Energy Evaluation

With each passing day, the issue of global warming grows more and more out of control. Even if we completely cut our emissions of greenhouse gases, the snowball is already rolling and the gases currently filling our atmosphere will still have long term effects on global temperature increases -- but the battle is not yet lost. Solving this problem that threatens the nature of creatures around the globe is still within our grasp, nations just need to act swiftly and...
6 Pages 2515 Words

Queerness in The Monk and The Picture of Dorian Gray

Looking up the word ‘queer’ in the English dictionary one will find multiple definitions and meanings for the word. The most common one is probably ‘queer(adjective) for something odd, strange, unusable or even slightly ill’. However, words and their meanings change over time and in the late nineteenth century ‘queer’ got a new definition. It was used as an epithet or slur for homosexual people (especially gay men). In the late 1980s the negative connotation shifted to a more euphemistic...
5 Pages 2401 Words

Problem of Deforestation Essay

Forest is an essential source for pleasing people's desires and needs. Thus, certainly people would try to take advantages of forest resources. This process of utilizing forest is called deforestation. Human beings clear the forest in order to use it for their needs, this is known as deforestation. In other words, the process of deforestation is the clearance of forest by cutting down the trees for achieving several demands. Forest has a necessary role in meeting people's needs. Consequently people...
6 Pages 2653 Words

Persuasive Speech on Solar Energy

Essay Example #1 Most of us know a thing or two about solar energy, its great power and the wonderful benefits that it provides. We also know that it’s free and sustainable. The discovery that the sun is another renewable source that we can utilize to generate our own electricity without leaving any carbon footprint into the atmosphere is such a breakthrough. With everything that’s happening to our world, the last thing we would want to do is inflict even...
3 Pages 2520 Words

Is Democracy In Decline? Essay

There is not any more fulfilling portrayal of democracy than Winston Churchill's assertion that it 'is the most noticeably awful type of government aside from every one of those different structures that have been attempted now and again.' Among compliments, underhanded ones are the loveliest, first making a demonstration of withdrawing and afterward, similar to a boomerang, coming back to hand. One can't deny that popularity based electorates every so often reel into sad choices, however Churchill supports us that...
5 Pages 2270 Words

Importance of Clean Water Essay

Over the globe, there are rising issues about the financial, social, and ecological parts of the world including water-emergency and about the basic parts of an absence of access to essential water assets. Related issues are disparities in access to water assets, the privatization of water in the setting of neo-liberal approaches, and a proceeded with protection from the acknowledgment of financial and social rights. The expanding shortage of water has come about in endeavors both universally and locally, specifically...
6 Pages 2504 Words

Impacts of Healthy Eating on Humans' Life

We live in a world where food is very easy to access. Stores and restaurants are in all towns and cities. Super markets and fast food restaurants provide unhealthy, processed foods that are quick and require little clean up. After a long work day or week, it’s easier to buy these foods for more time to relax. Taking the easy way out can start a habit which can turn into a problem. Following a strict healthy diet is a habit...
6 Pages 2478 Words

How Much of a Territorial Impact did Prussia’s Claim on Silesia

The reason for deciding to write about this topic was due to the fact that it had been a topic of personal interest for a long time, ever since being interested in Germany and then upon learning that Prussia was one of the main reasons that Germany was created and had come to be the nation it is today. “How much of a territorial impact did Prussia’s claim on Silesia have on the war of Austrian Succession and the Seven...
5 Pages 2481 Words

How Can We Protect our Earth? Essay

Here is the report you requested on how to protect the earth by going green, along with recommendations on how to increase profits and implement strategies in our corporation to protect the earth. The research included secondary research using professional and scholarly journals and primary research using a survey conducted on survey monkey. The environment has received damaged caused by humans throughout the years. With factories and business contributing to global warming we must take action to protect the earth....
5 Pages 2416 Words

Healthcare Innovation and Disruption Assignment

Healthcare disruption “isn’t necessarily about startups toppling industry giants but rather a theory about how to make products and services so much more affordable and accessible that they can transform industries and improve the lives of a widening population.” You may want to skim this assignment before choosing a topic. In this assignment, you will be looking at innovations and disruptors that make healthcare more affordable and accessible to improve the lives of people facing specific health issues. In healthcare,...
5 Pages 2304 Words

Handmaid's Tale Research

A Feminist Modernist Dystopia Feminism began in the mid 1960's as the First Wave of Feminism hit. It is the idea that women should be capable of doing and should be allowed to do anything men can do. Feminists believe that neither sex is naturally superior and stand behind the idea that women are inherently just as powerful and scholarly as men are.The Handmaid's Tale, is set in a dystopian fictional, our protagonist and supposed narrator, Offred tells us about...
6 Pages 2539 Words

Evaluate the Causes of the Beginning of the Cold War

Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr, an Orthodox historian, predominantly holds Russia responsible for the cause of The Cold War. When measuring the causes, he argues that it is vital to highlight Russia's sense of insecurity which led to an aggressive adherence to Leninist ideology and a troublesome view of world order that involved sharp contradictions. The Russian leaders stubbornly held the sphere of influence view, in which each great power would be assured by the other powers of an acknowledged predominance...
5 Pages 2461 Words

Endangered Species Act Essay

Policy briefs are an essential tool utilized by policymakers to consolidate and condense vast amounts of information into an easily digestible form such that lawmakers may learn more about the issues on which they are legislating prior to drafting legislation and/or voting. As such, it is important to note that this policy brief is less a brief and more an overview of the history, formulation, implementation, and performance of a specific policy (the Endangered Species Act) that has already been...
6 Pages 2652 Words

Effects of Pollution on Human Health Essay

Air pollution is known to have detrimental effects on human health, contributing to an estimated 3.4 million premature mortalities globally in 2010. By looking at both different types of air pollution (PM2.5, ozone, etc.) and pollutant sources (road transportation, agriculture, household energy, shipping, etc.) it is possible to produce a global picture of air pollution distribution and how to most effectively reduce the impact on human health. This paper will look specifically at the road transportation source sector, discussing the...
6 Pages 2606 Words

Direct Democracy vs Representative Democracy Essay

Democracy began in Ancient Greece in fifth century B.C., meaning rule by the people it allows certain citizens to gather and make binding decisions together about the rule of the people Our constitution is called a democracy because power is in the hands not of a minority but of the whole people (Pericles speech from Thucydides 1972, cited in The Open University, 2020a). There is no consensus on what makes democracy, but there are universal values which are commonly agreed...
6 Pages 2545 Words

Destructive Force: Earthquake in Aquila, Italy

Introduction There are a few natural processes that can be as scary as an earthquake. A human can brace for typhoons by staying indoors. A well-constructed house can withstand normal typhoons. Flooding can be defeated by planning and create mechanisms that will limit the rapid collection of water in cities and other populated areas. Forest fires can be overcome with a well-trained crew of firefighters. But the best system in the world and the best organization on the planet could...
5 Pages 2312 Words

Democracy and Human Rights Essay

The Interdependence of Democracy and Human Rights Democracy and Human Rights Democracy gives people living in the state the rights to choose their own government officials through the voting process. Human rights are the fair treatment of all people no matter their race, gender and religion. The people are protected under the constitution in the United states guaranteeing the people’s rights and the “Universal Declaration of Human Rights” protect the rights of people nationally (Lamy, Masker, Baylis, Smith, Owens, 2017,...
5 Pages 2458 Words

Comparison of the Loma Prieta California Earthquake and Armenia

Introduction An earthquake is a tremor in the earth’s crust that results in seismic waves as a result of the sudden energy realized from the bowels of the earth. Earthquakes are most likely to occur in regions where the earth’s crust is experiencing any form of strain. The areas which are normally prone to earthquakes are normally the Faulty areas and also along the boundaries. Earthquakes that occur in the faulty areas can result from normal faults, reverse or strike...
5 Pages 2446 Words

Coming of Age in Samoa Sparknotes

Introduction to Margaret Mead's Ethnographic Study Coming of Age in Samoa by Margaret Mead is perhaps one of the most famous ethnographies ever written. In it, Margaret Mead discusses the lifestyle of adolescents in Samoa in order to determine which behaviors are caused by physiology and which behaviors are caused by the culture or environment the person grows up in. Each chapter of the book presents a new observation Mead talks about the life of the inhabitants of the island...
5 Pages 2275 Words

Aristotle Democracy and Oligarchy Essay

Aristotle would agree that a polity ought to reduce the inequality amongst its members since it does the best at promoting the good life. A state’s end is the good life and the different constitutions promote their valued virtues; thus, a constitution plays a role in shaping an individual’s character.One’s virtues incline one to act a certain way, but our decisions are dependent on its ends. Thus, to fulfill the good life, one must be exposed to good virtues, which...
6 Pages 2589 Words
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